Hebrews 12:25-28

  25 G991 Take heed G3361 that you should not G3868 refuse G3588 the one G2980 speaking! G1487 For if G1063   G1565 those G3756 did not G5343 flee escaping, G3588 [2the one G1909 4upon G1093 5earth G3868 1refusing G5537 3receiving a divine message], G4183 how much G3123 more G1473 we G3588 the ones G3588 [2the one G575 3from G3772 4heavens G654 1turning away],
  26 G3739 of whose G3588   G5456 voice G3588 the G1093 earth G4531 shook G5119 then; G3568 but now G1161   G1861 he has promised, G3004 saying, G2089 Still G530 once more G1473 I G4579 will shake G3756 not G3440 only G3588 the G1093 earth, G235 but G2532 also G3588 the G3772 heaven.
  27 G3588 And the saying, G1161   G2089 Still G530 once more, G1213 manifests G3588 [3of the things G4531 4being shaken G3588 1the G3331 2transposition], G5613 as things G4160 being made, G2443 that G3306 [4should abide G3588 1the things G3361 2not G4531 3being shaken].
  28 G1352 Therefore G932 [2a kingdom G761 3unshaken G3880 1receiving], G2192 we should have G5484 favor G1223 by G3739 which G3000 we should serve G2102 [2pleasantly G3588   G2316 1God] G3326 with G127 respect G2532 and G2124 veneration.