2 Corinthians 7:14 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  14 G3754 For G2744 [G5766] if I have boasted G1536 any thing G846 to him G5228 concerning G5216 you G2617 0 , I am G3756 not G2617 [G5681] ashamed G235 ; but G5613 as G2980 [G5656] we spoke G3956 all things G5213 to you G1722 in G225 truth G2532 , even G3779 so G2257 our G2746 boasting G3588 , which G1909 I made before G5103 Titus G1096 [G5675] , is found G225 to be true.

2 Corinthians 1:18-20

  18 G1161 But G2316 as God G4103 is true G3754 , G2257 our G3056 word G4314 toward G5209 you G1096 [G5633] was G3756 not G3483 yea G2532 and G3756 nay.
  19 G1063 For G5207 the Son G2316 of God G2424 , Jesus G5547 Christ G3588 , who G2784 [G5685] was preached G1722 among G5213 you G1223 by G2257 us G1223 , even by G1700 me G2532 and G4610 Silvanus G2532 and G5095 Timothy G1096 [G5633] , was G3756 not G3483 yea G2532 and G3756 nay G235 , but G1722 in G846 him G1096 [G5754] was G3483 yea.
  20 G1063 For G3745 all G1860 the promises G2316 of God G1722 in G846 him G3483 are yea G2532 , and G1722 in G846 him G281 Amen G4314 , to G1391 the glory G2316 of God G1223 by G2257 us.

2 Corinthians 7:4

  4 G4183 Great G3427 is my G3954 boldness of speech G4314 toward G5209 you G4183 , great G3427 is my G2746 glorying G5228 concerning G5216 you G4137 [G5769] : I am filled G3874 with comfort G5248 [G5731] , I am exceeding G5479 joyful G1909 in G3956 all G2257 our G2347 tribulation.

2 Corinthians 7:6

  6 G235 Nevertheless G2316 God G3870 [G5723] , that comforteth G5011 those that are cast down G3870 [G5656] , comforted G2248 us G1722 by G3952 the coming G5103 of Titus;

2 Corinthians 8:24

  24 G3767 Therefore G1731 [G5669] show ye G1519 to G846 them G2532 , and G1519 G4383 before G1577 the churches G1732 , the proof G5216 of your G26 love G2532 , and G2257 of our G2746 boasting G5228 0 on G5216 your G5228 behalf.

2 Corinthians 9:2-4

  2 G1063 For G1492 [G5758] I know G4288 0 the readiness of G5216 your G4288 mind G3739 , for which G2744 [G5736] I boast G5228 of G5216 you G3110 to them of Macedonia G3754 , that G882 Achaia G3903 [G5769] was ready G4070 a year G575 ago G2532 ; and G5216 your G2205 G1537 zeal G2042 [G5656] hath stirred up G4119 very many.
  3 G1161 Yet G3992 [G5656] have I sent G80 the brethren G3363 , lest G2257 our G2745 boasting G5228 of G5216 you G2758 [G5686] should be in vain G1722 in G5129 this G3313 behalf G2443 ; that G2531 , as G3004 [G5707] I said G5600 [G5753] , ye may be G3903 [G5772] ready:
  4 G3381 G4458 Lest G1437 if G3110 they of Macedonia G2064 [G5632] come G4862 with G1698 me G2532 , and G2147 [G5632] find G5209 you G532 unprepared G2249 , we G3363 0 (that G3004 [G5725] we say G3363 not G5210 , ye G2617 [G5686] ) should be ashamed G1722 in G5026 this same G5287 confident G2746 boasting.

2 Corinthians 10:8

  8 G1063 G2532 For G1437 G5037 though G2744 [G5667] I should boast G5100 somewhat G4055 more G4012 of G2257 our G1849 authority G3739 , which G2962 the Lord G1325 [G5656] hath given G2254 us G1519 for G3619 edification G2532 , and G3756 not G1519 for G5216 your G2506 destruction G153 0 , I should G3756 not G153 [G5701] be ashamed:

2 Thessalonians 1:4

  4 G5620 So G2248 that we G846 ourselves G2744 [G5738] glory G1722 in G5213 you G1722 in G1577 the churches G2316 of God G5228 for G5216 your G5281 patience G2532 and G4102 faith G1722 in G3956 all G5216 your G1375 persecutions G2532 and G2347 tribulations G3739 that G430 [G5736] ye endure:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.