Mark 14:1-15

WestSaxon990(i) 1 [Note: Ðes passio gebyrað on tiwes dæg on þære palm-wucan. ] Soþlice þa æfter twam dagum wæron eastron & þa sohton þa heah-sacerdas & þa boceras hu hi hine mid facne namon & of-slogon; 2 Ða cwædon hi næs na on freols-dæge þe læs þæs folces gehlyd wurde; 3 And þa se hælend wæs on bethanïa on simones hüse anes hreoflan & þar sæt; Þa com an wïf & hæfde hyre sealf-box deorwyrþes nardes. & tobrocenum sealf-boxe. ofer his heafod agët; 4 Sume hit unwurðlice forbæron. & betwux him sylfum cwædon; For hwi wæs þisse sealfe forspillednes geworden. 5 þeos sealf mihte beon geseald to þrim hund penegum. & beon þearfum geseald. & yrsydon agën hi; 6 Ða cwæð se hælend. lætað hi hwi synt ge hire grame. göd weorc heo on me worhte; 7 Soðlice symble ge habbað þearfan mid eow. & þonne ge wyllað ge magon him teala dön. me ge symble nabbað; 8 Þeos sealde þt heo hæfde. heo com to smyrianne minne lic-haman on byrgene; 9 Soðlice ic eow secge swa hwar swa þis godspell gebodad bið. on eallum middan-earde bið gebodod þt heo þis on his gemynde dyde; 10 Ða iudas scarioth þt is wiþersaca. än of þam twelfum. ferde to þam heah-sacerdum þt he hine belæwde; 11 Þa hi þis gehyrdon hi fahnodon & beheton him feoh to syllanne. & he smeade hu he hine digellice sealde; 12 And þam forman dæge azimorum þa hi eastron offrodon. his leorning-cnihtas him sædon. hwyder wylt þu þt we faron & gegearwian þe. þt ðu eastron ete; 13 Ða sende he twegen of his leorning-cnihtum & sæde him; Gað on þa ceastre & inc agën yrnð. sum man berende sume wæter-flaxan; Folgiað him; 14 & swa hwyder swa he inn-gæð secgað þæs huses hlaforde; Vre lareow secgð. hwar is min gyst-hüs. & min gereord. hwar ete is eastron. mid minum leorning-cnihtum; 15 And he inc geswutelað mycele healle gedæfte. & ge-ge-earwiað us þara;