Acts 10:32-48

ECB(i) 32 so send to Yapho, and call Shimon called Petros; he lodges in the house of Shimon a tanner by the sea side: who, when he comes, speaks to you. 33 So immediately I sent to you; and you do well in coming. So now we are all here present in the sight of Elohim, to hear all those Elohim commanded you. 34
And Petros opens his mouth, and says, Of a truth I overtake that Elohim is not partial: 35 but in every goyim, whoever awes him and works justness is acceptable with him. 36 The word Elohim apostolized to the sons of Yisra El, evangelizing shalom through Yah Shua Messiah: - he is Adonay of all: 37 that rhema, you know, became throughout all Yah Hudah, beginning from Galiyl, as to the baptism Yahn preached: 38 how Elohim anointed Yah Shua the Nazarene with the Holy Spirit and with dynamis: who passed through working well, and healing all who were overpowered by Diabolos - for Elohim was with him. 39 And we are witnesses of all he did both in the region of the Yah Hudiym and in Yeru Shalem; whom they took out and hanged on a staff: 40 whom Elohim raised the third day and gave him to become manifest 41 - not to all the people, but to witnesses preselected by Elohim - to us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead: 42 and he evangelized us to preach to the people, and to witness that it is he who is decreed of Elohim to be the Judge of living and dead: 43 to whom all the prophets witness, that through his name whoever trusts in him takes forgiveness of sins. HOLY SPIRIT POURED ON THE GOYIM 44 While Petros still speaks these rhema, the Holy Spirit falls on all who hear the word: 45 and they of the circumcision who trust are astounded - as many as come with Petros, because the gratuity of the Holy Spirit is also poured on the goyim: 46 for they hear them speak with tongues, and magnify Elohim. Then Petros answers, 47 Can anyone forbid water, that these not be baptized, who took the Holy Spirit exactly as well as we? 48 - and he commands them to be baptized in the name of Adonay. Then they ask him to abide some days.