Psalms 6:2-6

  2 H2603 [H8798] Have favour H3068 upon me, O LORD; H536 for I am weak: H3068 O LORD, H7495 [H8798] heal H6106 me; for my bones H926 [H8738] are troubled.
  3 H5315 My breath H3966 is also greatly H926 [H8738] troubled: H3068 but thou, O LORD, how long?
  4 H7725 [H8798] Return, H3068 O LORD, H2502 [H8761] deliver H5315 my breath: H3467 [H8685] O liberate H2617 me for thy mercies' sake.
  5 H4194 For in death H2143 there is no remembrance H7585 of thee: in the grave H3034 [H8686] who shall give thee thanks?
  6 H3021 [H8804] I am weary H585 with my groaning; H3915 all the night H4296 I make my bed H7811 [H8686] to swim; H4529 [H8686] I water H6210 my couch H1832 with my tears.