Exodus 31:4 Cross References - new

  4 H2803 [H8800] To make H4284 beautifully wrought works, H6213 [H8800] to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass,

Exodus 25:32-35

  32 H8337 And six H7070 branches H3318 [H8802] shall extend H6654 from the sides H7969 of it; three H7070 branches H4501 of the lampstand H259 from the one H6654 side, H7969 and three H7070 branches H4501 of the lampstand H8145 from the other H6654 side:
  33 H7969 Three H1375 bowls H8246 [H8794] made like almonds, H3730 with a knob H6525 and a flower H259 in one H7070 branch; H7969 and three H1375 bowls H8246 [H8794] made like almonds H259 in the other H7070 branch, H3730 with a knob H6525 and a flower: H8337 so in the six H7070 branches H3318 [H8802] that go out H4501 from the lampstand.
  34 H4501 And in the lampstand H702 shall be four H1375 bowls H8246 [H8794] made like almonds, H3730 with their knobs H6525 and their flowers.
  35 H3730 And there shall be a knob H8147 under two H7070 branches H3730 of the same, and a knob H8147 under two H7070 branches H3730 of the same, and a knob H8147 under two H7070 branches H8337 of the same, according to the six H7070 branches H3318 [H8802] that go out H4501 from the lampstand.

Exodus 26:1

  1 H6213 [H8799] Moreover thou shalt make H4908 the tabernacle H6235 with ten H3407 curtains H7806 [H8716] of fine twined H8336 linen, H8504 and blue, H713 and purple, H8144 H8438 and scarlet: H3742 with cherubim H2803 [H8802] of skilful H4639 work H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make them.

Exodus 28:15

  15 H6213 [H8804] And thou shalt make H2833 the breastplate H4941 of judgment H2803 [H8802] with skilful H4639 work; H4639 after the work H646 of the ephod H6213 [H8799] thou shalt make H2091 it; of gold, H8504 of blue, H713 and of purple, H8144 H8438 and of scarlet, H7806 [H8716] and of fine twined H8336 linen, H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make it.

1 Kings 7:14

  14 H802 H490 He was a widow's H1121 son H4294 of the tribe H5321 of Naphtali, H1 and his father H376 was a man H6876 of Tyre, H2790 [H8802] a worker H5178 in brass: H4390 [H8735] and he was filled H2451 with wisdom, H8394 and understanding, H1847 and skill H6213 [H8800] in working H4399 all works H5178 in brass. H935 [H8799] And he came H4428 to king H8010 Solomon, H6213 [H8799] and wrought H4399 all his work.

2 Chronicles 2:7

  7 H7971 [H8798] Send H376 me now therefore a man H2450 skilful H6213 [H8800] to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 and in brass, H1270 and in iron, H710 and in purple, H3758 and crimson, H8504 and blue, H3045 [H8802] and that hath skill H6605 H6603 [H8763] to engrave H2450 with the skilful men H3063 that are with me in Judah H3389 and in Jerusalem, H1732 whom David H1 my father H3559 [H8689] provided.

2 Chronicles 2:13-14

  13 H7971 [H8804] And now I have sent H2450 a skilful H376 man, H3045 [H8802] endued H998 with understanding, H2361 of Huram H1 my father's,
  14 H1121 The son H802 of a woman H1323 of the daughters H1835 of Dan, H1 and his father H376 was a man H6876 of Tyre, H3045 [H8802] skilful H6213 [H8800] to work H2091 in gold, H3701 and in silver, H5178 in brass, H1270 in iron, H68 in stone, H6086 and in timber, H713 in purple, H8504 in blue, H948 and in fine linen, H3758 and in crimson; H6605 [H8763] also to engrave H6603 any manner of engraving, H2803 [H8800] and to find out H4284 every device H5414 [H8735] which shall be put H2450 to him, with thy skilful men, H2450 and with the skilful men H113 of my sovereign H1732 David H1 thy father.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.