1 Simon Peter, a slave and sent-off representative (or: emissary) of Jesus Christ, to (or: for) the folks obtaining by lot an equally valuable (precious; honorable) faith, conviction, trust and loyalty, along with us, within the midst of and in union with fair and equitable treatment, as well as with rightwised relationships (= covenant membership), which come from and characterize our God and Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Source of health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Jesus, [the] Anointed One; = Jesus, [the] Messiah):
2 May grace and peace (or: favor and harmony [= shalom]) be multiplied (or: caused to increase) to you (or: by you; in you; for you) within full (or: accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge and insight of God, even Jesus, our Lord (or: from God as well as from Jesus, Who is our Master; or: of God, and of our Owner, Jesus),
3 just as all those things [leading] toward life and reverence (standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the well-being of devotion and virtuous conduct from ease, in true relation to God) [are] being now available for us from having been freely given to us (or: presented as a gift in us) from His divine power and ability through the full (accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of the One calling us to His own (or: by His own; for His own; in His own; [other MSS read: through]) glory and excellence in nobleness (i.e., virtues of: braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor).
4 [It is] through means of which things – the precious (valuable; honorable) and greatest effects of the promises – [that] He has been freely given (or: has presented Himself as a gift) to us, to the end that through these [gifts], you folks would come to be (or: could come into existence being; should be born) people of common-being from a divine essence and nature (or: folks having a partnered share that is based upon a common existence from a divine born-instinct and native condition; or: fellow participants of a germination which is divine), while fleeing from the corruption (ruin; decay) within the dominant System (or: that is united with the secular realm; or: centered in the ordered world of society, religion, culture, economy and government; or: in the center of the aggregate of mankind), [which is] in the midst of passionate cravings (rushing emotions; lusts; violent over-desires; [or, with p72 & Aleph: fleeing the strong desire of corruption within the world]).
5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor);
6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance);
7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection.
8 You see, these things are constantly subsisting (or: supportively sub-governing; humbly ruling; beginning from below) as a possession in you folks [or, with A and others: are continually existing alongside being present for you] and are repeatedly being more than enough (abounding) – neither [being] inactive (or: ineffective) nor unfruitful (or: unproductive). He is continually setting [these] down and causing [them] to stand in accord [in you] unto the accurate, additional (or: full), experiential and intimate knowledge of our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.
9 You see, the person in whom these things are not continuously present exists being (or: is) blind, constantly closing his or her eyes, taking hold of forgetfulness of (or: receiving oblivion in regard to) the cleansing from his/her old sins (mistakes of the past; former failure; [other MSS: from the results and effects of his/her former sins and errors]).
10 Wherefore (or: Because of this), brothers (= [my] family), hasten to exert yourselves to a greater extent to constantly make firm (sure-footed and steadfast) your calling (or: invitation) and election (selection; act of choosing out); for you see, in repeatedly doing these things, you can by no means (would under no circumstances) stumble once (or: at any time).
11 For thus (in this way) the Path of entrance (or: the place and act of the Way unto) into the center or midst of the eonian reign (or: the Kingdom pertaining to and having the character and qualities of the Age; the for-the-ages sovereign influence and actions) of our Lord and Savior (or: Owner and Deliverer), Jesus Christ [= [the] Messiah], will continue being richly furnished and fully supplied for you (in you; to you).
12 Wherefore (or: For this cause) it will always continue being my intent to be constantly reminding you concerning these things – even though [you are] being folks having seen and thus knowing, and ones being set and firmly established within the truth and reality [that is] being continuously present (existing alongside) [with and in you].
13 But I am continuously considering it right, and in accord with the Way pointed out – as long as I continue existing within this tent-effect (or: tabernacle) – to keep on arousing and awakening you with a reminder,
14 having seen and now knowing that swift [in approach] is the laying aside (or: the putting off or away) of my tent-effect (or: tabernacle; = body), according as also our Lord, Jesus Christ, made clearly visible to me (or: makes [it] evident for and in me).
15 But I will also continue earnestly hastening (or: quickly endeavoring) to always have you, after my departure (exodus; a road out; = death), to continually make mention (or: make the recollection) of these things.
16 For we did (or: do) not experientially or intimately make known to you the power and presence (or: ability and [the] being alongside; parousia) of our Lord, Jesus Christ, by following forth in (or: by) wisely made myths (or: in being made wise by myths or fables; or: with fables modified by wisdom; or: to cleverly crafted stories), but rather, [from] becoming (or: being made to be; being birthed) eyewitnesses (onlookers; spectators) of that One's magnificence (or: of that greatness):
17 for you see, from the side of (or: [standing] beside) Father God, [He was] receiving honor (value; preciousness) and glory (or: a reputation) from a Voice being carried to Him by the fitting greatness and majesty of glory and which came from the manifestation which called forth praise (or: = of a Sound or Shout being swept along under the magnificent grandeur of the Sh'khinah Presence) such as follows: "My Son, My Beloved One, is This One [other MSS: This One is existing being My Son, My Beloved One] into the midst of Whom I Myself placed delight [other MSS: within Whom I was well pleased, and find approval; in union with Whom I have good thoughts]."
18 And we ourselves, being together with Him within the set-apart (or: holy; sacred) mountain, heard this Voice being carried out of heaven (or: swept along from the midst of [the] atmosphere and sky).
19 And so, we continue having (or: constantly hold) the Idea which was spoken ahead of time in and as Light (or: the prior-enlightened Thought and Reason; or: the Prophetic Word) more confirmed (validated; established; certain), by which (or: in which) you folks continue doing beautifully (performing ideally; producing finely), while continuously holding toward (= playing close attention to) [it] as to a lamp continually shining within a parched place – until which [time or occasion] the Day may shine through and a light bearer [= a morning star] may rise within your hearts (or: constantly heeding, as to a lamp progressively making things appear in a dark, dingy or dirty place, until that the Day can dawn, and a light-bringer can arise in union with your core and innermost being),
20 constantly knowing this first, that every (or: all) previously enlightened information of Scripture [p72: prophecy and Scripture] is not coming to be unbound upon its own (or: is not being born of its own unloosing; or: is not becoming its own explaining; or: is not coming into existence upon one's own releasing),
21 for you see, previously enlightened information (or: prophecy) was (or: is) not at any time brought by (or: in; for) [the] will (intent; resolve; purpose) of a human, but rather being continuously carried by (or: swept along under [the influence of]) [the] set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit), [some MSS add: set-apart; holy] people spoke (or: speak) from God.
2 Peter Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 3:17
17 And then – look and consider! – a Voice (or: sound) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: the sky and the heavens), repeatedly saying, "This is My Son, the Beloved One in Whom I take pleasure and imagine thoughts of well-being (or: This One exists being My dearly loved and esteemed Son, in Whom I approve)!"
Matthew 4:16
16 The people continuously sitting within the midst of darkness (the gloomy dimness of the shadow that lacked the light of the Day) saw a great Light. And on (or: to; for; in) those constantly sitting within [the] province (or: region) and shadow of death, Light arises on (or: rose to and among; dawned for or in) them." [Isa. 8:23-9:1]
Matthew 4:18
18 Now while proceeding in walking along Lake Galilee (or: the Sea of Galilee), He saw two brothers, Simon – the one commonly called Peter – and Andrew, his brother, repeatedly casting a purse net into the lake (or: sea). You see, they were by habit fishers (or: fishermen) [for earning a livelihood].
Matthew 7:24-25
24 "Everyone, then, who continues obediently hearing these words (thoughts; ideas; messages) of Mine, and habitually does them (or: acts on them), will progressively be made to be and to become like an intelligent, considerate, thoughtful, prudent and sensible adult male, who builds (or: built) his house upon the rock-mass.
25 "And when the rain descended (or: falls) and the rivers came (or: come) [flooding] and the winds blew (or: blow) and lunged (or: fall toward; lash against) that house, it did (or: does) not fall, for it had been provided with a foundation and continued being established upon the rock-mass.
Matthew 10:2
2 Now these are the names of the twelve men sent forth with a mission (emissaries; envoys; representatives): First, Simon, the one called Peter, and then Andrew, his brother. Next, Jacob (James) the [son] of Zebedee, and his brother John.
Matthew 11:25-27
25 Speaking from a discerning and decided perception within that fitting situation (or: during that particular season [of ministry]; or: at that strategic moment), Jesus said, "I continue outwardly acclaiming My concurrence with You, publicly saying the same thing as You, O Father – Owner, Lord and Master of the heaven and of the earth (or: of the sky and atmosphere, as well as of the land) – that You hide (or: because You hid) these things from 'wise folks' (or: 'clever people') and 'understanding, intelligent, intellectuals,' and You unveil (or: revealed; disclosed) them to infants (babes who are not yet able to speak; = untutored, untaught, ordinary folks).
26 "Yes Father, because in this way goodwill is birthed in front of You (or: because thus does Your thought, imagination and presuming of ease and wellness come into existence in Your presence)!"
27 "All people were (or: Everything was) given to Me by, and under, My Father, and yet no one is by habit completely or accurately knowing the Son in an intimate and personal way – except the Father – nor does anyone continue having an intimate experiential full-knowledge of the Father – except the Son, as well as to or in whomever the Son in now desiring (wanting) to unveil [Him].
Matthew 12:18
18 "Look, and consider! My Boy (or: My Servant; My personal attendant; My servant-boy) Whom I select (or: chose) – My Beloved, [of] Whom My soul assumes ease and wellness (or: [in] Whom My soul takes pleasure; Whom My soul considers good and thinks well of)! I will proceed putting (placing) My Spirit (the effect of My breath; My Attitude) upon Him, and He will continue sending-off a message regarding separation and a decision for the ethnic multitudes (or: will repeatedly announce a judging and bring a report of justice in the nations; will continue plainly declaring what justice and discrimination is to non-Jews; will continuously announce judgment for the Gentiles [= foreigners]).
Matthew 13:22
22 "Now [as to] the one being sown (scattered) into the midst of the thorns, this one is the person continuing in hearing the Word (message; thought; idea), and yet the anxiety (care; worry; concern; distraction) of the age [other MSS: this age], and the seductiveness and deception of the riches and wealth [involved], together progressively choke the Word (or: message) and it (or: he) progresses to become unfruitful.
Matthew 16:28-17:8
28 It is so (or: Truly; Amen), I am now telling you men, that there are some (or: certain ones) of the folks presently standing here who under no circumstances can (or: may) taste (= partake of, or, experience) death, until they can (or: should) perceive and see the Son of the Man (mankind's son; = the eschatological Messianic figure; = Adam's Son) progressively coming in His reign (or: within His kingdom; joined to His sovereign activities)."
Matthew 17:3
3 Next – consider this! – Moses and Elijah, continuing in a discussion and conferring together with Him, were seen by them [i.e., the disciples].
Matthew 17:5
5 Now consider this! While he was still speaking, a cloud composed of light (or: a cloud full of light; a cloud radiating light; a luminous cloud; an illuminated cloud) suddenly brought shade upon them (or: cast a shadow over them; overshadowed, or enveloped them). And think of this! A Voice – from out of the midst of the cloud – progressively saying, "This Man continues existing being My Son! The Beloved One (or: The One exemplifying and expressing My love) within Whom I think good thoughts (or: in Whom I imagine thoughts of wellness and ease; in Whom I appear well; in Whom I approve and of Whom I have a good opinion). Make it a habit to listen, to continue paying attention, and then to [really] hear Him (implies: obey Him)!"
6 At once, upon hearing [this], the disciples fell (= flung themselves) upon their faces and then were made extremely afraid (or: became terrified).
Matthew 20:3
3 "Then, upon going out about [the] third hour [of the day; = about nine in the morning], he saw other folks having taken their place standing idle and unemployed, within the market place.
Matthew 20:6
6 "Now about the eleventh hour (= around five o'clock), after going out, he found other folks having taken their place standing, and he is proceeding to say to them, 'Why have you taken your place and are still standing here idle and unemployed the whole day?'
Matthew 24:3
3 Now later, during His continued sitting on the Mount of Olives, His disciples approached Him, privately (in accord with His being in His own space and place), saying in turn, "Tell us, when will these things proceed in being, and what [is] the sign pertaining to Your presence, as well as (or: even) the combination of parts to one end (or: the bringing to one end together; the combined consummation; the joint, final act) of the age?"
Matthew 24:27
27 "You see, just as the brightness (the brilliant beam; the bright shining) is habitually and progressively coming forth from [the] rising in the eastern parts [= a figure of the sunrise] and then is progressively and habitually shining and giving light as far as [the] western parts (or: until the [recurring] settings), in this way will proceed being the presence of the Son of the Man (the Son from humanity; = Adam's son; or: = the eschatological Messianic figure; the Human Being).
Matthew 25:26
26 "Yet, giving a decisive reply, his owner said to him, '[You] worthless (incompetent) and hesitating (slothful; sluggish) slave! Had you seen, so as to be aware, that I am constantly harvesting where I do not sow, and repeatedly collecting and gathering together from places where I do not fully scatter (= winnow)?
Matthew 25:34
34 "At that time (or: point), the King (or: Reigning One) will proceed saying to the folks at [the places to] His right, 'Come here, you folks having received words of ease and wellness from (or: spoken well of by; or: having received the blessing of; or: bearing thoughts, ideas, expressions and the Word of goodness from) My Father! At once come into possession of the inheritance of, and enjoy the allotment of, [the period of, place of, or realm of] the reign (or: kingdom; influence and activity of sovereignty) having been prepared and made ready from a founding (a casting down [as of a foundation; or: of seed]) of a system (or: of [the] adorned arrangement; of an arranged order; of [the] world).
Matthew 28:18
18 And so, after approaching, Jesus, [breaking the silence], suddenly spoke to them, by saying, "All authority (or: Every right and privilege from out of Being) is (or: was at once) given to Me within heaven and upon the earth (or: in sky and atmosphere, as well as on land)!
19 "Therefore, while going on your way, instruct and make disciples (at some point enlist students and apprentices) of all the ethnic multitudes (the pagans; the Gentiles; the nations; the non-Israelites), habitually immersing them [i.e., the people (masculine pronoun)] (or: one-after-another [B & D read: at some point] baptizing them to the point of infusion and saturation) into the Name which has reference to, belongs to, has its origin and character in, and which represents, the Father and the Son, as well as the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Name from the Father, as well as from the Son, and even which is the Holy Spirit; or: the Name of the Father and of the Son – even of the Holy Spirit; or: the Father's Name, even the Son's, and which pertains to the Sacred Breath; or: the Name belonging to the Father and the Son, and which is the Sacred Attitude; or: the Name of the Father, and then of the Son, and which comes from the se-apart Spirit; or: the Name which represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; or: the Name which comes from the Father, belongs to the Son, and corresponds to the Holy result of the Breath), [note: Eusebius gives this as "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name." – Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine, translated by G. A. Williamson, Barnes & Noble Books, 1995, p 111. Williamson footnotes: "Matt. 28:19, in a simpler, perhaps a more primitive form." comment: this may have been a paraphrase; it may come from a lost MS tradition; it may represent an interpretation of this verse in the early AD 300's; cf Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5]
Mark 1:11
11 And a Voice was birthed (or: a sound occurred) from out of the midst of the heavens (or: [torn] atmospheres; or: = the sky and outer space; or = the realms of God's presence; or = the holy places of the realms of spirit): "You Yourself are (or: continue being; habitually exist being) My Son – the Beloved One! I seem at ease and appear well and prosperous in union with and within the midst of You (or: I delight in You; I think and imagine ease and wellness within You; I am well-pleased and approve in You)!"
Mark 9:1-2
1 Then He continued saying to them, "Truly (or: Assuredly; Amen; Verily), I am now saying to you folks that there are certain ones (or: some) of those standing here who under no circumstances can taste (may test by sipping; = experience; partake) of death until they can (should; may) see God's kingdom (God's reign and influence as King; the sovereign activity which is God) being present, having already come within the midst of power and ability."
2 And then, after six days, Jesus proceeds in taking along Peter, Jacob (James) and John, and continues leading (or: bringing) them up into a high mountain – privately [and] alone (= by themselves). And He was transformed in front of them
Mark 9:7
7 And then a cloud formed, progressively overshadowing (casting shade upon) them. Next a voice sounded (came into existence; was birthed) from out of the midst of the cloud, saying, "This One is (ongoingly exists being) My Son, the Beloved One. Be habitually hearing, listening to [and thus, obeying] Him!"
Mark 10:21
21 Now Jesus, looking at him and seeing within him, loves him, and so said to him, "You yourself continue behind, and are thus lacking and coming short in, one thing. Withdraw (or: Go off) and progressively bring things under control. At once sell as many things as you continue holding (possessing; having), then at once give to the poor and destitute folks – and you will continue holding (possessing; having) stored up treasure within heaven (or: in [your] atmosphere)! After that, come here and be habitually following with Me [other MSS add: picking up the cross]."
Mark 12:36
36 "David, himself (or: This same David), within the midst of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: in union with the Holy Spirit; in the Sacred Attitude) said, 'The Lord [= Yahweh] said to my Lord (Master), "Continue sitting at My right, until when I should place (or: put) Your enemies down under Your feet [other MSS: {as} a foot-stool for Your feet]."' [Ps. 110:1]
Luke 1:47
47 "and the effect and result of my breath expresses extreme joy (or: my spirit and attitude transports supreme happiness and exultation) upon the God [who is] my Savior (or: upon God, my Savior; upon God, the One [being] my Savior),
Luke 1:70
70 "Just and correspondingly as He spoke through [the] mouth of His set-apart (or: holy) prophets from [that] age,
Luke 1:78-79
78 "because of our God's inner organs which are composed of mercy (= His tender compassions which have the character and quality of mercy), in union with and amidst which an upward performance and a rising (= a daybreak) from out of the midst of an exaltation (or: from on high),
79 "to at once ‘shine upon the people continuously sitting within the midst of darkness the realm of the shadow and obscurity; dimness and gloom’ [Isa. 9:1] – even within death's shadow; to cause our feet to be fully straight and to [walk] in correspondence to straightness, into the path (way; road) of peace [= shalom]."
Luke 3:22
22 and [for] the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit; the Sacred Attitude) to descend (step down) – in bodily perceptual appearance as a dove (or: pigeon) – upon Him, and [for] a Voice from out of the midst of heaven (or: a Sound from [the] atmosphere, or sky,) to birth Itself: "You, Yourself, are (continuously exist being) My Son – the Beloved One! I have good thoughts within the midst of You (or: I take delight in You; I am disposed to good things and wellness in union with You; In You I think ease and imagine well-being; [instead of this last sentence, D reads, and this reading is found in various second and third century church fathers, over a wide geographic area from Spain to North Africa, to Palestine: Today I, Myself, have given birth to You])!"
Luke 6:47-49
47 "Everyone who is continually coming to Me and repeatedly listening to and hearing My words (messages; thoughts; ideas) and then proceeds in doing them – I will proceed in suggesting (or: intimating) to you folks to whom he is like:
48 "He is like a person proceeding in building a house, who dug [in the ground] and deepened [the trench], and then put [the] foundation upon the rock-mass. So with the occurring of a flood, the river burst on and dashed against that house – and it was not strong [enough] to shake it, because of the [foresight] for it to have been ideally and finely built.
49 "Yet the person, upon listening or hearing and then not doing, is like a person building a house upon the ground without a foundation, on which the river burst on and dashed against [it], and it immediately collapsed (fell together) – and the result of the split, break-up and crash of that house became great!"
Luke 8:15
15 "But the one within the ideal soil – these are those folks who, at one point listening to and hearing the Word (the thought; the idea; the message; the Logos) within an ideal (beautiful) and good (virtuous) heart, continue holding [it] down within and retaining [it] – and so they continue bearing fruit (producing a harvest) within the midst of a remaining-under, and in union with endurance (or: in union with a persistent endurance which remains under [the task or burden]).
Luke 9:28-32
28 So it came to be (happened; was birthed) – about eight days after these words – that, taking along Peter, John and Jacob (James), He walked up into the hill country (or: climbed into the mountain) to think and commune with a view to goodness, ease and well-being (or: to pray).
29 Then it happened! During the [occasion] for Him to be continuing in speaking and thinking goodness (or: praying), the form (external appearance) of His face became different, and His clothing (apparel) continued flashing forth bright whiteness and brilliant luster.
30 Also – look, and consider this! – two adult men (males), who were and continued being Moses and Elijah, continued speaking with Him.
31 These men were being seen (or: were being caused to be visible and were being observed) in the midst of the manifestation which called forth praise and in union with [the] glory. They kept on talking [about] His exodus (His way out; His path from out of the midst; or: His departure) which was progressively about to be filling up to completion within Jerusalem.
Luke 9:31-32
31 These men were being seen (or: were being caused to be visible and were being observed) in the midst of the manifestation which called forth praise and in union with [the] glory. They kept on talking [about] His exodus (His way out; His path from out of the midst; or: His departure) which was progressively about to be filling up to completion within Jerusalem.
32 Now Peter and those with him had been men having been weighed down and burdened by sleep (may = were half asleep; or: = were sound asleep), yet, upon being fully awake and alert, they see His glory (praise-inducing manifestation) and the two adult men standing together with Him.
Luke 9:34-35
34 But at his being in the midst of saying these things, a cloud was birthed (came to be; formed) and began to cast a shadow upon, and then continued overshadowing, them. Now in the midst of the [situation for] them to enter into the cloud, they were made fearful (or: became wary and afraid; or: were filled with reverential awe).
35 And then a Voice was birthed (or: a Sound occurred) from out of the midst of the cloud, progressively laying it out and saying, "This Man is (or: exists being) My Son, the Man having been selected, picked out and chosen! From Him you men continue hearing (or: You folks be habitually listening to Him)."
Luke 10:22
22 "All mankind and All things were given over to Me by and under My Father, and yet no one is in constant, intimate, experiential knowledge of Who the Son is (exists being), except the Father, nor Who is the Father, except the Son – and whomsoever the Son is now wanting and continuing intending to at some point unveil (uncover; reveal; disclose) [Him]."
