2 If a man vowe vnto the Lorde or swere an othe and bynde hys soule, he shall not go backe with hys worde: but shal fulfyll all that proceadeth out of his mouth.
Numbers 30:2 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 28:20-22
20 before time And Iacob vowed a vowe sayinge: If God wyll be wyth me, and wyll kepe me in thys iourney whyche I goo, and wyll gyue me breade to eate, and clothes to put on,
21 so that I come againe vnto mi fathers house in saftye, then shall the Lorde be my God,
22 & thys stone whyche I haue sette vp an ende, shall be Goddes house: and of all that thou shalte gyue me, wyll I gyue the tenth vnto the.
Exodus 20:7
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayne, for the Lord wil not hold him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne.
Leviticus 5:4
4 Either when a soule sweareth: so that he pronounceth wyth his lyps to do euil or to do good (whatsoeuer it be that a man pronounceth wyth an othe) and the thynge be out of hys mynde & afterwarde cometh to the knowelege of it, then he hath offended in one of these.
Leviticus 27:2-34
2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and say vnto them: If any man wyl geue a singuler vowe vnto the Lord accordynge to the value of hys Soule,
3 then shall the male from twentye yere vnto .lx. be sette at fyfty sycles of syluer, after the sycle of the sanctuary,
4 & the female at .xxx. sicles.
5 And from fiue yeares to twenty the male shall be set at twentye sycles, and the female at .x. sycles.
6 And from a moneth vnto .v. yere the male shal be set at .v. sycles of syluer, & the female at thre.
7 And the man that is .lx. and aboue, shal be valued at .xv. sycles, and the woman at .x.
8 If he be to pore so to be set, then let hym come before the prieste: and let the prieste value hym accordinge as the hand of hym that vowed is able to get.
9 If it be of the beastes of whych men bring an offeryng vnto the Lord: all that any man geueth of such vnto the lord, shalbe holy.
10 He may not alter it nor chaunge it: a good for a bad or a bad for a good. If he chaunge beast for beaste, then both the same beast and it also wherwith it was chaunged shalbe holy.
11 If it be any maner of vncleane beaste of which men maye not offer vnto the Lorde, let hym brynge the beaste before the priest
12 & lette the priest value it. And whether it be good or badde as the prieste setteth it, so shall it be.
13 And if he wyll bye it agayne, lette him giue the fyft part more to that it was set at.
14 If any man dedicate his house, it shall be holy vnto the Lord. And the priest shall sette it, whether it be good or bad, & as the prieste hath set it, so it shalbe.
15 If he that sanctified it wyll redeme his house, lette hym giue the fift part of the money that it was iudged at therto, and it shalbe hys.
16 If a man halow a pece of hys enhereted lande vnto the Lorde, it shalbe set according to that it beareth. If it beare an homer of barlye, it shal be set at fyfty sycles of syluer.
17 If he halow his feld immediatly that from the yere of iubely, it shal be worth according as it is estemed.
18 But & if he halow his fyeld after the trumpet yere, the priest shall reken the price wyth him accordynge to the yeres that remayne vnto the trumpet yere, and therafter it shalbe lower set.
19 If he that sanctified the field wyl redeme it agayne, let him putte the fyfte parte of the pryce that it was set at therunto,
20 and it shall be hys, if he wyll not it shall be redemed no more.
21 But when the fyelde goeth out in the yere of iubely, it shalbe holy vnto the Lord: euen as a thyng dedicated, and it shal be the priestes possession.
22 If a man sanctify vnto the Lorde a field, whych he hath bought and is not of hys enheritaunce,
23 then the prieste shall reken wyth him what it is worth vnto the yere of Iubely, & he shal gyue the price that it is set at the same day, and it shall be holy vnto the Lord.
24 But in the yere of Iubely, the fyeld shal returne vnto hym of whom he bought it, whose enheritaunce of land it was.
25 And al settynges shal be accordyng to the holy sycle. One sycle maketh .xx. Geras.
26 But the fyrst borne of the beastes that pertayne vnto the Lorde, maye no man sanctify: whether it be oxe or shepe, for thei are the Lordes already.
27 If it be an vncleane beaste, then lett hym redeme it as it is set at, & gyue the fyfte part more therto. If it be not redemed, then let it be sold as it is rated.
28 Notwythstandynge no dedicated thynge that a man dedycateth vnto the Lorde, of all his good whether it be man or beast or lande of his enheritaunce, shalbe solde or redemed for all dedicate thynges are moste holy vnto the Lorde.
29 No dedicate thynge therfore that is dedicate of man, may be redemed, but must nedes dye.
30 All these tythes of the Lande, whether it be of the corne of the field or frute of the trees, shalbe holy vnto the Lord.
31 If anye man wil redeme ought of hys tythes, lette hym adde the fyfte parte more thereto.
32 And the tythes of oxen and sheepe and of all that goeth vnder the heardemans kepynge, shall be holye tythes vnto the Lorde.
33 Men shall not loke if it be good or badde nor shall chaunge it. If any man chaunge it, then boeth it and that it was chaunged wythal, shal be holy & maye not be redemed.
