Psalms 83:11 Cross References - new

  11 H7896 [H8798] Make H5081 their nobles H6159 like Oreb, H2062 and like Zeeb: H5257 yea, all their princes H2078 as Zebah, H6759 and as Zalmunna:

Judges 7:25

  25 H3920 [H8799] And they took H8147 two H8269 princes H4080 of the Midianites, H6159 Oreb H2062 and Zeeb; H2026 [H8799] and they slew H6159 Oreb H6697 upon the rock H6159 Oreb, H2062 and Zeeb H2026 [H8804] they slew H3342 at the winepress H2062 of Zeeb, H7291 [H8799] and pursued H4080 Midian, H935 [H8689] and brought H7218 the heads H6159 of Oreb H2062 and Zeeb H1439 to Gideon H5676 on the other side H3383 of Jordan.

Judges 8:12-21

  12 H2078 And when Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna H5127 [H8799] fled, H7291 H310 [H8799] he pursued H3920 [H8799] them, and took H8147 the two H4428 kings H4080 of Midian, H2078 Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna, H2729 [H8689] and overcame H4264 all the host.
  13 H1439 And Gideon H1121 the son H3101 of Joash H7725 [H8799] returned H4421 from battle H4608 before H2775 the sun had risen,
  14 H3920 [H8799] And caught H5288 a young man H582 of the men H5523 of Succoth, H7592 [H8799] and enquired H3789 [H8799] of him: and he described H8269 for him the princes H5523 of Succoth, H2205 and its elders, H7657 even seventy H7651 and seven H376 men.
  15 H935 [H8799] And he came H582 to the men H5523 of Succoth, H559 [H8799] and said, H2078 Behold Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna, H2778 [H8765] with whom ye upbraided H559 [H8800] me, saying, H3709 Are the palms H2078 of Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna H3027 now in thine hand, H5414 [H8799] that we should give H3899 bread H582 to thy men H3287 that are weary?
  16 H3947 [H8799] And he took H2205 the elders H5892 of the city, H6975 and thorns H4057 of the wilderness H1303 and briers, H3045 [H8686] and with them he taught H582 the men H5523 of Succoth.
  17 H5422 [H8804] And he beat down H4026 the tower H6439 of Penuel, H2026 [H8799] and slew H582 the men H5892 of the city.
  18 H559 [H8799] Then said H2078 he to Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna, H375 What H582 manner of men H2026 [H8804] were they whom ye slew H8396 at Tabor? H559 [H8799] And they answered, H3644 As thou H259 art, so were they; each one H8389 resembled H1121 the sons H4428 of a king.
  19 H559 [H8799] And he said, H251 They were my brethren, H1121 even the sons H517 of my mother: H3068 as the LORD H2416 liveth, H3863 if H2421 [H8689] ye had saved them alive, H2026 [H8804] I would not slay you.
  20 H559 [H8799] And he said H3500 to Jether H1060 his firstborn, H6965 [H8798] Arise, H2026 [H8798] and slay H5288 them. But the youth H8025 [H8804] drew H2719 not his sword: H3372 [H8804] for he feared, H5288 because he was yet a youth.
  21 H2078 Then Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna H559 [H8799] said, H6965 [H8798] Rise H6293 [H8798] thou, and fall H376 upon us: for as the man H1369 is, so is his strength. H1439 And Gideon H6965 [H8799] arose, H2026 [H8799] and slew H2078 Zebah H6759 and Zalmunna, H3947 [H8799] and took away H7720 the ornaments H1581 that were on their camels' H6677 necks.

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