1 Brothers (= Fellow believers; = My family)! Even if a person (or: human) may be at some point overtaken (caught; laid hold of before; be surprised) within the effect of some slip or falling to the side (or: the result of some offense, lapse or mistake), you folks – the spiritual ones (the people influenced by the Breath-effect and Attitude) – repeatedly (or: continuously) adjust, mend or repair such a one so as to thoroughly prepare and equip him, within a spirit of gentle friendliness (attitude of meekness; breath of mildness), as you each are constantly keeping a watchful eye on yourself (carefully noting yourself with regard to the goal), and so you folks may not at some point be put to the proof (or: and you, yourself, would not be tried, tested or harassed by some ordeal).
2 You folks be habitually lifting up and carrying one another's heavy burdens and oppressive matters (grievous weights of and from one another), and thus, you will continuously fulfill [or, with other MSS: In this way, at once fill up and fulfill] Christ's Law (or: the law which is Christ; the law of the Anointing; [other MSS: and in this manner, at once fill up the law of the Christ {the law whose character and source is Christ}]).
3 For you see, if anyone, being presently nothing, continues imagining (supposing; presuming) himself to be something, he continues leading his own mind astray (he keeps on deceiving himself; he misleads and cheats his intellect and way of thinking).
4 So let each one habitually put his own work to the test for approval (examine and prove the deeds and actions which he does), and then he will continue having a cause for exultation-effects (or: hold a sense of achievement) in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person,
5 for, each one will lift up and progressively carry (or: shoulder) his own specific little load (or: pack; small thing to be borne).
6 Now let the person being habitually orally-instructed (being sounded down [from above] into the ears so that they ring) in the Word (the message) constantly express common being to (or: hold common partnership in and fellowship for; share equally with) the one regularly giving the oral instruction (sounding down and making the ears ring), in all good things.
7 Do not be continually led astray (or: Stop being caused to wander and being deceived); God is not one to be sneered at (to have a nose turned up at; to be scorned, mocked or treated like a fool), for "whatever a person is in the habit of sowing, this also he will reap,"
8 because the person continually sowing into the flesh of himself (= his estranged inner being), will progressively reap corruption (spoil; ruin; decay) forth from out of the flesh (= the estranged inner being); (or: the one habitually sowing into the flesh [system], of himself will continue to reap decay from out of the flesh [system];) yet the one constantly sowing into the spirit (or: the Breath) will be progressively reaping eonian life (life having the characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; or: life from the Age that lasts on through the ages) forth from out of the spirit (or: the Spirit; the Breath; the attitude).
9 So – not being people [who are] let loose out from (or: set free from out of) [the laboring] (or: not being made unstrung or exhausted so as to be relaxing [from laboring]) – we should not in worthlessness be remiss (or: act badly by failing; be despondent; in bad quality, give up) in habitually doing (making; constructing; producing) the beautiful (the fine; the ideal; the noble), for in our own appropriate situation (or: in our own appointed season; or: to or by our own fitness and proportion) we will progressively gather in a harvest (or: will continue reaping).
10 Consequently, then, as we are continuing to hold a fitting situation [or, with other MSS: while we may continue having occasion or a fertile moment], we can keep on actively working the good [other MSS: we should habitually be performing the excellent; we can continue in the business of the virtuous] toward all – and especially toward the members of the family and household of the faith and trust (the conviction and loyalty)!
11 Consider (or: See) how large [are the] letters [i.e., of the alphabet] [which] I write to you, in (or: by; with) my [own] hand! [comment: Paul is doing this to make his point, i.e., he is “shouting” at them via the script, so that they will take note of the point he is making]
12 As many as continually want (intend; will; purpose) to make a good impression (a pleasing appearance; a fair face, front or facade) within flesh [i.e., in a flesh system or religion], these are habitually urging, or trying to compel or force, you folks (or: making you feel obliged) to proceed to be circumcised – only so that they may not be continually pursued and persecuted for (or: in; with) the cross of Christ Jesus (or: by the execution stake that pertains to the Anointed Jesus).
13 For not even the folks being presently (or: currently getting) circumcised (or, as a middle: habitually circumcising [people]; requiring [the practice of] circumcision; [other MSS: having been circumcised]) are themselves habitually keeping (guarding; protecting; observing; maintaining) [the] Law, but even so, they constantly want and intend you folks to proceed to be circumcised, so that they may have cause for boasting in your flesh [ritual or religion].
14 Now may it not happen to me (or: in me) to take up the practice of boasting, except within the cross (the execution stake) of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through Whom (or: through which [i.e., the cross]) the organized System (or: the world of culture, economy, government and religion) has been, and continues being, crucified (executed on the stake) in me (or: to me; for me; by me; with me), and I by (to; in; with; for) the organized System (the world; = their culture, secular society, religion, and government).
15 For you see [some MSS add: within Christ Jesus], neither circumcision nor uncircumcision continues being anything, but rather: a new creation (a founding and settling [as a village] with a new character, in a place that was wild and without order; a new act of framing and building).
16 So as many as are habitually advancing [other MSS: will advance; can advance] in line by ranks, corresponding to this measuring rod (or: continue belonging to the rank living in conformity to this rule; or: shall in this standard progressively observe the rudimentary elements or elementary principles and walk in line with them), Peace (harmony; [= shalom]) and Mercy [are continually] upon them – even (or: that is) upon the Israel whose origin and source is God (or: God's Israel).
17 Pertaining to the rest (or: In regard to what is left over), let no one continue offering hard labor to me (or: let no one be making trouble for me or be holding me to his side for a beating), for I myself continuously carry the brand marks [of a slave or a soldier, showing ownership] of Jesus, within (or: the effects of being stuck by a point from Jesus, on) my body!
18 The grace and favor of, and whose origin and source are, our Lord, Jesus Christ [are continually] with your spirit (or: the Breath-effect belonging to you folks), brothers (= fellow believers; = [my] family)! It is so! (Amen; So let it be; Count on it!) [written circa A.D. late 56 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
Galatians 6 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 5:43
43 "You folks hear (or: heard) that it was declared, 'You will habitually love the one near to you (your neighbor or associate) ' [Lev. 19:18] – and yet you will constantly regard your enemy with ill will (hate the one hostile to you).
Matthew 6:2
2 "Therefore, whenever, as is your custom you may be making gifts of mercy (be performing acts of mercy; be doing alms or giving to charity), you should not blow a trumpet in front of you (= toot your own horn ahead of your actions) – even as the overly judging and critical folks (hupokrites; or: those who put texts under close inspection to sift and separate and then give an answer, an interpretation, an opinion; or: those who live by separating things yet who under-discern; or: those who make judgments from a low view; or: those who under-estimate reality; or: perverse scholars who focus on tiny distinctions) are constantly doing in the synagogues and on the narrow urban streets and alleys, so that they can receive a reputation from people (be recognized and glorified by humans). I am saying to you truly: They are presently holding their full payment!
Matthew 6:5
5 "And further, whenever you folks may by habit be praying, you will not be as the overly judging and critical folks (hupokrites: see vs. 2, above), because they are constantly liking to be habitually praying while standing in the midst of the synagogues and on the corners of the broad streets and city squares – so that they can be visible to people (or: be manifested and caused to shine for mankind). I am saying to you truly: They are presently holding their full payment!
Matthew 6:16
16 "Now whenever you may periodically fast, do not proceed to become sad-faced or stern, gloomy people – as the overly judging and critical folks [see vs. 2, above] for they habitually remove the light from (or: disguise or distort) their faces so that they can continue to be visible to people (or: be manifested for mankind and appear) [as] ones in the process of fasting. I continue saying to you truly: They are presently holding their full payment!
Matthew 8:17
Matthew 9:13
13 "Now, upon going your way, learn and become a disciple of what [this] is and means, 'I am presently desiring, habitually intending and progressively purposing mercy, and not a sacrifice!' [Hos. 6:6] You see, I am not (or: did not) come to call 'righteous folks' (people who were supposedly in right relationship with God and community and who were convinced that they walked in accord with the path pointed out), but on the contrary, outcasts ('sinners' who knew that they were neither connected nor in right relationship, nor approved in their way of life: failures)."
Matthew 10:10
10 " [Take] no beggar's pouch (or: food bag; or: traveling knapsack) into the road, nor two undergarments (tunics) or sandals nor yet a staff or club. You see, the worker [is] worthy of his nourishment (or: is of corresponding value for his food, keep and support). [comment: be barefoot priests: the Land is holy; the villages are temples – Bruce Chilton]
Matthew 10:22
22 "And further, you folks will continue being hated and regarded with ill-will by everyone – because of My Name. Yet the one remaining under [these conditions] and patiently enduring into a conclusion (or: into an ending [of these events]; unto [the] final act) – this one will habitually be rescued (delivered; saved; restored to health and wholeness).
Matthew 10:25
25 " [It is] sufficient and enough for the student (or: disciple) that he can come to be as his teacher, and the slave as his owner. Since (or: If) people call and surname the Sovereign (Master and Sole Owner) of the house (the Householder) 'Beelzeboul' [spellings vary; = lord of the flies, a Philistine deity], how much rather (or: more) those of His household.
Matthew 11:29
29 "At once lift up My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) upon you people, and instantly learn from Me, because I am (or: I continuously exist being) mild-tempered (gentle, kind and considerate) and humble (low) in the heart, and ‘you folks will continue finding refreshment and discovering rest in and for your souls (the whole inner person; the mind, emotions and nerves).’ [Jer. 6:16]
Matthew 11:29-30
29 "At once lift up My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) upon you people, and instantly learn from Me, because I am (or: I continuously exist being) mild-tempered (gentle, kind and considerate) and humble (low) in the heart, and ‘you folks will continue finding refreshment and discovering rest in and for your souls (the whole inner person; the mind, emotions and nerves).’ [Jer. 6:16]
30 "You see, My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) is useful and kindly obliging, and My load (the burden that is Me and which pertains to Me) continues being light (not heavy)."
Matthew 12:50
50 "You see, whoever may be doing the will, intent, purpose and desire of My Father – the One within and in union with [the] heavens (or: in the midst of [the] atmospheres) – that very person is My brother and sister and mother!"
Matthew 16:27
27 You see, the Son of the Man (or: mankind's son; or: = the Son of Adam; or: [the eschatological Messianic figure]; or: the Human Being) is presently about to continue progressively coming within the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) of His Father, with His agents (messengers). And at that time, He will proceed giving back (or: repaying; recompensing) to each one in corresponding accord with his practice, behavior and operation of business.
Matthew 18:12-15
12 "What do you men normally think or suppose (or: How does [it] usually seem to you)? If it should come to be with any person [having] one hundred sheep, [that] even one of them should be led astray and caused to wander (thus: be deceived), will he not leave the ninety-nine sheep on the hill country (or: mountain) and, going from place to place, continue trying to find the one continuing in being led astray?
13 "And if he should happen to find it, certainly (amen; it is so; depend on it) – I am now telling you – he continues expressing joy upon it, rather than upon those ninety-nine that have not been being led astray and have not been caused to wander.
14 "In the same way it continues not being the will (the effect of the desire, intent or purpose) of My Father – the One within [the] heavens and within the midst of the atmospheres – that one of these little folks would destroy himself or should become lost.
15 "Now if your brother should make a mistake (or: = your fellow believer may fail to hit the target for which he is aiming; or: your group member should be erring or sinning) [later MSS add: unto you; (= do you wrong)], humbly go [to him and] test it (or: bring convincing proof about it, laying the matter bare) between you and him alone. If he can listen and should be hearing you, you made gain and profit for your brother.
Matthew 19:29
29 "And further, everyone – whoever, on account of My Name, abandons or lets flow away houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields – will continually receive many times more [other MSS: a hundred times as much], and he will be progressively inheriting, and enjoying an allotment of, eonian life (life from and with the character and quality of the Age [of the Messiah]; or: life of and for the ages).
Matthew 23:3
3 "Therefore, you people be constantly doing and keeping (observing; maintaining) everything – as many things as they should tell you. But do not continue doing or performing according to their works or actions, for you see, they are habitually 'saying,' and yet they are not doing or performing (= they are 'all talk and no action').
Matthew 23:5
5 "Still, they are habitually doing all their works (or: performing all their acts) for the purpose of being viewed and gazed at by people (= their conduct is to attract public attention). You see, they habitually make their phylacteries (protective amulets: small boxes worn on themselves which encase certain Scripture verses; used to safeguard themselves) broad, and are normally enlarging the hems and borders [of their garments], as well as lengthening the fringe or corner tassels [as a reminder to keep the commandments].
Matthew 23:15
15 "It will be a tragic fate for you, scribes and Pharisees – perverse scholars who live by separation and have all the answers [see 6:2, above]! Because you habitually go around the sea and dry [land] to make one convert (proselyte), and whenever he may become (should be birthed) [one], you proceed making him a son of the valley of Hinnom (= a person having the character and qualities of a city dump, or a part of a refuse depository [Greek: Gehenna]) twice as much as yourselves.
Matthew 23:23
23 "O the tragic fate by (or: for; with) you folks – scholars, theologians and experts in the Scriptures and [the] Pharisees – [you] under-discerning folks who live by close inspection of minor details [see 6:3, above]: [it is] that you habitually give away a tenth (or: tithe back) from the mint and the dill and the cummin, and yet you abandon and let flow away the weightier (= more important) matters of the Law [= Torah]: the justice (equity; fairly evaluated decisions), the mercy, and the trust (the faith; the faithfulness and the fidelity; the reliance and the reliability; the confidence). Now these things it continued being binding and necessary [for you] to do and perform – and not to abandon (send away; set aside) those things!
Matthew 23:28
28 "In this way you, yourselves, also on the one hand are continually made to outwardly appear to people [to be] just (fair, righteous, in right relationships, and in accord with the way pointed out) – yet inside you continuously exist being men glutted and distended, full of opinionated answers (or: perverse detail-oriented scholarship; hyper-criticism and judgmentalism; well-sifted wicked interpretations) and lawlessness (= practice which is contrary to the Law [Torah]).
Matthew 24:13
13 "Now [as to] the person remaining under [all this] and enduring unto [the] purposed goal (or: into a final, destined act), this one will be repeatedly rescued and delivered (or: continuously kept safe).
Matthew 25:40
40 "And then, giving a decided reply, the King will proceed saying to them, 'I am truly now saying to (or: It is true, I now tell) you folks, Upon such an amount (or: = To the extent) that you did (or: do) and perform(ed) [it] to (or: for) one of these belonging to the least of My brothers (used collectively: = the members of My family; or: = those of My group or brotherhood), you did and perform [it] to and for Me!'
Matthew 26:69
69 Now Peter was sitting outside within the courtyard. And one servant girl came toward him, then is saying, "You, too, were with Jesus the Galilean."
Matthew 26:75
75 Then Peter remembered the saying (effect of the flow [of the discourse]) of Jesus – He having said, "Before a rooster is to crow, you will proceed in denying and renouncing Me three times." And so, after going outside, he wept and lamented bitterly.
Mark 3:4
4 So he continues saying to them [either the entire group, or perhaps, the Pharisees], "On the sabbaths, is it allowed (permitted) to do good (or: to create or make something virtuous; to form inner harmonious perfection; to do an admirable act), or to do something harmful or worthless (to make something of bad quality; to do an evil act) – to heal (save; restore to health and its original condition; rescue) a soul (or: a breathing being), or to kill?" Yet, they kept on being silent (remained quiet).
Luke 6:35
35 "In any case, be continuously loving your enemies (the ones hostile to you), and be constantly doing good, and also be habitually lending while expecting [to get] nothing back. Then your wage and reward will proceed being much, and you folks will continue be sons (= have the character and qualities) of the Most High. "You see, He Himself continuously exists being benevolent, usefully kind and profitable upon the ungracious, unthankful and ungrateful, as well as the useless, unprofitable, pernicious and wicked folks.
Luke 11:46
46 So He said, "Tragic will be the fate for you men versed in the Law (Torah lawyers), too, because you are constantly burdening people (humans) [with] cargos (or: loads) [that are] hard to bear (= intolerable burdens), and yet you folks are continuing to not even lightly touch the loads with one of your fingers!
Luke 15:4-7
4 "What person from among you folks, presently owning (possessing) one hundred sheep and then upon losing one of them, is not normally leaving the ninety-nine down within the wilderness (open range; desolate and uninhabited place) and then continuing on his way upon [the track of] the lost one – until he can (or: may) find it?
