Exodus 15:26

  26 G2532 And G2036 he said, G1437 If G191 you should hear G3588 the G5456 voice G2962 of the lord G3588   G2316 your God, G1473   G2532 and G3588 [2the things G701 3pleasing G1726 4before G1473 5him G4160 1you should do], G2532 and G1801 you should give ear to G3588   G1785 his commandments, G1473   G2532 and G5442 you should guard G3956 all G3588   G1345 his ordinances, G1473   G3956 then every G3554 disease G3739 which G1863 was brought upon G3588 the G* Egyptians, G3756 I will not G1863 bring G1909 upon G1473 you. G1473 For I G1063   G1510.2.1 am G2962 the lord G3588   G2390 healing G1473 you.
  26 G2532 και G2036 είπεν G1437 εάν G191 ακούσης G3588 της G5456 φωνής G2962 κυρίου G3588 του G2316 θεού σου G1473   G2532 και G3588 τα G701 αρεστά G1726 εναντίον G1473 αυτού G4160 ποιήσης G2532 και G1801 ενωτίση G3588 τας G1785 εντολάς αυτού G1473   G2532 και G5442 φυλάξης G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1345 δικαιώματα αυτού G1473   G3956 πάσαν G3554 νόσον G3739 ην G1863 επήγαγον G3588 τοις G* Αιγυπτίοις G3756 ουκ G1863 επάξω G1909 επί G1473 σε G1473 εγώ γαρ G1063   G1510.2.1 ειμι G2962 κύριος G3588 ο G2390 ιώμενός G1473 σε
    26 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S ειπεν G1437 CONJ εαν G189 N-DSF ακοη G191 V-AAS-2S ακουσης G3588 T-GSF της G5456 N-GSF φωνης G2962 N-GSM κυριου G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APN τα G701 A-APN αρεστα G1726 PREP εναντιον G846 D-GSM αυτου G4160 V-AAS-2S ποιησης G2532 CONJ και G1801 V-AMS-2S ενωτιση G3588 T-DPF ταις G1785 N-DPF εντολαις G846 D-GSM αυτου G2532 CONJ και G5442 V-AAS-2S φυλαξης G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G1345 N-APN δικαιωματα G846 D-GSM αυτου G3956 A-ASF πασαν G3554 N-ASF νοσον G3739 R-ASF ην   V-AAI-3P επηγαγον G3588 T-DPM τοις G124 N-DPM αιγυπτιοις G3364 ADV ουκ   V-FAI-1S επαξω G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G1473 P-NS εγω G1063 PRT γαρ G1510 V-PAI-1S ειμι G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-NSM ο G2390 V-PMPNS ιωμενος G4771 P-AS σε
  26 H559 And said [H8799]   H8085 , If thou wilt diligently [H8800]   H8085 hearken [H8799]   H6963 to the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 thy God H6213 , and wilt do [H8799]   H3477 that which is right H5869 in his sight H238 , and wilt give ear [H8689]   H4687 to his commandments H8104 , and keep [H8804]   H2706 all his statutes H7760 , I will put [H8799]   H4245 none of these diseases H7760 upon thee, which I have brought [H8804]   H4714 upon the Egyptians H3068 : for I am the LORD H7495 that healeth [H8802]   thee.
ERV(i) 26 and he said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his eyes, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon thee, which I have put upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.