ἀναλαμβάνω analambanō an-al-am-ban'-o From G303 and G2983; to take upKJV Usage: receive up, take (in, unto, up).
Mark 16:19 (KJV_Strongs) 19 G3303 So G3767 then G3326 after G2962 the Lord G2980 had spoken [G5658] G846 unto them G353 , he was received up [G5681] G1519 into G3772 heaven G2532 , and G2523 sat [G5656] G1537 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God.
Mark 16:19 (IGNT) 19 G3588 ο The G3303 μεν Indeed G3767 ουν Therefore G2962 κυριος Lord G3326 μετα G3588 το After G2980 (G5658) λαλησαι Speaking G846 αυτοις To Them G353 (G5681) ανεληφθη Was Taken Up G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven, G2532 και And G2523 (G5656) εκαθισεν Sat G1537 εκ At "the" G1188 δεξιων G3588 του Right Hand G2316 θεου Of God.
Acts 1:2 (KJV_Strongs) 2 G891 Until G2250 the day G3739 in which G353 he was taken up [G5681] G1223 , after that he through G40 the Holy G4151 Ghost G1781 had given commandments [G5674] G652 unto the apostles G3739 whom G1586 he had chosen [G5668] :
Acts 1:2 (IGNT) 2 G891 αχρι Until G3739 ης The G2250 ημερας Day In Which, G1781 (G5674) εντειλαμενος Having Given Command G3588 τοις To The G652 αποστολοις Apostles G1223 δια By G4151 πνευματος "the" Spirit G40 αγιου Holy G3739 ους Whom G1586 (G5668) εξελεξατο He Chose, G353 (G5681) ανεληφθη He Was Taken Up :
Acts 1:11 (KJV_Strongs) 11 G3739 Which G2532 also G2036 said [G5627] G435 , Ye men G1057 of Galilee G5101 , why G2476 stand ye [G5758] G1689 gazing up [G5723] G1519 into G3772 heaven G3778 ? this same G2424 Jesus G3588 , which G353 is taken up [G5685] G575 from G5216 you G1519 into G3772 heaven G2064 , shall G3779 so G2064 come [G5695] G3739 in like manner as G5158 G2300 ye have seen [G5662] G846 him G4198 go [G5740] G1519 into G3772 heaven.
Acts 1:11 (IGNT) 11 G3739 οι Who G2532 και Also G2036 (G5627) ειπον Said, G435 ανδρες Men G1057 γαλιλαιοι Galileans, G5101 τι Why G2476 (G5758) εστηκατε Do Ye Stand G1689 (G5723) εμβλεποντες Looking G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven? G3778 ουτος G3588 ο This G2424 ιησους Jesus G3588 ο Who G353 (G5685) αναληφθεις Was Taken Up G575 αφ From G5216 υμων You G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven G3779 ουτως Thus G2064 (G5695) ελευσεται Will Come G3739 ον In The G5158 τροπον Manner G2300 (G5662) εθεασασθε Ye Beheld G846 αυτον Him G4198 (G5740) πορευομενον Going G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven.
Acts 1:22 (KJV_Strongs) 22 G756 Beginning [G5671] G575 from G908 the baptism G2491 of John G2193 , unto G2250 that same day G3739 that G353 he was taken up [G5681] G575 from G2257 us G1163 , must [G5748] G1520 one G1096 be ordained [G5635] G3144 to be a witness G4862 with G2254 us G846 of his G386 resurrection.
Acts 1:22 (IGNT) 22 G756 (G5671) αρξαμενος Beginning G575 απο From G3588 του The G908 βαπτισματος Baptism G2491 ιωαννου Of John G2193 εως Until G3588 της The G2250 ημερας Day G3739 ης In Which G353 (G5681) ανεληφθη He Was Taken Up G575 αφ From G2257 ημων Us, G3144 μαρτυρα A Witness G3588 της Of G386 αναστασεως Resurrection G846 αυτου His G1096 (G5635) γενεσθαι To Become G4862 συν With G2254 ημιν Us G1520 ενα One G5130 τουτων Of These.
