4 Now as He ceases speaking, He said to Simon, "Back up into the depth, and lower your nets for a catch."
5 And answering, Simon said to Him, "Doctor, the whole night through, toiling, we did not get one. Yet, at Thy declaration, I shall lower the nets."
6 And, this doing, they impound a vast multitude of fishes. Yet their nets tore through,
7 and they beckon to their partners in the other ship to come to their aid. And they came, and they fill both the ships so that they are swamped."
8 Now perceiving it, Simon Peter prostrates before Jesus' knees, saying, "Come away from me, for a man, a sinner am I, Lord!"
9 For awe engulfs him and all those with him at the catch of fishes which they took.
10 Now likewise are James also and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's mates. And Jesus said to Simon, "Fear not! From now on men you shall be catching alive!"
11 And bringing the ships onto the land, leaving all, they follow Him."