34 These are the commaundementes whyche the Lorde gaue Moses in charge to giue vnto the chyldren of Israell in mount Sinai.
Numbers 21:2
2 Then Israel vowed a vowe vnto the Lord & sayd: If thou wylte gyue thys people into oure handes, we wyll destroye theyr cyties.
Numbers 30:3-4
Numbers 30:10
10 If she vowed in her husbandes house or bounde her soule with an oth,
Deuteronomy 23:21-23
21 When thou hast vowed a vowe vnto the Lord thy God, se thou be not slacke to paye it. For he wyl surely requyre it of the, and it shalbe sinne vnto the.
22 If thou shalt leaue vowynge, it shalbe no synne vnto the:
23 but that whych is once gone out of thy lyppes, thou must kepe and do, accordynge as thou hast vowed vnto the Lorde thy God of a frewyl which thou hast spoken with thy mouth.
Judges 11:11
11 Then Iephthah went with the elders of Galaad. And the people made hym heade and ruler ouer them. And Iephthah rehersed all hys wordes in Mazphah.
Judges 11:30-31
Judges 11:35-36
35 And when he sawe her, he renth his clothes, & said: Alas my doughter, thou hast made me stoupe and art one of them, that trouble me. For I haue opened my mouth vnto the Lorde, & can not go backe.
36 And she sayd vnto him: my father, yf thou haue opened thy mouth vnto the Lord, then do wyth me accordinge to that proceded out of thy mouthe, for as muche as the Lorde hath aduenged the of thyne enemyes the children of Ammon.
Judges 11:39
39 And after the two monethes, she turned againe vnto her father, which dyd with her accordinge to his vowe, which he had vowed, & so she knewe no man. And it became an ordinaunce in Israell yere by yere,
Job 22:27
27 Then shalt thou make thy prayer vnto hym, and he shal heare the, and thou shalt kepe thy promises.
Psalms 15:3
3 He that vseth no disceat in his tongue: he that doth no euell to hys neyghbour, & sclaundreth not hys neyghbours.
Psalms 22:25
25 I wyll prayse the in the great congregacion, and perfourme my vowes in the sighte of all them that feare the.
Psalms 50:14
14 Offre vnto God prayse and thankesgeuynge, and paye thy vowes vnto the most hyest.
Psalms 55:20
20 Yea, they laye handes vpon such as be at peace with hym, & so they breake hys couenaunt.
Psalms 56:12
12 Vnto the (O god) wil I paye my vowes, vnto the wyll I geue thankes and prayse.
Psalms 66:13-14
Psalms 76:11
11 Loke what ye promise vnto the Lord your God, se that, ye kepe it, all ye that be rounde about him: brynge presentes vnto hym that ought to be feared.
Psalms 116:14
14 I wyll paye my vowes in the presence of al his people,
Psalms 116:18
18 I wyll paye my vowes vnto the Lord in the syght of al his people,
Psalms 119:106
106 I haue sworne and am stedfastly purposed, to kepe the iudgementes of thy righteousnesse.
Proverbs 20:25
25 It is a snare for a man to to blaspheme that which is holy, and then to go aboute wyth vowes.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
Nahum 1:15
15 Beholde, vpon the mountaynes come the fete of hym, that bryngeth good tydynges, and preacheth peace. O Iuda, kepe thy holy dayes, perfourme thy promyses: for Beliall shall come nomore in the, he is vtterly roted out.
Matthew 5:33-34
Matthew 14:7-9
7 Wherefore he promysed with an othe, that he woulde geue her whatsoeuer she woulde axe.
8 And she beynge informed of her mother before sayd: geue me here Ihon Baptistes head in a platter.
9 And the king sorowed. Neuertheles for hys othe sake, & for theyr sakes that satte at also at the table, he commaunded it to be geuen her:
Matthew 23:16
16 Wo be vnto you blynde guydes, whyche say whosoeuer sweare by the temple, it is nothing, but whosoeuer sweared by the golde of the temple: he offendeth.
Matthew 23:18
18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aultare, it is nothynge: but whosoeuer sweareth by the offeryng that lyeth on the aulter, offendeth.
Acts 23:12
12 When daye was come, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, & made a vowe, saiynge, that they woulde neyther eate nor drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul.
Acts 23:14
14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: we haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothynge vntyll we haue slayne Paule.
Acts 23:21
21 But folowe not theyr myndes: for there lye in wayte for hym of them, moo then .xl. men, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, that they wyll neyther eate nor drinke tyll they haue kylled hym. And now are they readye, and loke for thy promes.
2 Corinthians 1:23
23 I call God for a recorde vnto my soule that for to fauer you withall I came not anye more to Corinthum.
2 Corinthians 9:9-11
9 as it is wrytten. He that sparsed abroade, and hath geuen to the pore, hys ryghtuousnes, remayneth for euer.
10 He that fyndeth the sower seed, shall minister breade for fode, and shall multyplye your seede and increace the frutes of youre ryghtuousnes that on all partyes,
11 ye maye be made riche in all synglenes, whiche causeth thorowe vs, thankes geuynge vnto God.