1 Corinthians 15:50-58

  50 G1161 Now G5124 this G5346 I say, G80 brethren, G3754 that G4561 flesh G2532 and G129 blood G3756   G1410 cannot G2816 inherit G932 the kingdom G2316 of God; G3761 neither G2816 doth G5356 corruption G2816 inherit G861 incorruption.
  51 G2400 Behold, G3004 I tell G5213 you G3466 a mystery: G3956 We all G3303   G2837 shall G3756 not G2837 sleep, G1161 but G236 we shall G3956 all G236 be changed,
  52 G1722 in G823 a moment, G1722 in G4493 the twinkling G3788 of an eye, G1722 at G2078 the last G4536 trump: G1063 for G4537 the trumpet shall sound, G2532 and G3498 the dead G1453 shall be raised G862 incorruptible, G2532 and G2249 we G236 shall be changed.
  53 G1063 For G5124 this G5349 corruptible G1163 must G1746 put on G861 incorruption, G2532 and G5124 this G2349 mortal G1746 must put on G110 immortality.
  54 G1161 But G3752 when G5124 this G5349 corruptible G1746 shall have put on G861 incorruption, G2532 and G5124 this G2349 mortal G1746 shall have put on G110 immortality, G5119 then G1096 shall come to pass G3056 the saying G3588 that G1125 is written, G2288 Death G2666 is swallowed up G1519 in G3534 victory.
  55 G86 O death, G4226 where G4675 is thy G3534 victory? G2288 O death, G4226 where G4675 is thy G2759 sting?
  56 G2759 The sting G2288 of death G266 is sin; G1161 and G1411 the power G266 of sin G3551 is the law:
  57 G1161 but G5485 thanks G2316 be to God, G1325 who giveth G2254 us G3534 the victory G1223 through G2257 our G2962 Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  58 G5620 Wherefore, G3450 my G27 beloved G80 brethren, G1096 be ye G1476 stedfast, G277 unmoveable, G3842 always G4052 abounding G1722 in G2041 the work G2962 of the Lord, G1492 forasmuch as ye know G3754 that G5216 your G2873 labor G2076 is G3756 not G2756 vain G1722 in G2962 the Lord.