Luke 5:4-11

WestSaxon990(i) 4 Ða he sprecan geswac he cwæþ to simone; Teoh hit on dypan & lætað eowre nett on þone fisc-wer; 5 Þa cwæþ sïmon him &swariende; Eala be-beodend ealle niht swincende we naht ne gefengon; Soðlice on þinum worde ic mïn nett ut-læte; 6 & þa hi þt dydon hig betugon mycele menigeo fixa. & hyra net wæs to-brocen. 7 & hig bicnodon hyra geferan. þe on oðrum scipe wæron. þt hi comun & him fylston; Ða comon hig & gefyldon butu þa scipu. swa þt hi neh wæron besencte; 8 Þa petrus þt geseah he feoll to þæs hælendes cneowum & cwæð; Drihten. gewït fram me forþam ic eom synfull mann. 9 & he wundrude & ealle þa ðe mid him wæron on þam were þara fixa þe hi gefengon; 10 Gelice iacobum & iohannem zebedeis suna. þa wæron simones geferan; Ða cwæþ se hælend to simone. ne ondræd þu þe; Heonon forð þu byst men gefonde; 11 & hig tugon hyra scypo to lande. & for-leton hig & folgodon þam hælende;