5 "Later, after finding [it], he proceeds to place (or: lay) it on his shoulders, amidst rejoicing!
6 "And so, upon coming into the house, he proceeds calling together [his] friends and neighbors, saying to them in turn, 'Celebrate (or: Be glad and caused to rejoice) together with me, because I have found my lost sheep!'
7 "I am now saying to you folks that in this way there will continue being joy within the heaven (or: the atmosphere) upon (or: on the occasion of) a progressive changing of the mind (or: a continued change in thinking and perspective, [accompanied by a return to the Lord]) by one outcast (habitual failure; person who constantly makes mistakes; sinner) – [more] than upon ninety-nine 'righteous and just folks' (or: people who are fair, equitable and in rightwised relationships in the Way pointed out) who continue having no need (or: necessity) of a change of mind [or a return to Yahweh].
Luke 15:22-32
22 "But the father said to his slaves, 'Quickly! Bring out the first robe – the one that signifies the first arrangement with the first equipment and which places him in first place – and clothe him! Then give a ring into his hand, and sandals unto (= for) [his] feet.
23 "'Next, you folks proceed in bringing the grain-fed young animal (e.g.: fat and choice calf): at once slaughter (or: sacrifice) [it], and, after eating, we can be put in a good and easy frame of mind (or: we should be given thoughts of well-being, cheer and celebration),
24 "'because this one, my son, was existing being dead – and now he becomes back alive again (or: lives up, again); he was existing being one having been destroyed and lost – and now he is found!' And so they began to be progressively put in a good and easy frame of mind and were continually given thoughts of well-being and cheer.
25 "Now his older son was continuing being in the midst of a field. Later, while progressively coming – as he drew near to the house – he heard [the sound] of a symphony (a concert of musical instruments) and choruses (or: = music and choral dancing).
26 "And so, calling one of the servants to him, he began inquiring so as to ascertain what these things might be (or: mean).
27 "So the man told him, 'Your brother is now arriving, and your father slaughtered the grain-fed young animal (= the fat and choice calf), seeing that he got him back being still sound and healthy.'
28 "But now the [older brother] swelled with internal teeming, expressing his natural disposition with agitation and irritation (or: grew angry or enraged), and then was not willing (or: wanting; intending) to enter. So his father, upon coming out, began calling him to his side and continued entreating him.
29 "Yet the [older brother], making a judging reply, said to his father, 'Look, and think about it! For so many years I constantly slaved for (or: worked as a slave to) you, and not even once did I transgress (go to the side of) your implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) – and yet not even once did you give to (or: for) me a kid (a young goat), so that I could be put in a good and easy frame of mind (or: should be given thoughts of well-being, cheer and celebration) with my friends.
30 "'But when this son of yours came – the one eating down (or: devouring) your livelihood with prostitutes – you slaughtered (sacrificed) the grain-fed young animal (e.g.: fat and choice calf)!'
31 "So now the [father] said to him, 'Child, you yourself continue being with me always – and all my things continue being yours (or: everything [that is] mine is yours).
32 "'But it continued being binding and necessary to at once be in a good and easy frame of mind (or: be given thoughts of well-being, cheer and celebration) and to rejoice, because this one – your brother – was existing being dead, and now he comes to life; and was one having been lost and destroyed – and now he is found!'"
Luke 16:15
15 Consequently He said to them, "You men are the ones constantly justifying yourselves in the sight of people (or: show yourselves as being fair and equitable to humans), but God continuously knows your hearts by intimate experience! The fact is, the thing [which is] high and lofty among humans [is] a disgusting and nauseating thing (something which is the result of filth and nastiness) in God's sight.
Luke 16:25
25 "But Abraham said, 'Child (or: Born one; or: Descendant), be reminded that within your life (or: lifetime) you took away (or: received from; or: got in full) your good things (or: the good things that pertain to you; the good things that had their source in you), and Lazarus likewise the bad things (the [experiences] of poor quality; the worthless things; the harmful and injurious [treatments]; the [conditions] as they ought not to be). But at the present time, here he continues being called alongside and given relief, aid, comfort and consolation, yet you yourself continue being given pain.
Luke 18:1
1 Now He went on [and] told them a parable (an illustration cast alongside) with a view facing the [circumstances for] them, [that] it is of necessity at all times to be constantly thinking, speaking and active with an aim toward goodness, ease and well-being (or: keep praying), and not to give in to the bad or worthless [situation or conditions] (or: to dwell within an ugly mood or a disposition of poor quality; or: to respond badly in [something]),
Luke 18:11
11 "The Pharisee, while standing, began praying these things to himself: 'O God, I continue giving thanks to You that I am not even as the rest of mankind – extortioners, unjust folks, adulterers – or even as this tax collector!
Luke 18:30
30 "who would not by all means be getting back and receiving many times more, in this season (or: fitting situation and opportunity; fertile moment), as well as eonian life (life that has the character and qualities of the Age; life whose source comes from the Age; or: life of and for the ages) within the Age which is progressively coming."
Luke 20:47
47 "folks who [in reality] are habitually devouring the houses (or: eating down the households) of the widows, and then in pretense (or: for a front which is put to make a show or an appearance for pretext) they are constantly making long prayers. These people will continue and progressively be receiving more excessive result of judgment (or: will get a more abundant effect of the separating and the decision)."
Luke 21:8
8 Now He replied, "Continue looking. You should not at any point be deceived or led astray. You see, many people will continue coming – on the [basis of] My name (i.e., claiming to be My representative and have My authority) – one after another saying, 'I am (or: I, myself, am [he; the one])!' and 'The appointed season (or: fitting situation) has drawn near and is now present!' You folks should not at any point go from place to place behind them.
John 1:47
47 Jesus saw Nathaniel progressively coming toward Him, and He begins saying about him, "Look, and pay attention: truly an Israelite, within whom exists (or: there continues being) no deceit (bait or contrivance for entrapping; fraud; guile)!"
John 4:14
14 "Yet whoever may (or: would) drink from out of the water which I, Myself, will be continuously giving to him will not repeatedly become thirsty, on into the age, but further, the water which I shall constantly give to (or: in) him will progressively come to be (or: repeatedly become; continuously birth itself) within him a spring (or: fountain) of water, constantly bubbling up (continuously springing and leaping up) into a life having the source, character and qualities of the Age (life of and for the ages; eonian life; = the life of the Messianic age)."
John 4:36
36 "Already (or: Even now) the one habitually reaping (normally or progressively harvesting) is constantly receiving (or: taking in his hand) a compensation (a wage; a reward; a payment), and is constantly (or: presently; progressively) gathering (collecting; bringing together) fruit into a life having the source, character and qualities of the Age (eonian life; life of and for the ages; eon-lasting life), so that the one habitually (or: progressively) sowing and the one habitually reaping (or: repeatedly harvesting) may be continually rejoicing together [in the same place or at the same time].
John 6:27
27 "Stop continuously working or doing business for the food which is continuously disintegrating of itself (loosing itself away; destroying itself), but rather [for] the Food continuously remaining (abiding; dwelling) into eonian Life (life originating from, existing in, having the characteristics and qualities of, the Age; age-enduring and eon-lasting life) which the Son of the Man (of Humanity; of the human; of mankind; or: = the Human Being) will continue giving to you (or: in you; for you) folks, for This One (or: This Man) Father God seals (or: for God, the Father, put [His] seal [showing ownership and/or approval and/or authority] upon a person [doing] this; or: you see, this One the Father sealed: God)."
John 7:18
18 "The one continuously speaking or randomly talking from himself is normally seeking his own reputation (or: glory); yet the One constantly seeking the reputation (or: glory) of the One sending Him, this One is true (continues being genuine and real), and dishonesty (injustice; that which is contrary to fairness, equity and rightwised relationships in the Way pointed out) does not exist within Him.
John 9:4
4 "It is constantly necessary (or: binding) for Me [other MSS: us] to be habitually performing the works (accomplishing the deeds; active in the acts; doing the business) of the One sending Me [other MSS: us] while it is day; night (or: a night; = darkness; cf Gen. 1:5) progressively (repeatedly; habitually) comes, when no one is able (or: has power) to continue performing work (accomplishing deeds; doing business).
John 12:35
35 Jesus then says to them, "The Light continues being (or: is) among you folks, yet a little time (= for a little while). Continue walking around (= living your lives; = order your behavior) while you folks continue having the Light, so that Darkness (the dim shadow-land of obscurity; = the ignorance of the system of shadows) can (or: could; would) not grasp you with force and take you folks down. And the one constantly walking around within the Darkness has not seen nor does he know under what place he progressively leads [his path] (or: where he is humbly going; where he is constantly withdrawing).
John 13:14-15
14 "If I Myself, then, the Lord and the Teacher, wash your feet, you men also are constantly indebted (obliged; continuously owe it) to be habitually washing one another's feet,
15 "for I give (or: gave) an underlying example (or: result of something pointed out as a specimen or illustration shown under your eyes) to you folks, so that just (accordingly; correspondingly) as I Myself do (or: did) for (to; in; among) you, you men should also be repeatedly doing.
John 13:34
34 "I am giving to you men a new implanted goal (an inward purposed directive different from that which had been formerly; an impartation of a finished product and destiny that is new in kind and character): that you folks are to be continuously and progressively loving (or: should constantly love and accept) one another, just as(correspondingly as; to the same level as; in the sphere as) I love you folks so that you also may constantly (or: would habitually) love and accept one another.
John 14:27
27 "I am continuously sending off (releasing away; hurling off) peace to (or: for; by; in; with) you people. My peace I am constantly giving to you (or: in, by, for you folks). I Myself am not giving [it] to you the way (or: according as) the System (the world of religion, politics and culture) continually gives [it]. Do not let your heart be constantly shaken, disturbed or agitated, neither let it be habitually timid (shrinking, as with palpitations; responding cowardly). [compare Deut. 31:8; Josh. 1:9]
John 15:12
12 "This is My implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; interior purpose and destiny): that you keep on loving and accepting one another – correspondingly as (to the same degree as; in the same sphere as) I love and accept you folks.
John 16:33
33 "I have spoken these things to you so that you may continuously have (hold; possess) peace centered in, within the midst of and in union with Me. Within the System (controlling world of culture, religion, economy and government) you normally have pressure and stress (or: continually have squeezing; repeatedly have tribulation and oppression), but nonetheless, be confident and take courage! I Myself have overcome and conquered the System (dominating world; organized arrangement of religion and society) so that it stands a completed victory!"
Acts 15:1
1 Later, certain men, having come down from Judea, began teaching the brothers that, "Unless you folks should (or: would) get circumcised within (or: by) the custom of Moses [D reads: and should habitually walk (= order your lives) in (by) the custom of Moses], you continue without power to be saved (or: you continue unable to be healed, made whole or returned to the original state and condition)."
Acts 15:5
5 Yet certain men from the sect of the Pharisees – being ones who had believed and were now trusting – stood up out of the midst, [as a group] saying that it continues binding and necessary for them [i.e., the non-Jews] to continue with circumcision, besides to continue to be observing the Law of Moses.
Acts 15:24
24 "Since we hear (or: heard) that certain folks going out from among us disturbed (agitated; troubled; perplexed) you folks with words (or: by messages; in thoughts) progressively dismantling (breaking up the camp of; bankrupting by removing the furniture of; remodeling) your inner lives (souls) – to whom we of ourselves gave no distinctive decision, thorough arrangement, determined instruction or assignment –
Acts 20:23-24
23 "except that down through each city (or: from city to city) the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) keeps repeatedly giving full witness and evidence to me, continually saying that bonds (= imprisonments) and pressures (oppressions; afflictions; tribulations) continue remaining and are still awaiting me.
24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God).
Romans 1:7
7 to (or: for) all those being in Rome: God’s loved ones (folks dearly loved of God), set-apart (holy) called ones, joyous grace and peace to you (or: favor and harmony [= shalom] [are] in and with you) from God, our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: from our Father God, and [the] Master, Jesus Christ; or: from God our Father, even [the] Owner – [the] Anointed Jesus).
Romans 1:16
16 For you see, I am not in the habit of being ashamed of (= I am proud of and thrilled about) the Good News (message of goodness, ease and well-being), for it continues being (or: is) God’s power (ability; capacity) [leading] into deliverance (being rescued; salvation; health and wholeness; restoration to the original state and condition) – in everyone (for everyone; to everyone) continuously having faith and trusting (or: believing and relying upon [it]): for (to; in) [the] Jew first, also for (to; in) [the] Greek (or: Hellenist; = non-Jew) –
Romans 2:6-9
6 Who will progressively award in each person (or: give back to each one; pay for each one) down from (in line with; in accord to; to the level of) his works (actions; deeds):
Romans 2:6-10
6 Who will progressively award in each person (or: give back to each one; pay for each one) down from (in line with; in accord to; to the level of) his works (actions; deeds):
7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages).
Romans 2:7-10
7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages).
Romans 2:7
7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages).
8 Yet, on the other hand, in those (to those; for those) out of a work for ambitious, factious or contentious purposes, and in (or: by) being continuously incompliant (disobedient; unwilling to be persuaded) to (or: by) the Truth (reality; veritable essence), but constantly compliant (obedient; persuaded) in, to, by and for the injustice (inequity; that which is not in accord with the Way pointed out), [there will be] personal emotion (or: inherent fervor; passionate impulse; anger; indignation; wrath; a habit of mind; a mental bent or disposition) and rushing of feelings (or: intense passion of the mind; violent breathing; glowing animation; turbulent commotion of the mind; or: rage; fury),
Romans 2:8-10
8 Yet, on the other hand, in those (to those; for those) out of a work for ambitious, factious or contentious purposes, and in (or: by) being continuously incompliant (disobedient; unwilling to be persuaded) to (or: by) the Truth (reality; veritable essence), but constantly compliant (obedient; persuaded) in, to, by and for the injustice (inequity; that which is not in accord with the Way pointed out), [there will be] personal emotion (or: inherent fervor; passionate impulse; anger; indignation; wrath; a habit of mind; a mental bent or disposition) and rushing of feelings (or: intense passion of the mind; violent breathing; glowing animation; turbulent commotion of the mind; or: rage; fury),
9 pressure (affliction; trouble; tribulation; ordeal) and squeezed narrowness (tight restriction; distress; anguish) – upon every soul of mankind which is persistently in himself working down and effecting the bad (the ugly; the worthless; the evil; the injurious; the bad situation; the worthless quality; the malicious intent) – both of a Jew, first, and also of a Greek (or: one of the Hellenist culture);
Romans 2:9-10
9 pressure (affliction; trouble; tribulation; ordeal) and squeezed narrowness (tight restriction; distress; anguish) – upon every soul of mankind which is persistently in himself working down and effecting the bad (the ugly; the worthless; the evil; the injurious; the bad situation; the worthless quality; the malicious intent) – both of a Jew, first, and also of a Greek (or: one of the Hellenist culture);
10 but yet glory (a manifestation of that which calls forth praise; a credible reputation) and honor (value; worth) and peace (or: harmony; [=Shalom]) in, to, for and with everyone habitually working and accomplishing in himself the Good (or: the virtuous and excellent) both in, to, and for a Jew, first, and also in, to and for a Greek (or: Hellenist);
Romans 2:17-25
17 So since (or: But if; [other MSS: Consider this,]) you yourself are habitually calling (naming; classifying) yourself a Jew and are continuing to rest (lean back) upon [the] Law (= Torah), and are even from time to time boasting (expressing pride) in God,
18 and you are progressively knowing the Will by personal experience and insight, and are constantly testing in order to prove (or: approve) the things that habitually carry through (i.e., the essential things which matter and are different in that they are of greater value), while being a person regularly undergoing oral instruction from out of the Law (= Torah),
19 [and] likewise (or: besides) you have confidence in yourself (or: you have persuaded yourself) to be a guide or an escort of blind folks on the way or in the path; a light within [the] darkness (obscurity of the shadow areas; dimness of the gloom), 20. a trainer (instructor; corrector; discipliner; educator) of senseless ones (folks without will, heart or guts; imprudent ones; foolish ones); a teacher of infants (ones not yet able to speak), while habitually having (or: holding) the outward form (rough sketch; outline; framework; semblance) of the experiential knowledge and of the truth (or: reality) within, or in union with, the Law (= Torah)...
