Deuteronomy 11:16-17

  16 H8104 Take heed [H8734]   H3824 to yourselves, that your heart H6601 be not deceived [H8799]   H5493 , and ye turn aside [H8804]   H5647 , and serve [H8804]   H312 other H430 gods H7812 , and worship [H8694]   them;
  17 H3068 And then the LORD'S H639 wrath H2734 be kindled [H8804]   H6113 against you, and he shut up [H8804]   H8064 the heaven H4306 , that there be no rain H127 , and that the land H5414 yield [H8799]   H2981 not her fruit H6 ; and lest ye perish [H8804]   H4120 quickly H2896 from off the good H776 land H3068 which the LORD H5414 giveth [H8802]   you.