Luke 11:49
49 "That is why (or: On account of this) the Wisdom of God also said, 'As emissaries I will proceed sending off prophets and representatives unto them (or: into the midst of them) – and they will proceed killing off [some] from out of their midst, and then they will proceed to pursue (chase; press forward [on] and persecute; [other MSS: banish]) [others],'
Luke 16:26
26 "'Furthermore, in the midst of all these things [and conditions] a great, yawning chasm (or: gaping opening) has been set firmly in position and is now established between us and you people, so that folks presently wanting or intending to step through from here toward you people would continue being unable [to do so] – neither could folks pass over from there toward us.'
Luke 16:29-31
29 "But Abraham proceeds to say, 'They continue having Moses and the Prophets – let them at once listen to and hear from them.'
30 "Yet he said, 'O no (or: = That's not enough; or: = They won't), father Abraham. However, if someone from [the] dead people should go his way (or: travel) to them, they will proceed to change their minds (or: have a change in their way of thinking) [and be returning to Yahweh]!'
31 "Still, he rejoined to him, 'Since (or: If) they are not in the habit of listening to or hearing Moses and the Prophets, neither will they proceed in being persuaded if someone should arise and stand up out from among [the] dead folks.'"
Luke 18:22
22 Now upon hearing [this], Jesus said to him, "There continues remaining yet one thing left for (or: with; to; by) you (or: There is still one thing lacking about you). At once sell everything – as many things as you presently have – and distribute [the proceeds] to the destitute folks and you will continue possessing (having and holding) treasure within the heavens (or: among the atmospheres) and then finally, come back here; keep on following Me (or: continue being a follower to Me)."
Luke 21:19
19 "Within the midst of your persistent, supportive remaining-under (or: In union with your patient endurance), be progressively gaining possession of your souls (or: continue acquiring your inner life; make it a habit to procure and possess yourself; [with other MSS: you folks will repeatedly gain and progressively acquire your lives/selves]).
Luke 22:31-34
31 "Simon, O Simon! Look, and consider. The adversary (or: opponent; satan) makes (or: made) a request concerning you men: to winnow [you folks] as grain!
32 "But I Myself urgently asked concerning you, [Simon], to the end that your trust and faith would not leave from out of [you] (or: = give out). And so at some point, you yourself, upon turning around, make your brothers immovable (or: stabilize and establish your fellow members)."
33 So then he said to Him, "Lord (Master), I am ready and prepared to proceed going on with You, both into jail (or: prison) and even into death."
34 Yet He said, "I am now saying to you, Peter, a rooster (cock) will not proceed crowing today, until you will three times proceed in denying to have seen or known Me."
Luke 24:21
21 "Yet we, ourselves, had been expecting that He is the One being now about to be progressively redeeming and thus liberating Israel, by payment of a ransom. But surely, to the contrary and besides all these things, this makes the third day since these things occurred.
John 1:7-9
7 This one came into a testimony (or: went to witness; came for evidence), to the end that he may give testimony (be a witness; show evidence) about The Light, so that all humanity (or: everyone) would at some point come to believe and trust through him (or: by means of it).
8 That person (= He) was not The Light, but rather [he came] so that he could give testimony (would be a witness; should present evidence) about The Light.
9 It was (or: He was, and continued being) the True and Genuine Light which (or: Who) is continuously (repeatedly; progressively) enlightening (giving light to) every person (or: human) continuously (repeatedly; progressively; constantly; one after another) coming into the world (or: the ordered system of culture, religion, economics and government; or: the universe) (or: It was the real Light, progressively coming into the world {organized system}, which is progressively enlightening {or: shedding light on} every human).
John 1:12-13
12 Yet, as many as receive It (or: took Him) – to the ones habitually trusting and believing into Its Name (or: His Name) – It gives (or: He gave) to them (or: for them; in them) authority ([the] right; or: privilege from out of the midst of Being) to be birthed (or: to become) God’s children (born ones),
13 who are born (or: were given birth) not out of bloods (or: [flows] of blood), neither forth from the will of flesh (or: from the intent of a flesh [ceremony]), nor yet out of the will (purpose; intent) of an adult male, but to the contrary, from out of the midst of God!
14 And so The Word (the Idea; the Thought; the Reason; the Discourse; the Message; The Collected Expression of Rational Logic; The Logos; = the meaning, plan and rational purpose of the ordered universe) births Itself flesh (or: became flesh; came to be [in] flesh; came into existence being flesh; = God's thought, the ground of all real existence, became projected into creation as an immanent power within the world of mankind, inhabiting flesh), and lives in a tent, within us (or: set up a tent and tabernacled among us), and we view (attentively gaze at; looked at so as to contemplate) Its (or: His) glory (Its manifestation which calls forth praise; Its appearance which creates and effects opinions in regard to the whole of human experience; = His manifest presence): a glory (= prestige and importance; reputation and opinion-forming appearance) as of an only-begotten one at a father’s side (or: [the] glory from [the presence of the] Father, as a uniquely-born One), full of grace and truth (filled with favor as well as reality and genuineness).
John 1:42
42 And so he led him toward Jesus. Looking within (or: on) him, Jesus said, "You are Simon, the son of John [other MSS: Jonah]. You will be called Cephas" – which is presently being translated and interpreted, "Peter (a stone)."
John 3:35
35 "The Father continuously loves the Son, and He has given all humanity (or, as a neuter: all things) [to Him] so that He has it (or: them) as a gift within His hand.
John 5:21-23
21 "You see, just as the Father is habitually (repeatedly; constantly; presently) raising up the dead folks, and is repeatedly (continually; presently) making [them] alive, thus also, the Son is habitually (constantly; presently) making alive which ones He is presently intending (willing; purposing),
22 "for neither is the Father presently (progressively; constantly) separating and making a decision about (evaluating; judging) anyone, but rather, He has given all sifting and decision-making in the Son (or: has granted all judging by the Son; has handed over all evaluating of issues to the Son),
23 "to the end that everyone (or: all mankind) may continuously be honoring the Son (or: would habitually value, and constantly find worth in, the Son), correspondingly as they may be continually honoring the Father. The one not habitually honoring (valuing; finding worth in) the Son is not habitually honoring (valuing; finding worth in) the Father – the One sending Him."
John 5:26
26 "You see, just as the Father continuously holds (or: constantly has) Life within Himself, thus also, He gives in the Son (or: to the Son) to be continuously holding (or: constantly having) Life within Himself,
John 5:35
35 "That one was continuing being the continuously burning (ignited; lighted) and constantly shining lamp, and you folks yourselves, for a short time (= for an hour), want (or: purposed) to exult and rejoice in its light (or: within his light).
36 "Yet I Myself constantly hold (or: am continuously having) the Witness (or: the evidence) [that is] greater and more important than [that] from John (or: the greater testimony compared to the one that John gives), for the works (or: actions; deeds) which the Father has given in Me (to Me; for Me; by Me) – to the end that I may bring them to the goal (finish, mature and perfect them to their destined purpose) – the works themselves (or: these same actions) which I am continuously doing (performing; producing) continuously bear witness (testify; make claim; give evidence) about Me, that the Father has sent Me forth with a commission (as a Representative, or Emissary).
37 "Also, the One sending Me, that Father, has borne witness (has testified) about Me. You folks have neither heard His voice at any time, nor have you seen (or: perceived) His external appearance (shape; figure of what is seen; = what He looks like),
John 5:39
39 "You folks continuously search (or, as an imperative: Be constantly searching) the Scriptures, because within them you yourselves are habitually presuming to be presently and continuously holding eonian life (or: because you folks are normally supposing for yourselves to be habitually having – in union with them – life pertaining to, and having the qualities and characteristics of, the Age [perhaps: = the life of the coming age]), and those [Scriptures] are (exist being) the ones continuously testifying about Me (constantly giving evidence concerning and bearing witness around Me).
John 5:42
42 "but rather, I have come to know you folks by personal experience, that you people do not continuously hold (or: do not presently have) God’s love (or: the love which is God; or: love pertaining to God) within yourselves.
John 6:27
27 "Stop continuously working or doing business for the food which is continuously disintegrating of itself (loosing itself away; destroying itself), but rather [for] the Food continuously remaining (abiding; dwelling) into eonian Life (life originating from, existing in, having the characteristics and qualities of, the Age; age-enduring and eon-lasting life) which the Son of the Man (of Humanity; of the human; of mankind; or: = the Human Being) will continue giving to you (or: in you; for you) folks, for This One (or: This Man) Father God seals (or: for God, the Father, put [His] seal [showing ownership and/or approval and/or authority] upon a person [doing] this; or: you see, this One the Father sealed: God)."
John 6:37
37 "All that (or: Everything which) the Father continues giving to Me will move toward Me to finally arrive here, and the person progressively coming toward Me I may under no circumstances (or: would by no means) throw forth from out of the midst (eject; cast out) [so that he will be] outside,
John 6:39
39 "Now this is the purpose (intent; will) of the One sending Me: that all that (or: everything which) He has given to Me, so that it is now Mine, I will proceed to (or, as an aorist subjunctive: may; should; would) lose nothing from out of it, but further, I will proceed to (or: should; would) raise it up to, in and with The Last Day (or: by the Last Day; for the final Day).
John 8:12
12 Jesus therefore again spoke to them [i.e., to those whom He had just been teaching, in vs. 2, or at a later time], saying, "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the Light of the world (or: of the cosmos; of the ordered system; of the dominant cultural, political, economic and religious arrangements; of the universe; of ‘the theater of history’ – Walter Wink). The one habitually and progressively following Me can by no means walk around (= under no circumstances live his or her life) within the darkness (or: the dim and shaded areas; the gloom and obscurity due to the lack of the Light of the Day; the [realm] of the shadows; [note: = ignorance; = that situation which existed before the Light came; or, could also refer to the dim condition within the holy place of the Temple, or to the darkness of death, blindness or the womb]), but, to the contrary, he will progressively possess (constantly have and hold) the Light of 'the Life!' (or: the light which is life.)"
John 9:40-41
40 And so those from out of the Pharisees – being with Him – heard these things, and said to Him, "We ourselves are not also blind ones, are we?"
41 Jesus says to them, "If you men had been and were continuing being blind ones, you were not holding and would not be having sin (error; a miss of the goal; failure). Yet now you continue saying that, 'We are continuously seeing and habitually observing.' Your error (sin; failure; miss of the target) continues remaining (is habitually dwelling; constantly abides).
John 10:10
10 "The thief does not constantly come, except to the end that he may steal, slaughter (slay for food – as for a feast – or, for a sacrifice) and destroy (utterly loose away). I Myself come so that they can progressively possess (would continuously have; could habitually hold) Life, and may continue possessing [it] in superabundance (or: and may have a surplus surrounding them in excessive amounts).
John 10:15
15 "just as the Father has continuous, intimate knowledge of Me, and I have continuous, intimate knowledge of the Father, and I am constantly placing My soul over the sheep.
John 10:36
36 "are you yourselves now saying to the One Whom the Father set apart (consecrated as holy) and sent forth as an Emissary (on a mission; as a Representative) into the organized System (into the world; into the cosmos; unto the realm of the secular; into the religious and cultural complex) – that 'You are blaspheming (speaking impious villainy and giving a false image [of God]),' because I said, 'I am (exist being) God's Son'?
John 12:26
26 "If anyone would habitually give attending service (raise dust throughout in hastening to provide for material needs) to Me, let him habitually and progressively follow with Me, and then where I Myself am, there My attending servant will also be (exist; have his or her being). If anyone would habitually give attending service to Me and provide for Me, the Father will value and honor him.
John 12:28-29
28 "O Father, glorify Your Name (bring glory and renowned reputation to your Name in a manifestation which calls forth praise)!" Then a voice (or: sound) came from out of the midst of the heaven (or: the sky; the atmosphere): "I both bring (or: brought) glory to [it], and I will continue glorifying [it] again!"
29 Hence the crowd of common folks, the [crowd] standing around and hearing [it], began to say that it had thundered. Others were saying, "A messenger (or: An agent) has spoken to him."
John 13:1-3
1 Now before the festival (or: feast) of the Passover, Jesus, having seen and thus knowing that His hour comes (or: came) – to the end that He could (or: should; may; would) change His steps and move (walk differently; transfer; pass over to another place) from out of the midst of this world (ordered System; secular society; human aggregate; universe) toward the Father – loving His own [people? mankind? friends? disciples? created ones?]: those within the world (the System; society; the ordered universe), He loves them unto the end (or: the goal and attained destiny; the finished, purposed product; the accomplished and completed work; the consummation; or: = to the uttermost).
2 So, while the evening meal was progressively going on [other MSS: with, or after, the occurring of the evening meal] – the adversary (the one who thrusts something through folks; the devil) having already thrust (cast; hurled; thrown; = put) [the idea or conviction] into the heart of Judah (or: Judas), [son] of Simon Iscariot, that he should hand Him over (or: entrust and commit Him; or: = turn Him in) –
3 Jesus, having seen and now knowing (or: being aware) that the Father has given [other MSS, aorist: gives/gave] all people and all things to Him – into [His] hands – and that He came out from God – forth from the midst [of Him] – and now is continuously leading and bringing [all] under [His] control to God (or: is progressively humbly withdrawing and going back [to be] face to face with God),
John 13:34-35
34 "I am giving to you men a new implanted goal (an inward purposed directive different from that which had been formerly; an impartation of a finished product and destiny that is new in kind and character): that you folks are to be continuously and progressively loving (or: should constantly love and accept) one another, just as(correspondingly as; to the same level as; in the sphere as) I love you folks so that you also may constantly (or: would habitually) love and accept one another.
35 "Within this, all people will come to know by personal experience that you are (or: continue being) My disciples (students; learners) – if you should constantly hold love within one another (or: have acceptance which overcomes separation and drives toward union among yourselves)."
John 14:6
6 Jesus then says to him, "I Myself am (exist being) the Way (or: Path), the Truth (the Reality) and the Life (or: = I am the way to really live). No one is presently going to, or progressively coming toward, the Father, except through Me (through means of Me, or, through the midst of Me).
John 14:8-9
8 Philip then says to Him, "O Lord (Master), show us the Father (point the Father out to us), and it is continuing to be sufficient (adequate; enough) for us."
9 Jesus is then saying to him, "I continue being (I am) with you folks so much time, and you have not come to intimately and experientially know Me, Philip? The one having seen Me has seen, and now perceives, the Father! How are you now saying, 'Show us the Father'?
John 14:11
11 "Keep on trusting and progressively believe Me (or: by Me and in Me,) that [it is] I within the midst of the Father, and the Father within the midst of Me (or: that I [am] in union with the Father, and the Father [is] in union with Me). Otherwise (or: But if not), keep trusting and constantly believe Me (or: in Me) because of the works (actions; deeds) themselves.
John 15:2
2 "Every tender branch (shoot or twig which can easily be broken) within Me not habitually bearing (bringing forth; = producing) fruit He regularly lifts up and takes it away. And every one consistently bearing the fruit He periodically clears (or: seasonally cleanses) by pruning, to the end that it can continue bearing more (a greater amount of) fruit.
John 15:6-8
6 "If anyone can (or: would; should) not continuously remain (dwell; abide; stay) within the midst of and in union with Me, he is cast (or: thrown) outside – as the tender branch (twig; shoot) – and is caused to dry up and wither. And, they are constantly gathering (or: leading) them together [as in a bundle, or in a synagogue]. And then, they are normally throwing (or: casting) [them] into the fire – and it is progressively kindled (repeatedly ignited; or: habitually lit and progressively burned).
7 "If you people can (or: would; should) remain (abide) within the midst of and in union with Me – and My gush-effects (flow of declarations; results of spoken words) can (should; would) remain (abide) within the midst of and in union with you – seek in petition whatever you folks may habitually purpose (constantly intend; repeatedly will; continuously want or desire), and it will proceed coming to be in and among you folks (it will progressively occur for you; it will continue being birthed by you; it will habitually happen to you).
8 "My Father is (or: was) glorified (given a good reputation and a manifestation which calls forth praise) within the midst of this, so that you men can continuously bear (or: would keep on bringing forth) much fruit, and thus can (or: would) come to be [with other MSS: will continue becoming] disciples (learners; students; apprentices) by Me (or: in Me; to Me; for Me; with Me; [other MSS: My disciples]).
John 17:2-3
2 "Correspondingly as You give (or: gave) to Him right, privilege and authority from out of Being concerning all flesh (= people) to the end that everything (or: each one; all, male or female) which You have given to Him, to them He will continue giving eonian life (life having its origin in, and the characteristics and qualities of the Age [of Messiah]; or: age-enduring life; life of and for the ages).
John 17:2
2 "Correspondingly as You give (or: gave) to Him right, privilege and authority from out of Being concerning all flesh (= people) to the end that everything (or: each one; all, male or female) which You have given to Him, to them He will continue giving eonian life (life having its origin in, and the characteristics and qualities of the Age [of Messiah]; or: age-enduring life; life of and for the ages).
3 "Now THIS is (or: exists being) eonian life (living existence of and for the ages; life pertaining to the Age [of Messiah]): namely, that they may progressively come to intimately and experientially know You, the only true and real (genuine) God – and Jesus Christ, Whom You send forth as an Emissary (or: as well as Jesus [as the] Anointed One, whom You sent off as a Representative).
John 17:3-3
3 "Now THIS is (or: exists being) eonian life (living existence of and for the ages; life pertaining to the Age [of Messiah]): namely, that they may progressively come to intimately and experientially know You, the only true and real (genuine) God – and Jesus Christ, Whom You send forth as an Emissary (or: as well as Jesus [as the] Anointed One, whom You sent off as a Representative).
John 17:21
21 "to the end that all mankind may (or: everyone would) continuously exist being one, correspondingly as You, O Father [other MSS: Father], [are] within the midst of Me, and I [am] within the midst of You – so that they, themselves, may and would also continuously exist being within the midst of Us, to the end that the System (world of culture, religion and government; or: secular society) can (may; would) continuously trust and progressively believe that You sent Me forth as an Emissary with a mission.
John 20:17
17 Jesus then says to her, "Stop holding (or: Do not continue hanging on and clinging to) Me, for I have not yet stepped back up again so as to be ascended toward (or: to; face to face with) the [other MSS: My] Father. Now be going on your way toward (or: to) My brothers (= fellow believers), and say to them [that I said], ‘I am progressively stepping back up again (or: now ascending) toward My Father – even the Father of you folks – and My God: even [the] God of you people!’"
John 20:21
21 Then Jesus again said to them, "Peace (or: Harmony and prosperity [= Shalom]) to and for you folks! Correspondingly (or: According; On the same level; In the same sphere; In line with) as the Father has sent Me forth with a mission and as an Emissary (Representative), I Myself also am progressively (or: repeatedly; or: one after another) sending (dispatching) you folks."
John 21:15-17
15 Then, when they had finished breakfast, Jesus says to Simon Peter, "Simon of John [other MSS: Jonah], are you continuously loving Me (accepting Me without restriction) more than these (= more than you love these folks, or, more that these folks love Me)?" He [Peter] says to Him, "Yes, Lord (Master), You, Yourself, have seen and know that I am fond of (or: like) You and am Your friend." He [Jesus] says to him, "As a herdsman, be habitually feeding (or: grazing) and tending My young lambs!"
16 Again, a second [time], He continues, saying to him, "Simon of John [or: Jonah], are you continuously loving Me (is your whole being progressively driving toward accepting reunion with Me)?" He [Peter] says to Him, "Yes, Lord (Master), You, Yourself, have seen and know that I am fond of (or: like) You and am Your friend." He [Jesus] says to him, "Constantly shepherd (herd for grazing; = lead, protect, care for, nourish) My sheep [other MSS: small sheep]!"
17 "Simon of John [or: Jonah]," He continues, a third [time] saying to him, "Do you like Me and are you habitually My friend, having fondness and affection for Me?" Peter was made to grieve and be sad and sorry, because He said to him, the third [time], "Are you habitually My friend, liking and having fondness and affection for Me?" So he said to Him, "O Lord, You, Yourself, have seen and know all things. YOU continue knowing by progressive intimate experience that I like You and continue as a friend with affection and fondness for You." Jesus says to him, "As a herdsman, be habitually feeding (or: grazing) and tending My sheep [other MSS: small sheep]!
18 "Most assuredly (Amen, amen) I say to you [note: singular], when you were younger, you used to clothe and gird yourself, and you habitually walked around where you were consecutively setting your will (intending; purposing). Yet whenever you may grow old and decrepit, you will proceed stretching out your hands, and another will continue clothing and girding you, and will proceed carrying you where you are not intending (willing)."
19 Now He said this showing by a sign (or: signifying) by what sort of death he [Peter] will continue bringing glory (a manifestation which calls forth praise and a good reputation) to God. And saying this, He continues in saying to him, "Continue following Me!"
Acts 1:16
16 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow believers)! It was continuing necessary and binding for the Scripture to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit (or: the Set-apart Breath-effect and Sacred Attitude) foretold (or: spoke in advance) through the mouth of David, concerning (or: about) Judah (or: Judas) – the one coming to be a guide for (or: to) the folks seizing and arresting Jesus –
Acts 3:18
18 "But what God announced-down in advance (or: before) through the mouth of the prophets (those who have light ahead of time and speak before people) – [the situations which] His Anointed One (or: Christ) was to experience and suffer – He thus, and in this way, fulfilled.
Acts 15:8-9
8 "And God, One who knows (or: has insights into) the heart by intimate experience, has given evidence for (or: bore witness to; gave testimony in) them in (or: when) giving the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) to [D reads: upon] them, just as [He did] to us, also!
9 "Furthermore, He made not even one separation of any kind (or: He made a distinction in nothing; or: He makes no dividing decision in even one thing) between both us and them, at once cleansing (or: purifying) their hearts by faith (with trust; in The Faithfulness [of Christ]; to and for convinced reliance)!