Romans 2:21-25
21 You then, the one habitually teaching another (a different one), are not habitually teaching yourself! You, the one constantly preaching (proclaiming; heralding), “Do not steal,” are habitually stealing!
22 The person continually saying not to be committing adultery, you are habitually committing adultery! You, the one repeatedly detesting idols (responding to forms, shapes or concepts as an abomination, as something that is foul and stinks), are in the habit of robbing temples (despoiling or profaning the sanctuary)! [note: vss. 21-22 can also be rendered as questions]
23 You who are boasting in law (or: [the] Law [= Torah]; or: a law), through the transgression of (stepping across the line of; stepping to the side of; deviating from) the Law, you are constantly dishonoring (devaluing) God,
24 for according as it has been, and stands, written [in the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures)], "Because of you, God’s NAME [Yahweh?] is continuously being blasphemed (vilified; misrepresented; slandered; given a false image which hinders the Light) among the ethnic multitudes (nations; non-Jews; Gentiles)." [Isa. 52:5; Ezk. 36:20]
25 Now you see, circumcision, indeed, continues being beneficial (continues to profit, to help), if you should continue practicing (or: observing) [the] Law (= Torah). But if you should be a transgressor (side-stepper; violator) of [the] Law, your circumcision (cutting around) has become uncircumcision (literally: the foreskin).
Romans 2:28
28 for you see, the Jew is not the one in the visibly apparent or outwardly manifest (or: For not he in the outward appearance is a Jew), neither [is] circumcision that [which is] visibly apparent (outwardly manifest) in flesh (= in body),
Romans 2:28-29
28 for you see, the Jew is not the one in the visibly apparent or outwardly manifest (or: For not he in the outward appearance is a Jew), neither [is] circumcision that [which is] visibly apparent (outwardly manifest) in flesh (= in body),
29 but rather, a Jew [is] the one within the hidden [place] (or: [that which is] in the concealed [realm]) and circumcision [is] of [the] heart (= core of our being) – in union with Breath-effect (or: within [the] spirit; in attitude), not in letter – whose praise (applause; full recommendation; [note play on words: Jew is a derivative of "Judah," which means "praise"]) [is] not from out of mankind (humanity), but rather from out of God.
Romans 3:4-6
4 Certainly not! (May it not come to be!) Now God must repeatedly come to be true (or: let God continually be birthed genuine and real), though every man [is] a liar – even as it has been written: "So that You should be justified (seen as fair and equitable – in accord with the way pointed out) within Your words (or: sayings), and You will repeatedly overcome (conquer) within the [situation or time for] You to be periodically judged and decided about (or: You will be wining the case when You are tried)." [Ps. 51:4 & 6]
5 However (or: But; Now) if our injustice (disregard for what is right; behavior contrary to the Way pointed out) continues to stand together with (is jointly establishing; habitually commends) God’s solidarity in fair and equitable dealings ([covenantal] justice; Way pointed out; rightwised direction), what shall we continue saying (or: declaring)? God, the One continuously bringing the personal emotion (inherent fervor; impulse; or: wrath; anger; indignation), [is] not unjust! – after the manner of a man (down from [my] humanity) I normally say, "Certainly not (May it not come to be)!" (or: [Is] not God, the One repeatedly bringing on the personal emotion against mankind or anger in correspondence to humanity, unjust? I repeatedly say, "It can't happen!"; or: God [is] not unfair by being the one constantly bringing this inherent fervor and impulse against a person. I am now saying, "It could not occur!")
6 Else (or: Otherwise), how is God constantly making decisions about and repeatedly judging (or, as a future: how will God separate, evaluate and be judging) the ordered System (the controlling world of society, economy, government and religion; human aggregate)?
Romans 3:9-19
9 What, then (or: therefore)? Do we continually hold an advantage (habitually have something ahead; or, as a passive: are we continually surpassed)? Not at all, for we already charged (previously accused) all mankind, both Jews and Greeks (or: Hellenists), to be (to continuously exist) under [the direction, power and control, or result, of] failure (the missing of the target by falling short or shooting astray through lack of skill and ability or by distraction; or: error; a mistake; sin),
10 according as it has been, and stands, written, "There is not a just man (there is none fair or in right relationship; or: No one exists being in accord with the Way pointed out), not even one!
11 "The one understanding does not exist (or: There is no man bringing it together to understand)! The one habitually seeking God does not exist (or: There is none continually looking for or repeatedly searching-out God).
12 "All bend out of the regular line (turn aside; or: avoid [God]), [and] at the same time they are made useless; there is no one habitually doing useful kindness (or: kind usefulness); there is not as much as one. [Ps. 14:1-3; 53:1-3]
13 "Their throat [is] an opened grave; by their tongues they were consistently baiting for entrapment (or: to deceive); [Ps. 5:9] venom of asps (vipers) [is] under their lips, [Ps. 140:3]
14 "whose mouth constantly is crammed full of a wishful curse and of bitterness. [Ps. 10:7]
15 "Their feet [are] swift (or: sharp) to pour out blood.
16 "The results of crushing (bruising; shattering) and misery (wretchedness) [are] in their paths (or: ways),
17 "and the road of peace (path or way of shalom) they do not experience (intimately know). [Isa. 59:7-8; Prov. 1:16]
18 "There is no fear of or respect for God before (in front of) their eyes." [Ps. 36:1]
19 But we know from having seen that whatever the Law ([Torah]; or: custom) continues saying, it continues speaking to and for those within the Law (or: custom) – to the end that every mouth may be shut (fenced in; hedged around; stopped; barred; silenced)! And so all the world (ordered System of religion, culture, economy, and government; or: secular society; or: = all humanity) can come to be "under fair and equitable dealings," in God (or: would become subject to a just decision and a pointing out of the Way, by God; or: should come to be liable to God, "under what is right"; or: may be brought to a just trial with God).
Romans 4:12
12 and as well, a father of [the] Circumcision, [yet] not to (or: for) those out of circumcision only, but rather also to (for; in; by; with) those continuously advancing in line with the elements of the faith (or: walking orderly by the first principles of trust and reliant allegiance) – in the footprints of our father Abraham – within uncircumcision (or: in uncircumcision, in union with the footprints of the faith of our father Abraham).
Romans 6:2
2 Certainly not (May it not come to be; May it not happen)! We, the very ones who once died by the Sin (or: died with the Sin; die in deviation; died with reference to missing the target; died to failure; die in error), how shall we [other MSS: could we] still (or: yet) continue living within it, centered in it, or in union with it?
Romans 6:6
6 while constantly knowing this by intimate experience, that our old, former humanity is crucified together (or: was simultaneously and jointly impaled and put to death on an execution stake) with [Him], to the end that the body of the Sin (the body belonging to the failure; the corporal manifestation that pertains to the deviation; the group of people [Adam] who missed the target) could and would be rendered useless and inoperative (idled-down to be unproductive; made null, inactive and unemployed), for us to no longer continually be a slave to the Sin (or: perform as a slave in the failure, for the Sin, or by deviating and thus missing the goal),
Romans 6:13
13 Also stop constantly placing your members (or: body parts) alongside (providing and presenting them) [as] tools (or: instruments) of injustice (disregard for what is right; activities discordant to the Way pointed out); but rather, you folks at once place yourselves alongside for disposal to God (or: stand yourselves with God, at [His] side; by and in God, present yourselves; set yourselves alongside [each other], for God) as it were being folks continually alive forth from out of the midst of dead ones, and your members [as] tools (instruments) of fair and equitable dealing in the Way pointed out in and by God (of justice and solidarity, for God; of being turned in the right direction, to God; of rightwised covenant relationships with God),
Romans 6:21-22
21 What fruit, then, were you having (did you used to hold or possess) at that time, upon which [situation or condition] you folks now continue to be ashamed and embarrassed? For, indeed, the outcome (the end; the goal; the fruition; the consummation; the destiny) of those things [is] death.
22 But now being folks set free from the Sin (from failure; from error; from missing the target; from deviation) yet being enslaved by (to; in; for) God, you folks continue having (habitually hold and possess) your fruit unto the quality and sphere of being set-apart (into a sacred difference). Now the outcome (goal, end and destiny) [of this is] life which belongs to, is proper to, pertains to and is connected to the Age (eonian life; Life of and for the ages).
Romans 8:1
1 Nothing, consequently, [is] now a result of condemnation in (or: a commensurate effect of a decision for; a corresponding result of a negative evaluation which falls in line with a decision or follows the pattern which divides [folks] down, with) those within Christ Jesus (or: [There is] not one thing [that is] really now an effect of a downward-judging to, in or with the folks in union with [the] Anointing of Jesus)! [A, D & later MSS here add: {They} are not habitually walking around (= living their lives) in accord with (or: corresponding to) flesh] [Aleph2, D2 & later MSS here add: but to the contrary, in the sphere of spirit and attitude (or: Breath-effect; or: {the} Spirit).]
2 For the principle and law of, from and which is the spirit and attitude of 'The Life within Christ Jesus' (or: For you see, the Law of Life’s spirit, joined with [the] Anointing of Jesus; or: For the Spirit’s law of life within Christ Jesus; or: the Law [= Torah] from the Breath-effect, which is Life in union with [the] Anointed Jesus) frees you away from the Law of the Sin (or: the principle of failure and the missing of the target; the code of behavior that produces error; the principle of deviation from the goal) and the Death (or: immediately set you [other MSS: me] at liberty from the law that deals with and has the character of sin and death). [comment: = the principle of the old Adamic life, and Israel's Torah]
Romans 8:6
6 For the result of the thinking (mind-set; effect of the way of thinking; disposition; result of understanding and inclination; the minding; the opinion; the thought; the outlook) of the flesh (= the human condition or the System of culture and cultus; or: = outward Torah ceremony) [is; brings] death, yet the result of the thinking (mind-set; disposition; thought and way of thinking; outlook) of the spirit (or: the Spirit; the Breath-effect; the Attitude) [is; brings] Life and Peace.
Romans 8:13
13 for you see, if you folks are continuously living down on the level of, and in accord with, flesh (= the alienated self, or, the system of flesh sacrifices and Torah observance), you are progressively about to be dying away. Yet since (or: if) in spirit (or: by [the] Breath-effect; with [His] Spirit; for [the] Attitude), you folks constantly put to death (or: deprive of life; extirpate) the practices and activities of the body (= works of flesh traditions; Torah cultus) you will continue living (or: will be continuously living and progressively possessed of vitality).
Romans 9:6-8
6 Yet [it is] not such as that God's Word has fallen out (thus: = failed in its purpose), for in consideration of all the folks [springing] forth from out of Israel – not [all] these folks [are] Israel!
7 Neither because they exist being seed of Abraham [are] all children! But rather (or: To the contrary), "In Isaac shall a seed (= a descendant) continue being called in you (or: For you, a seed will continue being named in Isaac; To you, offspring will continue being invited in union with Isaac)." [Gen. 21:12]
8 That is, [some MSS: That is because] the children of the flesh (= those born physically by humans; or: = the self that is produced by influence from the alienated System) – these [are] not the children of God! But rather, “the children of The Promise” is He continually considering into [being] seed (or: He is constantly counting into [the] Seed; [that] is habitually reckoned and reasonably concluded for a seed).
Romans 12:3
3 For, through the grace and favor being suddenly given to me, I am saying to (or: for) everyone being among you folks not to be continually over-opinionated or elated (to be constantly hyper-thinking to the point of being haughty, arrogant or having a sense of superiority; to be habitually over-thinking issues; to constantly mind things above; to be overweening) beyond what is necessary (binding; proper), but rather to think (mind; be disposed) into the disposition to be sane and of a sound mind, as God divides and distributes (or: parted) to, in and for each one a measure of faith (a meted amount of firm persuasion; a measured portion of trust; a [specific or allotted] ration of confidence and loyalty).
Romans 12:16
16 n this very same vein, continue being folks who are focusing your thinking into one another: not being those constantly setting their minds on the high positions or elite social statuses (or: don't be corporately arrogant), but rather, being folks consistently led away together to the low, humble ones (or: by the humble people; in the low things; = associate with folks of low social standing). You folks must not habitually become people of a particular mind-set (or: Stop engendering corporate arrogance or producing opinionated folks) side-by-side with, and among, yourselves (or: = Stop being those who are wise or conceited in their own opinions and in their own eyes)!
Romans 13:14
14 but rather, you folks must clothe yourselves with (or: enter within and put on) the Lord, Jesus Christ, and stop (or: do not continue) making forethought (constructing provision; planning ahead; performing provident care) into excessive desires of the flesh (= into rushing upon emotions which pertain to the inner self or the estranged humanity; = into the setting of feelings and longings upon something of the human nature that is oriented to the System).
Romans 14:1
1 So constantly reach toward and receive in your arms (take as a companion, admit to your society and friendship, and partner with) the one continuing without strength in the faith (the person weak in trust, confidence and loyalty) – not [putting him] into separated distinctions (or: discriminations) based upon or pertaining to opinions (or: reasoned considerations; thought processes; dialogues or disputes; things being thought through; thoroughly considered and settled accounts).
Romans 14:10-12
10 But you! Why are you constantly judging (discriminating against; separating away; making a decision about) your brother (= fellow believer; or: = fellowman)? Or why are you also habitually making light of (making nothing out of; setting at naught; treating with scorn or contempt) your brother? For you see, we will all continue standing in attendance alongside on God's elevated place (platform or stage which is ascended by steps, from which one speaks in a public assembly; or: we will all repeatedly present ourselves at the seat, dais or throne which is God [some MSS: Christ]),
11 for it has been written, "I, Myself, am continuously living. The Lord [= Yahweh] is saying that in Me (by Me; to Me; for Me) every knee will repeatedly bend in worship, or, to sit down (or: I live, says the Lord, because every knee will repeatedly bend to sit down in Me), and every tongue will continue to agree, bind itself and promise to God (speak out of the same word in God; publicly acclaim/acknowledge God; openly profess by God)." [Isa. 45:23]
12 Consequently, then, each one of us will continue giving a word (presenting a message; rendering an account) about himself to God (or: for God; by God; in God).
Romans 15:1
1 Now we ourselves, the able ones (the powerful people), owe and thus are constantly obliged (or: are continually indebted) to pick up and habitually carry (or: embrace) the weaknesses (the results of being without strength) of the unable ones (the powerless or disabled people; the incapable), and not to constantly be pleasing ourselves.
Romans 15:27
27 For they take delight and were well-pleased, and are their debtors, for since the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the Gentiles; the non-Jews) have common participation and shared existence in their spiritual things, they also continue indebted to perform communal service to and for them in things pertaining to the material life (or: fleshly things).
Romans 16:20
20 And now the God Who is The Peace (the God of harmony Who is the source of shalom; the God whose character and quality is this peace) will progressively rub together, trample and crush the adversary (beat the opponent to jelly; shatter satan) under your feet swiftly! The grace and joyous favor of our Lord Jesus [is, and continues] with you folks.
Romans 16:22
22 – I, Tertius, the one [being the amanuensis (or: scribe; secretary) and] writing down the letter, am greeting you in [the] Lord –
23 Gaisu, my host, and the whole of the called-out assembly, greets you. Erastus, the city manager (administrator; steward) greets you. Also Quartus, the brother. [vs. 24 – omitted by the oldest MSS – repeats vs. 20b]
1 Corinthians 1:12-13
12 Now I am saying this because each of you is habitually saying, "I, myself, am indeed [a follower] of Paul," yet [another], "I myself belong to Apollos," and [another], "As for me, I [am] of Cephas' [group]," but [another], "I, myself, [am] from Christ."
13 Christ has been parted and remains divided into fragments! (or, as a question: Has Christ been fragmented into divided parts?) Paul was not crucified over (on behalf of; [other MSS: concerning]) you folks! Or were you baptized (immersed) into the name of Paul?
1 Corinthians 1:23
23 Yet as for us, we are constantly proclaiming (habitually heralding) Christ: One having been terminally crucified (executed on a stake) – indeed, a trap-spring (or: a snare; thus: an obstacle or cause for stumbling or being ensnared) to (or: with; for; among) Jews (those of the Jewish culture and religion); yet stupidity (foolishness; nonsense) to (or: for) [the] multitudes (among [other] ethnic groups; in [the] nations; with the non-Jews),
1 Corinthians 1:29-31
29 so that no flesh [nature, government or religious system] – [including, or at] all – could boast in God's sight or presence (or: before God).
