Numbers 21:6-7

  6 H3068 And the LORD H7971 sent [H8762]   H8314 fiery H5175 serpents H5971 among the people H5391 , and they bit [H8762]   H5971 the people H7227 ; and much H5971 people H3478 of Israel H4191 died [H8799]  .
  7 H5971 Therefore the people H935 came [H8799]   H4872 to Moses H559 , and said [H8799]   H2398 , We have sinned [H8804]   H1696 , for we have spoken [H8765]   H3068 against the LORD H6419 , and against thee; pray [H8690]   H3068 unto the LORD H5493 , that he take away [H8686]   H5175 the serpents H4872 from us. And Moses H6419 prayed [H8691]   H5971 for the people.