Acts 15:14
14 "Simeon led [us] out and unfolded, relating in detail, how God first (or: first of all; in the first [place]) made a visit (and: took an attentive look characterized by complete care) to at one point take from out of the midst of the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; folks who were non-Jews) a people for His Name (= as His representatives and for His glory; or: by His Name [= power and authority]; in His Name [= possession and realm of being]; with His Name [= character and reputation]; to His Name).
Acts 15:29
29 "to habitually abstain and hold yourselves away from idol sacrifices (or: things [i.e., foods] sacrificed to idols) and from blood, and from things that were strangled, and from sexual immorality (fornication; prostitution; = infidelity) – out from which things, by practice carefully keeping and habitually thoroughly guarding yourselves, you folks will perform well (be well-engaged; prosper) [D reads: and whatever you do not normally wish or purpose for yourselves to progressively become or to have happen, do not keep on doing to other folks, {and} from which things in continuously keeping yourselves thoroughly {away}, commit acts of ease and well-being, being folks constantly carried along within the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the holy wind; the Holy Spirit)]. Be ones having been strengthened and made firm (or: = Good health to you)!"
Acts 16:5
5 The called-out communities were indeed, therefore, being progressively made strong, firm, solid and stable in the faith (or: in union with the trusting conviction), and they kept on increasing and superabounding in number daily.
Acts 17:11
11 Now these folks were (or: existed being) more noble (well-born; = noble-minded and having the character that comes from being raised in a good family) than those in Thessalonica. [They were] folks who received and welcomed the Logos (the Word; the message; the idea) with all eagerness (rushing forward), repeatedly examining again, separating back and sifting up and down the Scriptures – day by day – to determine if these continue having it thus (or: holding it in this way).
Acts 20:24-25
24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God).
25 "And thus now, consider this. I have seen and am thus aware that all you folks, among whom I passed through constantly and progressively making public proclamation heralding the reign and kingdom [D adds: of Jesus; E and others read: of God], will no longer see my face.
Acts 20:25
25 "And thus now, consider this. I have seen and am thus aware that all you folks, among whom I passed through constantly and progressively making public proclamation heralding the reign and kingdom [D adds: of Jesus; E and others read: of God], will no longer see my face.
Acts 24:25
25 Yet during his dialoging and discoursing about fairness and equity (rightwised behavior and right relationships within the Way pointed out; also: = covenant inclusion and participation), inner strength and self-control, and then the impending effect of judgment (separation which is about to result in a decision), Felix – coming to be alarmed with inner fear – gave a decided response: "For the present, be now going your way while continuing to hold this [subject]. Now then, upon getting a fitting opportunity with [you], I will keep on calling for you,"
Acts 28:25
25 So, continuing in being out of harmony (dissonant; discordant; without symphony; = at odds and in disagreement) toward one another, they began loosing themselves away (continued dismissing themselves, one after another) with Paul's speaking one gush-effect (or: comment; declaration): "The set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) beautifully (finely; ideally; aptly; fittingly) speaks (or: spoke) through Isaiah the prophet – to your fathers – saying,
Romans 1:1
1 Paul, Jesus Christ’s slave (or: a slave servant of and from [the] Anointed One, Jesus; a slave belonging to Jesus [the] Anointed [= Messiah]), a called person, one sent forth with a mission (or: an ambassador or emissary by invitation), being one having been marked off by boundaries (parted away and determined by bounds; separated away and limited off; delineated; defined) unto God’s good news (or: into a message of goodness and well-being which is God),
Romans 1:4
4 the One being bounded (marked off, thus defined; separated, and so designated; divided away, and so determined; or: appointed) God’s Son (or: a Son Who is God; or: a Son from, or having the character and qualities of, God; = God's Regent, cf Ps. 2; 2 Sam. 7:14) immersed within the midst of power and in union with ability, down from (or: corresponding to and on a level with; in the sphere of) a Breath-effect of set-apartness (or: an attitude of holiness and sacredness; a spirit pertaining to being set apart) forth from out of a resurrection (a standing back up again) from among dead folks – Jesus Christ, our Lord (Master and Owner),
Romans 1:7
7 to (or: for) all those being in Rome: God’s loved ones (folks dearly loved of God), set-apart (holy) called ones, joyous grace and peace to you (or: favor and harmony [= shalom] [are] in and with you) from God, our Father and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: from our Father God, and [the] Master, Jesus Christ; or: from God our Father, even [the] Owner – [the] Anointed Jesus).
Romans 1:12
12 Now this means to be called together for an interchange of aid, encouragement or consolation among you folks, through the faith and trust within each other – both yours and mine.
Romans 1:17
17 for in It God’s justice (solidarity in fairness and equity; righteousness; [covenantal] qualities of the Way pointed out; way of righting what is wrong; right relationship [with us]; means of turning us in the right direction) is continuously and progressively being unveiled (revealed; disclosed), from out of faith (or: forth from out of the midst of trust and conviction), [proceeding] into faith ([leading] into the midst of trust and conviction), according as it has been written, "But the one righteous (or: just) out-of-faith will himself continue living (or: Yet the Just One will experience life in himself from out of faith; or: Now the one in accord with the Way pointed out from trust, will in himself be living; or: And the person rightwised from out of faith will continuously live; or: So the One being fair and equitable from trust will progressively receive life into Himself from that trust)." [Hab. 2:4]
Romans 2:7
7 in those (to those; for those), on the one hand, in accord with [the] patient endurance (humbly remaining under for persistent support) of a good work (or: virtuous action) [who] are constantly seeking glory (a good reputation; a manifestation of that which calls forth praise) and honor (value; worth) and incorruptibility (or: incorruption) – life which belongs to, is connected with, and is proper to the Age (or: eonian life; the life of and for the ages).
Romans 3:21-26
21 Yet now, apart from Law (or: custom; habitual practice; ordinance made by authority; or: = Torah), a righteousness of God (God’s solidarity, with fair and equitable dealings; a turning in the right direction, from God; God’s covenantal faithfulness, justice and pointing out of the Way; a rightwisedness and right relationship, which is God) has been manifested and remains displayed in clear light – being continuously attested in witness by means of (or: under) the Law (= Torah) and the Prophets –
22 yet a righteousness of God (or: a right relationship and solidarity with and which is God; justice from God; God’s fair and equitable dealings in accord with the Way pointed out; a rightwised condition effected by God) through Jesus Christ’s faithfulness (trust; faith; convinced loyalty) [coming] into all humanity – as well as upon and into all those believing, for you see, there exists no distinction (no difference; no divided arrangement)!
23 You see, all people at one point veered off the mark (or: all folks deviated; or: everyone fails; all humanity sins), and so they are continually posterior to, falling short of, inferior to and wanting of, God’s glory (of a manifestation of God which calls forth praise; of a reputation which comes from, and has the character of, God; of God's opinion and imagination; of [having] an appearance of God; of the glory from God),
24 while being folks presently and progressively being made right, freed from guilt, placed in solidarity within the Way pointed out, and continuously set in right relationship (or: being [all] one-after-another rightwised; being ones habitually turned in the right direction; being [all] presently justified [by covenant inclusion]) freely (as a gift; gratuitously) by His grace (or: in His joyous favor; with His grace; to His favor) through means of the releasing-away (redemption; setting-free) because of the payment of the ransom which is resident within Christ Jesus (or: which is centered in [the] Anointed Jesus)
25 Whom God publicly set and places before [us] (or: before put-forth; purposed) [as] a sheltering, cleansing cover (mercy seat; lid of the ark; = atonement) through the faithfulness (or: the trust, faith and loyalty) resident within His blood – into a demonstration which points out the proof of His rightwised solidarity (or: His fairness in covenantal, relational rightness, and His just act which accords with the Way pointed out), on account of (or: because of) the letting flow-aside, and the passing by, of the effects of errors (or: the results of sinful acts; offenses against the Law; effects of mistakes) having previously occurred (being ones having been before brought into being) during the midst of God’s tolerant forbearance –
26 toward the demonstration which points out the proof of His rightwised solidarity, with fair and equitable dealing (His justice; His righteousness; His compliance with the Way pointed out), within the present season (in the current fitting situation; in union with the current fertile moment), for Him to be just (or: One in covenantal solidarity that accords with fair and equitable dealings which comprise the Way pointed out) and the One progressively turning in the right direction, making just and freeing from guilt while constantly placing in the Way pointed out which is righted, covenantal relationship (or: The Right-wiser and Justifier of) the person [issuing; being born] forth from out of the midst of Jesus’ faithfulness (or: from [the] trust, loyalty, and trustworthiness [emanating] from, and [the] faith which is, Jesus)!
Romans 5:3-4
3 So not only this, but further, we also keep on being proud of and boasting within the pressures, while exulting in ordeals, afflictions and tribulations, having seen and thus knowing that the pressure (or: the ordeal, affliction or tribulation) is habitually producing (working down; accomplishing) a relentless remaining (or: abiding and dwelling) under [situations and circumstances] (or: humble and persistent endurance and fortitude as we get through it, as well as the patient ability to give support).
4 Yet the remaining and abiding under [produces] a quality of being approved by testing (= maturity of character); in turn, the quality of being approved by testing [produces] expectation and hope.
Romans 6:1-4
1 What, then (or: consequently), shall we continue saying (or: declaring)? Should we continue prolonging our remaining (or: May we stay longer, remain on, habitually abide or persist) in the Sin (with the failure; by the missing of the target; centered in the error; in relation to the deviation from the goal), to the end that the Grace and Favor may increase to be more than enough?
2 Certainly not (May it not come to be; May it not happen)! We, the very ones who once died by the Sin (or: died with the Sin; die in deviation; died with reference to missing the target; died to failure; die in error), how shall we [other MSS: could we] still (or: yet) continue living within it, centered in it, or in union with it?
3 Or are you continuing to be ignorant (are you remaining without experiential knowledge; do you continue not knowing) that as many of we who are immersed (or: were at one point baptized) into Christ Jesus are immersed (or: were then baptized) into His death?
4 We, then (or: consequently), were buried together (entombed together with funeral rites) in Him (or: by Him; with Him), through the immersion (baptism) into the death, to the end that just as (or: in the same manner as) Christ was roused and raised forth from out of the midst of dead folks THROUGH (through means of) THE GLORY (the glorious manifestation of splendor which calls forth praise; the notion; the renown; the reputation; the imagination) of The Father (or: which is the Father), thus also we can walk around (or: we also should likewise conduct ourselves and order our behavior) within newness of life (in union with life characterized by being new in kind and quality, and different from that which was former).
Romans 6:6
6 while constantly knowing this by intimate experience, that our old, former humanity is crucified together (or: was simultaneously and jointly impaled and put to death on an execution stake) with [Him], to the end that the body of the Sin (the body belonging to the failure; the corporal manifestation that pertains to the deviation; the group of people [Adam] who missed the target) could and would be rendered useless and inoperative (idled-down to be unproductive; made null, inactive and unemployed), for us to no longer continually be a slave to the Sin (or: perform as a slave in the failure, for the Sin, or by deviating and thus missing the goal),
Romans 6:11
11 Thus you folks, also, be logically considering (reckoning, accounting and concluding) yourselves to exist being dead ones, indeed, by the failure to hit the target (or: in the Sin; to the deviation), yet ones continuously living by God (in God; for God; to God; with God), within Christ Jesus, our Owner (or: in union with [the] Anointed Jesus, our Lord and Master).
Romans 8:25
25 Yet since (or: even if) we continue expecting what we are not seeing (or: observing), we continue taking away and accepting from out of it through remaining under [our present situation and circumstances] (or: through patient, humble, persistent, supportive endurance).
Romans 8:28-30
28 Now [look], we have seen, and thus know and are aware, that to those habitually or progressively loving God – to the folks being called and invited according to [the] purpose (or: for, in and with the people progressively experiencing love for God – in, with, by and for the people being invited down from an advanced placing, congruent with a design and corresponding to a before-placing and a prior setting forth) – He is constantly working all things together into good and is progressively working all humanity together into that which is advantageous, worthy of admiration, noble and of excellent qualities. [with other MSS: Yet we know that God is continuously joining everything together (or: working together with everything) into goodness by those continuously loving God'85]
Romans 8:28-31
28 Now [look], we have seen, and thus know and are aware, that to those habitually or progressively loving God – to the folks being called and invited according to [the] purpose (or: for, in and with the people progressively experiencing love for God – in, with, by and for the people being invited down from an advanced placing, congruent with a design and corresponding to a before-placing and a prior setting forth) – He is constantly working all things together into good and is progressively working all humanity together into that which is advantageous, worthy of admiration, noble and of excellent qualities. [with other MSS: Yet we know that God is continuously joining everything together (or: working together with everything) into goodness by those continuously loving God'85]
29 because those whom He foreknew (whom He knows from previous intimate experience), He also marked out beforehand (determined, defined and designed in advance) [as] copies (joint-forms) of the image (material likeness; portrait; mirrored image) of His Son (or: He previously divided, separated and bounded conformed patterns from the image of His Son) into the [situation for] Him to be (or: to continually exist being) the Firstborn among, within the center of, and in union with many brothers (= a vast family of believers)!
Romans 8:29-31
29 because those whom He foreknew (whom He knows from previous intimate experience), He also marked out beforehand (determined, defined and designed in advance) [as] copies (joint-forms) of the image (material likeness; portrait; mirrored image) of His Son (or: He previously divided, separated and bounded conformed patterns from the image of His Son) into the [situation for] Him to be (or: to continually exist being) the Firstborn among, within the center of, and in union with many brothers (= a vast family of believers)!
30 Now [in fact, consider this]: those whom He at one point before-marked-out (or: designates beforehand; [A reads: knew from prior intimate experience]), these He also at once called (or: calls; invited), and whom He called (or: calls; invites), these He also in one stroke rightwised (or: makes right, frees from guilt while making them fair and placing them in [covenant] relationships in the Way pointed). Now further, those whom He rightwised (or: rightwises; turns in the right direction; = included in covenant), these He also instantly glorified (or: makes of reputation which calls forth praise; gives a splendid appearance; gives honorable thoughts and imaginations; clothes with splendor).
Romans 8:30-31
30 Now [in fact, consider this]: those whom He at one point before-marked-out (or: designates beforehand; [A reads: knew from prior intimate experience]), these He also at once called (or: calls; invited), and whom He called (or: calls; invites), these He also in one stroke rightwised (or: makes right, frees from guilt while making them fair and placing them in [covenant] relationships in the Way pointed). Now further, those whom He rightwised (or: rightwises; turns in the right direction; = included in covenant), these He also instantly glorified (or: makes of reputation which calls forth praise; gives a splendid appearance; gives honorable thoughts and imaginations; clothes with splendor).
31 What, then, shall we say to (or: declare in the face of) these things? Since (or: If) God [is] over (thus: = above) us (or: on our behalf; for us), who or what [is; will be; can be; will appear] down against us? [Nobody! Nothing!]
32 Surely (or: Actually; In fact; Certainly), He Who at one point did not spare (or: spares not) His own Son, but further, over [the situation] of us all (or: on behalf of all of us), He at one point handed Him over (or: gives Him up [into the hands of another]), how will He not also, in grace and joyous favor, freely be constantly and progressively giving all things (or: The Whole) to us, together with Him?
Romans 9:4
4 the very ones who are Israelites, whose [is] the placing in the condition of a son (or: the deposit of the Son; the setting in place which is the Son; the constituting as a son) and the glory (the things which call forth praise and bring a splendid reputation) and the arrangements(or: covenants; [other MSS: the Covenant) and the placing of the Law (or: even the setting of custom and legislation by/as [Torah]) and the sacred service and the promises,
Romans 9:24
24 – even us, whom He calls (or: at one point summoned; invites), not only from out of the Jews, but further, even from out of the nations (or: out of the ethnic multitudes, also; forth from the Gentiles, too).
Romans 12:6
6 Now constantly holding (having; possessing) excelling grace-effects (or: gracious results of favor that carry-through), down from, in accord with and to the level of the grace and joyous favor being given to us, in us and for us, whether prophecy – [let it be] down from and in line with the above-word of the faith (or: in accord with the analogy of the loyalty; according to the proportion of trust; following the pattern of the corresponding relationship that pertains to the Faith; down along the upward-thought of faith or the up-message of the belief; in accordance with conformability from the faithfulness; on the level of the correspondence and ratio of confidence);
Romans 12:10
10 In sisterly love (or: By fond affection, as for members of a family,) unto one another, [be] tenderly affectionate folks who express warm regard, being people constantly taking the lead in the honor (by and with the estimation of value or worth) of one another (or: habitually esteeming one another first in value; constantly giving preference to one another in respect).
11 [Be] eager and in diligent haste – not slothful, lazy or hesitating folks. In the Breath-effect (or: By the Spirit; With this attitude), [be] people constantly boiling hot! For the Lord (or: In the Owner; By the Lord; To the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ]), [be] folks constantly slaving (repeatedly performing as slaves)!
Romans 13:11
11 This also – being folks having seen and thus knowing the season (the fit of the situation; the appointed fertile moment) – that [it is] by this time (or: already) an hour to be aroused (or: awakened) out of sleep, for now our rescue (our deliverance; our wholeness, health and salvation) [is] closer than when we came to trust (or: we believed with faith and conviction).
Romans 15:4
4 You see, as much as was written before was written [leading] into the teaching (the instruction and training) [which is] ours (or: was written unto and for our instruction), to the end that through the persistent remaining-under to give support (the humble yet relentless endurance in handling the blows), and through the calling-alongside of the Scriptures (or: through the Scriptures' comfort, consolation, relief, aid, support and performance as a Paraclete) we may constantly hold expectation (or: have expectant hope).
Romans 15:6
6 to the end that at the same time, with a unanimous rush of passion, you folks may (or: would) in one mouth continuously glorify (or: enhance the reputation of and the opinion about) the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:14-15
14 Now, my brothers (Family members; fellow believers), I myself also have been persuaded and remain convinced about you that you yourselves are (or: exist being) folks stuffed full of goodness (bulging with excellence and quality), being those having been filled and remaining full of all The Knowledge (intimate, experiential knowledge and insight; [with other MSS: all gnosis]), being folks continuously able and empowered, also, to habitually put one another in mind (or: to place [thoughts] in each other's mind; to advise or admonish).
15 Yet I more daringly write to you (or: Yet with assumed resolution I outspokenly write to you; [other MSS add: brothers; = fellow believers]) partly as habitually calling you back to full recollection (causing you to be completely remembering) because of the grace and favor being given to me from [other MSS: by; under] God,
1 Corinthians 1:7
7 and as you people are not continuing trailing behind or constantly late, so as to be deficient or fall short – not even in one effect of grace (or: result of favor) – being ones habitually receiving and taking away into your hands from out of our Lord's [= Yahweh's, or Christ's] unveiling: Jesus Christ (or: from the midst of the uncovering and revelation of our Lord, Jesus [the] Anointed; or: forth from the disclosure from our Lord, which is Jesus Anointed),
1 Corinthians 1:9
9 God [is] full of faith, trustworthy, loyal and faithful – through Whom you folks were called and invited into a common being and existence of (or: partnership, participation, fellowship, sharing and communion with) His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord (Owner; Master).
1 Corinthians 1:17
17 For you see, Christ did not send me off with a commission to be constantly baptizing (immersing), but rather to habitually announce the message of goodness (to repeatedly bring the message of abundant well-being; to progressively declare the news of fortunate and ideal ease), [though] not in cleverness of word (within [the] wisdom of a message or an idea; not in skillfulness of rhetoric) – in order that the cross of the Christ (the Anointed One's execution-stake) cannot (or: would not) be made empty or void of content and purpose [by rhetoric].
1 Corinthians 1:23
23 Yet as for us, we are constantly proclaiming (habitually heralding) Christ: One having been terminally crucified (executed on a stake) – indeed, a trap-spring (or: a snare; thus: an obstacle or cause for stumbling or being ensnared) to (or: with; for; among) Jews (those of the Jewish culture and religion); yet stupidity (foolishness; nonsense) to (or: for) [the] multitudes (among [other] ethnic groups; in [the] nations; with the non-Jews),
1 Corinthians 1:30
30 Now you folks are, and continuously exist being, forth from out of the midst of Him – within and in union with Christ Jesus, Who came to be (or: is birthed) wisdom in us (or: to us; for us) from God; likewise, both fairness and equity ([covenantal] relationship in the Way pointed out; rightwisedness – being turned in the right direction – and justice) and the essence of being set-apart to be different – even release by payment of a ransom (or: redemption) –
1 Corinthians 2:1
1 And I myself, in coming toward you, brothers (= fellow believers), did not come repeatedly announcing the message of God's secret (or: constantly proclaiming the news of the mystery [other MSS: witness; testimony] from God) down to you as down from an elevation of thought (or: according to superiority of word), or of wisdom and cleverness (= with a message of transcendent rhetoric or philosophical subtlety and brilliance),
1 Corinthians 2:4
4 so my message (word; thought) and my public proclamation [were] not in persuasive words of wisdom (or: ideas from cleverness), but to the contrary [were] in demonstration of spirit and attitude, as well as of power and from ability (or: in the midst of a display of clear and logical proof from [the] Spirit, consisting of power and ability; in union with a documented manifestation which was Breath-effect and which was a means of influence and capability),
1 Corinthians 3:21-23
21 Hence (or: And so), let no one continue boasting in people (in humanity), for all people are yours (or: all things pertain to you),
22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas; whether [the] world (System of culture, religion, economy and politics or government), or life, or death; whether things standing or having been placed within [your situation], or things being about to be (impending things), all people and all things [are] yours (or: everything pertains to you, belongs to you, and [is] from you folks),
23 yet you folks [are] Christ's – yet Christ [is] God's! (or: Now you have your source and origin in [the] Anointed, and [the] Anointed has His source and origin in God; or: But you belong to [Messiah]; [Messiah] belongs to God.)
1 Corinthians 5:4
4 [upon] your being gathered together within (or: centered in) the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and together with my spirit (or: attitude) in the power and ability of our Lord Jesus,
1 Corinthians 9:1
1 Am I not free (Do I not exist being a free man)? Am I not one sent forth with a mission (a representative; an emissary; a commissioned agent)? Have I not seen Jesus, our Lord (Owner; Master)? Are you folks not my work within the Lord (or: = in union with Christ or Yahweh)?