30 Now you folks are, and continuously exist being, forth from out of the midst of Him – within and in union with Christ Jesus, Who came to be (or: is birthed) wisdom in us (or: to us; for us) from God; likewise, both fairness and equity ([covenantal] relationship in the Way pointed out; rightwisedness – being turned in the right direction – and justice) and the essence of being set-apart to be different – even release by payment of a ransom (or: redemption) –
31 to the end that, correspondingly as it has been and stands written, "The one constantly boasting: let him habitually boast and constantly take pride in [the] Lord [= Yahweh]." [Jer. 9:23]
1 Corinthians 2:2
2 for I decided not to see or know anything among you folks, except Jesus Christ – and this One being one having been crucified (executed on a stake)!
1 Corinthians 2:15
15 Yet the spiritual person (one dominated by and focused on spirit or the realm of the Spirit, and characterized by the qualities of spirit: the Wind which continuously moves across the land; or: the pneumatic person) is, on the one hand, continuously sifting and re-evaluating (habitually separating and deciding from above on; progressively holding things up for close examination of) all things and all humanity, yet, on the other hand, he is being sifted and held up for close examination or decision by no one.
1 Corinthians 3:1
1 And I myself, brothers, was not able to speak to you folks as to spiritual ones (people having the effect of the Breath; folks controlled by the Attitude), but to the contrary as to fleshly folks (= ones who focus on that which affects the flesh; = natural people who live as alienated and estranged from God) – as to infants in Christ (or: non-speaking babies in [the] Anointing).
1 Corinthians 3:8
8 Now the one continually planting and the one continually irrigating are one (exist being a unit), yet each one will receive his own wage (pay; compensation) corresponding to his own labor (toil).
1 Corinthians 3:18
18 Let no one continue to be completely cheating, tricking, deceiving or deluding himself: if anyone among you folks habitually imagines (thinks; supposes; presumes) [himself] to be wise (to exist being a clever one) within this age (this era; this period of time), let him come to be (or: birth himself) stupid (dull; foolish; a fool) – to the end that he can come to be (or: may birth himself) wise.
1 Corinthians 3:21-23
21 Hence (or: And so), let no one continue boasting in people (in humanity), for all people are yours (or: all things pertain to you),
1 Corinthians 3:21
21 Hence (or: And so), let no one continue boasting in people (in humanity), for all people are yours (or: all things pertain to you),
22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas; whether [the] world (System of culture, religion, economy and politics or government), or life, or death; whether things standing or having been placed within [your situation], or things being about to be (impending things), all people and all things [are] yours (or: everything pertains to you, belongs to you, and [is] from you folks),
23 yet you folks [are] Christ's – yet Christ [is] God's! (or: Now you have your source and origin in [the] Anointed, and [the] Anointed has His source and origin in God; or: But you belong to [Messiah]; [Messiah] belongs to God.)
1 Corinthians 4:3-4
3 Now to (or: for) me, it is of little importance (a very trivial matter) that I am being constantly critiqued (sifted, critically reviewed and evaluated; put up for judgment) by you folks, or by a human day (= day of reckoning; man's tribunal or day in court). In contrast, by habit, neither do I set myself up for critique (or: review, evaluate or judge myself).
4 For, in and regarding (or: [as] to; for) myself, I have been conscious of nothing; but yet in this I have not been set forth as (or: made to be) fair and equitable (just and rightwised with right relationship in the Way pointed out). Now the One continually setting me up for evaluation (sifting, reviewing and deciding about me) is [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
5 Hence (or: And so), do not be constantly evaluating (or: stop judging, making decisions about or critiquing) anything before [its] season (before a fitting, due or appointed situation; prior to a fertile moment): until the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] would come – Who will continue giving light to (or: shine upon and illuminate) the hidden things of the Darkness (or: the hiding things which are things in the shadows and dimness of obscurity), and will progressively set in clear light (or: manifest) the intentions and purposes (designs, dispositions, motives and counsels) of the hearts – and then the praise and applause from God will repeatedly be birthed (will happen; come into being) in each human (or: for every person)!
6 Now I refashioned these things (or: transfer these things into a figure; change these things to a distinctive form; = changed the form of the metaphor), brothers – with a view to Apollos and myself – because of you folks, to the end that in us you could learn not to set your thoughts (be disposed; put your intellect and opinion; entertain sentiments) on things over and above things which have been written, so that you do not continue being puffed up – one over and above another, [and] down on the different one.
7 For who continues making you to discriminate (or: who is now thoroughly separating or dividing you through the midst, for evaluation; or: who is repeatedly discerning or distinguishing you; or: what makes you completely different and separated)? And what are you habitually holding (constantly having) which you did not receive? Now since (or: if) also you received [it], why do you continue boasting, as though not receiving [it]?
1 Corinthians 4:21
21 What do you folks want (presently desire; normally intend; by habit purpose)? Should I come to you people within [the realm of] a rod (staff; = with corrective measures), or within love, and in a spirit of gentle and tender kindness (or: meekness)?
1 Corinthians 5:6
6 The effect of your boast is not beautiful, fine, ideal or good form. Have you not seen so as to know that a little leaven (or: yeast) progressively leavens (permeates) [the] whole lump of dough (the result of that which has been uniformly mixed and kneaded together)?
1 Corinthians 6:9
9 Or have you not seen so as to know that unfair (unjust; inequitable; wrongly-turned) folks will not proceed to inherit a kingdom from God (or: receive an allotment in God's sovereign reign or activities)? Do not be repeatedly misled or constantly caused to wander (or: be deceived). Neither sexually licentious folks (paramours; fornicators), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor unmanly (effeminate; men who wear soft, delicate clothes; catamites; men or boys who allow themselves to be used homosexually), nor men who lie with and have sexual intercourse with males,
1 Corinthians 7:5
5 Do not habitually deprive (defraud; rob) one another, except anytime (or: unless perhaps) it should [be] from out of mutual consent (spoken agreement) with a view toward a specific period (or: appointed season; fertile situation or condition) so that you [both] may be at leisure in activities that lead toward having goodness and well-being (or: could be otherwise unoccupied for prayer; can give each other time for thoughts of ease or to be unemployed with a view to wellness), and then you [both] may proceed being [other MSS: should come together] again [putting your attention] upon this very thing [i.e., resume your physical relationship], so that the adversary (the opponent; the adversarial [situation or attitude]) may not keep on testing you (endeavoring to put you to the proof; trying you; tempting you) because of your lack of strength (through your lack of control; because of your incontinence). [note: continued sexual relations in marriage was a duty, under Jewish law and custom; failure to do so was grounds for divorce – Ex. 21:10-11]
1 Corinthians 7:19
19 The circumcision is nothing, and the uncircumcision is nothing – but to the contrary [what matters is the] observing and keeping of the goals implanted from God (or: the impartations of the finished product within, which is God; or: God’s inward directives to [His] end).
1 Corinthians 8:2
2 If anyone continues imagining (supposing; presuming) to have come to know anything through his experience, he not as yet knows according as it continues binding and necessary [for him] to personally know (or: he does not yet have insight to the level as he ought to have insight).
1 Corinthians 9:9-14
9 For within the Law of Moses it has been written: "You will not continue muzzling an ox (bull; cow) [that] is progressively treading in threshing." [Deut. 25:4] Is the attention and concern to (or: by) God [here perhaps] not about the oxen? (or: It is not a care with God that has reference to bulls!)
10 Or, is He saying [this] entirely because of us? Because of us! For it was written that the one progressively plowing ought normally (or: is constantly obliged) to be habitually plowing upon [the basis of] an expectation (or: expectant hope), and the person habitually threshing [to do so] on an expectation of the [result]: to continue participating in his share [of the produce].
11 Since, upon [the ground of] an expectation, we ourselves sowed the spiritual things in (to; for) you folks, [is it] a great thing if we ourselves shall reap a harvest of your fleshly things (= natural or material goods)?
12 Since, or if, others are continually sharing and participating in your privilege (right; authority), [why] not rather (or: all the more) we? But to the contrary, we do not (or: did not) make use of this right (privilege from being; authority), but rather we are habitually putting a roof over, and thus covering (perhaps: = putting up with) all people, and all things [or: situations], so that we should not give any hindrance to the progress of Christ's good news (or: would not offer any incision which blocks the way for the message of abundant goodness, wellness and fortunate ease which pertains to and has its origin in the Anointing, and which is the Anointed One).
13 Have you folks not seen so as to know that those habitually working at (performing the duties of; engaged in the business pertaining to) the sacred things of the temple are habitually eating from out of the things of the temple (the holy place of the sanctuary)? Those constantly sitting beside and attending to the altar are habitually sharing jointly in a portion of the altar (= the offerings sacrificed there).
14 Thus also, the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] thoroughly arranged for those habitually bringing down the announcement of the message of goodness (of the abundant wellness, good fortune and ease) to be continuously living from out of the message of goodness (= the announcement of ease, wellness and good fortune being the source of their living).
1 Corinthians 9:21
21 as without law (or: as lawless) – [though] not continually being without a law pertaining to God, but to the contrary, within a principle which is Christ (or: Christ's law; the custom which has the character and quality of Christ; or: [the] law which is [the] Anointing) – to those without law (for and with the lawless ones), to the end that I will progressively [other MSS: can; may; would] gain the folks without law (the lawless ones).
1 Corinthians 10:12
12 Consequently, let the person habitually supposing (thinking; imagining) to have taken a stand – and presuming to still be standing – be continually taking notice and observing so as to heed [that] he should (or: [and] he would) not fall.
1 Corinthians 11:28
28 So let a person habitually examine, test and evaluate himself (or: regularly approve and accept himself [i.e., his attitude and behavior in the occasion]), and in this manner let him be habitually eating from out of the loaf of bread and drinking from out of the cup,
1 Corinthians 13:2
2 Even if I am continuously holding light ahead of time (or: repeatedly have prophecy), and I may have seen, and thus know, all the secrets (or: every mystery) and all the intimate knowledge (or: insight; gnosis), and if I now continuously possess all the faith and trust – so as to repeatedly transport mountains (or: to change the place and position of mountain after mountain) – yet do not habitually possess (or: progressively have) love, I am (I exist being) nothing!
1 Corinthians 14:37
37 if anyone habitually presumes (continues in assuming; normally imagines [himself]) to be a prophet or a spiritual one, let him continue to fully know and acknowledge the things which I am now writing to you folks, because they are [the] Lords [= Christ's or Yahweh's] implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward, purposeful directives)!
1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Stop being led astray (or: Do not continue being deceived and caused to wander)! “Worthless associations, conversations or interminglings in a crowd (or: Companionships of corrupt quality [note: this can refer to sexual encounters]; Bad company or communication) habitually and progressively corrupt, decay, spoil and ruin useful habits, kind customs and profitable characters.” [note: a quote from a play by the poet Menander]
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Consequently, my beloved brothers, progressively come to be seated and settled folks – immovable and unswerving people – continuing to always be surrounded by more than enough (or: superabounding) within the midst of the Lord's work (= [Yahweh's or Christ's] deed or act), having seen and now knowing that your fatiguing labor (or: toil) does not exist without contents (is not empty) within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
1 Corinthians 16:21-23
21 This greeting to embrace you [is] in my hand – Paul's.
22 If anyone continues having no fondness or affection for the Lord, let him constantly be a person placed up [in prayer to be consecrated before the Lord] – [you see,] our Lord is present (has come).
23 The joyous favor and grace of the Lord Jesus, [the] Christ (or: [the] Anointed Master, Jesus,) [continues] with you folks!
2 Corinthians 1:5
5 because correspondingly as the effects and results of (or: from) the Christ's experiences and sufferings are progressively superabounding into (or: encompassing in full measure unto) us, in the same way, through the Christ (or: the Anointed One; [= the Messiah]; or: the Anointing), our calling [folks] to our side to give [them] help, relief, comfort and encouragement is also progressively superabounding so as to surround us in full quantity (or: the work of the Paraclete constantly environs in abundance from us, by the Anointing)!
2 Corinthians 1:12
12 For you see, our boasting (or: expression of being proud) is this – [and it is] the witness and testimony of our conscience: that within the midst of the System (world of religion, culture, economy, secular society and government), and especially (or: more exceedingly) in our relationship with you folks, we were turned back and caused to live our lives and conduct ourselves within, and in union with, God's simplicity [other MSS: quality and aspect of being set apart (holiness)] and clearness from a decision made in sunlight (or: a sincerity which is God) – and this not within fleshly wisdom or cleverness, but to the contrary, within the midst of and in union with God's grace (or: the favor from, and which is, God).
2 Corinthians 2:7
7 so that in its place – and to a greater degree – you folks are to extend grace and to perform as paracletes (call him alongside to give aid, relief, encouragement, comfort and consolation), lest somehow such a person may be swallowed up by more excessive anxiety (or: drunk down in, and to, more abundant sorrow, grief, pain, distress and sadness).
2 Corinthians 3:5
5 – not that we are competent (adequately enough; sufficiently qualified) from ourselves to logically evaluate or count anything as it were forth from out of ourselves – but to the contrary, our competency (adequacy; sufficiency; qualification) [is] forth from out of the midst of (having its source in) God,
2 Corinthians 4:1
1 Because of this – while continuously possessing (having and holding) this attending service and dispensing of provision – correspondingly as we were mercied (shown mercy), we do not habitually behave with a bad attitude, or perform in a worthless manner, or act from out of a mood or motive that is poor in quality, or, become discouraged.
2 Corinthians 4:10
10 at all times continuously carrying around (or: bearing about) among the body Jesus' being put to death (or: within [our] body the deadening, or the state of death, which comes from Jesus; or: within the midst of the body the dying associated with Jesus), to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; would) be set in clear light and manifested, within our body (or: in the midst of the body, which is us)!
2 Corinthians 4:16
16 For this reason we do not habitually behave with a bad attitude, or perform in a worthless manner, or act from out of a mood that is poor in quality, or become discouraged. But to the contrary, even if (or: since also) our outside person (or: outer humanity) is being progressively wasted away (is constantly being decayed and brought to ruin and corruption), certainly our inside [person] (= inner humanity or self) is day by day (or: from day to day; on a daily basis) being progressively made new again (or: renewed) in kind and quality so as to have a different character that is fresh and effective.
2 Corinthians 5:10-11
10 for it continues (or: is repeatedly) necessary for us – the all (= the whole of humanity) – to be manifested in front of Christ's elevated place (a step, platform, stage, or place ascended by steps to speak in public assembly in the center of a city; or: = an official bench of a judge or public official), to the end that each one may himself take into kindly keeping, for care and provision (= be responsible for), the things [done] through (or: by means of; or: [during our] passing through [with]) the body – [oriented] toward what things he practices (or: she accomplished), whether good or bad, whether serviceable or inefficient, whether fair or foul, whether capable or careless. (or: for you see that it continues binding for us all to be set in light so as to be clearly seen in the presence of the judgment seat which is Christ, so that each should keep and provide for the things performed through the body, with a view to, and face to face with, what things [were practiced], whether virtuous or vile).
11 Being, then, folks having seen and thus knowing the Lord's fear (or: the respectful fear from, and which is, the Owner and Master [= Christ]; the respect and reverence pertaining to or coming from [Yahweh]), we are constantly persuading mankind (habitually convincing people; one after another making humans confident). So we have been, and thus remain, manifested (set in the light so as to be clearly seen) in God (by God; for God; to God; with God), yet I am also continually expecting (or: hoping expectantly) to have been manifested within your consciences.
2 Corinthians 5:14-16
14 for you see, Christ's love (urge for accepting reunion) continuously holds us together. [We are] deciding (discerning; judging) this: that [some MSS add: since] One Person (or: Man) died over [the situation of] all mankind (or: for the sake of all); consequently all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humanity died).
15 And further, He died over all humanity (over [the situation] of, and for the sake of all) to the end that those living may (or: could; would) no longer live for themselves (to themselves; in themselves; by themselves), but rather for (or: in; by; to; with) the One dying and then being awakened and raised up over them (over their [situation]; for their sakes),
16 so that we, from the present moment (or: from now) [on], have seen and thus know (or: perceive; or: are acquainted [with]) no one on the level of (or: in the sphere of; in correspondence to) flesh (= the estranged human nature; = the self enslaved to the System), if even we have intimately, by experience, known Christ ([the] Anointed One) on the level of flesh (or: = in the sphere of estranged humanity; or: = in correspondence to a self oriented to the System), nevertheless we now (in the present moment) no longer continue [thus] knowing [Him or anyone].
