13 But rather, be habitually calling yourselves alongside – entreating, admonishing, encouraging, bringing relief and helping each other – daily, concerning (or: in accord with)
each day, until (or: as long as; during)
that which continues being called "Today" [with A, C and other MSS: while you folks continue inviting this present Day,]
so that not any one from the midst of you folks may be hardened by a deception of failure (or: in treachery from a miss of the target; with seduction of sin; by cunning in regard to error; by deceit relating to a mistake).
14 For we have been born partners of the Christ (or: we have come to be associates and participants who partake of the Anointed One and commonly hold the Anointing)
with the result that we are now in a binding partnership with Him, since surely we can fully hold in our possession – so as to retain firm and steadfast – the Origin of the substructure to the point of completion of the intended goal (or: if indeed, unto [the condition or state of] maturity, we would fully hold in our possession, so as to retain firm and steadfast, the beginning [position] with regard to the substance, essential nature and basis [of the new reality] – as well as the rule of that [which was] put under, as a standing for support),
15 in connection with it being repeatedly said, "Today, if you would hear [active voice = hear and obey]
His voice (or: in the thing being constantly said today, since you can listen to and obey His voice),
you would not be hardening your hearts, as in the incitement to bitter feelings (= the rebellion).
" [
Ps. 95:7-8]