1 Samuel 29

Matthew(i) 1 The Philistines gethered all their hostes together vnto Apher. And Israell pitched by a fountayne in Iesrahel. 2 And the Lordes of the Philistines went forthe by the hundredes & by the thousandes. But Dauid & hys men came behynde with Achis. 3 Then said the lordes of the Philistines: what are younder Ebrues? And Achis said vnto the lordes of the Philistines: Is not this Dauid the seruaunt of Saul the king of Israell, whyche hath bene wt me daies or yeres, & I haue found no fault in him sence he fleed vnto me vnto this daie. 4 Neuerthelesse the lordes of the Philistines were wroth wt him & said vnto him: make this felow returne, & let him go agayn to his place which thou hast appointed hym. For he shall not go with vs to battel, lest he be an aduersarye to vs in the battel. For wherwith could he better obtaine the fauoure of hys master, then vpon the heades of oure men. 5 Is this not Dauid to whom they sange in daunses: Saul slue his thousand, but Dauid his ten thousande? 6 Then Achis called Dauid and sayde vnto hym. As sure as the Lorde lyueth thou art honest, and it pleaseth me wel that thou shouldest accompanye me in the host, for I haue founde none euyl with the sence thou camest to me vnto thys daye. Neuerthelesse the Lordes of the Philistines fauoure the not 7 wherefore returne and go in peace, that thou displease not the Lordes of the Philistines. 8 And Dauid said again to Achis: Why? what haue I done? and what hast thou found in thy seruaunt as long as I haue bene with the vnto thys day? that I may not go fyght against the enemies of my Lord the kynge. 9 Achis answered & sayde to Dauid: I wote well thou pleasest me, as it were an Aungell of God. Notwithstandyng the Lordes of the Philistines haue sayde, that thou shalt not go wyth them to battell. 10 Wherfore ryse vp erlye in the mornynge wyth thy masters seruauntes that are come wyth the. And when ye be vp erly as sone as ye haue light, departe. 11 And so Dauid and hys men rose erlye to departe in the mornynge, and to returne into the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went vp to Iesrahell.