17 Consequently, since someone [is] within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with [the] Anointed One; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ), [there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of a different kind; [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New things have come into existence (have been birthed; or: It has become new things; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [note: cf Rev. 21:5]
2 Corinthians 9:6
6 Now this [is the reality]: the person who is habitually sowing sparingly (in a limited way) will also continue reaping (or: harvesting) sparingly; and the person who is habitually sowing on [the basis of] good thoughts and words (or: with or for added blessings; or: bountifully; with things well and fully laid out and arranged for ease) will also continue reaping upon [those] good thoughts and words (or: with added blessings; or: bountifully; with things well laid out and arranged for added ease) –
2 Corinthians 10:1
1 Now I myself, Paul, am making a personal appeal in continuing to call you to my side to encourage and entreat you folks through Christ's gentle friendliness (mildness; meekness) and lenient reasonableness (or: considerateness with full probability for being suitable for a situation) – I, who indeed [am] humble and lowly when face to face (= in person) among you, yet, being absent, am constantly showing courage and confidence unto you –
2 Corinthians 10:12
12 Of course we are not daring to classify ourselves among, nor compare or explain ourselves with, some of those setting themselves together for commendation. But in fact they, themselves, are constantly measuring themselves among (or: within) themselves, and are repeatedly comparing themselves with themselves – they continue not comprehending or understanding!
2 Corinthians 11:12-13
12 So what I am habitually doing I will still continue doing, to the end that I can cut out the starting point, base of operations, and occasion of those repeatedly wanting and intending a starting point (base of operations, or, an occasion), so that they can be found within that which they are constantly boasting – even just as we!
2 Corinthians 11:12
12 So what I am habitually doing I will still continue doing, to the end that I can cut out the starting point, base of operations, and occasion of those repeatedly wanting and intending a starting point (base of operations, or, an occasion), so that they can be found within that which they are constantly boasting – even just as we!
13 For such folks [are] false emissaries (pseudo-representatives) – fraudulent and deceitful workers – constantly changing their outward fashion and transforming themselves into emissaries of Christ (representatives of [the] Anointed One).
2 Corinthians 11:13
13 For such folks [are] false emissaries (pseudo-representatives) – fraudulent and deceitful workers – constantly changing their outward fashion and transforming themselves into emissaries of Christ (representatives of [the] Anointed One).
2 Corinthians 11:18
18 since many folks are habitually boasting – according to the flesh (or: = on the level of the natural being; or: = in the sphere of estranged humanity) – I myself should also boast,
2 Corinthians 11:23-25
23 Are they Christ's attending servants? – I am speaking as one being beside himself (or: insane) – I [am] over and above [them] (or: I, more so; = I surpass [them])! In toilsome labors and weariness more exceedingly; in prisons and jails more often; in blows (stripes or beatings) surpassingly; in deaths many times (= in near-death situations often).
24 Five times by Jews I received forty [stripes; lashes], less one.
25 Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked – I have done night and day within the midst of the depth [of the sea], even hitting bottom;
2 Corinthians 12:10-11
10 Wherefore I habitually delight and take pleasure within weaknesses (or: in union with lack of strength or infirmity); in the midst of outrageous insults and ignominious situations of mistreatment; in union with pressured necessities; in the midst of pursuits for persecution and cramped situations over and on behalf of Christ, for whenever I continue being (or: may periodically be) weak, then I am powerful (or: I then exist being capable)!
11 I have become unreasonable (senseless; imprudent; foolish) – you, yourselves, compel me (press and force me; = drive me to it!) – for I myself ought to have been being constantly recommended (placed together with and commended) by you folks, because not even in one thing did I come behind (or: am I deficient from or inferior to) the "very-overly" [pretentious and condescending] emissaries (or: representatives), even though I am nothing (or: since I also exist being nothing!).
2 Corinthians 12:11-11
11 I have become unreasonable (senseless; imprudent; foolish) – you, yourselves, compel me (press and force me; = drive me to it!) – for I myself ought to have been being constantly recommended (placed together with and commended) by you folks, because not even in one thing did I come behind (or: am I deficient from or inferior to) the "very-overly" [pretentious and condescending] emissaries (or: representatives), even though I am nothing (or: since I also exist being nothing!).
2 Corinthians 13:5
5 Keep on examining and making trial of yourselves, since you exist being in union with the confidence and faith (or: whether you continue being [and thus, living] within the midst of trust); repeatedly test and assay yourselves so as to approve of yourselves and come to meet the desired specifications. Or are you not now fully aware nor presently recognizing yourselves, with accurate insight: that Jesus Christ constantly exists being within the midst of and in union with you people? – since you are surely not unable to stand the test, nor are you disapproved or disqualified! (or: – except you are somewhat disqualified.)
2 Corinthians 13:14
14 The grace from, and joyous favor of, the Lord – Jesus Christ – and (or: even) the love of God (or: the unambiguous, uniting acceptance and participation from, which is, and has the character of, God), and the common-existence partnership, sharing, communion and participation of the set-apart Breath-effect (or: of and from the Holy Spirit; or: which is a sacred spirit and attitude) [continue being] with all of you folks. It is so (Count on it; Amen)! [written circa A.D. 56 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
Galatians 1:3
3 In, for and with you folks [are] (or: To you people [be]) grace and joyous favor, as well as peace (= shalom), from God, our Father and Owner, Jesus Christ (or: from our Father God, even [the] Lord, Jesus Christ; or: from God our Father, and [the] Master, Jesus [the] Anointed)
4 – the One at one point giving Himself, over [the situation of] (or: on behalf of; for the sake of; [p46, Aleph*, A, D & other MSS read: concerning]) our failures (situations and occasions of falling short or to the side of the target; deviations; mistakes; errors; sins) so that He could carry us out from the midst of the present misery-gushing and worthless age (or: bear us forth from the indefinite period of time – characterized by toil, grievous plights and bad situations – having taken a stand in [our] midst; or: extricate us from the space of time having been inserted and now standing in union with base qualities), corresponding to (or: down from; in accord with; in line with; in the sphere and to the level of) the effect of the will (or: intent; purpose; design) of our God and Father,
Galatians 1:7
7 But instead that there are certain folks – the ones constantly agitating (stirring up; disturbing) you folks – even repeatedly wanting (or: intending) to alter and distort (turn so as to change; pervert) Christ's message of goodness, ease and well-being (or: the good news which is the Anointed One; or: the evangel about and from the [Messiah]).
Galatians 2:3
3 However, not even Titus – the one with me – was compelled or even strongly urged to be circumcised, although being a Greek!
Galatians 2:6
6 Now from those continuing to be disposed to thinking and imagination (or: from those being supposed to continue with a reputation; or: from the folks yet forming opinions) – whatever sort of men they formerly (or: once) were being matters nothing (makes no difference; carries nothing through) to me (or: for me) [because] God is not in the habit of receiving a person's face (= taking people at face value; or: responding to man's outward appearance or presentation). So you see, those continuing to be disposed to thinking and imagination (or: those being supposed to continue with a reputation; those yet forming opinions) of themselves put nothing new forward for me (or: from themselves placed forward [as a suggestion] nothing back in me; = contributed or added nothing to me).
Galatians 2:11-13
11 Now when Cephas came into Antioch, I stood in opposition to him in relation to the appearance of the external situation (or: I resisted him face to face; or: I stood face to face with him, on his behalf), because he was continuing in a state of having been discovered to be down [over an issue] (or: he was now one having condemned himself from a negative experience; or: was being found at fault),
12 for you see, prior to the coming of some from Jacob (or: James), he had been habitually eating together with those of the multitudes (the nations; the non-Jewish ethnic groups; the Gentiles). Yet when they came, he began steadily withdrawing, and continued separating by marking off boundaries for himself, constantly fearing those from among [the] Circumcision (= the Jewish culture and religion).
13 And so the rest of the Jews also, as a group, came under the decision to separate with (or: to) him, so that even Barnabas was jointly brought along (or: led away together) by their [Law]-based separation (or: their perverse judgment which ended in a base decision; or: = legalistic behavior).
14 But then, when I saw that they did not continue walking straight (having a straight foot [print]; walking an upright course) toward the Truth (or: face to face with the reality) of message of goodness and ease, I said to Cephas, in front of everyone (or: all),"If you, being inherently a Jew, are now habitually living as the ethnic multitudes (like the nations; as a Gentile), and not like a Jew, how is it [that] you are continuing to compel (to strongly urge) the multitudes (the nations; the non-Jewish ethnic groups; the Gentiles) to be now Judaizing (progressively living according to Jewish custom and religion)?
Galatians 2:20
20 I was crucified together with Christ [= the Messiah], and thus it remains (or: I have been jointly put on the execution stake in [the] Anointed One, and continue in this state), yet I continue living! [It is] no longer I, but it is Christ continuously living and alive within me! (or: No longer an "I" – now Christ constantly lives in the midst of, and in union with, me). Now that which I, at the present moment, continue living within flesh (= a physical body), I am constantly living within faith, trust and confidence – in and by that [faith] which is the Son of God (or: in union with the trust and confidence that is from God’s Son [with other MSS: in the confidence belonging to God and Christ]), the One loving me and giving Himself over to another for the sake of me (or: even transmitting Himself, over my [situation and condition]; or: also passing Himself along for me).
Galatians 3:7-9
7 Be assured consequently, by your experiential knowledge and insight, (or, as an indicative: Surely you are coming to know) that the folks [springing] forth from out of the midst of faith (or: whose source is trust and confidence), these are Abraham's sons!
8 Now the Scripture – seeing before [as a picture] that God is progressively putting the nations in rightwised relationship (setting the ethnic groups of non-Jews into the Way pointed out and freeing them from guilt) from out of faith – announced to (or: for) Abraham beforehand the message of goodness, ease and well-being (or: And further – the Scripture perceiving in advance and making provision that He is presently making the multitudes fair and equitable {or: = including the Gentiles in the covenant} from trust and conviction as a source – God brought-before in Abraham the glad tidings of goodness {a gospel; an evangel}), namely that, "All the nations, ethnic groups and multitudes will continuously and progressively be inwardly blessed (receive the inner Word of wellness; participate within the Good Word) in a union with you (or: within you; in you; or: = in relation to you; or: = as in your case)." [Gen. 12:3; 22:18]
9 So then, those from out of faith (or: = folks who are derived from trust and confidence and who come from a place of loyal allegiance) are being constantly blessed (repeatedly given the Word of wellness; continuously made to participate in the Good Word) together with the full-of-faith Abraham (or: the trusting, believing, convinced and loyal Abraham).
Galatians 3:29
29 Now since you folks belong to Christ (or: have [the] Anointing as your source and origin; or: So since you people have the qualities and character of Christ, and [are] that which is Christ), you are straightway and consequently Abraham's Seed: heirs (possessors and enjoyers of the distributed allotment), down from, corresponding to and in the sphere of Promise!
Galatians 5:6
6 for within Christ Jesus (or: for you see, in union with [the] Anointed Jesus) neither circumcision continues having strength, for competence or effectiveness, to be availing (or: be of service for) anything, nor [does] uncircumcision, but rather, [it is] faith-and-trust: of itself continuously working effectively (operating; being inwardly active and productive) through Love (" [God's] acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object; the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence" – Tillich, ibid., on agape; brackets mine; cf John 3:16; 1 Cor. 13:4-8).
Galatians 5:11
11 Now I, brothers (= fellow believers; = my family), if am still habitually preaching circumcision as the message, why am I still being constantly pursued and persecuted? If that has been the case, then the snare (trap-spring; bait-stick; = offense; = a stumbling-block) of the cross (the execution stake) has been, and remains, discharged (made inactive, down-idled, useless, unproductive and without effect; or: = removed or abolished).
Galatians 5:11-12
11 Now I, brothers (= fellow believers; = my family), if am still habitually preaching circumcision as the message, why am I still being constantly pursued and persecuted? If that has been the case, then the snare (trap-spring; bait-stick; = offense; = a stumbling-block) of the cross (the execution stake) has been, and remains, discharged (made inactive, down-idled, useless, unproductive and without effect; or: = removed or abolished).
12 Would that (or: I wish that) those continually unsettling you (causing you to rise up as in an insurrection; thus: disturbing or exciting you folks) will also, one after another, cut themselves away (i.e., amputate themselves from your body [of believers]; or: cut themselves off [note: some read this to mean to mutilate themselves or castrate themselves])!
13 For you folks were called upon the foundation of (on the basis of; for the purpose of) freedom, [my] brothers. Only not (or: Just not) the freedom [which is leading] into a starting point (or: unto an opportunity, occasion or incentive; to a base of operation) for (to; in; by; with) the flesh [comment: = circumcision with the flesh ordinances and ceremonial laws of Judaism; or: = personal license for the estranged human nature], but to the contrary, through the Love [agape: cf vs. 6b, above] be continuously slaving for one another (serving and performing the duties of a slave to each other).
14 For, the entire Law has been fulfilled and stands filled up within one word (or: within one thought or idea; within one saying or message) – within the one: "You will continue to love [agapao; cf vs. 6b, above] your near-one (your associate; your neighbor; the one close by your position), as (in the same way as; or: as he/she were) yourself." [Lev. 19:18; comment: this one "expressed thought" is the idea and purpose of the Word]
Galatians 5:16
16 So I continue saying, be habitually walking about (= living your life) in spirit (or: by [the] Spirit; with a Breath-effect), and you should under no circumstance (or: would by no means) bring to fruition (carry to its goal; end up with; bring to maturity) the full rushing passion (the over-desire; craving) originating in flesh (= pertaining to the estranged human nature, or the self which has been dominated by a system of culture or religion; or: corresponding to flesh- [righteousness]; belonging to [a religious system] of flesh-works).
Galatians 5:23
23 gentle friendliness (meekness; mildness), inner strength (self-control). [The] Law is not down from such things (or: In the sphere of such things [the] Law does not exists; There is no law against such things; Law does not correspond to and is not on the level of such things).
24 Now those whose source and origin is Christ Jesus (or: those who belong to the Anointed Jesus) crucified the flesh (or: put the flesh [system] on an execution stake; or: = associate their old estranged human nature as being put to death along with Christ Jesus), together with the results and effects of the experiences (emotions; feelings; sufferings; passions) and the over-desires (rushing passionately upon things; full-rushing emotions).
25 Since (or: If) we continue living in and by spirit (or: for [the] Spirit; to Breath-effect; or: with attitude), we also can habitually advance orderly in line in regard to, or amidst, elementary principles (or: [observing] rudimentary elements), in and by spirit (or: for [the] Spirit; by Breath-effect; with attitude; or: = walk in rank following [the footsteps] behind the Spirit). [cf Rom. 4:12]
Galatians 6:3
3 For you see, if anyone, being presently nothing, continues imagining (supposing; presuming) himself to be something, he continues leading his own mind astray (he keeps on deceiving himself; he misleads and cheats his intellect and way of thinking).
Galatians 6:5
5 for, each one will lift up and progressively carry (or: shoulder) his own specific little load (or: pack; small thing to be borne).
Galatians 6:7
7 Do not be continually led astray (or: Stop being caused to wander and being deceived); God is not one to be sneered at (to have a nose turned up at; to be scorned, mocked or treated like a fool), for "whatever a person is in the habit of sowing, this also he will reap,"
Galatians 6:13
13 For not even the folks being presently (or: currently getting) circumcised (or, as a middle: habitually circumcising [people]; requiring [the practice of] circumcision; [other MSS: having been circumcised]) are themselves habitually keeping (guarding; protecting; observing; maintaining) [the] Law, but even so, they constantly want and intend you folks to proceed to be circumcised, so that they may have cause for boasting in your flesh [ritual or religion].
Ephesians 2:10
10 or the fact is, we are (continually exist being) the effect of what He did (or: His creation; the thing He has constructed; the result of His work; His achievement; His opus; the effect of His Deed): people being founded from a state of disorder and wildness (being framed, built, settled and created), within and in union with Christ Jesus, upon good works (virtuous actions; excellent deeds) which God made ready (prepared; or: prepares) beforehand, to the end that we may walk about (= live our lives) within and in union with them.
