Psalms 90:5-12

  5 H2229 [H8804] Thou carriest them away as with a flood H8142 ; they are as a sleep H1242 : in the morning H2682 they are like grass H2498 [H8799] which groweth.
  6 H1242 In the morning H6692 [H8686] it flourisheth H2498 [H8804] , and groweth H6153 ; in the evening H4135 [H8787] it is cut down H3001 [H8804] , and withereth.
  7 H3615 [H8804] For we are consumed H639 by thy anger H2534 , and by thy wrath H926 [H8738] are we troubled.
  8 H7896 [H8804] Thou hast set H5771 our iniquities H5956 [H8803] before thee, our secret H3974 sins in the light H6440 of thy countenance.
  9 H3117 For all our days H6437 [H8804] are passed away H5678 in thy wrath H3615 [H8765] : we spend H8141 our years H1899 as a tale that is told.
  10 H3117 The days H8141 of our years H7657 are seventy H8141 years H1369 ; and if by reason of strength H8084 they are eighty H8141 years H7296 , yet is their strength H5999 labour H205 and sorrow H2440 ; for it is soon H1468 [H8804] cut off H5774 [H8799] , and we fly away.
  11 H3045 [H8802] Who knoweth H5797 the power H639 of thy anger H3374 ? even according to thy fear H5678 , so is thy wrath.
  12 H3045 [H8685] So teach H4487 [H8800] us to number H3117 our days H935 [H8686] , that we may apply H3824 our hearts H2451 to wisdom.