1 Corinthians 9:25
25 Now every person habitually engaging in a contest (participating in the violent struggle of the public athletic games) constantly exercises inner strength and self-control in all things, and among all folks: those, of course, therefore [do it] so that they may (can) grasp (take; receive) a corruptible wreath that will soon wither, yet we an incorruptible (un-withering) one.
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
1 If ever I could habitually speak (or as an indicative: If I continuously speak) in or with the languages of the human groups (or: by the tongues of mankind) – or even of the agents (or: messengers) – yet am not constantly having and continuously holding love, I have come to be a continuously sounding (or: blaring; booming out; resounding) [piece of] brass (or: copper; bronze) or a repeatedly clashing basin or a continuously clanging cymbal!
2 Even if I am continuously holding light ahead of time (or: repeatedly have prophecy), and I may have seen, and thus know, all the secrets (or: every mystery) and all the intimate knowledge (or: insight; gnosis), and if I now continuously possess all the faith and trust – so as to repeatedly transport mountains (or: to change the place and position of mountain after mountain) – yet do not habitually possess (or: progressively have) love, I am (I exist being) nothing!
3 If further I should dole out all my habitual subsistences in morsels of food – even if I should hand over my body! – so that I could boast [C, D and other later MSS read: so that I will be burned], and yet do not habitually possess and progressively have love, I continue being benefited (furthered; augmented; helped; profited) in not even one thing. [note: love (agape) – "unambiguous love;" "an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence;" "the drive toward reunion;" "participation in the other one;" "the acceptance of the other one as a person... the power of reunion with the other person as one standing on the same ultimate ground..." – Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology III, pp 134-137; Perspectives on 19th and 20th Century Protestant Theology, p 200]
4 The Love (or: This love) is habitually even-tempered, taking a long time to be in a heat of passion (is constantly long-enduring and patient; continues long-suffering; is slow to progress toward feelings which cause violent breathing or rushing emotions) – it continues being usefully kind. The Love (or: This love) is not constantly boiling with jealousy and envy. The Love is not continuously bragging or “showing off” – it is not habitually being puffed up; it is not conceited or arrogant.
5 It is not repeatedly indecent in manner or behavior (it does not continually display lack of [good] form, rudeness or improper demeanor); it is not habitually self-seeking (or: not constantly pursuing its own interests or rights); it is not continually caused to be sharp [in response] nor aroused to irritation or upset emotions; it is not habitually keeping account of the worthless thing, nor logically considering something of bad quality, nor counting the injury.
6 It does not continue to rejoice upon [seeing or hearing of] the injustice, nor is it happy about dishonesty, inequity, or lack of the qualities of the Way pointed out, yet it repeatedly rejoices with the Truth (or: takes delight together in Reality).
7 [Love] continuously covers all mankind; it is habitually loyal to all humanity; it constantly has an expectation for all mankind; it is continuously remaining under and giving support to all people. (or, since “all” can also be neuter: It progressively puts a protecting roof over all things; it is habitually trusting in, and believing for, all things; it is continually hoping in or for all things; it keeps on patiently enduring all things.)
8 The Love (or, again: This love) never – not even once – fails (falls out or lapses; = becomes fruitless or ineffectual; [other MSS: falls down; collapses]). Now, whether prophecies (or: situations of light ahead of time) will be rendered useless and unproductive (or: idled-down to be inactive and unemployed, discarded or, nullified) or languages will stop themselves (or: tongues will restrain themselves so as to cease [speaking]; “utterances of ecstasy” will cease of themselves), or whether intimate or experiential knowledge (or: insight; gnosis) will be rendered useless and unproductive (be idled-down to be inactive and unemployed, discarded or, nullified)
1 Corinthians 14:20
20 Brothers (= Fellow members of the community)! Stop becoming little boys and girls in or by [your] way of thinking and use of intellect, but still be infants – non-speaking babies! – in the worthless, the ugly and the poor of quality or the evil. Yet progressively come to be mature as folks which manifest the purpose (full-grown; perfect; ones having reached the goal and express the destiny; or: = adults) in [your] way of thinking and use of intellect.
1 Corinthians 15:9
9 For I myself am the smallest (thus: the least one) of the sent-forth people (envoys; representatives), who am not adequate to reach [the stature] to be normally called a sent-off representative or emissary, because I pursued and persecuted God's called-out (or: the community of the called-out whose source is God, and which have the character of God).
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Consequently, my beloved brothers, progressively come to be seated and settled folks – immovable and unswerving people – continuing to always be surrounded by more than enough (or: superabounding) within the midst of the Lord's work (= [Yahweh's or Christ's] deed or act), having seen and now knowing that your fatiguing labor (or: toil) does not exist without contents (is not empty) within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
2 Corinthians 1:3
3 The God and Father of our Master, Jesus Christ (or: our Lord and Owner, Jesus [the] Anointed One [= Messiah]) [is] One full of words of ease and thoughts of wellness (or: [is] well-spoken of and blessed): the Father of the compassions and sympathetic acts of pity, and God of every entreaty and of every calling to one's [or: His] side for aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement (or: a God who is all the functioning of a Paraclete),
2 Corinthians 1:20
20 So you see, as many as [be] God's promises, [they are] the "Yes," within and in union with Him. Wherefore also, through Him [is] The Amen (or: the affirmation; the "Count on it!;" the "It is so") in (or: by; with) God [directed] toward and face to face with glory, a good opinion or reputation, and a manifestation which calls forth praise, through us.
2 Corinthians 2:17
17 For we are not – as the majority [are] – ones performing as hucksters in shameful traffic for unworthy gain, constantly peddling and marketing God's message (God's thought and idea; the Word of God; God's Logos), but to the contrary, we are constantly and habitually speaking as from out of the midst of that which is decided about when viewing in clear sunlight – and further, as from out of the midst of God; down within, in union with, and in the place of, God – within Christ! (or: but in contrast, we are progressively speaking in an Anointing – as [being] forth from God [and] in God’s presence!)
2 Corinthians 3:18
18 But we all, ourselves – having a face that has been uncovered and remains unveiled [note: as with Moses, before the Lord, Ex. 34:34] – being folks who by a mirror are continuously observing, as ourselves, the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] glory (or: being those who progressively reflect – from ourselves as by a mirror – the glory of [our] Owner), are presently being continuously and progressively transformed into the very same image, from glory into glory – in accord with and exactly as – from [the] Lord's Breath-effect (or: from [the] Spirit and Attitude of [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]). [comment: considering the context of this chapter, this may refer to the transformation from glory of Moses, into the glory of Christ; or, it may be speaking of a from time to time transfiguration from the glory of humanity into the glory of the Anointing, on an individual basis]
2 Corinthians 4:2
2 To the contrary, we speak-away from ourselves (or: spurn; renounced; disowned) the hidden things pertaining to the shame (or: whose source is [our] shame; that result in dishonorable conduct or bring disgrace), not habitually walking around (= living our lives) in craftiness (or: in union with the capability for every work; within readiness to do anything), neither constantly diluting or adulterating God's message (God's thought and idea; the Word of God), but rather, in a manifestation of the Truth and by a setting of the Reality in clear Light, we are progressively placing ourselves together in addressing every conscience of mankind (or: commending ourselves toward every human conscience), in God's sight (= before God).
3 Now if the good news coming from us (or: our message of goodness, ease and wellness) continues being covered from having been veiled with a head-covering, it continues being thus covered within the midst of and among those on their way to ruin (being progressively lost; repeatedly loosing-away so as to be undone; or: destroying themselves),
4 within and among which folks the God of this age (or: the God who owns this indefinite time-period; the God Who is in relationship with this eon) blinds (or: deprived of the ability to see) the effects of the intellects and mental powers (or: the results of directing the mind to something) of those without faith (of the un-trusting ones; of the unbelieving and disloyal), [leading them] into the [situation that] the shining forth of light and the illumination of (or: the beaming forth of enlightenment from) the good news of the glory of the Christ (or: of the message of goodness, ease and wellness whose source is the glory of the Anointed One; of the glad tidings pertaining to the manifestation which calls forth praise to the [Messiah]) – Who continuously exists being God's image (a resemblance and likeness of [Concordant Text adds: the unseen; the invisible] God) – would not shine forth as the dawn to irradiate them.
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
4 within and among which folks the God of this age (or: the God who owns this indefinite time-period; the God Who is in relationship with this eon) blinds (or: deprived of the ability to see) the effects of the intellects and mental powers (or: the results of directing the mind to something) of those without faith (of the un-trusting ones; of the unbelieving and disloyal), [leading them] into the [situation that] the shining forth of light and the illumination of (or: the beaming forth of enlightenment from) the good news of the glory of the Christ (or: of the message of goodness, ease and wellness whose source is the glory of the Anointed One; of the glad tidings pertaining to the manifestation which calls forth praise to the [Messiah]) – Who continuously exists being God's image (a resemblance and likeness of [Concordant Text adds: the unseen; the invisible] God) – would not shine forth as the dawn to irradiate them.
5 For you see, we are not constantly preaching (proclaiming; heralding) ourselves, but rather, Christ Jesus [as] Lord (or: [the] Anointed Jesus, [the] Lord, Master and Owner; or: = [the] Lord Jesus [as the] Messiah), yet ourselves [as] your slaves, because of Jesus,
6 because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying),"Light will shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight)!" [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential knowledge of God's glory – in a face of Christ (or: [is] He Who gives light in union with our hearts, [while] facing toward an effulgence and a shining forth which is an intimate knowing of the praise-inducing manifestation whose source and origin is God, and which is God, [while] in union with face to face presence of Christ [other MSS: Jesus Christ]).
2 Corinthians 4:6-6
6 because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying),"Light will shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight)!" [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential knowledge of God's glory – in a face of Christ (or: [is] He Who gives light in union with our hearts, [while] facing toward an effulgence and a shining forth which is an intimate knowing of the praise-inducing manifestation whose source and origin is God, and which is God, [while] in union with face to face presence of Christ [other MSS: Jesus Christ]).
2 Corinthians 4:13
13 Now continuously possessing (having and holding) faith's very breath-effect (or: the same spirit of conviction; or: the Spirit which itself is trust; or: the spirit and attitude which itself comes from the Faith), corresponding to that which has been written, "I trust, therefore I speak (or: I believed, [and] for this reason I spoke)," [Ps. 116:10] we ourselves, also, are constantly trusting, progressively believing and habitually loyal, therefore we are also habitually speaking,
2 Corinthians 5:1
1 For we have seen, and thus know, that if our house, of the tabernacle which is pitched on the land, would at some point be dismantled (or: that whenever our house, which is this tent upon the earth, should be loosed down), we constantly have (continuously hold; presently possess) a structure (a building) forth from out of the midst of God: an eonian house (a house having the qualities and character which pertain to the Age; a house for the ages) – not made by hands – resident within the heavens (or: in union with the atmospheres).
2 Corinthians 5:1-4
1 For we have seen, and thus know, that if our house, of the tabernacle which is pitched on the land, would at some point be dismantled (or: that whenever our house, which is this tent upon the earth, should be loosed down), we constantly have (continuously hold; presently possess) a structure (a building) forth from out of the midst of God: an eonian house (a house having the qualities and character which pertain to the Age; a house for the ages) – not made by hands – resident within the heavens (or: in union with the atmospheres).
2 For you see, even within this one we are continuously groaning, utterly longing and constantly yearning to fully enter within and to clothe upon ourselves (to dress upon ourselves) our dwelling-house (habitation) – the one [made] out of heaven (or: the one from, or made of, atmosphere; the [dwelling-house, or habitation] from out of the midst of [the] sky) –
3 since, in fact, also being folks at some point entering within and clothing ourselves (or: being dressed, also), we shall not continue (or: proceed) being found naked.
4 For we also, being (continually existing) within the tent, are continuously groaning, being the ones constantly weighed down (burdened). Upon which [situation] we are not wanting to go out from (to unclothe; to strip; to undress) but rather to fully enter within and to add clothing upon ourselves, to the end that the mortal (or: this mortal thing) may be drunk down and swallowed under (or: by) The Life.
2 Corinthians 5:8
8 yet we are constantly courageous and of cheerful confidence, even continuously delighting and thinking it good to a greater extent (with exceeding preference) to be away from home (to be out of the district), forth from out of the body, and to be staying at home (to be dwelling in the district) [with orientation] toward, and face to face with, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
2 Corinthians 5:13-17
13 For whether we are beside ourselves (standing without; = out of our minds), [it is] for God (in God; to God; by God; with God); or whether we remain sane (of sound mind), [it is] for you (to you; with you) folks,
14 for you see, Christ's love (urge for accepting reunion) continuously holds us together. [We are] deciding (discerning; judging) this: that [some MSS add: since] One Person (or: Man) died over [the situation of] all mankind (or: for the sake of all); consequently all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humanity died).
15 And further, He died over all humanity (over [the situation] of, and for the sake of all) to the end that those living may (or: could; would) no longer live for themselves (to themselves; in themselves; by themselves), but rather for (or: in; by; to; with) the One dying and then being awakened and raised up over them (over their [situation]; for their sakes),
16 so that we, from the present moment (or: from now) [on], have seen and thus know (or: perceive; or: are acquainted [with]) no one on the level of (or: in the sphere of; in correspondence to) flesh (= the estranged human nature; = the self enslaved to the System), if even we have intimately, by experience, known Christ ([the] Anointed One) on the level of flesh (or: = in the sphere of estranged humanity; or: = in correspondence to a self oriented to the System), nevertheless we now (in the present moment) no longer continue [thus] knowing [Him or anyone].
17 Consequently, since someone [is] within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with [the] Anointed One; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ), [there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of a different kind; [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New things have come into existence (have been birthed; or: It has become new things; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [note: cf Rev. 21:5]
2 Corinthians 5:21
21 for you see, He made (or: formed; makes) the One not at any point knowing failure (sin; error; mistake) by intimate experience [to take the place of; to be] failure over us and our [situation] (or: He constructed [as] a sin [offering], for our sake, the Person who was not at that point having an experiential knowledge of missing the target or making a mistake), to the end that we may be birthed (come into existence being; come to be) God's rightwised qualities (God's right relationship with fair and equitable dealing which accords to the Way pointed out; God's justice; God's way it should be, with well-ordered living and right thinking; also: = participants in a covenant from God), within Him and in union with Him.
2 Corinthians 6:4
4 but to the contrary, in the midst of every [situation] and in every [way], [we are] continuously placing and standing ourselves together, and recommending ourselves, as God's attending servants who dispense provisions: within the midst of much patient endurance and steadfast remaining under [the situation] for support; in compressed squeezings, pressures, afflictions and tribulations; within the midst of constraining necessities and compulsions; within tight spots that cramp, restrict and hem us in;
2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1
17 On which account [the] Lord [= Yahweh] says, "Instantly go forth from out of their midst and be instantly marked off by boundaries so as to be defined and restricted – and do not continue (or: stop) touching what is unclean (= ceremonially defiled), [Isa. 52:11] and then I, Myself, will constantly admit you folks and receive you into [Myself; My family], [Ezk. 20:41]
2 Corinthians 8:2
2 how that within the midst of much testing and proving which came through pressure, tribulation, oppression and affliction, the superabundance of their joy – also contrasted with the depth of their destitution (poverty, and/or life as beggars) – superabounds into the wealth (or: riches) of their singleness [of heart and purpose] and simplicity (un-complexity; or: openness and sincerity in generous sharing with others),
2 Corinthians 8:7
7 But further, even as you folks continuously superabound within everything – in faith (or: trust; loyalty) and word (thought; idea; reason; message) and experiential knowledge, as well as with all haste to earnest diligence, and in the love from out of the midst of us [that is] within the midst of you [other MSS: the love from you [that is] within us] – that you may be progressively superabounding in this grace, also.
2 Corinthians 9:14
14 even by their request over [the situation of] (or: on behalf of) you folks – from people constantly longing and yearning for you. [It is] because of God's transcendent favor and surpassing grace [resting] upon you people –
2 Corinthians 11:31
31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus (or, in apposition: which is [the] Lord Jesus) – the One continuously being a blessed One (or: the One constantly existing being [in character and quality as] a Word of ease and a Message of wellness and goodness) on into the ages – has seen and thus knows that I am not lying.
2 Corinthians 12:9
9 and yet He has said to me – and His declaration stands, "My grace is continuously sufficient in you (or: My joyous favor is constantly adequate to ward [it] off for you), for you see, ability (or: the [other MSS read: My] power) is habitually brought to its goal (or: finished; perfected; matured) within the midst of weakness (or: in union with lack of strength and infirmity)." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather continue boasting within the midst of and in union with weakness, to the end that the ability of the Christ (or: the Anointed One's power) can pitch its tent (or: should tabernacle) upon me (or: = set up residence upon me during this transient life and journey; perhaps: = fulfill the type of the Feast of Tabernacles with me; or: = be my house from heaven; [cf: ch. 5:1])!
2 Corinthians 12:16-17
16 Yet, let it continue to be. I myself do not (or: did not) overburden or weigh you down. Nonetheless, being inherently ready to do anything and capable for every work, [you say that] I caught you, taking you by bait (as used for fish)!
17 Not anyone whom I have sent off to you folks [did this]! Did I take advantage of you through him?
2 Corinthians 13:5
5 Keep on examining and making trial of yourselves, since you exist being in union with the confidence and faith (or: whether you continue being [and thus, living] within the midst of trust); repeatedly test and assay yourselves so as to approve of yourselves and come to meet the desired specifications. Or are you not now fully aware nor presently recognizing yourselves, with accurate insight: that Jesus Christ constantly exists being within the midst of and in union with you people? – since you are surely not unable to stand the test, nor are you disapproved or disqualified! (or: – except you are somewhat disqualified.)
Galatians 2:8
8 for you see, the One working within (being active in; operating within; energizing) Peter unto a sending for a mission concerning (in reference to; or: which is) the Circumcision, also by me inwardly works (energizes; is inwardly active and operative) unto the multitudes (into the midst of the nations – the non-Jewish ethnic groups; the Gentiles) –
Galatians 3:16
16 Now the promises were declared (said; spoken) to (or: for; in) Abraham, and to (or: for; in) his Seed (Descendant). It (or: He) is not saying, "And to the seeds (descendants)," as upon many, but rather, as upon One, "And to, for and in your Seed," [Gen. 12:7; 13:15; etc.] Who exists being Christ (or: which is [the] Anointed One [= the Messiah]).
Galatians 5:6
6 for within Christ Jesus (or: for you see, in union with [the] Anointed Jesus) neither circumcision continues having strength, for competence or effectiveness, to be availing (or: be of service for) anything, nor [does] uncircumcision, but rather, [it is] faith-and-trust: of itself continuously working effectively (operating; being inwardly active and productive) through Love (" [God's] acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object; the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence" – Tillich, ibid., on agape; brackets mine; cf John 3:16; 1 Cor. 13:4-8).
Galatians 5:13
13 For you folks were called upon the foundation of (on the basis of; for the purpose of) freedom, [my] brothers. Only not (or: Just not) the freedom [which is leading] into a starting point (or: unto an opportunity, occasion or incentive; to a base of operation) for (to; in; by; with) the flesh [comment: = circumcision with the flesh ordinances and ceremonial laws of Judaism; or: = personal license for the estranged human nature], but to the contrary, through the Love [agape: cf vs. 6b, above] be continuously slaving for one another (serving and performing the duties of a slave to each other).
Galatians 5:23
23 gentle friendliness (meekness; mildness), inner strength (self-control). [The] Law is not down from such things (or: In the sphere of such things [the] Law does not exists; There is no law against such things; Law does not correspond to and is not on the level of such things).
Galatians 6:8
8 because the person continually sowing into the flesh of himself (= his estranged inner being), will progressively reap corruption (spoil; ruin; decay) forth from out of the flesh (= the estranged inner being); (or: the one habitually sowing into the flesh [system], of himself will continue to reap decay from out of the flesh [system];) yet the one constantly sowing into the spirit (or: the Breath) will be progressively reaping eonian life (life having the characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; or: life from the Age that lasts on through the ages) forth from out of the spirit (or: the Spirit; the Breath; the attitude).
Galatians 6:10
10 Consequently, then, as we are continuing to hold a fitting situation [or, with other MSS: while we may continue having occasion or a fertile moment], we can keep on actively working the good [other MSS: we should habitually be performing the excellent; we can continue in the business of the virtuous] toward all – and especially toward the members of the family and household of the faith and trust (the conviction and loyalty)!
Ephesians 1:17-18
17 to the end that the God of (or: pertaining to; or, reading the genitive as in apposition: Who is) our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory, might give (suddenly impart) to you a spirit (or: breath-effect; attitude) of wisdom and revelation (unveiling; uncovering; disclosure) within the midst of a full, experiential and intimate knowledge of Himself (or: in a full realization of Him; or: within and in union with His full, personal knowledge; or: resident within an added insight from Him, and which is Him),
18 the eyes of your heart (= the insights and perceptions of the core of your being) having continued being enlightened (or: being progressively illuminated into a state of enlightenment) into the [situation for] you folks to have seen and thus perceive and know what is the expectation (or: expectant hope) of His calling (or: from HIS calling; belonging to His summons; from the invitation which is Him) and what [is] the wealth and riches from the glory (or: of the imagination and opinion; pertaining to the reputation) of and from the enjoyment of His lot-acquired inheritance within, in union with, and among the set-apart, sacred people.
