Revelation 9:20-21

  20 G2532 And G3062 the rest G444 of the men G3739 who G615 0 were G3756 not G615 [G5681] killed G1722 by G5025 these G4127 plagues G3340 0 [G5656] changed G3777 not G3340 [G5656] their minds G1537 of G2041 the works G846 of their G5495 hands, G3363 0 that G4352 0 they should G3363 not G4352 [G5661] worship G1140 demons, G2532 and G1497 idols G5552 of gold, G2532 and G693 silver, G2532 and G5470 brass, G2532 and G3035 stone, G2532 and G3585 of wood: G3739 which G3777 neither G1410 [G5736] can G991 [G5721] see, G3777 nor G191 [G5721] hear, G3777 nor G4043 [G5721] walk:
  21 G2532 And G3756 neither G3340 [G5656] changed their minds G1537 of G846 their G5408 murders, G3777 nor G1537 of G846 their G5331 sorceries, G3777 nor G1537 of G846 their G4202 fornication, G3777 nor G1537 of G846 their G2809 thefts.