John 11:47-53

  47 G4863 [7gathered together G3767 1Then G3588 2the G749 3chief priests G2532 4and G3588 5the G* 6Pharisees] G4892 the sanhedrin, G2532 and G3004 said, G5100 What G4160 do we do, G3754 for G3778 this G3588   G444 man G4183 [2many G4592 3signs G4160 1does]?
  48 G1437 If G863 we let G1473 him do G3779 thus, G3956 all G4100 shall believe G1519 in G1473 him; G2532 and G2064 [3shall come G3588 1the G* 2Romans] G2532 and G142 take G1473 us G2532 and G3588 the G5117 place G2532 and G3588 the G1484 nation.
  49 G1520 [3one G1161 1And G5100 2a certain] G1537 of G1473 them, G* Caiaphas, G749 being chief priest G1510.6   G3588   G1763 that year, G1565   G2036 said G1473 to them, G1473 You G3756 do not G1492 know G3762 anything;
  50 G3761 nor G1260 reason G3754 that G4851 it be advantageous G1473 to us G2443 that G1520 one G444 man G599 should die G5228 for G3588 the G2992 people, G2532 and G3361 [4not G3650 1 the entire G3588   G1484 2nation G622 3should] perish.
  51 G3778 But this G1161   G575 [3of G1438 4himself G3756 2not G2036 1he said]. G235 But G749 being chief priest G1510.6   G3588   G1763 that year G1565   G4395 he prophesied G3754 that G3195 Jesus was about G3588   G*   G599 to die G5228 for G3588 the G1484 nation;
  52 G2532 and G3756 not G5228 for G3588 the G1484 nation G3440 only, G235 but G2443 that G2532 also G3588 the G5043 children G3588   G2316 of God, G3588 the ones G1287 being dispersed, G4863 should be brought together G1519 into G1520 one.
  53 G575 From G1565 that G3767 [2then G3588   G2250 1day] G4823 they advised G2443 that G615 they should kill G1473 him.