19 And further, [I pray that you may know] what [is] the continually surpassing greatness (or: the constantly transcendent, repeatedly overshooting and thrown-beyond huge extent) of His ability and power [being given] unto, and into, us the people continuously believing, progressively trusting and constantly loyal in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) the operation (or: energizing; internal working) of force (or: might) of His strength,
20 which is operative (or: which He exerted and inwardly worked) within the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), awakening and raising Him forth from out of the midst of dead folks and then seating Him within (or: = at) His right [hand] (or: in union with the place of honor, strength and receiving which is Him), within the things (or: among the folks, places or realms) situated upon the heavens (or: in the super-heavenlies; within the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials; among the folks [residing] upon the atmospheres),
21 up over (or: back above) every primacy (or: ruler; principality; government; controlling effect; or: beginning; origin) and authority (or: right and privilege from out of being) and power (or: ability) and lordship (or: ownership), as well as every name being continually named not only within this age, but also within the impending one (the one being presently about to come)
Ephesians 3:5
5 which to other generations (or: for births of a different kind; in different generations of another nature) was not made known to the sons of mankind (humanity; the humans) as it is now (at the present time) uncovered (unveiled; revealed) in spirit (or: within a Breath-effect; or: in union with [the] Spirit) by (or: to; among) His set-apart emissaries (or: consecrated folks that are sent forth from Him as spokesmen) and prophets (folks having light ahead of time),
Ephesians 3:20
20 But by (or: Now in) the One being continuously able and powerful to do (make; form; create; produce) above and beyond all things surpassingly above, over and beyond things which we are repeatedly asking for ourselves or are normally grasping with the mind (apprehending; imagining; considering; conceiving) in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) the power and ability [which is] continuously operating (making itself effective; energizing itself; working and developing) within us, and in union with us,
Ephesians 4:1
1 I myself the prisoner (or: bound one; captive) within, and in union with, [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] am therefore repeatedly calling you folks, as it were, alongside: exhorting, admonishing, imploring and entreating youto walk [your path] (= behave; = live your life) worthily pertaining to (or: in a manner suitable to the value of) the callingand invitation in regard to which you folks arecalled (or: from which you were summoned),
Ephesians 4:4
4 [being] one body and one spirit (attitude and effect of the Breath), according as you folks were (or: are) also called within the midst of one expectation (or: in union with one expectant hope) of your calling (or: invitation),
5 [with] one Lord (or: Owner), one faith (or: loyalty, confidence, assurance, and trust; or: "one belief" - Bultmann), one submersion and envelopment which brings absorption and permeation to the point of saturation,
Ephesians 4:11
11 And He Himself at one point gave (or: gives; [p46: has given and it now exists as a gift]), on the one hand (or: indeed), the folks sent off with a commission (the emissaries; the representatives), yet also those who have light ahead of time andspeak it before others (the prophets), and on the other hand those who announce goodness and well-being and bring good news, and then the shepherds, and finally teachers (or: the shepherds-and-instructors),
Ephesians 4:14
14 to the end that no longer (or: no more) wouldor shouldwe exist beinginfants (immature folks; not-yet-speaking ones), continuously being tossed by (= being caused to fluctuate from) [successive] waves and repeatedly being carried hither and thither (or: around in circles) by every wind of the teaching (or: from what is taught) within the caprice (the throw of the dice; versatile artifice; games of chance; the trickery) of mankind, in readiness to do anything (amoral craftiness; working everything; or: = while stopping at nothing) with a viewtoward and leading to the methodical treatment (or: the systematizing or technical procedure) of The Wandering (the straying; the deception).
Ephesians 4:23-24
23 and then to be continuously renewed (or: from time to time, or, progressively made young again) by (or: in; with) the spirit (or: attitude; breath-effect) of your mind (or: from the mind which is you),
24 and to enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the new humanity (or: the person that is new and fresh in kind and quality) the one in accord with and corresponding to God (or: the person at the Divine level) being formed (framed, built, founded and settled from a state of disorder and wildness; created) within the Way pointed out (or: in union with fair and equitable dealings with rightwised relationships, justice and righteousness; also = in covenant participation) and reverent dedication (or: benign relationship with nature) pertaining to the Truth (or: in intrinsic alignment with reality).
Ephesians 5:7-8
7 Stop, therefore, becoming (or: Therefore you folks are not to continuously come to be) their joint partakers (their joint members or partners; ones sharing together with them),
8 for you folks were once existing being darkness (dimness; obscurity; gloom; shadiness), yet (or: but) now [you are] light, within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
Ephesians 5:17
17 On account of this, stop becoming (or: Do not continually come to be) foolish ones (folks not having common sense; people without reflection or intelligence; imprudent ones; thoughtless and inattentive folks), but rather, be constantly understanding (sending your perceptions together to comprehend) what [is] the will (result of the resolve; determination of what shall be done; design; effect of the purpose) of the Lord (= Christ or Yahweh; [other MSS: God; Christ]).
Ephesians 5:26
26 to the end that He may set her apart (separate her; consecrate and make her holy), cleansing (purging) [her] by the bath of the Water [that is] within a result of a flow (or: in union with a gush-effect; or: in the midst of aspoken word, a declaration, or an utterance),
Philippians 1:9
9 And this I habitually think and speak toward having things be well (or: pray): that your love may continually grow with excess and would progressively encompass [you and your world] with surpassing abundance still more and more, within full and accurate experiential and intimate knowledge and all insight and sensible perception,
Philippians 1:29
29 because to you folks it is given by grace (or: He graciously was given in you people, as a favor for you people), over the [issue] of, and on behalf of, Christ, not only to be progressively believing and habitually trusting into Him, but further, also, to be repeatedly having sensible experiences over Him (or: to constantly experience feelings and impressions on behalf of Him; to habitually suffer and be ill used for His sake; to be continuously affected on account of the things pertaining to Him) –
Philippians 2:5
5 You see, this way of thinking (this attitude and disposition) is continuously within and among you folks (or, as an imperative: So let this minding be habitually within you folks) – which [is] also within Christ Jesus,
Philippians 2:12
12 Consequently, my loved ones, according as at all times (or: as always) you folks submissively listened, paid attention and humbly obeyed, not as only in my presence, but further, now (at this moment) much more in my absence – in company with fear and trembling (or: = earnestness and concern) – be habitually working commensurately with the deliverance (or: be constantly producing on the level and sphere of the wholeness and well-being which are the outcome of the rescue and salvation) of, or pertaining to, yourselves,
Philippians 3:1
1 As for the rest (or: For what remains), my brothers (= family; = fellow believers), continue rejoicing (be habitually glad and delighted) within [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]. To be repeatedly writing the same things to you (or: To continue writing these very things for you) [is] surely not troublesome for me (or: delaying me or causing me to hesitate), and for you [it is] something to secure you from stumbling.
Philippians 3:8
8 But further – indeed, then, as a matter of fact – I even am habitually considering (or: regarding) all things (all; everything) to be a loss (a disadvantage; a bad bargain; damage; a forfeit; a penalty) because of (on account of; for the sake of) the thing that is constantly holding things above and thus having all-surpassing value and superiority: that which pertains to and comes from the experience of the intimate knowledge of my Lord, Jesus Christ (or: of Christ Jesus, my Owner) – on account of and for the sake of Whom I undergo loss of (experience the forfeit of; receive as a disadvantage) all things (everything; the whole life-experience, environment and possessions) and I continue considering (or: regarding) them to be [either] a lot of refuse and filth (pieces of dung; a pile of manure) [or] things that are cast away from the table to the dogs (garbage), to the end that I may have the advantage of Christ (or: could maintain the gain of the Anointing; enjoy the assets of or make a profit from [Messiah]),
9 and may be found within Him (or: in union with Him) – not continuing having (or: holding) my pointed-out way (my fairness and equity; my relationships; my basis for what is right; my own righteousness) from out of the Law or custom, but to the contrary, the [fairness and equity which accord with the Way pointed-out] through means of Christ's faithfulness (or: the trust-conviction which is Christ; the faith of and from [the Messiah]): the [covenant] fairness and equity in right relationships from being rightwised within the Way pointed out [which is] forth from out of the midst of God as a source [and is placed and thus based] upon that faith, confidence and trust –
Philippians 3:21
21 Who will continue actively transfiguring (progressively refashioning and remodeling; continuously changing the form of) our body from the low condition and status (or: the body of our humiliation; or: the body which is us, pertaining to this lowliness) [which is] joint-formed in, by and with the body of His glory (or with other MSS: into the [situation] for it to be brought into existence conformed to, and having the same form together with, His body, from that which calls forth praise and has the character of His good reputation]), down from (or: in accord with; in the sphere of; along the lines of; to the level of; following the pattern of; stepping along with; commensurate with; as directed by) the inward operation (energy; in-working) of the [conditions or situation for] Him to be continuously able (or: with power) also to humbly align The Whole to and in Himself (or: to subject and subordinate all things for Himself; to arrange everything under so as to have full control and to support [it] by and with Himself).
Philippians 4:8
8 In conclusion (or: Finally; or: What [is] left), brothers (= fellow believers; [my] family), as much as is true (or: as many things as are genuine and real), as many as [are] awe-inspiring (serious; respectable; noble; dignified by holiness), as much as [is] rightwised (put right; fair, equitable; just; in right relationship within the Way pointed out), as many as [are] pure and innocent, as much as [is] affection-inducing (friendly; directed toward what is liked; lovable or lovely; agreeable; well-regarded; winsome; engendering fondness; attractive; kindly disposed; loveable), as many as [are] well-spoken-of (commendable; reputable; of good report; the effect of fair speaking; renowned), if [there is] any excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) [in them] and if [there is] any praise applied (expression of high evaluation; honor paid; approval or applause) [to them], be habitually thinking about these things in a logical way (repeatedly make these things the focus of careful consideration and analysis; continuously take these things into account)!
Colossians 1:9
9 And because of this (or: So that is why) we, from the day on which we heard, are not ceasing constant praying (thinking and speaking toward having things being well) over your [situation] and asking (or: making a request) on behalf of you folks, to the end that you may (or: would) be filled full with the entire contents of the accurate, full, experiential, intimate knowledge and insight of His will (His design, purpose, plan and intention; or: so that you may know and experience all that He wants you to know and experience) within the sphere of all wisdom and spiritual understanding (comprehension; a junction of that which is sent together; discernment; being able to make the pieces fit together).
Colossians 1:11
11 being continuously empowered in every ability (being ones progressively enabled within all power) corresponding to the strength of His glory (or: down from and in the sphere of the might pertaining to and having its source in His reputation or His manifestation of that which calls forth praise; or: = the strength coming from His manifested presence [= His Sh'khinah]) [leading] into every [situation of] persistent remaining under [difficulties] to humbly give patient support (or: unto all relentless endurance) and long-waiting before rushing into emotions (or: long endurance; a long time before breathing violently with passion; or: perseverance; tolerance towards others), accompanied by (or: together with) joy.
Colossians 1:16
16 because within Him was created the whole (or: in union with Him everything is founded and settled, is built and planted, is brought into being, is produced and established; or: within the midst of Him all things were brought from chaos into order) – the things within the skies and atmospheres, and the things upon the earth (or: those [situations, conditions and/or people] in the heavens and on the land); the visible things, and the unseen (or: unable to be seen; invisible) things: whether thrones (seats of power) or lordships (ownership systems) or governments (rulers; leadership systems; sovereignties) or authorities – the whole has been created and all things continue founded, put in order and stand framed through means of Him, and [proceeds, or were placed] into Him (or: = He is the agent and goal of all creation).
Colossians 2:3
3 within Whom (or: in which) are (continually exist) all the hidden-away (or: concealed) treasures (or: treasure chests or vaults; storehouses) of the wisdom and experiential, intimate knowledge and insight.
Colossians 2:7
7 being people having been rooted (or: having been caused to take root) – even ones being constantly and progressively built upon The House (i.e., added to the structure) – within Him; also being folks repeatedly made steadfast and progressively stabilized with good footing within the faith (or: confirmed by the conviction; made secure for trust and loyalty), just as you are taught (or: were instructed), continuously superabounding (being surrounded by more than enough) within it – within gratitude and thanksgiving (or: in an expression of the ease and goodness of grace, as well as the well-being of favor).
Colossians 3:10
10 and then [be] suddenly clothing yourselves with (or: entering within) the new one (the fresh one which existed only recently), the one being continuously (or: repeatedly; habitually; progressively) renewed (made back up new again, in kind and character) into full, accurate, added, intimate and experiential knowledge and insight which is down from and corresponds to the image (an exactly formed visible likeness) of its Creator (of the One framing and founding it from a state of wildness and disorder),
Colossians 3:14
14 Now upon (= on top of) all these things [put on; superimpose] the Love, which continues being (or: is) a joining link and uniting band of perfection (a tie which binds together and pertains to the goal of maturity, being the result of fruitfulness; [the] fastening connection of the finished product; [the] bond producing perfection and destiny; a binding conjunction which brings union, which is the goal).
Colossians 3:16
16 Let Christ's Word (or: the Logos, which is the Christ; the Idea which is the Anointing; or: the message of and from the Christ [other MSS: of God; of {the} Lord]) be continuously making its home within you folks (or: progressively indwelling – centered in and in union with you) richly, within the midst of and in union with all wisdom, habitually teaching [it] and placing [it] in the minds of yourselves by psalms, in hymns, by spiritual songs and odes, within grace and amidst favor constantly singing within your hearts to God (or: habitually singing to God [other MSS: to {the} Lord], in union with the grace resident within your hearts {= the core of your being}).
1 Thessalonians 1:3
3 your incessantly remembering (or: being mindful, without leaving-off throughout,) of our Lord Jesus Christ's act of faith (process of trust; work from loyalty), wearisome smiting and toil of love, and persistent patient endurance from expectation, in front of our God and Father (or: ...upon our prayers, unceasingly mentioning, in the presence of our God and Father, the process of your faith {or: the work which is conviction and trust} and love's exhausting toil {or: the hard labor which is love}, and [your] steadfast remaining under for support of our Lord Jesus Christ's expectation {or: the expectant hope which are our Lord Jesus, [the] Anointed}).
1 Thessalonians 1:3-4
3 your incessantly remembering (or: being mindful, without leaving-off throughout,) of our Lord Jesus Christ's act of faith (process of trust; work from loyalty), wearisome smiting and toil of love, and persistent patient endurance from expectation, in front of our God and Father (or: ...upon our prayers, unceasingly mentioning, in the presence of our God and Father, the process of your faith {or: the work which is conviction and trust} and love's exhausting toil {or: the hard labor which is love}, and [your] steadfast remaining under for support of our Lord Jesus Christ's expectation {or: the expectant hope which are our Lord Jesus, [the] Anointed}).
4 Brothers (= Fellow believers; = [My] family), folks having been and still being loved by God, knowing and perceiving your election (your being picked out; your being chosen, arranged, gathered or spoken, out of the midst),
1 Thessalonians 2:12
12 even continuously giving evidence (witnessing; confirming by testimony) unto you folks to be continuously walking about worthily of the God (= living your lives in a manner equal in value with regard to the God) [Who is] continuously calling (or: repeatedly inviting) you people into His own kingdom (or: reign; sovereign influence and activity) and glory (or: a manifestation which calls forth praise; or: reputation; or: opinion and imagination; or: = manifest presence).
1 Thessalonians 2:19
19 For who (or: what) is our expectation (or: expectant hope) or joy, or shall continue being a crown (victor's wreath; encirclement) of boasting and glorying in front of our Lord Jesus, in His presence (or: in the place facing toward our Master, Jesus, within the midst of His being present alongside [us]), if not even you folks?
1 Thessalonians 3:12
12 Now the Lord [=Yahweh or Christ] might at some point make you increase (or: be more than enough; be augmented; [note: in quality and/or quantity]), even to be abundantly surrounded and furnished (to super-abound) by love (or: to love; for love; in love; with love) unto each other and into everyone (or: all mankind), even as we also into you,
1 Thessalonians 4:1
1 The remainder (What is left; or: Finally), then, brothers (= fellow believers), we are continuously asking and calling you alongside to encourage, exhort and comfort you folks in the Lord Jesus, according as you took to your side (or: received and accepted) from us how (or: in what manner) it is binding [for; upon] you to normally walk about (= live your lives) and to be continuously pleasing to God – just as you are even now continuously walking about – to the end that you would progressively superabound to a greater extent (or: can rather habitually excel and surround [yourselves] by more than enough).
1 Thessalonians 4:7
7 For God did not call us on the basis of uncleanness (or: does not invite us [to be] on [a path lived in] a soiled condition or a dirty environment), but rather within the sphere of set-apartness (or: sacred difference; = in a manner commensurate to covenant living).
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10
9 But now concerning loving one like a brother (or: brotherly love; = fondness for fellow believers), we have no need to continually write to you, for you yourselves are folks continuously taught by God (God-taught ones) to continuously love each other,
10 for you are even continuously doing this unto all of those brothers within the whole of Macedonia. But we are constantly calling you alongside (to encourage, urge, exhort and comfort you), brothers, to progressively superabound to a greater extent (or: rather to habitually excel and surround [yourselves] by more than enough [brotherly affection]).
1 Thessalonians 5:15
15 Make it a habit to see (or: observe) [that] no one may (or: would) give back (render, discharge, repay) evil in place of evil (or: something ugly as opposition to something ugly; worthlessness in exchange for worthlessness; what not ought to be in return for what not ought to be; poor quality for poor quality; wrongdoing with wrongdoing; injury in the face of injury) to anyone, but to the contrary, continue to always pursue (follow rapidly; run swiftly to acquire; chase after) the good (the excellent; the virtuous) unto [the benefit of] each other as well as unto all people.
2 Thessalonians 1:3
3 We continue being indebted to be constantly expressing gratitude to God (or: We are continually owing [it] to be habitually acknowledging the goodness of grace and the well-being from the favor in God) – always – concerning you, brothers (= fellow believers; = Family members), according as it is continually valuable (pushes the scales down; is worthy), because your faith (or: trust; conviction; loyalty) is constantly flourishing (growing above; over-growing; exceedingly increasing) and the love of each one of you all continuously abounds (exists in abundance) unto and into the midst of each other,
4 so that we ourselves boast in you folks among God's summoned-forth ones (among those called-out of God; or: in union with God’s called-out communities) over your steadfast remaining under to give support (or: persistent patient endurance) and faith (or: loyalty; trust) within all your pursuits (or: chasings; or: persecutions; harassments) and the pressures (squeezings; constrictions; contractions; tribulations; oppressions; ordeals) which you habitually have again (or: sustain; hold up).
2 Thessalonians 2:9
9 whose presence is continuously existing in correspondence to (or: in line with; in the sphere of; on the level of) the adversary's (opponent's; or: satan's) in-working activity (or: is constantly in accordance with the operation of the “adversary” or satan), in all power (or: within all ability) as well as signs and wonders of falsehood (or: which are a lie),
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 However we, ourselves, are presently indebted (or: continuously owing) to be constantly expressing gratitude to God (or: speaking of the goodness of grace and the well-being of the favor in God) always, concerning you: brothers (= fellow believers) having been loved continuing to be unambiguously accepted by the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] because God chose you for Himself, from [the] beginning, unto deliverance, [other MSS: God selected and took you in preference {to be} a firstfruit into a restoration to the original state and condition (or: into the midst of health and wholeness; {leading you} unto rescue and salvation)], in a setting-apart of spirit and faith which has the character of truth (or: a making sacred from Breath-effect and trust from reality; or: in union with Spirit's differencing and Truth's faith),
14 on into which, through our message of goodness, ease and well-being, He also called you folks [other MSS: us] into an encompassing (or: forming an encirclement; establishing a perimeter; creating a surrounding, and thus a procuring) of the glory (or: which is the glory; from the manifestation which calls forth praise) of our Lord, Jesus Christ (or: [the] Anointed).
2 Thessalonians 2:14-14
14 on into which, through our message of goodness, ease and well-being, He also called you folks [other MSS: us] into an encompassing (or: forming an encirclement; establishing a perimeter; creating a surrounding, and thus a procuring) of the glory (or: which is the glory; from the manifestation which calls forth praise) of our Lord, Jesus Christ (or: [the] Anointed).
2 Thessalonians 3:5
5 So may the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] make fully straight, then direct and guide, your hearts into the midst of God's love (the love which is God) and into the relentless patient endurance which is Christ (or: the persistent remaining under to support, which comes from the Anointed One and the Anointing)!
1 Timothy 1:4
4 nor yet to constantly hold toward myths (or: stories; fictions) and unbounded (= endless) genealogies, which things habitually hold investigations and inquiries alongside which involve speculations and disputes, rather than God's house-administration (management; stewardship) – the one within trust and in union with faith.
1 Timothy 1:9
9 having seen and knowing this, that a law is not continually being laid down for one in accord with the Way pointed out (a just one; one who lives in right relationship with fair and equitable dealings; = one in new covenant standing, i.e., in Christ), but for lawless people and for insubordinate (non-self-subjecting; out of rank) folks; for irreverent ones (folks devoid of awe) and for failures (folks shooting off-line and missing the target; people making mistakes); for those without regard for divine or natural laws (impious, maligning, disloyal ones lacking loving-kindness) and for profane folks (people without connection to the set-apart and holy, who live in what is accessible to all); for those who strike (or: thrash) fathers and for people who strike (or: thrash) mothers; for those murdering men;
1 Timothy 2:2
2 over (or: for) kings and all those being folks within a position of holding control over (or: above) [others] (or: being in superiority or high station), to the end that we may continuously lead (or: carry through) a course of life that is still – at rest (free from all agitation or disturbance with tranquility arising from without), and also quiet – peaceable (gentle, exciting no disturbance in others, with tranquility arising from within) in all reverence (pious and devout relations with everything) and majestic seriousness (dignity and gravity which inspire awe).
1 Timothy 2:10
10 but rather – what is suitable (proper; fitting; becoming) in (or: for; to) women giving instruction on reverence for God [note: refers to women who taught “God-fearers” in synagogues, to prepare these folks for conversion] – through good works and virtuous actions.
