1 Corinthians 7:5

JMNT(i) 5 Do not habitually deprive (defraud; rob) one another, except anytime (or: unless perhaps) it should [be] from out of mutual consent (spoken agreement) with a view toward a specific period (or: appointed season; fertile situation or condition) so that you [both] may be at leisure in activities that lead toward having goodness and well-being (or: could be otherwise unoccupied for prayer; can give each other time for thoughts of ease or to be unemployed with a view to wellness), and then you [both] may proceed being [other MSS: should come together] again [putting your attention] upon this very thing [i.e., resume your physical relationship], so that the adversary (the opponent; the adversarial [situation or attitude]) may not keep on testing you (endeavoring to put you to the proof; trying you; tempting you) because of your lack of strength (through your lack of control; because of your incontinence). [note: continued sexual relations in marriage was a duty, under Jewish law and custom; failure to do so was grounds for divorce – Ex. 21:10-11]