1 Chronicles 18:4 Cross References - new

  4 H1732 And David H3920 [H8799] took H505 from him a thousand H7393 chariots, H7651 and seven H505 thousand H6571 horsemen, H6242 and twenty H505 thousand H376 H7273 footmen: H1732 David H6131 [H8762] also hamstrung H7393 all the chariot H3498 [H8686] horses, but reserved H3967 of them an hundred H7393 chariots.

Deuteronomy 17:16

  16 H7235 [H8686] But he shall not multiply H5483 horses H5971 to himself, nor cause the people H7725 [H8686] to return H4714 to Egypt, H7235 [H8687] to the end that he should multiply H5483 horses: H3068 forasmuch as the LORD H559 [H8804] hath said H3254 [H8686] to you, Ye shall henceforth H7725 [H8800] return H1870 no more that way.

Joshua 11:6

  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3091 to Joshua, H3372 [H8799] Be not afraid H6440 because H4279 of them: for to morrow H6256 about this time H5414 [H8802] will I give them up H2491 all slain H6440 at the face of H3478 Israel: H6131 [H8762] thou shalt hamstring H5483 their horses, H8313 [H8799] and burn H4818 their chariots H784 with fire.

Joshua 11:9

  9 H3091 And Joshua H6213 [H8799] did H3068 to them as the LORD H559 [H8804] bade H6131 [H8765] him: he hamstrung H5483 their horses, H8313 [H8804] and burnt H4818 their chariots H784 with fire.

2 Samuel 8:4

  4 H1732 And David H3920 [H8799] took H505 from him a thousand H7651 chariots, and seven H3967 hundred H6571 horsemen, H6242 and twenty H505 thousand H376 H7273 footmen: H1732 and David H6131 [H8762] hamstrung H7393 all the chariot H3498 [H8686] horses, but reserved H3967 of them for an hundred H7393 chariots.

1 Kings 4:2

  2 H8269 And these were the princes H5838 which he had; Azariah H1121 the son H6659 of Zadok H3548 the priest,

1 Kings 10:26

  26 H8010 And Solomon H622 [H8799] gathered H7393 chariots H6571 and horsemen: H505 and he had a thousand H702 and four H3967 hundred H7393 chariots, H8147 H6240 and twelve H505 thousand H6571 horsemen, H5148 [H8686] whom he bestowed H5892 in the cities H7393 for chariots, H4428 and with the king H3389 at Jerusalem.

Psalms 20:7

  7 H7393 Some trust in chariots, H5483 and some in horses: H2142 [H8686] but we will remember H8034 the name H3068 of the LORD H430 our God.

Psalms 33:16-17

  16 H4428 There is no king H3467 [H8737] liberated H7230 by the abundance H2428 of an host: H1368 a mighty man H5337 [H8735] is not delivered H7230 by much H3581 strength.
  17 H5483 An horse H8267 is a vain thing H8668 for safety: H4422 [H8762] neither shall he deliver H7230 any by his abundant H2428 strength.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.