Acts 10:32-48

JMNT(i) 32 "'Therefore, send into Joppa and call over Simon, who is normally being surnamed Peter. This man is currently being lodged and entertained as a guest in the house of Simon, a tanner, by [the] sea.' 33 "Thereupon I immediately sent to you [D adds: urging you to come to us and help us], and you did beautifully (or: ideally) in [D adds: quickly] coming to be at [our] side. At this time, then, we ourselves are all present – in the sight and presence of God – to at once hear all the things having been commanded to you from, and now arranged for you by, the Lord [= Yahweh; p74, D & others read: God]." 34 At this Peter, opening his mouth said, " [Based] upon truth and reality, I continue grasping with force and fully receiving [understanding] that God is neither partial nor takes folks at face value (does not receive faces or appearances), 35 "but to the contrary, within every nation and ethnic group the person habitually reverencing and fearing Him, as well as repeatedly doing works and performing acts that have the qualities and character of fairness, equity, justice and rightwised relationships which accord with the way pointed out (= covenant principles) is and continues being welcome and acceptable to Him. 36 "He sent forth the Logos (the Word; the Idea; the Thought; the Reason; the message) to, and then in and by the sons of Israel – repeatedly announcing the good new of ease and well-being: peace through Jesus Christ ([the] Anointed One). This One is Lord (Master) of all humans, and Owner of all things! 37 "You yourselves have seen and thus know the thing happening (coming to be) – [the] result of the flow (or: spoken word; or: = the subject talked about) [going] down through the whole of the Judean [district], beginning from Galilee, after the immersion (or: baptism) which John, as a herald, publicly proclaimed – 38 "Jesus, the One from Nazareth – even as how God anointed Him with [a/the] set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; Sacred Attitude) even for (or: and with) power and ability – Who went throughout repeatedly doing works bringing goodness, ease and well-being, as well as constantly healing all the folks being continuously held down under power (tyrannized and oppressed) by the one that casts things through folks (the accuser, slanderer, adversary)... because God was with Him. 39 "And we ourselves [are] witnesses of all [the] things which He did (and: performed; produced), both within the country of the Judeans, and in Jerusalem – Whom also they lifted up and assassinated, hanging [Him] upon a wooden pole (or: stake; tree). 40 "This Man (or: Person) God raised up on (or: in; [D reads: after]) [the] third day, and He gave (or: gives) Him to become (or: be birthed) visible within the midst – 41 "not among all the people, but rather among witnesses (or: disclosed – not to all the people, but rather to folks giving evidence) having been previously hand-picked and elected by God – in us (or: to us) who ate and drank together with Him, after the [occasion for] Him to stand back up (rise again) out from the midst of dead folks. 42 "And He passed along the directive (the announced instructions) for us to publicly proclaim, as heralds – to, and among, the people – and to certify at once, by personal evidence, and to give testimony as witnesses that this Man is and continues being the very One having been definitely marked out and specified by God [as] He who decides ([the] Evaluator; a Separator for making decisions; Judge) concerning presently living folks, and currently dead people. 43 "To this Man (or: Person) all the prophets (those who had light ahead of time) continue bearing witness, giving testimony and presenting evidence: through His Name, everyone making it a habit to place their trust into Him and continue believing with [their focus] into the midst of Him is to at once receive a sending away of mistakes (a divorce from failures; a cancellation of errors; a forgiveness of sins; a flowing off of deviations)." 44 During the middle of Peter's still speaking these gush-effects and results of the flow (or: declarations), the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit; the Sacred Wind) fell upon all the folks presently listening to and hearing the Logos (the message; the Word). 45 Then the trusting (full of faith and loyal) folks from among [the] Circumcision (= those of the Jewish culture and religion) who came with Peter "stood out of themselves" in shocked amazement, that the free gift (the gratuity) of (or: which is) the set-apart Breath-effect (the Holy Spirit) had been poured out upon the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the non-Jews) as well, 46 for you see, they kept on hearing them continuously and repeatedly speaking with tongues (in languages; by ecstatic glottal utterances) and repeatedly magnifying (speaking great things about) God. 47 At that point Peter gave a decisive and insightful response: "Not anything or anyone continues able (or: now has power) to cut off the water [so that] any of these is not to be immersed (baptized) at once – these who received the set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit), even as we ourselves [have]!" 48 So he at once gave instruction toward arranging for them to be immersed within the Name of Jesus Christ (or: [the] Anointed Jesus). At that point they requested him to stay on and remain some (or: certain; = a few more) days.