Jeremiah 34:21-22

  21 H6667 And Zedekiah H4428 king H3063 of Judah H8269 and his princes H5414 will I give [H8799]   H3027 into the hand H341 of their enemies [H8802]   H3027 , and into the hand H1245 of them that seek [H8764]   H5315 their life H3027 , and into the hand H4428 of the king H894 of Babylon's H2428 army H5927 , which are gone up [H8802]   from you.
  22 H6680 Behold, I will command [H8764]   H5002 , saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H7725 , and cause them to return [H8689]   H5892 to this city H3898 ; and they shall fight [H8738]   H3920 against it, and take [H8804]   H8313 it, and burn [H8804]   H784 it with fire H5414 : and I will make [H8799]   H5892 the cities H3063 of Judah H8077 a desolation H3427 without an inhabitant [H8802]  .