Luke 12:18-20

  18 G2532 And G2036 he said, G3778 This G4160 I will do; G2507 I will demolish G1473 my G3588   G596 storehouses, G2532 and G3173 [2greater G3618 1I will build]; G2532 and G4863 I will gather G1563 there G3956 all G3588   G1081 my produce G1473   G2532 and G3588   G18 my good things . G1473  
  19 G2532 And G2046 I will say G3588 to G5590 my soul, G1473   G5590 Soul, G2192 you have G4183 many G18 good things G2749 laid up G1519 for G2094 [2years G4183 1many]. G373 Rest, G2068 eat, G4095 drink, G2165 be glad!
  20 G2036 [3said G1161 1But G1473 4to him G3588   G2316 2God], G878 Fool, G3778 this G3588   G3571 night G3588   G5590 your soul G1473   G523 will be exacted G575 from G1473 you; G3739 and what G1161   G2090 you prepare, G5100 to whom G1510.8.3 will it be?
  18 G2532 και G2036 είπεν G3778 τούτο G4160 ποιήσω G2507 καθελώ G1473 μου G3588 τας G596 αποθήκας G2532 και G3173 μείζονας G3618 οικοδομήσω G2532 και G4863 συνάξω G1563 εκεί G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1081 γενήματά μου G1473   G2532 και G3588 τα G18 αγαθά μου G1473  
  19 G2532 και G2046 ερώ G3588 τη G5590 ψυχή μου G1473   G5590 ψυχή G2192 έχεις G4183 πολλά G18 αγαθά G2749 κείμενα G1519 εις G2094 έτη G4183 πολλά G373 αναπαύου G2068 φάγε G4095 πίε G2165 ευφραίνου
  20 G2036 είπεν G1161 δε G1473 αυτώ G3588 ο G2316 θεός G878 άφρων G3778 ταύτη G3588 τη G3571 νυκτί G3588 την G5590 ψυχήν σου G1473   G523 απαιτούσιν G575 από G1473 σου G3739 α δε G1161   G2090 ητοίμασας G5100 τίνι G1510.8.3 έσται
    18 G2532 CONJ και G2036 [G5627] V-2AAI-3S ειπεν G5124 D-ASN τουτο G4160 [G5692] V-FAI-1S ποιησω G2507 [G5692] V-FAI-1S καθελω G3450 P-1GS μου G3588 T-APF τας G596 N-APF αποθηκας G2532 CONJ και G3173 A-APF-C μειζονας G3618 [G5692] V-FAI-1S οικοδομησω G2532 CONJ και G4863 [G5692] V-FAI-1S συναξω G1563 ADV εκει G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-ASM τον G4621 N-ASM σιτον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G18 A-APN αγαθα G3450 P-1GS μου
    19 G2532 CONJ και G2046 [G5692] V-FAI-1S ερω G3588 T-DSF τη G5590 N-DSF ψυχη G3450 P-1GS μου G5590 N-VSF ψυχη G2192 [G5719] V-PAI-2S εχεις G4183 A-APN πολλα G18 A-APN αγαθα G2749 [G5740] V-PNP-APN | " κειμενα G2749 [G5740] V-PNP-APN | κειμενα G1519 PREP | εις G2094 N-APN ετη G4183 A-APN πολλα G373 [G5732] V-PMM-2S αναπαυου G5315 [G5628] V-2AAM-2S φαγε G4095 [G5628] V-2AAM-2S | πιε " G4095 [G5628] V-2AAM-2S | πιε G2165 [G5744] V-PPM-2S | ευφραινου
    20 G2036 [G5627] V-2AAI-3S ειπεν G1161 CONJ δε G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G878 A-VSM αφρων G3778 D-DSF ταυτη G3588 T-DSF τη G3571 N-DSF νυκτι G3588 T-ASF την G5590 N-ASF ψυχην G4675 P-2GS σου G154 [G5719] V-PAI-3P | αιτουσιν G523 [G5719] V-PAI-3P | απαιτουσιν G575 PREP | απο G4675 P-2GS σου G3739 R-NPN α G1161 CONJ δε G2090 [G5656] V-AAI-2S ητοιμασας G5101 I-DSM τινι G2071 [G5704] V-FXI-3S εσται
  18 G2532 And G2036 he said [G5627]   G5124 , This G4160 will I do [G5692]   G2507 : I will pull down [G5692]   G3450 my G596 barns G2532 , and G3618 build [G5692]   G3187 greater G2532 ; and G1563 there G4863 will I bestow [G5692]   G3956 all G3450 my G1081 fruits G2532 and G3450 my G18 goods.
  19 G2532 And G2046 I will say [G5692]   G3450 to my G5590 soul G5590 , Soul G2192 , thou hast [G5719]   G4183 much G18 goods G2749 laid up [G5740]   G1519 for G4183 many G2094 years G373 ; take thine ease [G5732]   G5315 , eat [G5628]   G4095 , drink [G5628]   G2165 , and be merry [G5744]  .
  20 G1161 But G2316 God G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto him G878 , Thou fool G5026 , this G3571 night G4675 thy G5590 soul G523 shall be required [G5719]   G575 of G4675 thee G1161 : then G5101 whose G2071 shall those things be [G5704]   G3739 , which G2090 thou hast provided [G5656]  ?
ERV(i) 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my corn and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, be merry. 20 But God said unto him, Thou foolish one, this night is thy soul required of thee; and the things which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be?