2 If a man vowe vnto the Lorde or swere an othe and bynde hys soule, he shall not go backe with hys worde: but shal fulfyll all that proceadeth out of his mouth.
3 If a damsell vowe a vowe vnto the Lord and bynde her selfe beyinge in her fathers house and vnmaried.
4 If her father heare her vowe & bond which she hath made vpon her soule, & holde hys peace therto: then all her vowes & bondes which she hath made vpon her soule shall stande in effecte.
5 But & yf her father forbyd her the same daye that he heareth it, none of her vowes nor bondes whych she hath made vpon her soule shalbe of value, & the Lorde shall forgeue her, because her father forbade her.