1 And God sayd vnto Iacob, aryse & get the vp to Bethel, and dwell there. And make ther an aultare vnto God that appered vnto the when thou fleddest from Esau thy brother.
2 Then sayd Iacob vnto hys houshold & to all that were with him, put away the straunge Goddes that are amonge you, and make your selues cleane, and chaunge your garmentes,
3 and let vs arise and go vp to Bethel, that I may make an aulter there vnto God, whyche hearde me in the day of my tribulation and was wyth me in the waye whyche I wente.
4 And they gaue vnto Iacob all the straunge Gods whych were vnder theyr handes, & al theyr earynges which were in theyr eares, & Iacob hid them vnder an oke at Sichem.
5 And they departed. And the feare of God fel vpon the cities that were rounde aboute them, that they durste not folowe after the sonnes of Iacob.
6 So came Iacob to Lus in the land of Canaan, otherwise called Bethell, wyth all the people that was wyth hym.
7 And he builded there an aulter, and called the place Bethel: bicause that god appeared vnto him there, when he fled from hys brother.
8 Then dyed Debora Rebeccas norsse, & was buryed beneth Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called the oke of lamentation.
9 And God appeared vnto Iacob againe after he came oute of Messopotamia & blessed him,
10 & saied vnto him: thy name is Iacob. Notwithstandinge thou shalt be no more called Iacob, but Israell shall be thy name. And so was hys name called Israell.
11 And God sayd vnto hym: I am God almighty, growe & multiplye: for people and a multitude of people shall sprynge of the, yea & kinges shal come out of thy loynes.
12 And the Land whych I gaue Abraham & Isaac wyl I giue vnto the, & vnto thy sede after the wyl I gyue it also.
13 And God departed from him in the place where he talked wyth hym.
14 And Iacob set vp a marke in the place where he talked with hym: euen a pilloue of stone, & poured drynke offeryng thereon, & poured also oyle thereon,
15 & called the name of the place wher God spake with him, Bethel.
16 And they departed from Bethell, & when he was but a feld breath from Ephrath, Rahel began to trauel. And in trauelynge she was in perell.
17 And as she was in paynes of hyr laboure the mydwyfe sayed vnto hir: feare not, for thou shalt haue thys sonne also.
18 Then as hyr soule was a departynge, that she must die, she called his name BenOni. But his father called him BenIamyn.
19 And thus died Rahel & was buried in the way to Ephrath which nowe is called Bethlehem.
20 And Iacob sette vp a piller vpon hir graue, whych is called Rahelles graue piller vnto thys daye.
21 And Israel went thence & pytched vp his tent beyond the tower of Eder.
22 And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in that lande, that Ruben went & laye wyth Bilha hys fathers concubyne, and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were .xij. in numbre.
23 The sonnes of Lea. Ruben Iacobs eldest sonne, and Simeon, Leui, Iuda, Isachar, & Zabulon.
24 The sonnes of Rahell: Ioseph & BenIamin.
25 The sonnes of Bilha Rahels mayde: Dan and Nepthali.
26 The sonnes of Zilpha Leas mayde, Gad and Aser. These are the sonnes of Iacob whyche were borne hym in Messopotamia.
27 Then Iacob went vnto Isaac his father to Mamre a principal city, otherwise called Hebron: where Abraham & Isaac soieourned as straungers.
28 And the dayes of Isaac were an hundred & .lxxx. yeres:
29 & then fell he sycke & dyed, & was put vnto his people beyng olde and full of dayes. And his sonnes Esau and Iacob buried him.