2 Corinthians 10:6-11

  6 G2532 and G2192 being G1722 in G2092 readiness G1556 to avenge G3956 all G3876 disobedience, G3752 when G5216 your G5218 obedience G4137 shall be made full.
  7 G991 Ye look G3588 at the things G2596 that are before G4383 your face. G1487 If G5100 any man G3982 trusteth G1438 in himself G1511 that he is G5547 Christ's, G3049 let him G3049 consider G5124 this G3825 again G575 with G1438 himself, G3754 that, G2532 even G2531 as G846 he G5547 is Christ's, G3779 so G2532 also G2249 are we.
  8 G1063 For G1437 though G5037   G2744 I should glory G2532   G5100 somewhat G4053 abundantly G4012 concerning G2257 our G1849 authority G3739 (which G2962 the Lord G1325 gave G2254   G1519 for G3619 building G2532 you up, and G3756 not G1519 for G5216 casting you G2506 down), G153 I shall G3756 not G153 be put to shame:
  9 G2443 that G1380 I may G3361 not G1380 seem G5613 as G302 if G1629 I would terrify G5209 you G1223 by G1992 my letters.
  10 G3754 For, G3303 His letters, G5346 they G926 say, are weighty G2532 and G2478 strong; G1161 but G4983 his bodily G3952 presence G772 is weak, G2532 and G3056 his speech G1848 of no account.
  11 G3049 Let G5108 such a one G3049 reckon G5124 this, G3754 that, G3634 what G2070 we are G3056 in word G1223 by G1992 letters G548 when we are absent, G5108 such G2532 are we also G2041 in deed G3918 when we are present.