Leviticus 14:21-22

  21 H518 And if H1800 he be poor, H369 and cannot H3027 H5381 get H3947 so much; then he shall take H259 one H3532 lamb H817 for a trespass H8573 offering to be waved, H3722 to make an atonement H259 for him, and one H6241 tenth H5560 deal of fine flour H1101 mingled H8081 with oil H4503 for a meat offering, H3849 and a log H8081 of oil;
  22 H8147 And two H8449 turtledoves, H176 or H8147 two H1121 young H3123 pigeons, H5381 such as he is able H5381 to get; H259 and the one H2403 shall be a sin H259 offering, and the other H5930 a burnt offering.