Acts 7:43 (KJV_Strongs) 43 G2532 Yea G353 , ye took up [G5627] G4633 the tabernacle G3434 of Moloch G2532 , and G798 the star G5216 of your G2316 god G4481 Remphan G5179 , figures G3739 which G4160 ye made [G5656] G4352 to worship [G5721] G846 them G2532 : and G3351 I will carry G5209 you G3351 away [G5692] G1900 beyond G897 Babylon.
Acts 7:43 (IGNT) 43 G2532 και And G353 (G5627) ανελαβετε Yet Took Up G3588 την The G4633 σκηνην Tabernacle G3588 του Of G3434 μολοχ Moloch, G2532 και And G3588 το The G798 αστρον Star G3588 του Of G2316 θεου God G5216 υμων Your G4481 ρεμφαν Remphan, G3588 τους The G5179 τυπους Models G3739 ους With G4160 (G5656) εποιησατε Ye Made G4352 (G5721) προσκυνειν To Worship G846 αυτοις Them; G2532 και And G3351 (G5692) μετοικιω I Will Remove G5209 υμας You G1900 επεκεινα Beyond G897 βαβυλωνος Babylon.
Acts 10:16 (KJV_Strongs) 16 G1161 G5124 This G1096 was done [G5633] G1909 thrice G5151 G2532 : and G4632 the vessel G353 was received up [G5681] G3825 again G1519 into G3772 heaven.
Acts 10:16 (IGNT) 16 G5124 τουτο And G1161 δε This G1096 (G5633) εγενετο G1909 επι Took Place G5151 τρις Thrice, G2532 και And G3825 παλιν Again G353 (G5681) ανεληφθη Was Taken Up G3588 το The G4632 σκευος Vessel G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G3772 ουρανον Heaven.
Acts 20:13 (KJV_Strongs) 13 G1161 And G2249 we G4281 went before [G5631] G1909 to G4143 ship G321 , and sailed [G5681] G1519 unto G789 Assos G1564 , there G3195 intending [G5723] G353 to take in [G5721] G3972 Paul G1063 : for G3779 so G2258 had he [G5713] G1299 appointed [G5772] G3195 , minding [G5723] G846 himself G3978 to go afoot [G5721] .
Acts 20:13 (IGNT) 13 G2249 ημεις But G1161 δε We G4281 (G5631) προελθοντες Having Gone Before G1909 επι To G3588 το The G4143 πλοιον Ship G321 (G5681) ανηχθημεν Sailed G1519 εις G3588 την To G789 ασσον Assos, G1564 εκειθεν There G3195 (G5723) μελλοντες Being About G353 (G5721) αναλαμβανειν G3588 τον To Take In G3972 παυλον Paul; G3779 ουτως So G1063 γαρ For G2258 (G5713) ην He G1299 (G5772) διατεταγμενος Had Appointed, G3195 (G5723) μελλων Being About G846 αυτος Himself G3978 (G5721) πεζευειν To Go On Foot.
Acts 20:14 (KJV_Strongs) 14 G1161 And G5613 when G4820 he met [G5627] G2254 with us G1519 at G789 Assos G353 , we took G846 him G353 in [G5631] G2064 , and came [G5627] G1519 to G3412 Mitylene.
Acts 20:14 (IGNT) 14 G5613 ως And G1161 δε When G4820 (G5627) συνεβαλεν He Met With G2254 ημιν Us G1519 εις G3588 την At G789 ασσον Assos, G353 (G5631) αναλαβοντες Having Taken In G846 αυτον Him G2064 (G5627) ηλθομεν We Came G1519 εις To G3412 μιτυληνην Mitylene;
Acts 23:31 (KJV_Strongs) 31 G3767 Then G3303 G4757 the soldiers G2596 , as G1299 it was commanded [G5772] G846 them G353 , took [G5631] G3972 Paul G71 , and brought [G5627] G1223 him by G3571 night G1519 to G494 Antipatris.
Acts 23:31 (IGNT) 31 G3588 οι G3303 μεν The G3767 ουν Therefore G4757 στρατιωται Soldiers, G2596 κατα According To G3588 το The G1299 (G5772) διατεταγμενον Orders Given G846 αυτοις To Them, G353 (G5631) αναλαβοντες G3588 τον Having Taken G3972 παυλον Paul G71 (G5627) ηγαγον Brought "him" G1223 δια G3588 της By G3571 νυκτος Night G1519 εις G3588 την To G494 αντιπατριδα Antipatris,
Ephesians 6:13 (KJV_Strongs) 13 G1223 Wherefore G5124 G353 take unto you [G5628] G3833 the whole armour G2316 of God G2443 , that G1410 ye may be able [G5667] G436 to withstand [G5629] G1722 in G4190 the evil G2250 day G2532 , and G2716 having done [G5666] G537 all G2476 , to stand [G5629] .