1 Timothy 3:16
16 and so confessedly (admittedly; with common consent and sameness of speech) great is the secret (or: mystery) of the reverence (the standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the healthful devotion and virtuous conduct of ease, in true relation to God): which is made visible (manifested) within flesh (= a physical body), is rightwised (set in equity and right relationship in the Way pointed out; also = is placed in covenant) in spirit (in union with Breath-effect), is seen by agents (or: messengers), is heralded (preached) within multitudes (among nations and ethnic groups), is trusted and believed within [the] world (an ordered system; secular culture), is received back in good opinion and reputation. (or: Who [some MSS read: God; others: He] was brought to clear light within flesh (= the natural realm); was shown righteous and just (= set in covenant) within spirit and attitude; was seen by agents; was proclaimed among Gentiles {non-Jews}; was believed within [the] world of society, religion, and government; was taken back up again, within glory – a manifestation which calls forth praise!)
1 Timothy 4:6
6 Placing these things under as a base or foundation, to give advice or make suggestions to and for the brothers (= fellow believers), you will continue being a beautiful (fine; ideal; excellent) supportive servant of Christ Jesus, habitually being inwardly nourished by the words of the faith (or: in the arranged expressions, utterances and messages of trust; or: with ideas of loyalty; or: for thoughts from trust), and of the beautiful (fine; ideal; excellent; good quality) teaching in which you follow alongside closely (or: to which you nearly accompany and attend).
7 Now you must constantly refuse and avoid (excuse yourself from) profane and old-womanish myths, yet habitually be training and exercising yourself, as in gymnastic discipline, toward reverence (standing in awe of wellness, with adoration; healthful devotion and virtuous conduct of ease, in true relation to God),
1 Timothy 4:7
7 Now you must constantly refuse and avoid (excuse yourself from) profane and old-womanish myths, yet habitually be training and exercising yourself, as in gymnastic discipline, toward reverence (standing in awe of wellness, with adoration; healthful devotion and virtuous conduct of ease, in true relation to God),
8 for gymnastic discipline for bodily exercise is beneficial toward a few things and with a view to a few people (or: for a little while), yet reverence (devoutness; standing well in awe; virtuous conduct from ease with God) is beneficial toward all things and with a view to all people, continuously holding (having; possessing) a promise of life – of the one now (at the present time), and of the impending one (the one being about to be).
1 Timothy 4:8-8
8 for gymnastic discipline for bodily exercise is beneficial toward a few things and with a view to a few people (or: for a little while), yet reverence (devoutness; standing well in awe; virtuous conduct from ease with God) is beneficial toward all things and with a view to all people, continuously holding (having; possessing) a promise of life – of the one now (at the present time), and of the impending one (the one being about to be).
1 Timothy 5:13
13 Yet at the same time, they also are constantly learning inactiveness (idleness; unemployment), wandering around the houses (= going from home to home), and not only [are they] inactive (ineffective; unemployed; idle), but further [they are] also gossips (babblers; ones bubbling over with prattle) and meddlers (or: gaining knowledge by supernatural means or practicing magic), women constantly saying unnecessary things (or: continuously speaking the things they should not speak).
1 Timothy 6:3
3 If anyone continues teaching something different, and is not approaching by sound words (or: in healthful messages; with sound thoughts or ideas) – in or by those of our Lord, Jesus Christ – even in the teaching which accords with reverence (or: by instruction which is down from a standing in awe of wellness, with adoration, and with training that is in line with a healthful devotion to virtuous conduct for goodness, that is in true relation to God),
1 Timothy 6:6
6 Now the Reverence (or: devoutness and standing in awe of the ease and well-being associated with God; virtuous conduct for goodness, that is in true relation to God) is a great providing of supply (or: means of acquiring; furnishing and supplying to one's self; or: capital) along with a contented self-sufficiency from independent means, (or: Yet is great financial gain accompanied with independent means this Reverence?)
1 Timothy 6:11
11 However you, O human from God (or: O person whose source and origin is God), be constantly fleeing (taking flight from) these things. But continuously pursue (or: rapidly follow, press forward and chase) fair and equitable dealings in right relationships in the Way pointed out (rightwisedness; justice; = loyal covenantal living), faith (trust; trustworthiness; loyalty), love, persistent remaining under in patient yet relentless endurance to give support, meek and gentle sensitivity (mildness of temper).
2 Timothy 1:5
5 taking [other MSS: continually getting] a suggestion to my memory of the unhypocritical faith (or: the faith that is not overly critical of matters; the trust that is not deficient in its ability to sift and decide; the reliance which is not hyper-judgmental; a loyal allegiance that is not scrutinizing and judging from an inferior position, and then becoming gradually separated) resident within you, which first inhabited (made its home within) your grandmother, Lois, and then in your mother, Eunice. Now I have been persuaded and stand convinced that [it is] also within you.
6 For (or: Because of; With a view to) which cause I am periodically reminding you to habitually and progressively give life by fire again to (or: revive the fire of; cause the live coal to blaze up for; rekindle the dormant fire into flames of; to again put a spark to) God's [A reads: Christ's] effect of grace and result of favor, which has being (is; exists) within you through the imposition (or: the placing or laying upon) of my hands,
2 Timothy 1:9
9 pertaining to and from the One delivering and calling us (or: which is rescuing, healing restoring, saving and calling us) in a set-apart calling (or: to a holy invitation; for a separated and different sacred call); not corresponding to our works (or: down from our deeds; in accord with or on the level of our [ceremonial] activities), but on the contrary, corresponding to (down from; in accord with; on the level of) His own prior placing (or: previously setting-forth; thus: definite aim and purpose which He personally is bent on achieving), even grace: that [which is] being given to us within Christ Jesus (or: corresponding to His own predetermined purpose and the favor being given to us, [which is] belonging to and pertaining to Jesus, resident within Christ), before times having the qualities and characteristics of the ages (before [the] age-lasting time periods; prior to eonian times; = before [the] time segments of [the] ages [began]),
2 Timothy 2:2
2 And whatever you hear (or: heard) from my side through many witnesses, at once place (or: set) these things to the side for people full of faith (or: deposit and commit these things, in trust for safekeeping, to trustworthy and loyal people; inculcate these things in reliable humans) – whosoever will be competent (or: adequately qualified) to also teach others (or: different folks).
2 Timothy 2:19
19 Nevertheless (or: However), God's firm and solid deposit which is placed down (a deposit of money; treasure; or: a foundation; basis) stands, continuing to hold (or: have) this seal: " [The] Lord [= Yahweh] knows (or: knew) by intimate experience those being of Him (or: the ones that belong to Him; those having Him as their source), " [Num. 16:5; Nah. 1:7] and: "Let everyone repeatedly naming the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] (or: by habit using the Lord's name) stand away from (withdraw from; keep away from) injustice (that which is unfair and inequitable, which negates relationship and does not correspond to the Way pointed out).” [Num. 16:26]
2 Timothy 3:5
5 continuously holding (having) a form of reverence (virtuous conduct; pious awe) yet being folks having refused (or: turned their back on) and now denying its power and ability! And so, be habitually turning your steps in a direction away from these folks and avoid them,
2 Timothy 3:15-17
15 and that from an infant (babe) you have seen and thus know [the] sacred Scriptures (or: Temple writings): the ones being constantly able (those continuously having power) to give you wisdom – [that leads you] into deliverance (wholeness, good health, rescue and salvation) – through Jesus' faith, resident within Christ (or: through means of the faith and trust that [exists] in Jesus [the] Anointed; by faith which is Jesus in union with an Anointing).
16 All Scripture [is] God-breathed, and [is] beneficial to furtherance toward instruction (or: Every inspired-of-God [temple] writing [is] also profitable {of advantage; [gives] augmentation} with a view to teaching and training), toward (with a view to) testing unto proof (or, negatively: exposure; laying bare), toward full restoration to straightness (or: straightening-up upon; = improvement), toward child-training (education; discipline) of the person within the Way pointed out (the one in rightwised [covenantal] relationships with fair and equitable dealing),
17 to the end that God's [corporate] Person (or: the person belonging to God; the human having his origin in God; humanity in relation to God) may be exactly fitted (can exist being precisely prepared; would be entirely suited), being one having been completely furnished and equipped toward every good work (with a view to every virtuous and excellent action).
2 Timothy 4:6
6 You see, I, myself, am already being progressively poured out as a drink offering, and the fitting situation (the season; the occasion) of my loosing up (or: my kairos of loosening again [the tent pegs and ropes, or, the ship moorings]; or: the situation of my dissolution [as in breaking camp]) has taken its stand upon [its appointed place] and is imminent.
2 Timothy 4:8
8 For the rest (or: Finally; Henceforth) the winner's wreath of the Course having been pointed out (the athlete's laurel wreath consisting of the rightwised relationship in fair and equitable dealings, and pertaining to the justice of right behavior on the course; or: = the wreath from covenant inclusion and participation) continues laid away for me (or: is presently reserved in me), which the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], the Fair (Equitable; Just; Rightwising; [Covenant]) Judge [of the games], will proceed to pay to (or: award in) me within the sphere of that Day – yet not only to me! ... but further, also, to all those (or: in everyone) being ones having loved His full appearance in Light (or: the complete manifestation of Him; His fully bringing things to light; the shining upon things pertaining to Him; His full and accurate manifestation).
Titus 1:1
1 Paul, God's slave (a slave of God; one bound to, subjected under and owned by God), yet one sent away with a commission (as an emissary, envoy or ambassador) from, pertaining to and belonging to Jesus Christ (or: a representative of Jesus [the] Anointed), with a view to and corresponding to [the] faith of God's chosen folks (or: in line with a trust and loyalty possessed by and characteristic of God's selected and picked-out ones) and the full, accurate and precise intimate knowledge and experiential insight of Truth and Reality – the [truth and reality] corresponding to and in accord with reverence (or: down from goodness which produces virtuous conduct with devoutness, and in line with ease from a true relation to God) –
Titus 1:4
4 To Titus, a genuine born-one (legitimate child [one born in wedlock]) down from and corresponding to a common and partnered (equally owned, shared and participated-in) faith, trust and loyalty: Grace (or: Favor), and peace [= shalom; A, C2 & others: mercy; compassion], [are; continue coming] from Father God (or: God [the] Father) – even Christ Jesus, our Deliverer (or: and [the] Anointed Jesus, our Savior, Rescuer and Restorer to health, wholeness and our original condition; as well as from [the Messiah], Jesus, our Safe-keeper).
Titus 1:8
8 But to the contrary, [he should be] fond of strangers (have affection for foreigners; be hospitable), [be] fond of the good and have affection for virtue and excellence, [be] whole, healthy and liberated (sound) in frame of mind and disposition ([be] sane), [be] fair and equitable, and in rightwised relationships within the Way pointed out, [be] loyal, dutiful and pure from all crime, [produce] inner strength ([be] self-controlled),
Titus 1:14
14 not habitually holding to (having [a propensity] toward; heeding and clinging in the direction toward) Jewish myths (or: fictions; or, possibly: oral traditions) and to implanted goals (impartations of a finished product within; inward directives; commands) whose source and origin is people (or: human commandments) [thus] continually being twisted and turned away from the Truth (or: reality).
Titus 2:2
2 Old (or: Aged; Older) men are to habitually be moderate and sober in the use of wine, serious (grave; solemn; dignified; worthy of respect and honor), sound of mind with a rational (or: sane; sensible) and wholesome way of thinking and attitude, being continuously sound and healthy in the Faith (or: by trust; with loyalty; for confidence), in (or: by; with) the Love, in (or: by; with) the Remaining-under in support (or: the persistent, patient endurance).
Titus 2:13
13 being folks continuously receiving with welcoming focus, and granting access and admittance to, the happy expectation – even the full manifestation (the complete display in clear light) of the glory of our great God and Deliverer (or: Savior): Jesus Christ,
14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).
Titus 3:14
14 Now let our people (our own folks) be progressively learning how to habitually put themselves in the forefront (to continually promote, maintain and stand themselves for the interests) of beautiful actions (fine deeds; ideal works) [directed] into the indispensable needs (or: wants of compressed necessity), so that they may not exist being unfruitful ones.
Philemon 1:6
6 so that the common existence, sharing, partnership, fellowship and participation of your faith, trust and loyalty can come to be inwardly operative (may birth itself active, energized and effective) within a full and accurate intimate and experiential knowledge and insight of every good thing (or: of all virtue) – of that within us [other MSS: you] [directed and leading] into Christ (or: into the midst of [the] Anointing)!
Hebrews 1:3
3 Who, continuously being an effect of the radiance from (or: a result from a dawning and breaking forth of the bright light of the Day which is; a result of the outshining which is; an effulgence from; an effect of an off-shining [light]-beam belonging to; or: a result of a reflection of) the Glory and Splendor as well as an exact impress (or: exact likeness as from a stamp or a die; or: a carving) of His substructure (or: of His substance [that is] standing under as a foundation; which is the underlying support of His outward form and properties; from His sub-placing; or: from His assumed groundwork of the full expression [of His idea]) – besides continuously bearing (or: and while progressively carrying; and then repeatedly bringing) the whole (all things; everything and all existence) by the gush-effect which is His power (or: in the result of the flow from the power which is Him; or: with the saying pertaining to His ability; in the spoken declaration of, and which has the character of and its source in, His power and ability) through and by means of Himself – in producing a cleansing of (or: after making a ritual purification in regard to) the failures (the misses of the target; the mistakes and errors; or: a clearing by pruning which pertains to the sins) He at once seated Himself within [the] right part (or: hand; = in union with the receiving aspect, honored position and place of power) of the Greatness centered and resident within high places.
Hebrews 3:7
7 Therefore (or: For this reason), just as the set-apart Breath-effect continues saying (or: On account of which, as in the same vein, the Holy Spirit is presently laying out the idea), "Today, if you could (or: can) hear His voice,
Hebrews 6:11
11 Now we are constantly setting our hearts and our full desires upon each of you to habitually display the same diligence (or: earnestness; eagerness) with a view to the bearing of the full measure of the expectation (or: face to face with the full carrying of the expectant hope) – until the closing act (the goal; the end; the finished product; the completion),
12 so that you may not be birthed (or: come to be) dull or lazy folks, but instead [be] imitators of those [who] through faith and long-breathing (or: trust and long-enduring; loyalty and perseverance) are normally and presently inheriting the promises (or: one after another acquiring by lot and enjoying the added messages and announcements).
Hebrews 6:15
15 And so, in this way enduring long (breathing and blowing long) he hit upon the target of (= obtained) the promises.
Hebrews 6:17
17 In [line with] which God – intending (or: willing; purposing) more abundantly to fully demonstrate to the heirs (or: possessors) of the promise the unchangeableness (immutable position) of His intent (will; purpose) – interposed (mediated between two parties) with an oath,
Hebrews 6:19
19 which we continuously have (hold; possess) as an anchor of and pertaining to the soul (or: from the inner life and being), both secure from falling and established (firm; steadfast; = on sure footing), even habitually entering into the interior (or: then progressively going fully into the inner part) with reference to the veil (= entering into the interior [behind] the curtain)
Hebrews 8:6-12
6 But now He has hit the mark of a thoroughly carried-through public service, even by as much as He continues being a Medium (an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an umpire; a Mediator) of a superior (stronger and better) arrangement (covenant; settlement; disposition) which has been instituted (set by custom; legally [= by/as Torah] established) upon superior (stronger and better) promises!
7 For if that first one was being unblamable (without ground for faultfinding; beyond criticism; satisfying), a place of a second one would not have continued to be sought (looked for).
8 For continuously blaming (finding fault and being dissatisfied with) them, He is saying, "'Consider! Days are progressively coming,' says the Lord [=Yahweh], 'and I shall progressively bring an end together (a conclusion of its destiny; or: a joint-goal) upon the house of Israel and upon the house of Judah with a new arrangement (covenant; disposition),
9 "'not down from nor in accord with the arrangement (covenant) which I made with their fathers, in a day of My taking hold upon their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they did not remain (abide; dwell) in My arrangement (covenant) and, for my part, I cared not for (was unconcerned about; neglected) them,' says the Lord [= Yahweh].
10 "'Because this is the arrangement (covenant; disposition) which I shall continue arranging for the house of Israel, after those days,' says the Lord: 'progressively giving My Laws into their thought (into that which goes through their mind; into their perception and comprehension), and I shall progressively imprint them (write or inscribe marks) upon their hearts, and I shall continue being in and among them ([in relation] to them; for them), into [the position of] a God, and they shall continue being (exist being) in Me ([in relation] to Me; for Me), into [the position of] a people.
11 "'And they may by no means teach each one his fellow-citizen, and each one his brother, saying, "Know the Lord (or: You must be intimate with [Yahweh])," because everyone (all) shall progressively perceive and thus understand and be acquainted with Me, from a little one even to a large one of them,
12 "'because I shall continue being (existing) merciful with a cleansing covering for their injustices (behaviors contrary to the Way pointed out; inequities) and acts of lawlessness, and then I would by no means be reminded further of their mistakes and failures (errors and falling short of the target; sins).'" [Jer. 31:30-33]
Hebrews 9:8
8 the set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) making this clearly visible: the Way (Path; Road) of the set-apart places (or: of the separated ones; pertaining to the sacred folks; of the Holies) [was] not yet to have been manifested (caused to appear; brought to light) while the first tabernacle is having a standing –
Hebrews 9:14
14 to how much greater an extent shall the blood of the Christ (Anointed One; [Messiah]) – Who through means of a spirit (or: attitude; [the] Breath-effect) pertaining to the Age offers Himself (or: brought Himself face to face and offers Himself) without blemish by and with God (or: in, to and for God) – continue cleansing and pruning your conscience and shared consciousness from works of death (or: dead procedures and activities; deeds of dead folks) [leading] into [the situation] to be continuously rendering sacred service, as well as habitually doing the business and duties of life, for, in, by, to and with the living, as well as true and real, God?
15 And now because of this, He continues being a Medium (an Agency; an Intervening Substance; a middle state; One in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of and from a New Arrangement (a disposition and covenant that is new in kind and quality) so that, pertaining to a death occurring (or: from a death having happened) [which leads] into an unbinding-away of the steppings-to-the-side [that were] based upon the first arrangement, (or: in order that by birthing Himself from death into the midst of a redeeming [of people] from the deviations [that came] upon the first disposition; or: so that at one point coming into existence from death [and] on into the center of a ransom-paid release from transgressions [that were founded] upon the former covenant,) the people having been called and now remaining invited can at some point take hold of (or: may seize into possession; or: would suddenly receive) the Promise of the inheritance pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age [of Messiah] (or: the eonian possession and enjoyment of the allotment; or: the inheritance of, from and for the ages).
Hebrews 10:15
15 Now the set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; Sacred Attitude) is also habitually witnessing (or: progressively attesting; periodically testifying) to us, for us, in us and by us, for after His having before said,
Hebrews 10:32
32 Yet be remembering the first (or: former) days in which, being enlightened (illuminated), you at one point remained under (patiently endured while giving support in) a great conflict (contest or athletic combat) of the effects of sense-experiences (results of emotions, passions, sufferings and things that happened to you),
Hebrews 10:36
36 For you continuously have need (necessity of the use) of persistent patient endurance (steadfast remaining under for support), so that doing (or: performing) the will (intent; purpose) of God you may carry away for yourselves – in order to provide and care for – the Promise.
Hebrews 11:4
4 In faith, by trust, with loyal confidence and to express faithful allegiance, Abel offered to God much more of a sacrifice than (or: compared to) Cain, through which he was given witness (a testimony) to be one in accord with the Way pointed out, with fairness and equity in rightwised relationship (a just one), God's continuous witnessing [being] upon his gifts [with other MSS: a continual testimony upon his gifts, by and in God]; and through it [i.e., faith and God's testimony] he, being dead, is still continuously speaking.
Hebrews 11:6
6 Now apart from faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, [one is] powerless (or: unable) to please [God] well. It is necessary and binding for the person habitually approaching God to believe (to be convinced and trust) that He is (or: that He exists), and that He habitually comes to be (or: becomes) the One who pays back wages (or: gives away rewards) to, in and for those folks repeatedly (or: constantly) seeking Him out (or: seeking from out of Him).
Hebrews 12:1
1 Consequently and for this very reason, then, we also, continuously having such a big cloud of witnesses (spectators; folks bearing testimony; people with evidence) environing us (lying around for us and [they] themselves surrounding and encompassing us), after at once putting off from ourselves all bulk and encumbrance (every weight; all that is prominent; or: getting rid of every arrow point within us) and the easily-environing (skillfully-surrounding; well-placed encircling) failure (sin; error; mistake; shooting off-target; missing of the point), we can and should through persistent remaining-under (or: relentless patient endurance and giving of support) keep on running the racecourse continuously lying before us (or: lying in the forefront within us; or: lying ahead, among us),
Hebrews 12:10
10 You see, on the one hand, they were instructing (educating; disciplining; child-training) and continued thus toward a few days (= for a little while), according to and in line with that [which] normally was seeming [right] to them (or: was being in line with the opinion [held] by them). Yet on the other hand, upon this [instruction, arrangement and alignment] He is continuously bringing [things; situations] together (progressively collecting unto profitability) – unto this: to mutually partake of His set-apartness (or: to take by the hands together, share and mutually receive from the holiness and sacredness which is Him).
Hebrews 12:15
15 while overseeing (looking diligently and carefully watching upon and seeing to it) [that] no one be lacking (be falling short; be living behind or in the rear; = misses out), [by wandering] away from God's grace and joyous favor; [that] not any "root of bitterness" [Deut. 29:18], progressively sprouting upward, would be crowding in to cause disturbance like the spirit of a mob, and then, through means of it, many folks may be stained (polluted; defiled; = the whole community could be contaminated).
Hebrews 13:1
1 Let brotherly affection (= fondness for the Family; = friendly devotion to fellow believers) continuously remain!
Hebrews 13:3
3 Be habitually reminding yourselves of those in bondage (or: bound ones; prisoners), as having been and now remaining bound together with [them]. [Take thought] of those maltreated (or: those continually being held by the bad or in the worthless), as being yourselves also within a body (or: as it were even being the same – in union with [that] body).
Hebrews 13:9
9 [so] do not be carried aside (or: swept away) by various and strange (or: with many-colored [as in tapestries], intricate and foreign) teachings. You see, [it is] beautiful (fine; ideal; admirably proportionate) for the heart (= core of our being) to be continuously made firm with a fixed footing by Grace, whose source is joy and which comes with favor – not by (or: in; with) foods (= rules and regulations pertaining to eating or what is edible), in which those [thus] walking about (= occupying themselves) were not increased (or: = which have not helped or benefited those who follow this way of life).
