Isaiah 49:5-6

  5 H559 Now says H3068 Yahweh H3335 who formed H990 me from the womb H5650 to be his servant, H7725 to bring H3290 Jacob H7725 again H3478 to him, and that Israel H622 be gathered H3513 to him (for I am honorable H5869 in the eyes H3068 of Yahweh, H430 and my God H5797 has become my strength);
  6 H559 yes, he says, H7043 "It is too light a thing H5650 that you should be my servant H6965 to raise up H7626 the tribes H3290 of Jacob, H7725 and to restore H5341 the preserved H3478 of Israel: H5414 I will also give H216 you for a light H1471 to the nations, H3444 that you may be my salvation H7097 to the end H776 of the earth."