Ephesians 2:19
19 Consequently then (or: Thereupon), you folks no longer continuously exist being strangers (foreigners) and sojourners (temporary residents in a foreign land), but continually exist being fellow-citizens (folks residing together in a City) of those set apart: even God's family (members of God's household),
Ephesians 3:13
13 Wherefore I myself continually ask (or: request) not to be constantly despondent (or: repeatedly fainthearted) within my pressures and squeezings on behalf of you folks (or: over your [situation]).Whatever, it is [for] your glory and reputation (or: something which is a manifestation which calls forth praise with regard to you).
Ephesians 3:15
15 forth from Where (or: out of the midst of Whom) every family (lineage; kindred; descent; paternal group) within heaven and upon earth (or: in [the] sky or atmosphere, and on [the] land) is one after another being named (or: spoken of, or to, by name; or: designated),
Ephesians 4:24
24 and to enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the new humanity (or: the person that is new and fresh in kind and quality) the one in accord with and corresponding to God (or: the person at the Divine level) being formed (framed, built, founded and settled from a state of disorder and wildness; created) within the Way pointed out (or: in union with fair and equitable dealings with rightwised relationships, justice and righteousness; also = in covenant participation) and reverent dedication (or: benign relationship with nature) pertaining to the Truth (or: in intrinsic alignment with reality).
Ephesians 5:6
6 Let no one keep on deceiving (or: seducing) you by empty words (or: messages; reasons; thoughts; ideas), for because of these things, God's inherent fervor (natural impulse and disposition; intrinsic teeming desire and swelling passion; or: anger; indignation) is continuously coming upon [note: cf John 3:36] the sons of The Disobedience (the incompliance; or: = folks having the quality of not being convinced or being disobedient and stubborn).
Ephesians 5:16
16 making it a habit [to be] intensively buying-out for yourselves (as at a market, exhausting the supply; redeeming; reclaiming) the season (fitting situation; opportunity; fertile moment), because the days (= present times) are of a bad quality (or: a gush of misery; unsound; harmful; or: in a sorry plight; or: toilsome).
Philippians 1:15
15 Certain folks (or: Some), indeed, are also habitually proclaiming (or: are even heralding publishing and preaching) the Christ through (or: because of) envy, jealousy and rivalry, as well as strife (discord; debate); yet also, certain ones (or: some) through delight (or: because of a good disposition and a good opinion [about it]; or: through thinking well [of it and/or people]; because of approval [of the message]; or: = because they are pleased to do it).
Philippians 1:20-21
20 in accordance with my looking away – with my head stretched out to watch – and [the] expectation (or: hope) that within nothing will I proceed being put to shame (disgrace; embarrassment), but to the contrary, within all freedom of speech (boldness and public openness which comes from being a citizen) – as always, even now (at the present moment) – Christ will progressively be made great (be magnified; be enlarged) within my body, whether through life, or through death!
21 For you see, to me, to be living [is] Christ (or: For the [situation] in me and for me, life [is the] Anointed One), and to be dying [is] gain (advantage; profit).
Philippians 2:4
4 not each one continuing to attentively view (keep an eye on and look out for) the things or interests pertaining to themselves, but to the contrary, each one also [looking out for] the things and interests pertaining to others (or: of different folks; of people that are different).
Philippians 3:3
3 For you see, we ourselves are (exist being) The Circumcision: the people (or: those) continuously rendering sacred service in a spirit of God (or: by God's Breath-effect; to God's Spirit; with God's breath; [some MSS: service to God in spirit; p46 omits "God," so simply: serving in spirit]) and constantly making our boast (being loud-tongued, vaunting and exulting) within, and in union with, Christ Jesus; even folks (or: those) being people having been persuaded and thus continuing to put no confidence within flesh (= having no reliance upon what is physical: e.g., religious works or natural heritage; or: the estranged human nature; [comment: this could be a reference to animal sacrifices]).
Philippians 3:7-11
7 But to the contrary, whatever things (or: things which) were being gains (advantages; assets) to, for or in me, these things I have esteemed and now consider (or: regard) as a loss (a penalty; a forfeit; disadvantage; a bad bargain; a detriment) because of the Christ (or: on account of the Anointed One [= the Messiah]).
8 But further – indeed, then, as a matter of fact – I even am habitually considering (or: regarding) all things (all; everything) to be a loss (a disadvantage; a bad bargain; damage; a forfeit; a penalty) because of (on account of; for the sake of) the thing that is constantly holding things above and thus having all-surpassing value and superiority: that which pertains to and comes from the experience of the intimate knowledge of my Lord, Jesus Christ (or: of Christ Jesus, my Owner) – on account of and for the sake of Whom I undergo loss of (experience the forfeit of; receive as a disadvantage) all things (everything; the whole life-experience, environment and possessions) and I continue considering (or: regarding) them to be [either] a lot of refuse and filth (pieces of dung; a pile of manure) [or] things that are cast away from the table to the dogs (garbage), to the end that I may have the advantage of Christ (or: could maintain the gain of the Anointing; enjoy the assets of or make a profit from [Messiah]),
9 and may be found within Him (or: in union with Him) – not continuing having (or: holding) my pointed-out way (my fairness and equity; my relationships; my basis for what is right; my own righteousness) from out of the Law or custom, but to the contrary, the [fairness and equity which accord with the Way pointed-out] through means of Christ's faithfulness (or: the trust-conviction which is Christ; the faith of and from [the Messiah]): the [covenant] fairness and equity in right relationships from being rightwised within the Way pointed out [which is] forth from out of the midst of God as a source [and is placed and thus based] upon that faith, confidence and trust –
10 to intimately and experientially know Him, and the ability – even the power – of His resurrection and also the [other MSS: a] common existence (participation; partnership, sharing and fellowship) of the results and from the effects of His experiences [note: these include good times/feelings and passions, as well as sufferings] – being a person that is being continuously conformed by (being progressively brought together with the form of; being habitually configured to) His death,
11 since this is how I can fully meet face-to-face, participate and reach into the midst of (or: since in some way I would attain the level [to be] into the midst of; or: if by any means I may arrive and meet with the corresponding sphere [leading] into) the full resurrection (or: the arising and standing back up again from out of the midst; or: the out-resurrection) – the one [arising] forth from out of the midst of dead folks.
Philippians 3:16
16 Moreover, into that which we precede [others] (or: into what we went before in; into what we come ahead so as to arrive at; = unto whatever stage we have reached) in the very same thing [our goal is] to be habitually drawn into a straight line and consistently advance within our ranks [Aleph2 and other MSS add phrases to read as follows: Besides, into what we outstrip {others}, by the same standard (measuring rod; rule) {it is for us} to habitually advance in line (i.e., frame our conduct in an orderly routine; or: consider the elements and observe the rudimentary principles by the same standard) – to constantly be intent on and keep thinking of the same thing (or: be of the same frame of mind and attitude)].
Philippians 3:18
18 For you see – I was often telling you about them, yet now I am also presently weeping (lamenting) in saying it – many continue walking about (i.e., are living their lives) as enemies of the cross of the Christ (the Anointed One's execution-stake),
Philippians 4:7
7 and God's peace (= shalom; or: and so the harmony which is God), which is continuously having a hold over (is habitually holding sway over; or: is constantly being superior and excelling by having it over) all mind and inner sense (or: every intellect; all power of comprehension; or: all process of thinking), will continue garrisoning (guarding; standing sentinel over) your hearts and the results of thinking (thoughts; reasonings; understandings; effects from directing the mind on something; or: dispositions; designs; purposes; effects of perceptions; [p16 adds: and bodies]), within, and in union with, Christ Jesus [p46: {the} Lord Jesus].
Philippians 4:10
10 Now I greatly rejoice (or: rejoiced) within the Lord [= in union with Christ or Yahweh] that now, at last, you folks shoot up to flourish to the extent to be constantly focusing your thinking over me (to continuously have my concerns intently in mind; to repeatedly take thought on my behalf) – upon which, also, you folks were progressively thinking, yet you continued without a fitting situation (you were being out of season; you kept on lacking the opportunity).
Colossians 1:24
24 I am at this moment continuing to rejoice within the effects of experiences and the results of my sufferings over your [situation] and on your behalf, and I am progressively filling back up in turn – so as in [His] stead to replace, supply and balance out, within my flesh (or: = with the means of my natural situation) – the deficiencies (or: results from what is lacking; effects from need) with regard to the pressures (or: from the squeezings, tribulations and tight spots) that pertain to the Anointed One (or: that belong to and affect Christ; or: from the Christ) over [the situation of] His body, which is the called-out community (which exists being the summoned-forth congregation – the ecclesia) (or: Now I am progressively filled with joy – in union with the feelings coming from passion over you folks – and am habitually filling up again, to bring balance, the effects of what is lacking, resulting from the distresses of Christ – resident within my flesh – concerning His body, which is the invited-out assembly),
Colossians 2:23
23 – which things, indeed, having a message (a word; an expression; may = a promise or reputation) of wisdom in self-imposed observance of ritual or self-willed form of worship, and in humility (= self-abasement), even in asceticism (unsparing) of [the] body, [yet are] not of any value or worth [and lead] toward a filling up of the flesh to the point of satiation (= a gratification of the alienated self; = a satisfying of the estranged human nature; or: = a bringing of religious works to the full; or: [and have] no honor, facing a fullness and plenty which are flesh; or: = are worthless, with a view to having enough in the natural realm)!
Colossians 3:1-3
1 Since, therefore, you folks were awakened and are raised up together in the Christ (or: If, then, you are aroused and raised with the Anointed One), be constantly seeking and trying to find the upward things (or: the things being above), where the Christ is (exists being), continuously sitting within the right [side] (or: at the right [hand]; = at the place of receiving, and in the place of honor and the power) of God.
2 Be constantly minding (thinking about; setting your disposition and sentiments toward; paying regard to) the upward things (or: the things above), not the things upon the earth,
3 for you folks died, and your life has been hidden so that it is now concealed together with the Christ, within the midst of God (or: in union with God).
Colossians 3:10-11
10 and then [be] suddenly clothing yourselves with (or: entering within) the new one (the fresh one which existed only recently), the one being continuously (or: repeatedly; habitually; progressively) renewed (made back up new again, in kind and character) into full, accurate, added, intimate and experiential knowledge and insight which is down from and corresponds to the image (an exactly formed visible likeness) of its Creator (of the One framing and founding it from a state of wildness and disorder),
11 wherein (or: in which place) there is no Greek [figure of the multitudes who are non-Jews, and of those who are cultured and civilized] and Jew [figure of a covenant people of God], circumcision and uncircumcision [figure for religious in-groups and out-groups; there is no longer a covenant people versus non-covenant people], barbarian [foreigner who speaks a different language], Scythian [figure or example of wild, uncivilized groups], slave, freeman, but to the contrary, Christ [is] all, and within all (or: Christ [is] all humanity, and within all mankind; or: Christ [is] everything or all things, and within everything and all things; [note: the Greek is plural, and is either masculine, signifying “mankind,” or neuter, signifying all creation, in these phrases]).
Colossians 4:5
5 Be habitually walking about within wisdom (= living your lives in union with Wisdom): toward those outside (or: to outsiders; = those not a part of the called-out community), being ones constantly buying for yourselves – as from out of the market place – the fitting situation (or: redeeming the season within yourselves; purchasing the fertile moment for yourselves; or: = making the best use of the opportunity in the public concourse),
1 Thessalonians 5:14
14 But we are continually calling you to [our] side (to encourage, entreat and admonish), brothers: continually admonish and warn (put a mind into; or: put in mind) the disorderly ones (the unarranged; those out of line; those not in battle position or deserters); continually address (speak alongside persuasively to and cheer up) the little-souled folks (the small of soul; = the faint-hearted); continually hold yourselves directly opposite (or: hold against one's self; or: = stand your ground as a shield in front of) the folks without strength (the weak ones); continually be longsuffering and tolerant (patient; long-passioned; long before breathing violently) toward everyone (or: all mankind).
15 Make it a habit to see (or: observe) [that] no one may (or: would) give back (render, discharge, repay) evil in place of evil (or: something ugly as opposition to something ugly; worthlessness in exchange for worthlessness; what not ought to be in return for what not ought to be; poor quality for poor quality; wrongdoing with wrongdoing; injury in the face of injury) to anyone, but to the contrary, continue to always pursue (follow rapidly; run swiftly to acquire; chase after) the good (the excellent; the virtuous) unto [the benefit of] each other as well as unto all people.
2 Thessalonians 2:3
3 May no one at any point beguile or seduce you folks from a deception – not even down from one turn (or: not according to one method; not in the sphere of a manner or disposition) – because should not the standing away from (the departure; the setting away; or: the rebellion; the revolt) come first, and thus the human from the lawlessness – the person of failure (some MSS: the Man who missed the mark – sinned; the human being with the qualities and character of error and mistake; [other MSS: the person owned by lawlessness or associated with illegal acts]) – be uncovered (unveiled; revealed; disclosed): the son of the loss (= the person having the qualities of, or the character resulting from, the destruction),
2 Thessalonians 3:13
13 Yet you yourselves, brothers (= fellow believers, or, family), while continually doing well (performing beautifully; creating the ideal; doing finely), you should not at any point be in a bad disposition (or: be or do from out of what is ugly, worthless or of poor quality).
2 Thessalonians 3:15
15 And yet you must not consider [him or her] as an enemy, but rather you must continuously admonish (or: put [him/her] in mind), as (or: as being) a brother [to him or her].
1 Timothy 1:16
16 But nonetheless, through this I was mercied (or: I am given mercy), to the end that within me first (= as the foremost case) Jesus Christ may point out so as to publicly display every emotion which is long in arriving (all long-suffering patience) with a view to being an underline (toward [being] a subtype; as facing a sketch or outline; for a pattern) of those about to be habitually believing (or: progressively trusting; one-after-another placing faith) upon Him, [that is, ] into the midst of eonian life (into Life which pertains to and has the qualities and characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; into life of, and which lasts through, the ages).
1 Timothy 5:17-18
17 Let the older men – ones having beautifully (ideally; finely) placed [themselves] at the head so as to stand before, to lead and to provide – be considered worthy of double value, worth and honor, especially those being continually wearied and spent with labor in [the] Word (or: in the midst of the message) and by teaching (or: instruction and training),
18 for the Scripture is saying, "You shall not muzzle a bull (or: ox) when it is threshing out grain, " [Deut. 25:4] and, "The worker [is] worthy (of equalvalue) of his wages." [Luke 10:7]
1 Timothy 6:17-18
17 Pass along the notice (or: be announcing) to those rich (or: wealthy) within the present age (the current eon) to not be habitually high-minded (proud; arrogant; or: to ponder high things), neither to have put expectation upon, and thus rely on, the uncertainty (insecurity; non-evidence) of riches (or: wealth), but rather, upon God, the One continuously holding all things alongside for us (or: the One constantly offering and providing all thing to us) richly, unto [our] enjoyment (or: into beneficial participation; unto the obtaining of a portion to enjoy; [leading] into pleasure),
18 to be habitually energizing goodness and working at virtue (or: working profitably), to continue being rich in beautiful deeds (to continue wealthy in ideal actions and in union with fine works), to be liberal contributors (folks good with giving) – folks having the qualities of community and common existence (people who partner and are ready to share; folks who are fellow participants),
2 Timothy 2:25
25 in accommodating meekness and with consideration constantly educating (training; disciplining; instructing; correcting) those habitually setting themselves in complete opposition or who offer resistance. May not God at some time give a change of thinking to them (or: Would not God grant in them and supply for them a change of mind), [directing and leading them] into a full and accurate experiential knowledge of Truth and reality?
2 Timothy 3:13
13 Now people of a bad condition and of an harmful disposition (useless and malicious humans who bring misery and hard labor), as well as sorcerers (folks who wail and cast spells; or: impostors and swindlers; those who juggle a situation), will continue cutting a path forward upon the worse (or: will be advancing and making progress from bad to worse), repeatedly leading [folks] astray (or: causing [folks] to wander [from the Path]) and progressively being led astray (or: caused to wander).
2 Timothy 4:22
22 The Lord [= Yahweh or Christ; A reads: Jesus; others: Jesus Christ] [is] with your spirit ([is] in accompany with your breath)! Grace and favor [are] with you folks. It is so! (Amen.) [written circa A.D. 58 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
Titus 2:14
14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).