James 1:3-4
3 habitually knowing by intimate experience and insight that the thing by means of which your faith, trust and confidence is proved (tested and accepted) is continually producing (or: is progressively working down-in the results of) persistent patient endurance (a steadfast remaining and dwelling under some ordeal or situation; or: a holding up under sustained attacks; or: a relentless giving of sustaining support).
James 1:3
3 habitually knowing by intimate experience and insight that the thing by means of which your faith, trust and confidence is proved (tested and accepted) is continually producing (or: is progressively working down-in the results of) persistent patient endurance (a steadfast remaining and dwelling under some ordeal or situation; or: a holding up under sustained attacks; or: a relentless giving of sustaining support).
4 But patient endurance (remaining under and/or sustained support) must habitually be having a work brought to completion (a complete action; a perfect work; a mature production which reaches its goal) to the intent that you may be (or: can exist as) perfect ones (complete, matured and finished folks who have attained the goal), even ones having an entire allotment (or: whole folks having every part), being left behind in nothing (or: lacking not one thing).
James 2:8
8 Since, however (or: If, really), you are continuously bringing to its goal (finishing; bringing to fruition; perfecting; ending; bringing to a close; fulfilling) the royal law (or: kingly custom; sovereign distribution; rule fit to guide a king), you are performing beautifully (doing ideally; producing excellently), down from and in accord with the Scripture, "You will continue loving your neighbor (the one near you; your associate) as yourself." [Lev. 19:18]
James 2:14-26
14 What is the advantage (the furtherance; the increase), my brothers (= fellow believers; = family) if a certain person may keep on claiming to continuously have faith (or: may be now saying [that he is] habitually having trust, loyalty and conviction), yet he may not normally have works (or: keep on possessing actions and deeds)? Is the faith (trust; loyalty; conviction) not continuing able (constantly having power) to deliver (rescue; save; make whole and heal; restore) him?
15 Now if a brother or a sister may continuously subsist (or: should begin now in a position under [circumstances]) as naked ones (= without sufficient clothing), and may constantly be deserted (or: wanting) of daily food,
16 yet a certain person out from among you folks may be saying to them, "Be now humbly departing in peace (or: Continue leading [your life] under [these circumstances] in union with harmony), be continuously warming yourselves and be habitually fed and fully satisfy yourselves, " but you would not give to them the body's necessities – what is the advantage or resulting benefit?
17 Thus also [is] the faith (the trust, conviction and loyalty): if it should not continue to have works (include actions; possess deeds; have employment), by itself it exists being dead (or: is lifeless; = is a corpse) in correspondence to its own nature (in the sphere of itself).
18 Yet someone will say, "You continuously have (hold) faith, and I continuously have (or: possess) works (actions; deeds). You at once show me (exhibit to my eyes) your faith apart from the works or actions, and I, forth from out of the midst of my actions and works, will continue showing (exhibiting to) you my faith, trust, conviction and loyalty."
19 You continuously believe (or: trust; are convinced) that God is One (or: that God exists being One; that One exists being God; or: that there is one God). [Deut. 6:4] You are performing (doing) beautifully (excellently; ideally) – even the demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences) continuously believe (or: presently trust; are constantly loyal; are normally convinced [about this]), and constantly shudder (bristle; shiver; are ruffled). [comment: in this last phrase Jacob is either making an ontological statement about “demons, ” or he is using sarcasm, referring in a derogatory manner to the Jews who also believe this; Jesus used the term diablos (devil; one who thrusts-through folks) to refer to Judas in John 6:70; He used the term satan when speaking to Peter in Mark 8:33; this phrase could also refer to the superstitious mindsets of folks who have believed Jewish or pagan myths, or have accepted animistic influences into their thinking]
20 But are you willing to experientially and intimately know and receive insight, O empty person, that the faith, trust and loyalty, apart from the works and actions, exists being inactive (continues unproductive; [p74 reads: empty; without contents; other MSS: is dead])?
21 Our father Abraham was not placed within the Way pointed out (made fair and equitable; put in right relationship; rightwised; made a just one; also: = placed in covenant) from out of works, when offering up his son Isaac upon the altar!
22 Are you normally seeing that the faith, trust and loyalty continued to work together with his actions and works, and forth from out of the actions (or: works), faith (trust, loyalty and conviction) was brought to its goal (was perfected; was matured; was finished)?
23 And thus the Scripture was made full, the one saying, "Now Abraham believed (or: put trust and confidence) in God (or: became persuaded by God; adhered to God), and he was counted into the Way pointed out by Him (or: he was considered rightwised by Him; he was reckoned fair, equitable and just in Him; alternately: so it was counted into right relation [= covenant inclusion] for him), " [Ex. 15:6] and he was called "God's friend." [Isa. 41:8]
24 Are you folks normally observing (or: perceiving) that humanity (or: a person) is normally being rightwised (from time to time being placed in right relationship in the Way pointed out; progressively made fair and equitable; normally justified; = put in covenant) forth from out of the midst of actions and works, and not only from out of faith and trust?
25 Now in this same vein, even Rahab the prostitute, taking under [her roof] and welcoming the agents (messengers), and then later exiting them by a different way, was not rightwised (placed in right relationship in the Way pointed out; made fair and equitable; justified; or: shown to be righteous; also: = brought into covenant) forth from out of works.
26 You see, just as the body apart from a breath-effect (or: spirit) is lifeless (dead), thus also the faith and trust apart from actions and works [i.e., the living it out] is (exists being) lifeless (dead).
James 4:1-3
1 From what situation (place; source) [arise] battles (or: wars; situations of combat) and fights (quarrels; strife; controversies) among you folks? Are they not from this source (or: place): from out of your sensual pleasures (enjoyments and gratifications) [which are] themselves continually performing as soldiers within your members?
2 You folks are continuously strongly desiring to possess, and yet continuously you do not have; you continue murdering and are repeatedly jealous (boil with rivalry), and so you are perpetually unable to hit the mark (to attain or master [something]). You are habitually quarreling and fighting. (or: You people constantly have full longing, desire and lust – and still you are not presently holding or possessing – and so you repeatedly murder. You are progressively envious, boiling with rivalry, and yet continue having no power to obtain [your goal], so you are constantly striving and having controversies – even doing combat and waging wars!) You continue not having [your desires] because you yourself do not continue asking (or: you are not normally asking for yourselves).
3 You continue asking (requesting), and yet are not receiving because you are asking inappropriately (worthlessly requesting; or: = asking for a wrong purpose) to the intent that you may spend (= waste) it in (or: on) your pleasures.
James 5:7-10
7 Be patient (long-tempered; long-passioned; slow to rush; or: Have long-term feelings and emotions), then, brothers, during the continuance of the Lord's [= Yahweh's, or, Christ's] presence and His being alongside. Consider! The worker of the land repeatedly receives (takes out into his hands from within) the precious fruit of the land, being patient (slow to rush and with long-term feelings) upon it during the continuance where it can receive “an early as well as a latter (or: late) rain.” [Deut. 11:14]
8 You, too, be patient (be slow to rush while maintaining long-term feelings); establish (place supports and make stable; firmly set) your hearts, because the Lord's [= Yahweh's or Christ's] presence has drawn near (has approached and now exists close to us).
9 Brothers, do not be groaning down against (or: sighing in relation to; or, may = complaining about or blaming) one another, so that you may not be separated and have a decision made (or: be put asunder, scrutinized and judged). Consider! The Decider (the Separator, Evaluator and Judge) has taken a stand, and now continues standing before the doors.
10 Brothers, take the prophets who spoke within [the authority of], and in union with, the Name of the Lord [= Yahweh] as an example to be copied: of experiencing worthless responses and bad conditions while suffering from harmful treatment and evil – as well as of patience (long-suffering; slow-rushing; long-term feelings).
1 Peter 1:1
1 Peter, one sent with a mission pertaining to Jesus Christ (or: an emissary and representative of, and from, [the] Anointed Jesus), to selected and picked out exiles (or: alien residents; sojourners; expatriates; strangers residing in a country not your own) of [the] dispersion (or: from a scattering; of [the] Diaspora), temporarily living beside residents of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, the province of Asia, and Bithynia,
2 – to folks gathered, laid-out and chosen in accord with and down from Father God's foreknowledge (or: corresponding to a previous experiential and intimate knowledge possessed by God, who is a Father), within a setting-apart of spirit (or: in union with the process of being set apart from common condition and use by [the] Spirit; or: in the midst of a sacred differencing which is a Breath-effect) [leading] into an obedient hearing (or: [focused] to being centered in a listening and paying attention with compliance) and a sprinkling with Jesus Christ's blood (or: a sprinkling of blood, which is Jesus Christ): May grace (or: favor) and peace [= shalom] be multiplied into fullness (or: be brought to fullness) in and among you folks (or: to you folks; for you folks)!
1 Peter 1:5
5 the ones being continuously garrisoned within (or: kept under watch and guarded in the center of) God's power, in union with an ability which is God, through [His] faithfulness, into a deliverance (a rescue which brings health, wholeness and a return to your original state and condition; salvation; a [period of] rescue) [which is now] ready to be unveiled (revealed; disclosed) within the midst of and in union with [this] last season (or: resident within a final fitting situation; in a final fertile moment; on [this] last occasion),
1 Peter 1:7
7 [This is] to the end that the examined and tested approval of your faith (of the trust and faithfulness of you folks) – [being] of much greater value and worth, and more precious, than of gold that constantly loses itself away (perishes of itself) despite being progressively tested and examined through fire – might be found [progressing] into praise (approval; commendation) and glory (or: a good reputation) and honor (value; worth) within an unveiling of Jesus Christ (or: in union with a revelation whose source is, which has the character of, and which is, Jesus, [the] Anointed One; in the midst of a disclosure from [Messiah] Jesus),
1 Peter 1:10
10 Concerning (or: Round about) which deliverance (health and wholeness; rescue; salvation) [the] prophets, carefully scrutinizing, sought out and then diligently searched out the [Scriptures] prophesying concerning (or: about) the grace and favor [directed and coming] into you folks,
11 constantly searching into which season or what kind of situation the Spirit of Christ (or: Christ's spirit; or: the Breath-effect which is the Anointed One), resident within them, was continuing to point to, making [it] evident and clearly visible, repeatedly testifying (witnessing; giving evidence) beforehand about the effects of the experiences and results of the sufferings [projected] into Christ, and the glories (the manifestations which call forth praise; the good opinions and reputations; the appearances of things) after these things,
1 Peter 1:15
15 but rather, corresponding to (down from; in accord with) the One calling (or: inviting) you [being] set-apart (or: holy), you folks also let yourselves be made to be (or: be birthed) ones set-apart in the same way, in all behavior (within every conduct; in all turning about or twisting up of [your] way of life),
1 Peter 1:22
22 Having purified your souls (= inner selves) within the hearing obedience (the humble, attentive listening and submissive hearing) of the Truth and from Reality [which directs and leads] into unhypocritical (non-hypercritical; non-hyper-separating so as to over-evaluate; not determined from below; non-nit-picky; or: unpretended; unfeigned; thus: genuine) brotherly affection (= fondness for the fellow believers), love one another with acceptance in a stretched-out and extended way, from out of a clean [other MSS: true; genuine] heart,
1 Peter 2:7
7 Therefore, in (or: for; with) you folks – those habitually trusting (constantly believing and remaining convinced) – [is] the Precious and Honorable One (or: To you then, who continue loyal, [He is] valuable). Yet for (or: to; in; with) those continuing being without faith (or: being habitually distrustful; being constantly unbelieving or disloyal), [He is] "A Stone which those in process of building the house reject (or: threw away after inspecting and trying) – this One is brought to be (or: was birthed) into [position of] Head and Source of [the] corner, " [Ps. 118:22]
1 Peter 2:9
9 Yet you folks [are] "a picked-out (selected; chosen) offspring (family; kin; lineage; race; species; breed) [Isa. 43:20; Deut. 7:6], a royal (kingly; palace) priesthood [Ex. 19:6; Isa. 61:6], a set-apart (holy; different) multitude (company; nation; body of people living together; swarm; association; ethnic group; caste; [Ex. 19:6; note: implies a sacred life]), a people constructed into an encirclement (made into a surrounding structure; set as a perimeter; made into a performance about [Him]; formed around as an acquisition; gathered into a surrounding [flock])" [Isa. 43:21; Ex. 19:5] – so that you may tell forth the message of (or: out-message; publish; declare abroad) the excellencies and qualities of nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) of and from the One calling you out of darkness (gloomy dimness; the realm of shadows and obscurity) into the midst of His wonderful (marvelous; amazing) light [p72 reads: into the wonderful Light],
1 Peter 2:17
17 Value everyone (Honor all)! Habitually love (Practice loving) the brotherhood (= the organism of fellow-believers)! Practice reverence to God (or: Habitually fear God; Be constantly respecting and revering God)! Be continuously valuing and showing honor to the king (or: the One Who reigns).
1 Peter 2:21
21 for into this you are called (or: were invited), because Christ also experienced [this] (or: suffered) over you folks (or: for your sakes), leaving continuously below (or: behind) in you (or: with and for you) an underwriting (a writing under which you are to write or copy; hence: a pattern; a model) to the end that you could (or: would) follow-on in the footprints of Him
1 Peter 3:7
7 Husbands (or: Adult males), likewise (or: in like manner): Continuously dwelling together (cohabiting; making a joint home) with [them] corresponding to intimate, experiential knowledge [of them] (= with a learned insight and an intelligent recognition of the nature and aspects of a married situation), [be] habitually assigning (portioning-off; awarding; allotting) honor (value; worth) to the female attributes (things pertaining to a woman; or: to a feminine one) as to a person having a disadvantaged position in her living (or: a weaker livelihood; or: a weaker vessel, utensil, instrument, container, gear, furniture, equipment), yet as to co-heirs of Life's grace and favor (or: of [the] grace which is life; or, with other MSS: as joint-participants in an inheritance of manifold {diverse; varied; multicolored} grace – of life [p72 adds: pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age {of eonian life}]), into the [situation where] your thoughts, words and actions projected toward goodness (or: prayers) continue not to be hindered or blocked, as if by a trench being cut in their path to impede their progress.
8 Now [this is] the goal (the final situation; the end of the process): all [are to be] like-minded (of the same frame of mind and disposition), folks sharing and expressing the same feelings (being sympathetic), ones being fond of and expressing affection for the brothers (= fellow believers; = communal members), people tenderhearted and compassionate, folks of a humble disposition and way of thinking;
9 not being ones habitually giving back (repaying; rendering; giving away) bad in the place of bad (or: poor quality in exchange for poor quality; evil for evil) or abusive language in the place of abusive language (reviling in exchange for reviling; insulting back against insults), but just the opposite: constantly speaking things that embody wellness or give a blessing, because into this you are called (or: were invited), to the end that you folks may inherit a word embodying wellness (a blessing; a message of goodness; a thought bringing ease).
1 Peter 3:21
21 [into] which, also, an echo of correspondent form (or: a copy; an antitype; an impress which answers back; in place of the type or pattern) is now progressively delivering (rescuing) you folks (or: repeatedly bringing you to safety): immersion (submersion and envelopment which brings absorption and permeation to the point of saturation) – not [the] putting off of [the] filth (removal of dirt) away from [the] flesh (= not baptism or bathing of the physical body, or the removal of the alienated false persona), but rather – the result of a full inquiry into the midst of God (or: the effect of an added request unto God; or: = a further quest into “the Divine Mystery” – Paul Tillich) made by a good conscience (from an excellent joint-knowing; in relation to virtuous co-knowledge). [It saves you and it is made] through means of [the] resurrection of Jesus Christ,
1 Peter 4:2-3
2 [and comes] into the [condition or situation] to no longer live out the additional remaining course [of his] time within [the] flesh (= in the natural realm) in the midst of (or: in union with) [the] full passions (or: for [the] over-desires; to [the] rushings of emotions upon things) of humans (or: pertaining to or originating in mankind), but to the contrary, in God's will (or: for God's intent; to God's purpose).
3 For the time having gone by [is] sufficient (= you have spent enough time, in the past,) to have accomplished (to have worked down and effected) the thing desired by (or: the intention of) the multitudes (the nations; the swarms of ethnic groups living together; the non-Jews; the Gentiles), having gone from place to place in indecent and licentious debaucheries (deeds of loose conduct), in rushing passions and over-desires, in excesses bubbling over with wine, in carousing and festive processions, in drinking parties, and in forbidden (i.e., illegal in respect to the natural laws of reason, conscience and common decency) idolatries (or: being a servant to or worshiping external forms or appearances, phantoms of the mind, unsubstantial or reflected images, or conveyed impressions),
1 Peter 5:1
1 Therefore, I – the one [being] an older man together with [you] (or: a fellow elder person) and a witness of the results of the experiences and of the effects of the sufferings of the Christ, as well as the one [being] a person of common being and existence from the glory (or: a partner of the manifestation which will call forth praise; a fellow participant who has a common share and fellowship which is the glory) being presently about to be progressively unveiled (revealed; or: disclosed) – am repeatedly calling older folks among you to my side, urging, encouraging and being a paraclete:
1 Peter 5:10
10 Now the God of all grace and favor (or: the God whose character and quality is all grace and favor; the God Who is every grace and joyous favor), the One calling (or: inviting) you folks – ones experiencing a little and briefly suffering – into His eonian glory (His glory and reputation which has the quality and characteristics pertaining to the realm of the Age and which continues on into an unseen and indefinite time) within Christ Jesus [with other MSS: in union with the Anointed One (= the Messiah)], the Same One (or: He) will continue getting [things, or, you] down and prepare [them, or, you] (or: repair [them; you]; fit, knit or adjust [them; you] thoroughly), will continue setting [things; you] fast and establish [them; you], will continue imparting strength (will make [things; you] strong), [and] will progressively set a base upon which to ground and found [things and you]:
1 Peter 5:12
12 Through Silvanus (or: Silas), the faithful and loyal brother who is full of trust, as I continue logically thinking and considering, I write through means of a few [thoughts, lines, or, words; p72 reads: through a short {letter}], persistently calling [you] alongside to encourage, comfort and aid [you], as well as constantly bearing a full witness and adding evidence of this continuing to be God's true (and: real) grace and favor, into which you folks should set yourselves to take a stand (or, as an imperative: into which, [enter] and stand firm!).
2 Peter 1:1
1 Simon Peter, a slave and sent-off representative (or: emissary) of Jesus Christ, to (or: for) the folks obtaining by lot an equally valuable (precious; honorable) faith, conviction, trust and loyalty, along with us, within the midst of and in union with fair and equitable treatment, as well as with rightwised relationships (= covenant membership), which come from and characterize our God and Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Source of health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Jesus, [the] Anointed One; = Jesus, [the] Messiah):
2 May grace and peace (or: favor and harmony [= shalom]) be multiplied (or: caused to increase) to you (or: by you; in you; for you) within full (or: accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge and insight of God, even Jesus, our Lord (or: from God as well as from Jesus, Who is our Master; or: of God, and of our Owner, Jesus),
2 Peter 1:2-3
2 May grace and peace (or: favor and harmony [= shalom]) be multiplied (or: caused to increase) to you (or: by you; in you; for you) within full (or: accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge and insight of God, even Jesus, our Lord (or: from God as well as from Jesus, Who is our Master; or: of God, and of our Owner, Jesus),
3 just as all those things [leading] toward life and reverence (standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the well-being of devotion and virtuous conduct from ease, in true relation to God) [are] being now available for us from having been freely given to us (or: presented as a gift in us) from His divine power and ability through the full (accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of the One calling us to His own (or: by His own; for His own; in His own; [other MSS read: through]) glory and excellence in nobleness (i.e., virtues of: braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor).
2 Peter 1:3-3
3 just as all those things [leading] toward life and reverence (standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the well-being of devotion and virtuous conduct from ease, in true relation to God) [are] being now available for us from having been freely given to us (or: presented as a gift in us) from His divine power and ability through the full (accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of the One calling us to His own (or: by His own; for His own; in His own; [other MSS read: through]) glory and excellence in nobleness (i.e., virtues of: braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor).
4 [It is] through means of which things – the precious (valuable; honorable) and greatest effects of the promises – [that] He has been freely given (or: has presented Himself as a gift) to us, to the end that through these [gifts], you folks would come to be (or: could come into existence being; should be born) people of common-being from a divine essence and nature (or: folks having a partnered share that is based upon a common existence from a divine born-instinct and native condition; or: fellow participants of a germination which is divine), while fleeing from the corruption (ruin; decay) within the dominant System (or: that is united with the secular realm; or: centered in the ordered world of society, religion, culture, economy and government; or: in the center of the aggregate of mankind), [which is] in the midst of passionate cravings (rushing emotions; lusts; violent over-desires; [or, with p72 & Aleph: fleeing the strong desire of corruption within the world]).
2 Peter 1:4-7
4 [It is] through means of which things – the precious (valuable; honorable) and greatest effects of the promises – [that] He has been freely given (or: has presented Himself as a gift) to us, to the end that through these [gifts], you folks would come to be (or: could come into existence being; should be born) people of common-being from a divine essence and nature (or: folks having a partnered share that is based upon a common existence from a divine born-instinct and native condition; or: fellow participants of a germination which is divine), while fleeing from the corruption (ruin; decay) within the dominant System (or: that is united with the secular realm; or: centered in the ordered world of society, religion, culture, economy and government; or: in the center of the aggregate of mankind), [which is] in the midst of passionate cravings (rushing emotions; lusts; violent over-desires; [or, with p72 & Aleph: fleeing the strong desire of corruption within the world]).
5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor);
2 Peter 1:5-7
5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor);
6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance);
7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection.
