Nehemiah 8:4-8

  4 H5830 And Ezra H5608 the scribe [H8802]   H5975 stood [H8799]   H4026 upon a pulpit H6086 of wood H6213 , which they had made [H8804]   H1697 for the purpose H681 ; and beside H5975 him stood [H8799]   H4993 Mattithiah H8087 , and Shema H6043 , and Anaiah H223 , and Urijah H2518 , and Hilkiah H4641 , and Maaseiah H3225 , on his right hand H8040 ; and on his left hand H6305 , Pedaiah H4332 , and Mishael H4441 , and Malchiah H2828 , and Hashum H2806 , and Hashbadana H2148 , Zechariah H4918 , and Meshullam.
  5 H5830 And Ezra H6605 opened [H8799]   H5612 the book H5869 in the sight H5971 of all the people H5971 ; (for he was above all the people H6605 ;) and when he opened [H8800]   H5971 it, all the people H5975 stood up [H8804]  :
  6 H5830 And Ezra H1288 blessed [H8762]   H3068 the LORD H1419 , the great H430 God H5971 . And all the people H6030 answered [H8799]   H543 , Amen H543 , Amen H4607 , with lifting up H3027 their hands H6915 : and they bowed [H8799]   H7812 their heads, and worshipped [H8691]   H3068 the LORD H639 with their faces H776 to the ground.
  7 H3442 Also Jeshua H1137 , and Bani H8274 , and Sherebiah H3226 , Jamin H6126 , Akkub H7678 , Shabbethai H1941 , Hodijah H4641 , Maaseiah H7042 , Kelita H5838 , Azariah H3107 , Jozabad H2605 , Hanan H6411 , Pelaiah H3881 , and the Levites H5971 , caused the people H995 to understand [H8688]   H8451 the law H5971 : and the people H5977 stood in their place.
  8 H7121 So they read [H8799]   H5612 in the book H8451 in the law H430 of God H6567 distinctly [H8794]   H7760 , and gave [H8800]   H7922 the sense H995 , and caused them to understand [H8799]   H4744 the reading.