17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the doughters of Syon, and make theyr bewtye bare in that daye.
18 In that daye shall the Lord take awaye the gorgyousnes of theyr apparel & spanges, chaynes, parlaftes,
19 and colares, bracelettes & hooues,
20 the goodly floured wide & broderd rayment, brusshes & headebandes,
21 rynges and garlandes,
22 holye daye clothes & vales, kerchues & pynnes,
23 glasses & smockes, bonettes and taches.
24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe styncke amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe louse bandes. And for well set hearre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacker, a sackclothe, and for theyr bewtye wytherydnesse & sunneburninge.