Ephesians 6:13 (IGNT) 13 G1223 δια Because Of G5124 τουτο This G353 (G5628) αναλαβετε Take Up G3588 την The G3833 πανοπλιαν G3588 του Panoply G2316 θεου Of God, G2443 ινα That G1410 (G5667) δυνηθητε Ye May Be Able G436 (G5629) αντιστηναι To Withstand G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G2250 ημερα G3588 τη Day G4190 πονηρα Evil, G2532 και And G537 απαντα All Things G2716 (G5666) κατεργασαμενοι Having Worked Out G2476 (G5629) στηναι To Stand.
Ephesians 6:16 (KJV_Strongs) 16 G1909 Above G3956 all G353 , taking [G5631] G2375 the shield G4102 of faith G1722 , wherewith G3739 G1410 ye shall be able [G5695] G4570 to quench [G5658] G3956 all G4448 the fiery [G5772] G956 darts G4190 of the wicked.
Ephesians 6:16 (IGNT) 16 G1909 επι Besides G3956 πασιν All G353 (G5631) αναλαβοντες Having Taken Up G3588 τον The G2375 θυρεον G3588 της Shield G4102 πιστεως Of Faith, G1722 εν With G3739 ω Which G1410 (G5695) δυνησεσθε Ye Will Be Able G3956 παντα All G3588 τα The G956 βελη Darts G3588 του Of The G4190 πονηρου G3588 τα Wicked One G4448 (G5772) πεπυρωμενα Burning G4570 (G5658) σβεσαι To Quench.
1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV_Strongs) 16 G2532 And G3672 without controversy G3173 great G2076 is [G5748] G3466 the mystery G2150 of godliness G2316 : God G5319 was manifest [G5681] G1722 in G4561 the flesh G1344 , justified [G5681] G1722 in G4151 the Spirit G3700 , seen [G5681] G32 of angels G2784 , preached [G5681] G1722 unto G1484 the Gentiles G4100 , believed on [G5681] G1722 in G2889 the world G353 , received up [G5681] G1722 into G1391 glory.
1 Timothy 3:16 (IGNT) 16 G2532 και And G3672 ομολογουμενως Confessedly G3173 μεγα Great G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 το G3588 της The G2150 ευσεβειας Of Piety G3466 μυστηριον Mystery : G2316 θεος God G5319 (G5681) εφανερωθη Was Manifested G1722 εν In G4561 σαρκι Flesh, G1344 (G5681) εδικαιωθη Was Justified G1722 εν In "the" G4151 πνευματι Spirit, G3700 (G5681) ωφθη Was Seen G32 αγγελοις By Angels, G2784 (G5681) εκηρυχθη Was Proclaimed G1722 εν Among "the" G1484 εθνεσιν Nations, G4100 (G5681) επιστευθη Was Believed On G1722 εν In "the" G2889 κοσμω World, G353 (G5681) ανεληφθη Was Received Up G1722 εν In G1391 δοξη Glory.
2 Timothy 4:11 (KJV_Strongs) 11 G3441 Only G3065 Luke G2076 is [G5748] G3326 with G1700 me G353 . Take [G5631] G3138 Mark G71 , and bring him [G5720] G3326 with G4572 thee G1063 : for G2076 he is [G5748] G2173 profitable G3427 to me G1519 for G1248 the ministry.
2 Timothy 4:11 (IGNT) 11 G3065 λουκας Luke G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3441 μονος Alone G3326 μετ With G1700 εμου Me. G3138 μαρκον Mark G353 (G5631) αναλαβων Having Taken G71 (G5720) αγε Bring G3326 μετα With G4572 σεαυτου Thyself, G2076 (G5748) εστιν G1063 γαρ For He Is G3427 μοι To Me G2173 ευχρηστος Useful G1519 εις For G1248 διακονιαν Service.