1 And it came to passe that (after the yeare was expyred) in the tyme when kynges vse to go forth to battell, Dauid sent Ioab and hys seruauntes wyth hym, and all Israel, whych destroyed the chyldren of Ammon, and beseged Raba. But Dauid taryed styll at Ierusalem.
2 And it chaunced in an euenynge, that Dauid arose out of hys bed, and walked vpon the roufe of the kynges palace, and from the roufe he sawe a woman wasshynge her selfe: and the woman was very bewtyfull to loke vpon.
3 And he sent to enquyre what woman it shuld be, sayenge: is it not Bethsabe the daughter of Eliam, and wyfe to Urias the Hethite?
4 And dauid sent messengers, and fett her. And she came in vnto hym & he laye wyth her. And she was purifyed from her vnclennesse, and returned vnto her house.
5 And the woman conceaued, & sent and tolde Dauid, & sayd: I am wyth chylde.
6 And Dauid sent to Ioab, (sayenge:) sende me Urias the hethite. And Ioab sent Urias to Dauid.
7 And when Urias was come vnto hym. Dauid demaunded of him: howe Ioab dyd, and howe the people fared, and howe the men of warre prospered.
8 And Dauid sayd to Urias: go downe to thyne house, and washe thy fete. And Urias departed out of the kynges palace, and there folowed hym a seruyce from the kinges table.
9 But Urias slept at the dore of the kynges palace wythall the seruauntes of hys Lorde, and went not downe to hys house.
10 Which when they had tolde Dauid (sayenge: Urias went not downe into hys house.) Dauid sayde vnto Urias: Camest thou not from thy iorney? why dyddest thou not go downe then vnto thyne house?
11 Urias answered Dauid. The arcke & Israel and Iuda dwell in pauylyons: and my Lorde Ioab and the seruauntes of my Lorde lye vpon the flatt erthe: and shall I then go into myne house, to eate, and to dryncke, and lye wyth my wyfe? By thy lyfe and by the lyfe of thy soule, I wyll not do thys thynge.
12 And Dauid sayde vnto Urias: tarye here this daye also, and tomorowe I wyll lett the depart. And so Urias abode in Ierusalem that daye, and the morowe.
13 And whan Dauid had called hym, he dyd eate and dryncke before hym, and he made hym droncke. And at euen he went out to lye on hys couche wyth the seruauntes of his Lord, but went not downe to hys house.
14 On the morow Dauid wrote a letter to Ioab, and sent it by the hande of Urias.
15 And he wrote thus in the letter, sayeng: put Urias in the forefront of the sharper battell, and come ye backe from hym, that he maye be smytten and dye.
16 So whan Ioab beseged the cytie, he assygned Urias vnto a place, where he wyst that stronge men were.
17 And the men of the cytie cam out, and fought wyth Ioab. And there were certen ouerthrowen of the people, and of the seruauntes of Dauid, and Urias the Hethite dyed also.
18 Then Ioab sent, and tolde Dauid all the thynges concernynge the warre,
19 and charged the messenger, sayenge: when thou hast made an ende of tellynge the matters of the warre vnto the kynge,
20 yf he begynne to fume, and saye vnto the: wherfore approched ye so nye vnto the cytie, whan ye dyd fyght? wyst ye not that they wolde hurle and shote from the wall?
21 who smote Abimelech sonne of Iereboseth? dyd not a woman cast a pece of a mylstone vpon hym from of the wall, and he dyed in Thebes? why went ye nye the wall? then saye thou? thy seruaunt Urias the Hethite is deed also.
22 So the messenger went, and came, and shewed Dauid all that Ioab had sent hym for,
23 and the messaunger sayd vnto Dauid: the men preuayled agaynst vs, and cam out vnto vs into the felde, & we stacke vnto them, euen vnto the enteryng of the gate.
24 And the shoters shotte from the walles, vpon thy seruauntes, and some of the kinges seruauntes be deed. And thy seruaunt Urias the Hethite is deed also.
25 And Dauid sayde vnto the messenger: thus shalt thou saye vnto Ioab: let not that thynge trouble the. For the swerde deuoureth one as well as another: make thy battell more stronge agaynst the cytye to ouerthrowe it, & se that thou courage Ioab.
26 And when the wyfe of Urias heard that her husbande was deed, she mourned for hym.
27 And whan the mournynge was past, Dauid sent and fett her to hys house, and she became hys wyfe, and bare hym a sonne. But this thynge that Dauid dyd, displeased the Lorde.