Proverbs 23

Thomson(i) 1 When thou sittest down to eat at the table of a ruler; observe diligently what are set before thee: 2 and put to thy hand, knowing that thou must provide the like. But if thou hast an appetite not easily satisfied; 3 desire not his dainties; for they give false life. 4 If thou art poor, enter not into competition with one who is rich: but be restrained by thine own prudence 5 If thou fix thy view toward him, he is out of sight: for he is provided with wings as of an eagle; and directeth his course to the house of one who is before him. 6 Eat not with an envious man, nor desire his meats: 7 for he eateth and drinketh as one swallowing a hair. Neither invite him to thy house, nor eat thy morsel with him: 8 for it will cause him to vomit and he will blame thy kind invitations. 9 Make no addresses to a man void of understanding: lest he peradventure mock thy judicious discourse. 10 Remove not ancient land marks, nor encroach upon the possession of the fatherless. 11 For the Lord who is their redeemer is strong; and will plead their cause with thee. 12 Apply thy heart to instruction; and prepare thine ears for the words of knowledge. 13 Refrain not from correcting a child: for if thou beat him with a rod, thou mayst prevent his death. 14 For thou wilt beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from death. 15 My son, if thy heart be wise, thou wilt gladden my heart. 16 And thy lips, if they be right, will hold long conversation with mine. 17 Let not thy heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long. 18 If thou indeed keep these instructions: they will be a progeny to thee and thy hope shall not perish. 19 Hear, my son and be wise and direct the thoughts of thy heart aright. 20 Be not a wine bibber, nor devoted to clubs: and to the purchasing of flesh meat. 21 For every one addicted to revelling and stews shall come to beggary: and every one given to sleep shall be clothed with rags and tatters. 22 Hearken, my son, to the father who begot thee: and despise not thy mother because she is old. 23 [Omitted] 24 A righteous father nourisheth thee well; and his soul rejoiceth in a wise son. 25 Let thy father and thy mother have joy in thee: and let her who bare thee rejoice. 26 My son, give me thy heart; and let thine eyes observe my ways. 27 For a strange house is a hogshead full of holes: and a strange well is narrow. 28 For that will quickly perish; and every transgressor shall be destroyed. 29 Who hath Woes? Who hath trouble? Who hath law suits? Who hath vexations and squabbles? Who hath Wounds with out cause? Whose are the eyes suffused with blood? 30 Are they not theirs who tarry long at wine; who frequent the places where there are revels? Be not drunk with wine; but converse with righteous men: and converse in the publick walks. 31 For if thou givest thine eyes to cups and goblets; thou wilt go about afterwards naked as a pestle: 32 and be, at last, like one swollen by the bite of a serpent; or as one stung by a basilisk. 33 When thine eyes behold a strange woman; then will thy mouth speak perversely. 34 And thou wilt lie as in the midst of the sea: and like a pilot in a mighty storm. 35 And thou wilt say, They have beaten me and I felt no pain; they insulted me and I was not sensible of it. When will it be day; that I may go and seek with whom I can have a meeting.