Isaiah 3:17-24

Bishops(i) 17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the daughters of Sion, and shall discouer their filthinesse 18 In that day shall the Lord take away the gorgiousnesse of the attire about their feete, & the caules, and the rounde tires [after the fashion of the moone. 19 The sweete perfumes, and the bracelettes, and the mufflers 20 The bonnettes, and the sloppes, and the head bandes, and the tablettes, and the earynges 21 And rynges, and nose iewels 22 The costly apparell, and the vayles, and the wimples, & the crispyng pinnes 23 And the glasses, and the fine linnen, and the hoodes, and the lawnes 24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe stincke, and in steade of their girdle a rent, and for well set heere there shalbe baldnesse, in steade of a stomacher a sacke cloth, & [sunne] burnyng for beautie