1 Corinthians 10:6-12

Moffatt(i) 6 Now this took place as a warning for us, to keep us from craving for evil as they craved. 7 And you must not be idolaters, like some of them; as it is written, the people sat down to eat and drink, and they rose up to make sport. 8 Nor must we commit immorality, as some of them did — and in a single day twenty-three thousand of them fell. 9 Nor must we presume upon the Lord as some of them did — only to be destroyed by serpents. 10 And you must not murmur, as some of them did — only to be destroyed by the destroying angel. 11 It all happened to them by way of warning for others, and it was written down for the purpose of instructing us whose lot has been cast in the closing hours of the world. 12 So let anyone who thinks he stands secure, take care in case he falls.