Job 37:9

HOT(i) 9 מן החדר תבוא סופה וממזרים קרה׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  9 H4480 מן Out of H2315 החדר the south H935 תבוא cometh H5492 סופה the whirlwind: H4215 וממזרים out of the north. H7135 קרה׃ and cold
Vulgate(i) 9 ab interioribus egreditur tempestas et ab Arcturo frigus
Wycliffe(i) 9 Tempestis schulen go out fro the ynnere thingis, and coold fro Arturus.
Coverdale(i) 9 Out of the south commeth the tempest, and colde out of the north.
MSTC(i) 9 Out of the south cometh the tempest, and cold out of the north.
Matthew(i) 9 Oute of the south commeth the tempest, and coulde out of the north.
Great(i) 9 Out of the south commeth the tempest, and colde out of the north.
Geneva(i) 9 The whirlewind commeth out of the South, and the colde from the North winde.
Bishops(i) 9 Out of the south commeth the tempest, and colde out from the north winde
DouayRheims(i) 9 Out of the inner parts shall a tempest come, and cold out of the north.
KJV(i) 9 Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 9 Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
Thomson(i) 9 sorrows issue forth from their chambers, and cold from its lofty summits;
Webster(i) 9 From the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold from the north.
Brenton(i) 9 Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain-tops.
Brenton_Greek(i) 9 Ἐκ ταμιείων ἐπέρχονται ὀδύναι, ἀπὸ δὲ ἀκρωτηρίων ψῦχος.
Leeser(i) 9 Out of his chamber cometh the whirlwind, and out of the north, the cold.
YLT(i) 9 From the inner chamber cometh a hurricane, And from scatterings winds—cold,
JuliaSmith(i) 9 From the chamber shall come forth the whirlwind, and cold from the scatterings.
Darby(i) 9 From the chamber [of the south] cometh the whirlwind; and cold from the winds of the north.
ERV(i) 9 Out of the chamber [of the south] cometh the storm: and cold out of the north.
ASV(i) 9 Out of the chamber [of the south] cometh the storm,
And cold out of the north.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 9 Out of the Chamber cometh the storm; and cold out of the north.
Rotherham(i) 9 Out of a chamber cometh a storm–wind, and, out of the north, cold.
CLV(i) 9 From its chamber comes the whirlwind, And cold from the sifting winds.
BBE(i) 9 Out of its place comes the storm-wind, and the cold out of its store-houses.
MKJV(i) 9 Out of the storeroom comes the tempest; and cold from scattering winds.
LITV(i) 9 Out of the storeroom comes the tempest, and cold from scattering winds.
ECB(i) 9 From the chamber comes the hurricane; and cold from the scattering:
ACV(i) 9 Out of the chamber of the south comes the storm, and cold out of the north.
WEB(i) 9 Out of its room comes the storm, and cold out of the north.
NHEB(i) 9 Out of its chamber comes the storm, and cold out of the north.
AKJV(i) 9 Out of the south comes the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
KJ2000(i) 9 Out of the south comes the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
UKJV(i) 9 Out of the south comes the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.
EJ2000(i) 9 Out of the south comes the whirlwind and cold out of the north wind.
CAB(i) 9 Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain tops.
LXX2012(i) 9 Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain-tops.
NSB(i) 9 »Out of the south come the storm, and out of the north the cold.
ISV(i) 9 “From the south, a whirlwind proceeds, out of the icy north winds.
LEB(i) 9 "The storm wind comes from its chamber and cold from the north wind.
BSB(i) 9 The tempest comes from its chamber, and the cold from the driving north winds.
MSB(i) 9 The tempest comes from its chamber, and the cold from the driving north winds.
MLV(i) 9 Out of the chamber of the south comes the storm and cold out of the north.
VIN(i) 9 "The storm wind comes from its chamber and cold from the north wind.
Luther1545(i) 9 Von Mittag her kommt Wetter und von Mitternacht Kälte.
Luther1912(i) 9 Von Mittag her kommt Wetter und von Mitternacht Kälte.
ELB1871(i) 9 Aus der Kammer des Südens kommt Sturm, und von den Nordwinden Kälte.
ELB1905(i) 9 Aus der Kammer des Südens kommt Sturm, und von den Nordwinden Kälte.
DSV(i) 9 Uit de binnenkamer komt de wervelwind, en van de verstrooiende winden de koude.
Giguet(i) 9 Les douleurs envahissent ses chambres les plus retirées; elles naissent au plus profond de son âme.
DarbyFR(i) 9 Des chambres du midi vient le tourbillon, et des vents du nord, le froid.
Martin(i) 9 Le vent orageux vient du fond du Midi; et le froid vient des vents du Septentrion.
Segond(i) 9 L'ouragan vient du midi, Et le froid, des vents du nord.
SE(i) 9 Del mediodía viene el torbellino, y de los vientos del norte el frío.
ReinaValera(i) 9 Del mediodía viene el torbellino, Y el frío de los vientos del norte.
JBS(i) 9 Del mediodía viene el torbellino, y de los vientos del norte el frío.
Albanian(i) 9 Nga vendet më të largëta të jugut vjen stuhia dhe të ftohtit nga erërat e acarta të veriut.
RST(i) 9 От юга приходит буря, от севера – стужа.
Arabic(i) 9 من الجنوب تأتي الاعصار ومن الشمال البرد.
Bulgarian(i) 9 От стаите на юг вихрушка иде, от северните ветрове — студът.
Croatian(i) 9 S južne se strane podiže oluja, a studen vjetri sjeverni donose.
BKR(i) 9 Dchnutím Bůh silný dává mráz, až se široké vody zavírají.
Danish(i) 9 Fra Syden kommer Stormen, og med Nordenvindene kommer Kulden.
CUV(i) 9 暴 風 出 於 南 宮 ; 寒 冷 出 於 北 方 。
CUVS(i) 9 暴 风 出 于 南 宫 ; 寒 冷 出 于 北 方 。
Esperanto(i) 9 El la sudo venas ventego, Kaj de la nordo venas malvarmo.
Finnish(i) 9 Etelästä tulee tuulispää ja pohjasta kylmä.
FinnishPR(i) 9 Tähtitarhasta tulee tuulispää, pohjan ilmalta pakkanen.
Haitian(i) 9 Van tanpèt soti nan sid. Van frèt soti nan nò.
Hungarian(i) 9 Isten lehellete által támad a jég, és szorul össze a víznek szélessége.
Indonesian(i) 9 Dari selatan keluar angin taufan dan dari utara hawa dingin yang mencekam.
Italian(i) 9 La tempesta viene dall’Austro, E il freddo dal Settentrione.
Korean(i) 9 그 때에 내가 구름으로 그 의복을 만들고 흑암으로 그 강보를 만들고
PBG(i) 9 Tchnieniem swojem Bóg czyni lód, tak iż się szerokość wód ściska.
Norwegian(i) 9 Fra Sydens innerste kammer kommer storm, og med nordenvinden kommer kulde.
Romanian(i) 9 Vijelia vine dela miazăzi, şi frigul, din vînturile dela miazănoapte.
Ukrainian(i) 9 Із кімнати південної буря приходить, а з вітру північного холод.