Daniel 11:37 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  37 H995 Neither shall he regard H430 the God H1 of his fathers, H2532 nor the desire H802 of women, H995 nor regard H433 any god: H1431 for he shall magnify himself above all.

Genesis 3:5

  5 H430 For God H3045 does know H3117 that in the day H398 you eat H5869 it, then your eyes H6491 shall be opened, H430 and you will be as gods, H3045 knowing H2896 good H7451 and evil.

Genesis 3:16

  16 H802 To the woman H559 he said, H7235 I will greatly H7235 multiply H6093 your pain H2032 in your pregnancy; H6089 in sorrow H3205 you shall bring forth H1121 sons; H8669 and your desire H376 shall be to your husband, H4910 and he shall rule over you.

Deuteronomy 5:21

  21 H2530 Neither shall you desire H7453 your neighbour's H802 wife, H183 neither shall you covet H7453 your neighbour's H1004 house, H7704 his field, H5650 or his manservant, H519 or his maidservant, H7794 his ox, H2543 or his donkey, H7453 or any thing that is your neighbour's.

Deuteronomy 21:11

  11 H7200 And see H7633 among the captives H8389 a beautiful H802 woman, H2836 and have a desire H3947 unto her, that you would have her H802 to your wife;

Song of Songs 7:10

  10 H1730 I am my beloved's, H8669 and his desire is toward me.

Isaiah 14:13

  13 H559 For you have said H3824 in your heart, H5927 I will ascend H8064 into heaven, H7311 I will exalt H3678 my throne H4605 above H3556 the stars H410 of God: H3427 I will sit H2022 also upon the mountain H4150 of the congregation, H3411 in the sides H6828 of the north:

Ezekiel 24:16

  16 H1121 Son H120 of man, H3947 behold, I take away H4261 from you the desire H5869 of your eyes H4046 with a stroke: H5594 yet neither shall you mourn H1058 nor weep, H1832 neither shall your tears H935 run down.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

  4 G480 Who opposes G2532 and G5229 exalts himself G1909 above G3956 all G3004 that is called G2316 God, G2228 or G4574 that is worshiped; G5620 so that G846 he G5613 as G2316 God G2523 sits G1519 in G3485 the temple G2316 of God, G584 showing G1438 himself G3754 that G2076 he is G2316 God.

1 Timothy 4:3

  3 G2967 Forbidding G1060 to marry, G567 and commanding to abstain from G1033 meats, G3739 which G2316 God G2936 has created G1519 to G3336 be received G3326 with G2169 thanksgiving G4103 of them which believe G2532 and G1921 know G225 the truth.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.