Acts 27:29-30

  29 G5037 And G5399 [G5740] fearing G3381 G4458 lest G1601 [G5632] we should fall out G1519 into G5138 rough G5117 places, G4496 [G5660] they tossed G5064 four G45 anchors G1537 from out of G4403 the stern, G2172 [G5711] vowing G2250 for the day G1096 [G5635] to come.
  30 G1161 And G3588 as the G3492 shipmen G2212 [G5723] were about G5343 [G5629] to flee G1537 from out of G3588 the G4143 ship, G2532 and G5465 [G5660] having let down G3588 the G4627 skiff G1519 into G3588 the G2281 sea, G4392 under pretence G5613 as though G3195 [G5723] they would G1614 [G5721] stretch out G45 anchors G1537 from out of G4408 the prow,