Revelation 11:7-8

  7 G2532 And G3752 when G5055 [G5661] they shall have finished G846 their G3141 testimony, G2342 the beast G305 [G5723] that ascendeth G1537 out of G3588 the G12 bottomless pit G4160 [G5692] shall make G4171 war G3326 against G846 them, G2532 and G3528 [G5692] shall overcome G846 them, G2532 and G615 [G5692] kill G846 them.
  8 G2532 And G846 their G4430 dead bodies G1909 shall lie in G4113 the street G3173 of the great G4172 city, G3748 which G4153 spiritually G2564 [G5743] is called G4670 Sodom G2532 and G125 Egypt, G3699 where G2532 also G2257 our G2962 Lord G4717 [G5681] was impaled.