1 These also are the sayinges of Salomon, which the men of Ezekiah Kynge of Iuda gathered together.
2 It is the honour of God to kepe a thing secret, but the kings honour is to serch out a thing
3 The heauen is hye, the earth is depe, the kings hert is vnsearcheable.
4 Take the drosse from the syluer, and ther shalbe a cleane vessel therof.
5 Take awaye vngodlynes from the king, & his seat shalbe stablished wt ryghtuousnes
6 Put not forth thy self in the presence of the king, & prayse not into the place of great men.
7 Better is it that it be sayde vnto the: come vp hyther, then thou to be set doun in the presence of the prince whom thou seist with thine eyes.
8 Be not hastye to go to the law, lest happely thou order thy selfe so at the laste, that thy neighbour put the to shame.
9 Handle thy mater wt thy neyghbour him self, and dyscouer not an other mans secrete:
10 lest when men heare therof, it turne to thy dishonoure, and lest thine euell name do not ceasse.
11 A worde speken in due season, is lyke apples of golde in a syluer dish.
12 The correction of the wise is to an obedient eare, a golden cheine & a Iewel of gold.
13 Lyke as the wynter coole in the haruest, so is a faithfull messenger to him that sent him, & refresheth his masters mynd.
14 Whoso maketh great boasts & geueth nothing, is like cloudes & wind without rain.
15 With pacience may a prince be pacified, & wt a soft tong may rigoriousnes be broken.
16 If thou findest hony, eate so much as is sufficient forth lest thou be ouerful, & perbrake it out agayne.
17 Wythdraw thy fote from thy neighbours house, lest he be wery of the, and so abhor the.
18 Who so beareth false wytnesse agaynst hys neyghboure, he is a verye speare, a swearde, and a sharpe arowe.
19 The hope of the vngodlye in tyme of neade, is lyke a rotten toth and a slippery fote.
20 Who so singeth a song to a wycked her hert, clotheth him wt rags in the cold & poureth vynegar vpon chalke.
21 If thyne enemy honger, fead him: if he thyrst, geue hym drinke:
22 for so shalt thou heape coles of fyre vpon his head, and the Lord shal reward the.
23 The North wind driueth away the raine, euen so doth an earnest sober countenances backbyters tong.
24 It is better to sit in a corner vnder the rose, then wt a brauling woman in a wide house
25 A good reporte out of a farre contre, is like could water to a thirsty soule.
26 A ryghtuous man falling down before the vngodlye, is like a troubled wel & a spring that is destroyed.
27 Like as it is not good to eate to much hony, euen so he that wil search out hyghe things, it shalbe to heuy for him.
28 He that can not rule him self, is like a city which is broken doune, & hath no walles.