Titus 3:7
7 to the end that, being rightwised, and set in right relationship in the Way of fairness and equity which has been pointed out (also: = being placed in covenant membership) – by and in the grace and favor of That One – we can (could; would; may) come to be (or: be birthed; be made to exist being) heirs (possessors and enjoyers of the allotment), corresponding to, in line with, and down from [the] expectation (or: an expectant hope) that comes from eonian life (or: of life whose character, origin, source and realm is the Age [of the Messiah]; or: a life of unspecified duration which leads on into the ages; [the] life of and for the ages).
8 The Idea (The Logos; The Word; The Message; The Thought) [is] full of faith (or: faithful; trustworthy), and I am continuing in intending (determining; designing; or: wishing; wanting) to progressively set you on thoroughly good footing (to make you continue thoroughly stabilized and confidently insistent) about (or: concerning) these things – to the end that those having put trust in God (or: the ones having believed God and now having faith in God) can habitually give careful thought and concern to constantly put themselves in the forefront (or: to continually promote, maintain and stand themselves for the interests) of beautiful deeds (ideal works; fine actions). These things continue being beautiful (fine; ideal), as well as augmenting a furtherance for humanity (profitable to mankind; beneficial in people).
Philemon 1:25
25 The grace (the influence and boon of non-deserved favor, kindness, joy and goodwill) of our Lord, Jesus Christ, [is] with the spirit of you folks. It is so (or: The act producing joy and happiness, which was granted as a favor from our Owner, Jesus [the] Anointed One [= Messiah]), [is] with your breath, and in accompany with your attitude. Count on it; Amen)! [written circa A.D. 58 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
Hebrews 3:6
6 Yet on the other hand, Christ [is faithful and loyal] as a Son upon His house – whose [p46, D* read: which] house (or: household) we, ourselves, are (or: continuously exist being)! So if only [Aleph, A, C, D and others add:, unto {the condition or state of} maturity (or: when to the point of completeness; until the goal is reached),] we would fully hold in our possession, so as to retain firm and steadfast, the confident freedom of speaking and open boldness inherent in citizenship, as well as the result and effect of the boasting and exulting which [all] come from the expectation (or: belonging to the expectant hope)!
Hebrews 3:14
14 For we have been born partners of the Christ (or: we have come to be associates and participants who partake of the Anointed One and commonly hold the Anointing) with the result that we are now in a binding partnership with Him, since surely we can fully hold in our possession – so as to retain firm and steadfast – the Origin of the substructure to the point of completion of the intended goal (or: if indeed, unto [the condition or state of] maturity, we would fully hold in our possession, so as to retain firm and steadfast, the beginning [position] with regard to the substance, essential nature and basis [of the new reality] – as well as the rule of that [which was] put under, as a standing for support),
Hebrews 6:10
10 For the case is, God [is] not unjust (contrary to fairness and equity shown in the Way pointed out) to be at any point forgetful (or: to fully escape the knowledge or be unaware; in any case to be completely neglectful, disregarding or unnoticing) of your work and of the love which you pointed out and display into [showing forth] His Name: waiting upon and giving attending service and support of life's necessities to the set-apart (or: sacred; holy) folks – even continuously dispensing [goods] and habitually providing the means of living!
Hebrews 10:35-39
35 Therefore may you not cast away your freedom and openness in speaking (boldness and confidence which comes from being a citizen) which continuously has a great discharge of wages.
36 For you continuously have need (necessity of the use) of persistent patient endurance (steadfast remaining under for support), so that doing (or: performing) the will (intent; purpose) of God you may carry away for yourselves – in order to provide and care for – the Promise.
37 For you see, "Yet a very, very little while, [and] the One repeatedly coming will by habit be arriving, and He will not be late (or: continue delaying or taking time).
38 "Now My just One who is fair and equitable and in right relationship in accord with the Way pointed out [other MSS: the rightwised person] shall continue living from out of trust and faith (or: from out of faith will be continuously living; [other MSS: out of My faith], and if he should lower his sails and shrink back (place himself under; cower), My soul is not thinking well within him (or: taking delight in him)." [Hab. 2:3-4]
39 Yet we ourselves do not relate to or exist from a lowering of the sails and a shrinking back into a state of being lost, nor into destruction, but rather [we exist] from faith and confident trust, [leading] into an encompassing which is from [the] soul and defines soul (or: unto creating a secure surrounding pertaining to life and breath; unto establishing a perimeter around [our] person; into a forming-around which originates in feelings, desires, instinct, emotions, will, and expressions of life which are the soul).
Hebrews 12:3
3 For consider attentively again (or: logically reckon back for yourselves; gather it up in yourselves concerning) the One having remained under while undergoing (or: having patiently endured while giving support in) such contradiction (the anti-word; the message which is contrary to reason; speaking in opposition, against, or instead of) – [which was directed] into Himself [other MSS: {permeating} into the midst of themselves] by those missing the mark (the sinners; those making a mistake, committing error, missing the point) – to the end that you may not tire with exertion (or: labor to weariness), being continuously dissolved (be enfeebled and exhausted; caused to fall apart) in your inner selves (or: by your souls; = in your lives).
Hebrews 12:5
5 And further, you have entirely forgotten (or: been oblivious of) the calling-near (the relief, aid, comfort and encouragement) which keeps on speaking-through (discoursing; reasoning through and conversing; laying out the issue in every direction) to you as to sons: "My son, do not be neglecting (giving little care to) the Lord's discipline (education; child-training), neither be exhausted (dissolved; = fall apart) while being continually scrutinized or convicted (exposed and put to the test; or: reproved) by (or: under) Him,
Hebrews 12:13
13 and then, "make straight and upraised wheel-tracks for your feet," [Prov. 4:26] so that what is crippled in the feet (lame; limping; deprived of foot) may not be turned or twisted out (or: lest it be wrenched out of place or be dislocated), but rather can and would be healed.
Hebrews 12:15
15 while overseeing (looking diligently and carefully watching upon and seeing to it) [that] no one be lacking (be falling short; be living behind or in the rear; = misses out), [by wandering] away from God's grace and joyous favor; [that] not any "root of bitterness" [Deut. 29:18], progressively sprouting upward, would be crowding in to cause disturbance like the spirit of a mob, and then, through means of it, many folks may be stained (polluted; defiled; = the whole community could be contaminated).
Hebrews 13:3
3 Be habitually reminding yourselves of those in bondage (or: bound ones; prisoners), as having been and now remaining bound together with [them]. [Take thought] of those maltreated (or: those continually being held by the bad or in the worthless), as being yourselves also within a body (or: as it were even being the same – in union with [that] body).
Hebrews 13:16
16 Now be not forgetful of well-doing (performing well; producing or constructing goodness; doing good deeds of ease; creating well-being) and of partnership (common-being/existence; community; participation; having things in common; fellowship; sharing and contributing), for by (or: in) such sacrifices God is continuously well pleased.
James 1:22
22 Now you must continuously come to be (or: be progressively birthed) performers of [the] Word (or: makers of collected thought; framers of an idea; authors of a message; producers of reason; [the] Word's doers), and not only hearing ones (listeners; those hearing in an auditorium), continuously deceiving (reckoning aside; miscalculating) yourselves. (another combination of these options yields: So you folks must be progressively birthed to be authors of a message, and not only those in an auditorium, continuously miscalculating yourselves.)
James 1:26
26 Now if someone habitually supposes [himself] (or: thinks [himself]; presumes; or: constantly appears or seems) to be religious (occupied with rituals and ceremonies), while not habitually guiding his tongue with a bridle, but rather is repeatedly deceiving his heart, the religion (ritual; observance of a religious system) of this person is useless (futile; empty).
James 2:8
8 Since, however (or: If, really), you are continuously bringing to its goal (finishing; bringing to fruition; perfecting; ending; bringing to a close; fulfilling) the royal law (or: kingly custom; sovereign distribution; rule fit to guide a king), you are performing beautifully (doing ideally; producing excellently), down from and in accord with the Scripture, "You will continue loving your neighbor (the one near you; your associate) as yourself." [Lev. 19:18]
James 3:2
2 for we all are tripping and stumbling (= making mistakes) many times [and] are causing many to entangle their feet, lose balance, and stumble. If anyone is not continually stumbling in word (or: collected thought; reason; or: = what he says), this one is a mature male adult (or: a perfect husband; = a complete and finished person), with power and able also to guide the whole body [as] with a bridle.
James 3:13
13 Who [is] wise and understanding (adept) among you? Let him at once exhibit (show; present to the sight and demonstrate) his works and actions out of beautiful behavior (fine, ideal, excellent and appropriate conduct) in gentleness of (or: considerateness from) wisdom.
James 3:18
18 Now the fruit of fair and equitable dealing (justice and right relationship in accord with the Way pointed out; the condition of being rightwised, or turned in the right direction; also: = covenant participation) is continuously being sown in peace and harmony by and for those habitually performing (making; doing; producing) peace and harmony. [comment: fruit of the Spirit, or, from the Tree of Life]
James 5:7
7 Be patient (long-tempered; long-passioned; slow to rush; or: Have long-term feelings and emotions), then, brothers, during the continuance of the Lord's [= Yahweh's, or, Christ's] presence and His being alongside. Consider! The worker of the land repeatedly receives (takes out into his hands from within) the precious fruit of the land, being patient (slow to rush and with long-term feelings) upon it during the continuance where it can receive “an early as well as a latter (or: late) rain.” [Deut. 11:14]
James 5:19-20
19 My brothers (= Dear family), if someone among you may be led astray (caused to wander) away from the Truth and reality, and someone should (or: would) turn him back,
20 continue knowing from experience and realize that this one turning back a sinner (a failure; one missing the goal; one living in error or under a mistake) out of [the] straying of his way (or: from the midst of his path of wandering), will proceed delivering (rescuing; saving; making healthy and whole) a soul (= a person) from out of the midst of death, and “will cover [the] fullness of [his] mistakes (errors; failures to hit the target; deviations; sins).” [Prov. 10:12] [written circa A.D. 47-48 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
1 Peter 2:5-9
5 you yourselves are, as living stones, continuously being erected (or: progressively constructed and built up), [being] a spiritual house (a building with its source being the Spirit, with the characteristics of a Breath-effect), into a set-apart (or: holy; sacred; different-from-the-ordinary) priesthood to bear up spiritual sacrifices (or: offerings) well (or: most) acceptable in God (or: by God; to God; with God), through Jesus Christ,
6 so that it continues being contained (encompassed; included) in Scripture: "Consider (Behold; Look)! I am progressively setting (placing; laying) within Zion a chosen (picked-out), precious (held in honor and value) cornerstone lying at the extreme angle, and the one habitually trusting (relying; believing; investing loyalty) upon It may by no means be disgraced or brought to shame or be disappointed." [Isa. 28:16]
7 Therefore, in (or: for; with) you folks – those habitually trusting (constantly believing and remaining convinced) – [is] the Precious and Honorable One (or: To you then, who continue loyal, [He is] valuable). Yet for (or: to; in; with) those continuing being without faith (or: being habitually distrustful; being constantly unbelieving or disloyal), [He is] "A Stone which those in process of building the house reject (or: threw away after inspecting and trying) – this One is brought to be (or: was birthed) into [position of] Head and Source of [the] corner, " [Ps. 118:22]
8 also [He is] "A Stone that [people] strike against and that causes a stumbling-effect, even a Rock-mass which functions as a trap-spring (designed to be a snare), " [Isa. 8:14] who, continuing being unpersuaded (unconvinced and thus, uncompliant or stubborn), are repeatedly stumbling by (or: in) the Word (or: who are constantly stumbling, habitually being disobedient to the message), into which [situation] they were placed (= as it was planned).
9 Yet you folks [are] "a picked-out (selected; chosen) offspring (family; kin; lineage; race; species; breed) [Isa. 43:20; Deut. 7:6], a royal (kingly; palace) priesthood [Ex. 19:6; Isa. 61:6], a set-apart (holy; different) multitude (company; nation; body of people living together; swarm; association; ethnic group; caste; [Ex. 19:6; note: implies a sacred life]), a people constructed into an encirclement (made into a surrounding structure; set as a perimeter; made into a performance about [Him]; formed around as an acquisition; gathered into a surrounding [flock])" [Isa. 43:21; Ex. 19:5] – so that you may tell forth the message of (or: out-message; publish; declare abroad) the excellencies and qualities of nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) of and from the One calling you out of darkness (gloomy dimness; the realm of shadows and obscurity) into the midst of His wonderful (marvelous; amazing) light [p72 reads: into the wonderful Light],
1 Peter 2:15
15 Because thus is God's will (or: For God's intent and purpose exists in this manner): folks habitually doing good things (constructing excellence; performing with virtues; creating goodness) to repeatedly muzzle (continuously gag; thus: progressively silence) the ignorance of senseless and thoughtless people (humans without intellect and prudence; unreasonable folks);
1 Peter 2:24
24 Who, Himself, bore back up again our failures (our mistakes; our times of falling short or to the side of the target; our sins and errors) [Isa. 53:4, 12] within His body upon the tree (the wood; the stake), to the end that, being folks suddenly coming to be parted away from the failures (mistakes; errors; sins; misses of the target), we can (or: would; may) live in (or: by; for; with) the fairness and equity, in rightwised relationships, in the Path of the Way pointed out (or: = in covenant participation), where "you folks are (or: were) healed (or: cured) in the wound (or: by the welt; in the bruise of the blow)." [Isa. 53:5]
1 Peter 3:15
15 Now "you folks set [the] Lord [= Yahweh] – the Anointed One – apart (or: Yet, let the Lord Christ be set-apart)" [Isa. 8:13], within your hearts! (or: So, treat the Anointed Owner as holy, in the core of your beings), always ready (ever prepared) toward a defense to everyone – for the one repeatedly asking you for a word (i.e., a rational explanation and a logical response) about the expectation within you folks – but still with gentleness (tenderness; meekness; kindness) and deep respect (or: serious caution; reverence; [the] fear [of the Lord]),
1 Peter 3:17
17 You see, [it is] a stronger [case, position or reputation] to be repeatedly experiencing harassment, abuse or suffering [while, or, because of] habitually doing good (practicing virtue; creating goodness) – if God's purpose (intent; will) may be repeatedly willing it – than [because of] constantly doing what is wrong, bad or worthless,
1 Peter 4:19
19 So then, also, let those repeatedly feeling the effects of experiences and of suffering which correspond to, and [are] in the sphere of, God's will (intent; purpose) continuously commit their souls to a Faithful Former (or: Loyal Founder; Trustworthy Creator), within [the] producing of good (in union with making of virtue; in construction of excellence; within the midst of performing goodness).
2 Peter 2:12
12 But these, as irrational (wordless; unreasoning) living ones (or: animals), being creatures of instinct having been born unto capture and then corruption (decay; ruin), within which things – being continuously ignorant – they are constantly blaspheming (speaking slander, insult and abusive speech; injuriously vilifying; or: hindering the Light) within their corruption, and they will be progressively ruined (spoiled; corrupted),
2 Peter 2:19
19 while constantly promising freedom (or: liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist inherently being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) – for you see, by whom (or: by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (or: less), to this one (or: by this thing) he has [some MSS add: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave.
1 John 1:8
8 If we should up and say that we have no error (or: do not periodically possess deviation or hold sin and mistake), we are continuously leading ourselves astray (or: deceiving ourselves and driving ourselves off the Path), and the Truth is not (or: reality does not exist) within us.
1 John 2:8-11
8 Again, (or: Once more) I am writing to you an implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) new in kind and quality, which is (exists being) true (actual; real; genuine) within Him, and within you [other MSS: us], that the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows and of lack of the light of the Day; [note: a figure of the ignorance of the prior system and realm]) is progressively being caused to pass by, and the True Light (or: = real knowledge and understanding; = Light of the new Day) is already (before now) progressively shining and appearing.
9 The person who keeps on speaking [thus, as though] to be within the Light, and yet is constantly hating (or: regarding with ill-will) his brother (or: = fellow believer; or: fellow member of his society), is a liar and continues being within the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows and lack of the light of the Day; = prior night) until the present moment.
10 The person habitually loving (seeking accepting reunion with) his brother constantly abides (remains; dwells; = has his home) within and in union with the Light, and there exists no snare (trap-spring; stick upon which bait is put; = cause for stumbling) within him.
