1 Kings 7:17 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  17 H7638 And nets H7639 of checker H4639 work H1434 , and wreaths H8333 of chain H4639 work H3805 , for the capitals H7218 which were upon the top H5982 of the pillars H7651 ; seven H259 for the one H3805 capital H7651 , and seven H8145 for the other H3805 capital.

Exodus 28:14

  14 H8147 And two H8333 chains H2889 of pure H2091 gold H4020 at the ends H5688 ; of braided H4639 work H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make H5414 [H8804] them, and fasten H5688 the braided H8333 chains H4865 to the settings.

Exodus 28:22

  22 H6213 [H8804] And thou shalt make H2833 upon the breastplate H8331 chains H1383 at the ends H5688 of braided H4639 work H2889 of pure H2091 gold.

Exodus 28:24-25

  24 H5414 [H8804] And thou shalt put H8147 the two H5688 braided H2091 chains of gold H8147 in the two H2885 rings H7098 which are on the ends H2833 of the breastplate.
  25 H8147 And the other two H7098 ends H8147 of the two H5688 braided H5414 [H8799] chains thou shalt fasten H8147 in the two H4865 settings H5414 [H8804] , and put H3802 them on the shoulderpieces H646 of the ephod H6440 before H4136 it.

Exodus 39:15-18

  15 H6213 [H8799] And they made H2833 upon the breastplate H8333 chains H1383 at the ends H5688 , of braided H4639 work H2889 of pure H2091 gold.
  16 H6213 [H8799] And they made H8147 two H4865 settings H2091 of gold H8147 , and two H2091 gold H2885 rings H5414 [H8799] ; and put H8147 the two H2885 rings H8147 in the two H7098 ends H2833 of the breastplate.
  17 H5414 [H8799] And they put H8147 the two H5688 braided chains H2091 of gold H8147 in the two H2885 rings H7098 on the ends H2833 of the breastplate.
  18 H8147 And the two H7098 ends H8147 of the two H5688 braided H5688 chains H5414 [H8804] they fastened H8147 in the two H4865 settings H5414 [H8799] , and put H3802 them on the shoulderpieces H646 of the ephod H6440 , before H4136 it.

2 Kings 25:17

  17 H6967 The height H259 of the one H5982 pillar H8083 H6240 was eighteen H520 cubits H3805 , and the capital H5178 upon it was brass H6967 : and the height H3805 of the capital H7969 three H520 cubits H7639 ; and the wreathen work H7416 , and pomegranates H3805 upon the capital H5439 around H5178 , all of brass H8145 : and like these had the second H5982 pillar H7639 with wreathen work.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.