8 You see, these things are constantly subsisting (or: supportively sub-governing; humbly ruling; beginning from below) as a possession in you folks [or, with A and others: are continually existing alongside being present for you] and are repeatedly being more than enough (abounding) – neither [being] inactive (or: ineffective) nor unfruitful (or: unproductive). He is continually setting [these] down and causing [them] to stand in accord [in you] unto the accurate, additional (or: full), experiential and intimate knowledge of our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:10
10 Wherefore (or: Because of this), brothers (= [my] family), hasten to exert yourselves to a greater extent to constantly make firm (sure-footed and steadfast) your calling (or: invitation) and election (selection; act of choosing out); for you see, in repeatedly doing these things, you can by no means (would under no circumstances) stumble once (or: at any time).
2 Peter 1:12
12 Wherefore (or: For this cause) it will always continue being my intent to be constantly reminding you concerning these things – even though [you are] being folks having seen and thus knowing, and ones being set and firmly established within the truth and reality [that is] being continuously present (existing alongside) [with and in you].
13 But I am continuously considering it right, and in accord with the Way pointed out – as long as I continue existing within this tent-effect (or: tabernacle) – to keep on arousing and awakening you with a reminder,
14 having seen and now knowing that swift [in approach] is the laying aside (or: the putting off or away) of my tent-effect (or: tabernacle; = body), according as also our Lord, Jesus Christ, made clearly visible to me (or: makes [it] evident for and in me).
15 But I will also continue earnestly hastening (or: quickly endeavoring) to always have you, after my departure (exodus; a road out; = death), to continually make mention (or: make the recollection) of these things.
2 Peter 2:18-20
18 For you see, in continuously uttering over-swollen (over-weighted; extravagant; pompous) things pertaining to emptiness (vanity; futility), they are constantly using bait to trap – in the midst of cravings (or: full passions) of flesh (= alienated human nature) by outrageous (or: licentious) behavior – those folks scarcely [other MSS: actually] fleeing from the people habitually twisting themselves up in deception (in wandering),
19 while constantly promising freedom (or: liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist inherently being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) – for you see, by whom (or: by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (or: less), to this one (or: by this thing) he has [some MSS add: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave.
20 For if, fleeing from the stains (pollution; defilements) of the ordered System (dominant world of religion, society, culture, economy and politics; or: secular realm), within an accurate (or: full; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but yet being interwoven (intertwined) back again in (or: by) these things, they are continuing to be inferior (less; or: they are repeatedly worsted), the last things (situations; conditions) have come to be (or: have been birthed) for them (to them; in them; with them) worse than the first ones.
2 Peter 2:20-20
20 For if, fleeing from the stains (pollution; defilements) of the ordered System (dominant world of religion, society, culture, economy and politics; or: secular realm), within an accurate (or: full; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but yet being interwoven (intertwined) back again in (or: by) these things, they are continuing to be inferior (less; or: they are repeatedly worsted), the last things (situations; conditions) have come to be (or: have been birthed) for them (to them; in them; with them) worse than the first ones.
2 Peter 3:1
1 O beloved ones, this [is] already a second letter [that] I am writing to you, within which I am thoroughly arousing (raising through; thoroughly awakening) your complete thought process (intellect, comprehension and the things going through the mind) which has been evaluated in sunlight (or: your sunlight-separated, sincere understanding), in union with a putting in mind (or: a remembrance) [and]
2 Peter 3:3-4
3 while continuing in knowing this first, by experience, that upon [the] last (or: final [phases]) of these (or: the) days mockers (scoffers) will proceed coming and going – in mocking (scoffing; deriding), according to their own cravings (or: in correspondence to their personal full passions), folks continually traveling from one place to another (or: = people normally ordering their lives according to their personal desires) –
2 Peter 3:3
3 while continuing in knowing this first, by experience, that upon [the] last (or: final [phases]) of these (or: the) days mockers (scoffers) will proceed coming and going – in mocking (scoffing; deriding), according to their own cravings (or: in correspondence to their personal full passions), folks continually traveling from one place to another (or: = people normally ordering their lives according to their personal desires) –
4 even saying, "Where is the promise of His presence? For since the fathers were put (or: lulled) to sleep, all things (or: everything) constantly remain (s) thus (in this way or manner) throughout, from [the] beginning of creation (the framing; the reduction from a state of disorder)."
2 Peter 3:11
11 With all these people thus, then, being presently loosed, one after another (or: being in the process of being progressively unbound; or: with all these things being continuously dissolved in this way), in what sort of way is it continuously necessary and binding for you folks [other MSS: us; other MSS have no personal pronoun here] to constantly subsist (or: humbly rule or supportively possess)? Within set-apart (or: holy; sacred), upturned modes of behavior and [lives of] reverence (devout ease, virtuous conduct and goodness from relationship with God)!
2 Peter 3:14
14 Wherefore (or: On account of which), beloved ones, while continually being receptive toward these things, be eager to be found spotless (unblemished) folks and flawless ones (blameless folks) in Him (or: [made so] by Him; for Him), within peace and harmony [= shalom].
2 Peter 3:17
17 You, then, beloved ones, being ones by repeated experiences previously acquainted [with this] (or: knowing beforehand by experiences), be constantly on watch, guard, and keep yourselves in custody, lest – at some point being carried (or: led) away together by the deception (or: in straying; or: to deceit) of the unestablished (unprincipled; inordinate; lawless) folks – you could fall out from your own state of fixed firmness (or: steadfastness).
18 So be continually growing and increasing within grace and in union with favor, as well as [in] intimate, experiential knowledge and insight of (or: the source of which is) our Lord (Owner; Master) and Savior (or: Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Anointed Jesus; = Jesus the Messiah). By Him (or: To Him; For Him; In Him) [is] the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) both now and on into a Day that lasts for an indefinite period of time, and which is [the] Age (or: unto a day whose character and quality is [the] Age; or: into the midst of a day whose source is [the] Age [of the Messiah]; or: to a day which belongs to [the] Age; into a Day which is an age). It is so (or: Count on it; Amen)! [written circa A.D. 61-62 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
1 John 1:1-3
1 The One who was continuously existing from [the] beginning (or: He Who was progressively being parted away from Headship and Rule). The One whom we have listened to, and still hear; the One whom we have seen, and now yet perceive with our eyes (or: in our eyes); the One whom we gazed upon as a public spectacle (as an exhibit in a theater) and our hands handled (felt about for and touched) – groping around the Word of the Life (or: the Logos, which is the Life; the thought which pertains to life; the Idea from the Life; the message which has the character and qualities of the Life; the Reason which belongs to the Life; [note: I have treated ho as the definite article in the first four phrases here and in vs. 3; many treat it as a neuter relative and render it: That which])
2 And the Life was manifested (or: is brought into the clear light and made visible) and we have seen, and still observe, and are repeatedly testifying (bearing witness; giving evidence) and in a message are constantly reporting to you folks the Life which has the character and qualities of the Age (or: the life of, for and pertaining to the ages; eonian life) which Certain [Life] was continuously existing [oriented and proceeding] toward (or: was face to face with) the Father, and was manifested (or: is made visible) to us, in us, by us, and for us.
3 The One whom we have seen, and still now see, and we have heard, and now continue listening to and hearing, we are also constantly reporting to you, to the end that you, too, may be continuously having common being and existence (or: would be progressively holding partnership and participation) with us. And yet, our common being and existence (or: participation; fellowship; partnership; sharing) [is] with the Father, even with His Son (or: as well as with the Son from Him; or, in apposition: and with the Son which is Him), Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:7
7 Yet if we keep on walking about (= continue living our life) within the midst of and in union with the Light, as He exists (or: is) within the Light, we constantly have common being and existence (or: hold common fellowship, participation and enjoy partnership) with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, keeps continually and repeatedly cleansing us (or: is progressively rendering us pure) from every sin (or: from all error, failure, deviation, mistake, and from every [successive] shot that is off target [when it occurs]).
1 John 2:9-11
9 The person who keeps on speaking [thus, as though] to be within the Light, and yet is constantly hating (or: regarding with ill-will) his brother (or: = fellow believer; or: fellow member of his society), is a liar and continues being within the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows and lack of the light of the Day; = prior night) until the present moment.
10 The person habitually loving (seeking accepting reunion with) his brother constantly abides (remains; dwells; = has his home) within and in union with the Light, and there exists no snare (trap-spring; stick upon which bait is put; = cause for stumbling) within him.
11 But the person habitually hating (or: repeatedly having ill-will toward) his brother (or: = fellow believer or fellowman) constantly exists within the Darkness (the obscure dimness of the realm of the shadows, lacking of the light of the Day) and so continuously walks about amidst the Darkness, and has not seen so is not aware where he is progressively departing (or: habitually going away), because that Darkness blinds (or: blinded) his eyes.
1 John 2:15-16
15 You folks should not be habitually loving (as indicative: are not normally accepting; as imperative: Stop constantly seeking reunion with) the world (secular realm and the controlling ordered System of culture, religion, economy and government), neither (or: not even) the things within the world (ordered system). If anyone is in the habit of (or: keeps on) loving the world (ordered system of religion, or of secular society), the Father's [other MSS: God's] Love (or: the love which the Father has; the Love which is the Father) does not exist within him,
16 because everything within the world (ordered but dominating System of the secular and the religious) – the flesh's over-desire (full passion of the alienated human nature; lust of the estranged self; earnest wants of the false persona that was conformed to the System), and the eyes' over-desire, and the arrogant ostentation (haughty, presumptuous or pretentious egoism) pertaining to living (= the biological and sociological life we live), is not out of the Father as a source (or: does not proceed from the Father), but rather is continuously forth from out of the world (the ordered System of society, culture and religion),
1 John 2:21
21 I do not write to you because you do not know the Truth (or: [new] Reality), but rather because you do know it, and because every lie is not forth from the Truth (or: even that all falsehood is not [coming] from Reality).
1 John 2:25
25 And this is (continues being) the Promise which He Himself promised (or: promises) to us [other MSS: to you]: the Life of the Age (or: eonian life; life into the un-seeable future; age-lasting life; Life having the character and qualities of the Age [of Messiah]; life pertaining to the ages; Life for and on through the ages). [note: in Acts 1:4-5 the “Promise” was the Holy Spirit]
1 John 3:2
2 Beloved ones, now (at the present time) we continuously exist being God's children (born-ones; bairns from the standpoint of origin), and it has not yet been made visible (or: it is not yet apparent or manifested) what we will proceed in being. We have perceived, and thus know (or: are aware) that if it (or: He) should be (or: whenever it {or: He} may be) made visible, apparent and manifested, [then] folks like to Him (like-ones to Him; ones like Him; people resembling Him) we will be existing, because we will continue seeing and will be progressively perceiving Him just as (according and exactly as; in the manner that) He constantly exists (or: He is).
1 John 3:14
14 We ourselves have seen, and thus know (or: are aware), that we have walked together (or: proceeded to change, passing from) out of the Death into the Life, because we are habitually loving the brothers (= fellow believers; [some MSS: our brothers; {or: = our fellow human beings}]). The person not habitually loving [some MSS add: his brothers] continues remaining (dwelling; abiding; staying) within the Death.
1 John 3:16
16 Within this we have come to know the Love (acceptance which drives to overcome estrangement and achieve reunion) by intimate experience: that That One placed (or: places; sets; deposited) His soul over us; we ourselves are also constantly indebted (obligated) to place [our] souls over the brothers (= fellow believers, or, fellow humans; = [God’s] family).
1 John 3:19-21
19 And within this we shall come to know by our own experience that we continuously exist (or: are) from out of the midst of the Truth (Reality), and so before Him (in front of Him; in His very presence) we shall progressively persuade (prevail upon; convince; win over; reassure; set at ease; render tranquil) our hearts,
20 because, even if our heart may continually condemn (censure; know-down by experience), God is constantly greater than our heart, and He knows all mankind, (all people; or: everything; all things) by intimate experience.
21 Beloved ones [other MSS: Brothers], if our heart should not be constantly condemning or censuring (or: would not repeatedly experience negative insights or habitually have knowledge which leads [some MSS add: us] down), we constantly have confident freedom in speaking (boldness from our citizenship) toward and face to face with God,
1 John 4:14
14 And we have gazed upon this public situation, and are repeatedly testifying (giving witness and evidence) that the Father has sent forth (dispatched as a Representative) the Son – [the] Savior of the world (or: Deliverer of the ordered and controlling System of religion and secular society; Restorer of the universe; or: = the Rescuer and Healer of all humanity).
1 John 4:21
21 And we continuously hold (or: have) this implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward and purposed directive of destiny) from Him, to the end that the person continuously loving God can, should and would also habitually love (accept and drive toward reunion with) his brother (= his fellow believer, or his fellow human being).
1 John 5:10
10 The person continuously and progressively believing (or: keeping confidence and habitually putting trust) into the midst of God's Son constantly holds (or: has; possesses) the testimony (witness; evidence) [p74 & A add: of God] within himself; the one not believing in God [A reads: the Son] has made Him out to be (or: has construed Him) a liar, because he has not believed or put trust into the evidence (testimony; witness) which God has attested and affirmed concerning His Son (or: shown as proof round about the Son from, and which is, Him).
1 John 5:20-21
20 yet we have seen and thus know that God's Son has arrived and is continuously here, and He has given thorough understanding (comprehension; faculty of thought; intelligence; intellectual capacity; input throughout the mind) to the end that we would constantly know [other MSS: so that we do constantly know] by experience the True One (or: the true, the real and the genuine), and we constantly exist within and in union with the True One (or: in the real [situation]; in the midst of Reality): within His Son, Jesus Christ. This One is the True (Real; Genuine) God, and Life pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age (or: life having its source in the Age [of Messiah]; eonian life; Life of, for and on through, the ages).
21 Little children (born ones) keep yourselves in custody (or: guarded)! – away from the idols (the external appearances; the forms; or: = false concepts)! [written circa A.D. 60-65 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
2 John 1:2
2 because of the Truth and Reality [which is] continuously remaining (abiding; dwelling; staying) within us – and shall continue being with us on into the Age;
3 grace (or: Joyous favor), mercy [and] peace [= shalom] will continuously be with us from beside (or: in the presence of; along with) God the Father, and from beside (or: in the presence of; along with) Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, within Truth (or: in the midst of reality) and Love.
3 John 1:6
6 who bear witness of you for the love (or: testified to your love) before (in the sight of; in the presence of) [the] called-out community – [for] whom you will do (or: perform; produce) beautifully (finely; ideally), sending [them] forward (or: escorting them on; = attending to their needs in their travels, giving them supplies and finances) in a manner worthy of God (or: = in a way equal to God's value of them),
Jude 1:1
1 Judah, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of Jacob (= James), to those having been, and yet being, loved (accepted recipients of the drive for reunion; [other MSS: set-apart and made holy]) within God [the] Father, even (or: and) Jesus Christ; to kept and maintained folks, to called ones (or: for the people being loved in union with and within the midst of Father God, and now being watched over, guarded and protected in and by Jesus Christ – to invited ones)
2 May mercy, peace and love (unambiguous acceptance; reunion's urge) be multiplied to the full to you (or: be increased to fill you; be multiplied to fullness in, for and by you folks).
3 Dearly loved friends, while progressively making all haste and performing every diligent effort to proceed in writing to you concerning our common, communal deliverance (or: the rescue, salvation, health and wholeness belonging equally to several of us, and in which we share and participate as partners; [Aleph & others add: and life]), I possessed a compressed and constraining necessity to write to you, progressively urging and encouraging [you] to be in the habit of strenuously contending (or: to continue adding to the contest; to be repeatedly on top, in combat of the public games; to repeatedly fully participate in the race course) by the faith, in the trust and with the loyalty and confidence having been once for all given over to, for and in the set-apart folks (or: sacred groups).
Jude 1:5
5 But I am purposing and intending to remind you [p78 adds: brothers] – you folks having once seen and thus being aware of all this – that the Lord [= Yahweh; other MSS: Jesus (= Joshua); some read: God] after delivering (rescuing; saving) a people out of Egypt's land, [in] the second [phase] brought to ruin and loss the folks not trusting, believing or being loyal.
Jude 1:14
14 But Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied to these folks, saying, "Behold, the Lord [=Yahweh] came (or: comes and goes) within His set-apart myriads (or: in union with innumerable holy multitudes, which are Him),
Jude 1:17
17 But you, dearly loved ones, remember the things spoken (the gush-effects; the results of the flow of what was said; the flowing declarations) by the sent-forth folks (representatives; emissaries) in regard to those things having been told beforehand of (or: foretold from and concerning) our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Revelation 1:4
4 John, to the seven called-out communities (congregations; summoned forth assemblies) within Asia: grace and peace to you (or: favor and harmony [= shalom] for and among you) folks from the One continuously existing (or: unceasingly being; Who continuously IS), even the One Who was, and continued being, and the One Who is continuously (or: repeatedly; habitually; progressively) coming or going – even from the Seven Spirits (or: Breath-effects; Attitudes) which [are] in front of His throne –
Revelation 1:7
7 Consider (or: Look; Behold)! He is continuously (or: presently; repeatedly; habitually; progressively) coming with the clouds, and every eye will repeatedly see Him, even which ever of you folks pierce (or: pierced) Him. And all the tribes (people-groups) of the Land (or: territory; earth) shall beat themselves (strike their breasts in grief, mourning or repentance) upon (= because of) Him. Yes! It is so (Amen)! [Dan. 7:13; Zech. 12:10, 12, 14]
Revelation 1:9
9 I, John, your brother and joint-participant (or: sharer of common-being/partnered-existence) within the pressure (squeezing; affliction; tribulation; oppression) and kingdom (or: reign; sovereign rule and activity) and persistent remaining-under (steadfast, humble and supportive endurance), in union with (or: within; [Griesbach and other MSS: of; originating in; pertaining to]) Jesus Christ (= [the] Messiah),
Revelation 2:2
2 I have seen, and thus know, your [note: the pronouns and verbs are singular] works (acts; deeds), and your exhausting labor, and yourremaining-under (patient endurance), and that you are not able (have no power) to bear up (lift up to carry) evil ones (worthless ones; those of bad quality), and you put to the proof those declaring themselves to be envoys (representatives; "apostles") – and they are not – and youfound them false (liars; deceivers);
Revelation 2:28
28 "And I will continue giving to him (or: bestowing in him; granting for him; delivering up with him) the morning star.
Revelation 3:10-11
10 Because you keep watch over (observe; preserve; guard) the Word of My patient endurance (of My remaining-under), I, also, will continue keeping watch over (observing; preserving; guarding) you from out of the hour of the putting to the proof (or: trial; test) which is presently about to be progressively coming upon the whole territory where folks normally dwell (or: inhabited land), to put to the proof (to test, try and put through an ordeal) those continually dwelling down in houses upon the Land (or: inhabiting the territory).'
11 "I am repeatedly (habitually; constantly) coming swiftly (or: = progressively coming soon)! You must be continuously strong in what you have (or: you must constantly hold in your power that which you possess) to the end that no one may take your winner’s wreath (your emblem of victory; or: your encirclement).
Revelation 3:17
17 Because your are habitually saying, "I am rich and have acquired wealth and continuously have need of nothing, " and you have not seen to know (or: are not aware) that you continue being wretched (or: miserable; in hardship) and pitiful and poor and blind and naked,
Revelation 3:21
21 "To (or: In; For) him who is habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming; normally victorious) I will continue giving [the right? the ability? the honor?] to sit (or: be seated) with Me within My throne, as I also conquer (or: conquered; overcome; overcame and was victorious) and sit (or: sat down) with My Father within His throne.
Revelation 5:10
10 "And You made (or: make; form; construct) them [minuscule 792, the Clementia Vulgate (1592) and Primasius (sixth century) read: us] kings [other MSS: a kingdom] and priests in (for; to; by) our God, and they [the Armenian, Clementia Vulgate (1592) and Primasiua read: we] continue reigning [reading with Westcott & Hort (following A); other MSS: they will reign] upon the Land (or: the earth)."
Revelation 13:10
10 If anyone (or: a certain one) [is; is destined] into captivity, into captivity he is repeatedly (continuously; presently) departing [Griesbach's text adds sunagei, so would read: If anyone is continuously gathering (bringing together) a captive host, into captivity he is proceeding to undergo]. If anyone (or: a certain one) is continually killing with a sword, it is necessary for him to be killed with a sword. The patient and persistent endurance (or: the steadfast, humble and supportive remaining-under) and the reliability and faith of the set-apart ones (or: trust and loyal confidence of the holy folks) continually exists here.
Revelation 14:12
12 Here (or: In this place) exists (or: is) the persistent and patient endurance (the steadfast, humble remaining-under for support) of the set-apart folks (or: from the saints) – the people continually keeping watch upon (guarding, observing, having custody over) God's implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward purposed directives) and the faith of Jesus (or: the trust pertaining to Jesus; the loyalty belonging to Jesus; the faith which belongs to and comes from Jesus; the conviction which is Jesus; the reliability of and from Jesus).
Revelation 19:10
10 And so I fell before his feet to worship him, and he is saying to me, "See and perceive! No! (= Don't do that!) I am your fellow-slave and [am] from among your brothers (or: = even belonging to [a group of] your fellow believers) – the ones constantly holding (having) the witness of (or: the testimony pertaining to, and the evidence about) Jesus – Give worship to God! You see, the evidence of (or: testimony pertaining to; witness about) Jesus is the spirit of The Prophecy (or: For the Breath-effect which is prophecy is the evidence for, and comes from, Jesus)."
Revelation 22:14
14 "Blessed (Happy) folks [are] the ones (folks; people) continually washing their garments (equipment) [other MSS: continually doing His inner goals], to the end that their authority (or: right; privilege) will continue being over (or: upon) the tree (pole) of The Life, and they may enter into the City by the gates.
Revelation 22:16
16 "I, Jesus, sent (or: send) My agent to bear witness to you people [concerning] these things [being imposed] upon the called-out communities (or: to testify these things to, by or in you, over the [situation of the] summoned-forth assemblies). I am (I continuously exist being) the Root and the Offspring (Race; Genus) of David, The Bright (Radiant) Morning Star.