11 But the person habitually hating (or: repeatedly having ill-will toward) his brother (or: = fellow believer or fellowman) constantly exists within the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows, lacking of the light of the Day) and so continuously walks about amidst the Darkness, and has not seen so is not aware where he is progressively departing (or: habitually going away), because that Darkness blinds (or: blinded) his eyes.
1 John 2:15-17
15 You folks should not be habitually loving (as indicative: are not normally accepting; as imperative: Stop constantly seeking reunion with) the world (secular realm and the controlling ordered System of culture, religion, economy and government), neither (or: not even) the things within the world (ordered system). If anyone is in the habit of (or: keeps on) loving the world (ordered system of religion, or of secular society), the Father's [other MSS: God's] Love (or: the love which the Father has; the Love which is the Father) does not exist within him,
16 because everything within the world (ordered but dominating System of the secular and the religious) – the flesh's over-desire (full passion of the alienated human nature; lust of the estranged self; earnest wants of the false persona that was conformed to the System), and the eyes' over-desire, and the arrogant ostentation (haughty, presumptuous or pretentious egoism) pertaining to living (= the biological and sociological life we live), is not out of the Father as a source (or: does not proceed from the Father), but rather is continuously forth from out of the world (the ordered System of society, culture and religion),
17 and the world (ordered System of religion, society, culture, economy and government) is progressively (or: constantly; repeatedly) being caused to pass along (pass by; pass away), as well as its over-desire (full passion; earnest wants; lust), yet the person constantly doing (or: performing) God's will (intent; purpose; desire) remains (abides; dwells) on into the Age (= the time and sphere characterized by the Messiah).
1 John 3:7
7 Little children (born-ones), let no one be constantly leading you astray (misleading or deceiving you); the person continually doing that which is in accord with the Way pointed out (or: repeatedly practicing rightwisedness; progressively producing the justice, fairness and equity in right [covenantal] relationships) is (or: exists being) just (or: a person in accord with the Way pointed out; righteous; fair; equitable; rightwised; someone turned in the right direction, and is in [covenant] relationships), according as (just as) That One is just (is One in accord with the Way pointed out; is righteous, fair, equitable and offers the right covenant relationships).
1 John 3:13-19
13 Stop marveling (Cease wondering; Quit being astonished), brothers, if (or: since) the ordered System (world of culture and religion; or: the estranged secular system of governmental control) is constantly hating you (habitually regarding you with ill-will).
14 We ourselves have seen, and thus know (or: are aware), that we have walked together (or: proceeded to change, passing from) out of the Death into the Life, because we are habitually loving the brothers (= fellow believers; [some MSS: our brothers; {or: = our fellow human beings}]). The person not habitually loving [some MSS add: his brothers] continues remaining (dwelling; abiding; staying) within the Death.
15 Everyone constantly hating (or: regarding with ill-will) his brother constantly exists being a person-slayer (a murderer), and has not seen so as to be aware that every person-slayer does not presently have (or: is not continuously holding) life having its source in, or having the quality of, the Age (or: eonian life) presently remaining within him (or: continuously dwelling and abiding in union with him).
16 Within this we have come to know the Love (acceptance which drives to overcome estrangement and achieve reunion) by intimate experience: that That One placed (or: places; sets; deposited) His soul over us; we ourselves are also constantly indebted (obligated) to place [our] souls over the brothers (= fellow believers, or, fellow humans; = [God’s] family).
17 But whoever may continuously have the world's means of living (or: may habitually hold the sustenance of the life pertaining to the secular ordered System), and may habitually gaze upon his brother [who is] continuously having a need, and may close shut (or: would slam and lock) his intestines (= his compassions) away from him, how is God's love dwelling (abiding; remaining; staying) within him (or, reading as a future: how will God's love dwell in him)?
18 Little children (little born-ones), we should not be habitually loving in word (by a word or thought), nor even in (or: by) the tongue, but rather within action (deed; work) and truth (or: reality).
19 And within this we shall come to know by our own experience that we continuously exist (or: are) from out of the midst of the Truth (Reality), and so before Him (in front of Him; in His very presence) we shall progressively persuade (prevail upon; convince; win over; reassure; set at ease; render tranquil) our hearts,
1 John 3:19-19
19 And within this we shall come to know by our own experience that we continuously exist (or: are) from out of the midst of the Truth (Reality), and so before Him (in front of Him; in His very presence) we shall progressively persuade (prevail upon; convince; win over; reassure; set at ease; render tranquil) our hearts,
20 because, even if our heart may continually condemn (censure; know-down by experience), God is constantly greater than our heart, and He knows all mankind, (all people; or: everything; all things) by intimate experience.
21 Beloved ones [other MSS: Brothers], if our heart should not be constantly condemning or censuring (or: would not repeatedly experience negative insights or habitually have knowledge which leads [some MSS add: us] down), we constantly have confident freedom in speaking (boldness from our citizenship) toward and face to face with God,
22 and whatever we may continuously ask (or: habitually request), we keep on progressively receiving from Him, because we are regularly keeping (attentively watching over, guarding and observing) His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives of purpose and destiny) and are constantly doing (performing; constructing; producing) the things [that are] pleasing and acceptable in His sight (or: before Him).
1 John 4:21
21 And we continuously hold (or: have) this implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward and purposed directive of destiny) from Him, to the end that the person continuously loving God can, should and would also habitually love (accept and drive toward reunion with) his brother (= his fellow believer, or his fellow human being).
1 John 5:1
1 Everyone (All) continuously believing, constantly convinced and progressively trusting that Jesus is (or: exists being) the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah) has been brought to birth and is now a born-one (= is a child) from out of God. And everyone continuously loving (urging toward reunion with) the One bearing and giving birth (the Parent) should and would also love (accept in unity) the person having been born (the child) out of Him.
1 John 5:4-5
4 because everything having been born from out of the midst of God continuously overcomes (habitually conquers and is progressively victorious over) the controlling System (ordered world or religion, secular culture, economy and government). And this is the victory (or: conquest) at once overcoming (conquering; victorious over) the controlling System (ordered world of religion, culture, economy and government): our trust, confidence and faith!
5 Now who is the person continuously overcoming (or: progressively conquering) the ordered System (world; secular realm; religious arrangement) if not the one continuously believing, progressively trusting and being constantly loyal to [the fact] that Jesus is (continuously exists being) the Son of God (God's Son; or: the Son who is God)?
1 John 5:16
16 If anyone of you may happen to see his brother (= fellow believer, or, fellowman) habitually failing to hit a target (sinning; making mistakes), with a failure (error; offense; deviation) not with a view toward (= that would lead to) death, he shall keep on asking (repeatedly make a request) and He will continue giving life to him – for those habitually failing to hit a target (erring; sinning) not [leading] toward death. There is a failure to hit a target (a mistake; a deviation; sin) [which leads or points] toward (or: with a view to) death (perhaps: = bearing a death penalty, [within that culture]). I am not saying that he should ask about (or: concerning) that one.
3 John 1:5-8
5 O beloved one! You are continually doing (performing; constructing; forming; producing) a faithful and loyal thing (act of loyalty and allegiance), whatsoever you yourself may work unto (or: actively accomplish into the midst of) the brothers (= fellow believers and members of the family) and unto (or: into) the strangers (or: foreigners) –
6 who bear witness of you for the love (or: testified to your love) before (in the sight of; in the presence of) [the] called-out community – [for] whom you will do (or: perform; produce) beautifully (finely; ideally), sending [them] forward (or: escorting them on; = attending to their needs in their travels, giving them supplies and finances) in a manner worthy of God (or: = in a way equal to God's value of them),
7 for they came out for the sake of (or: went forth in behalf of) the Name, continually taking (or: receiving) not even one thing from the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the non-Israelites).
8 We ourselves, then, are constantly obligated to continuously take [them] up, while placing ourselves underneath to support such people as these, to the end that we would progressively come to be folks working together (co-workers) in (or: for; by; with) the Truth (or: reality).
3 John 1:11
11 O beloved one [i.e., Gaius]! Do not have the habit of imitating this ugly thing (or: that which ought not to be; the base; the worthless; that which is of bad quality; the malicious; the wicked; the evil), but rather the Good (or: the thing of excellent quality; the virtuous)! The person habitually doing good (progressively producing virtue; repeatedly creating excellence) is continuously existing from out of God; the one habitually doing what is ugly (base; what ought not to be; worthless; evil) has not seen or perceived God.
Jude 1:18
18 that they said to you, "Upon [other MSS: Within (or: During; In union with)] [the] last of the time folks will repeatedly be (or: there will constantly exist) mockers (those acting or playing in the manner of children; sporting, using childish gestures), continuously passing from one place to another according to (or: in correspondence with) their irreverent strong passions (or: their full desires and lusts of things not having the qualities of things approved by God)."
Jude 1:21
21 maintain (guard; keep watch over; protect) yourselves in God's love (or: in union with [the] urge toward reunion and unambiguous acceptance, which is God), being folks in the habit of welcomingly receiving, embracing and entertaining the mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on into a life having the qualities and characteristics of the Age (or: a life pertaining to the ages; eonian life; life for the ages; life whose source is the Age [of Messiah]).
22 And so, on the one hand, you folks be repeatedly extending compassionate kindness on some folks in order to relieve their misery and affliction [other MSS read: put to the proof; expose; convict; reprove] while continuously discerning, sifting and thoroughly separating so as to accurately decide [about their situation] (or: be continually showing mercy on some who are constantly undecided and continue wavering and doubting because of making divided judgment in or for themselves);
23 yet on the other hand, be continuously delivering (or: repeatedly rescuing and saving, restoring to health and wholeness) others, snatching them from out of the midst of the Fire; be repeatedly extending compassionate mercy in reverent fear, while hating even the garment having been stained (or: spotted) from the flesh (= the alienated human nature; = the self that was formed and controlled by the System).
Revelation 2:3
3 and you constantly have patient endurance (habitually hold to remaining-under), and you bore up (lifted; carried-on) because of My Name, and are not wearied.
Revelation 2:7
7 "Let the person having an ear hear what the Spirit is repeatedly saying to, in and by (or: the Breath-effect is continuously laying out for) the called-out communities: In (To; For) the one continuously overcoming (habitually conquering; normally victorious) I will continue giving in him (to him; for him) to eat from out of the substance of the tree (wood; log; post) of Life which continuously is (exists being) within the midst of God’s paradise [note: same word in Gen. 2:8, LXX; Luke 23:43; a garden of fruit trees]."
Revelation 2:10-11
10 Do not be habitually fearing things which you are about to experience (or: to suffer; in which you are about to have sensible experience). Consider: the one who thrusts-through (the one who casts adversity through your midst; the devil) is about to thrust some from among you into prison (or: jail), so that you may be tried (put to the proof), and you will continue having pressure (squeezing; tribulation) [for] ten days. Progressively come to be a faithful and reliable person (or: You must be being birthed a trusting and loyal one) until death, and I will continue giving Life’s wreath to you (or: for you the wreath of The Life; or: the victor’s symbol, which is life in you).'
11 "Let the person who has an ear hear what the Spirit is presently saying to the called-out communities (the summoned forth assemblies): The one habitually overcoming (or: repeatedly victorious) may by no means be injured or harmed from the midst of the second death."
Revelation 2:17
17 "Let the one having an ear hear what the Spirit is now saying to the called-out community: To the one habitually overcoming (repeatedly conquering), to him (in him; for him) I will continue giving manna having been hidden, and I will proceed to give to him a white pebble, and upon the pebble a new name having been written which no one knows, except the one receiving it."
Revelation 2:23
23 And I will proceed killing her children within death, and all the called-out assemblies shall know that I am the One continuously searching the kidneys and hearts, and I will continue giving to each one of you down from (in accord to; in the sphere of; to the level of) your [plural] actions (deeds; works).
Revelation 2:26-29
26 "And [to] the one habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming; constantly victorious) and keeping watch over (guarding; maintaining observance of) My acts (works; deeds) until completion (down to a final act; as far as [the] purposed and destined goal; until an end), I will continue giving to him authority (privilege from out of Being) upon the multitudes (the nations; the ethnic groups; the Gentiles).
27 "And he will continue shepherding (i.e., feeding, tending and guarding) them with a staff made of iron, as he is being continuously broken [like] pottery vessels, [Ps. 2:8-9] as I also have received from My Father.
28 "And I will continue giving to him (or: bestowing in him; granting for him; delivering up with him) the morning star.
29 "Let the person having an ear at once hear (= pay attention and obey) what the Spirit is continuously saying to (or: in; for; among) the called-out communities!"
Revelation 3:5-6
5 "The person habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming) may thus clothe himself in white garments, and under no circumstances will I proceed to erase his name from out of the scroll of The Life (or: Life’s scroll; the scroll which signifies life), and I will continue speaking in accordance to his name (saying the same thing as his name; confessing and avowing his name) in front of My Father, and in front of His agents (or: messengers; folks with the Message).
6 "Let the one having an ear continuously hear what the Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude) is normally saying to the called-out communities."
Revelation 3:12-13
12 "The one habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming) – I will continue making (forming; constructing; creating; producing) him [to be] a pillar (or: column) in My God’s Temple, and he (or: it) may nevermore (by no means any more) come (or: go) out (outside), and I will proceed to write upon him My God’s Name, and the name of the City of My God: 'The New Jerusalem' – the one habitually descending from out of the atmosphere (or: heaven), from God – and My new Name [Vatican MS #1006 and others read: and the new name].
13 "Let the person having an ear hear what the Spirit (Breath-effect) is repeatedly saying to the called-out communities!"
Revelation 3:21-22
21 "To (or: In; For) him who is habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming; normally victorious) I will continue giving [the right? the ability? the honor?] to sit (or: be seated) with Me within My throne, as I also conquer (or: conquered; overcome; overcame and was victorious) and sit (or: sat down) with My Father within His throne.
22 "Let the one who has an ear hear what the Spirit (Breath-effect) is presently saying to the called-out communities."
Revelation 20:12-15
12 Then I saw the dead folks – the great ones and the little ones – standing before the throne. And scrolls are (or: were) opened up. And then another scroll is opened up, which is of (or: the one pertaining to; or: from) The Life. And the dead ones are judged (were evaluated) from out of the things having been written within the scrolls, according to their works (down from their actions; on the level of their deeds).
13 And the sea gives (or: suddenly gave) [up; back] the dead folks within it, and death and the Unseen give (or: = the grave gave) [up; back] the dead folks within them. And they are judged (evaluated) according to their works (in correspondence with their actions; in line with their deeds).
14 Next the Death and the Unseen (or: = the grave) are cast (or: were thrown) into the lake (or: basin; artificial pool) of the Fire (or: the marshy area where there is fire). This is the second death: the lake of the Fire (or: the basin which is fire).
15 So if anyone is not found (or: was not found) written within the scroll of The Life, he is cast (or: was thrown) into the lake of the Fire (or: the artificial pool having the character and quality of the Fire; the marshy area from the Fire; the shallow basin, where there is fire).
Revelation 21:5
5 And then the One (or: He [who is]) continuously sitting upon the throne said, "Consider this! I am presently making all things new (or: habitually creating everything [to be] new and fresh; progressively forming [the] whole anew; or, reading panta as masculine: periodically making all humanity new; progressively creating every person anew; constantly constructing all people fresh and new; continuously renewing everyone)!" Next He is saying [to me], "Write, because these words are dependable (or: faithful) ones and true ones (ones full of faith and realities)."
Revelation 22:11
11 "The one continuously acting unjustly (unfairly; inequitably; contrary to the Way pointed out; also: = living out of covenant) must yet (or: still) act unjustly (unfairly; = apart form covenant); and the filthy one must yet (still) be filthy; and the just one (fair and equitable one; = the one in covenant) must yet (still) do justice (behave fairly and deal equitably in rightwised, covenant relationships); and the set-apart (holy) person must yet (or: still) be set apart (or: made holy)."
12 "Consider this! I am continuously (habitually; progressively) coming quickly (swiftly), and My wage (reward for work; compensation; recompense) [is] with Me, to give back (give away; render; pay) to each one as his work is (= what he deserves).
Revelation 22:21
21 The Grace and favor of the Lord Jesus [is] with everyone (or: all humanity; [other MSS read: ... with all of you; ... with the set-apart ones; ... with all the set-apart folks]). Count on it (or: It is so; Amen). [written circa A.D. 68-70 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]