1 John 5:2 Cross References - new

  2 G1722 By G5129 this G1097 [G5719] we know G3754 that G25 [G5719] we love G5043 the children G2316 of God, G3752 when G25 [G5719] we love G2316 God, G2532 and G5083 [G5725] keep G846 his G1785 commandments.

John 13:34-35

  34 G2537 { A new G1785 commandment G1325 [G5719] I give G5213 to you, G2443 That G25 [G5725] ye love G240 one another; G2531 as G25 [G5656] I have loved G5209 you, G2443 that G5210 ye G2532 also G25 [G5725] love G240 one another.}
  35 G1722 { By G5129 this G1097 0 shall G3956 all G1097 [G5695] men know G3754 that G2075 [G5748] ye are G1699 my G3101 disciples, G1437 if G2192 [G5725] ye have G26 love G1722 G240 one to another.}

John 15:17

  17 G5023 { These things G1781 [G5736] I command G5213 you, G2443 that G25 [G5725] ye love G240 one another.}

1 John 2:5

  5 G1161 But G3739 whoever G302 G5083 [G5725] keepeth G846 his G3056 word, G1722 in G5129 him G230 verily G5048 0 is G3588 the G26 love G2316 of God G5048 [G5769] perfected: G1722 in G5129 this G1097 [G5719] we know G3754 that G2070 [G5748] we are G1722 in G846 him.

1 John 3:22-24

  22 G2532 And G3739 G1437 whatever G154 [G5725] we ask, G2983 [G5719] we receive G3844 from G846 him, G3754 because G5083 [G5719] we keep G846 his G1785 commandments, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] do G701 those things that are pleasing G846 in his G1799 sight.
  23 G2532 And G3778 this G2076 [G5748] is G846 his G1785 commandment, G2443 That G4100 [G5661] we should believe G3686 on the name G846 of his G5207 Son G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G2532 and G25 [G5725] love G240 one another, G2531 as G1325 [G5656] he gave G2254 us G1785 commandment.
  24 G2532 And G5083 [G5723] he that keepeth G846 his G1785 commandments G3306 [G5719] dwelleth G1722 in G846 him, G2532 and G846 he G1722 in G846 him. G2532 And G1722 by G5129 this G1097 [G5719] we know G3754 that G3306 [G5719] he abideth G1722 in G2254 us, G1537 by G4151 the Spirit G3739 who G1325 [G5656] he hath given G2254 to us.

1 John 4:21

  21 G2532 And G5026 this G1785 commandment G2192 [G5719] have we G575 from G846 him, G2443 That G25 [G5723] he who loveth G2316 God G25 [G5725] love G846 his G80 brother G2532 also.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.