Philippians 2:8-11

  8 G2532 And G2147 being found [G5685]   G4976 in fashion G5613 as G444 a man G5013 , he humbled [G5656]   G1438 himself G1096 , and became [G5637]   G5255 obedient G3360 unto G2288 death G1161 , even G2288 the death G4716 of the cross.
  9 G1352 Wherefore G2316 God G2532 also G5251 hath highly exalted [G5656]   G846 him G2532 , and G5483 given [G5662]   G846 him G3686 a name G3588 which G5228 is above G3956 every G3686 name:
  10 G2443 That G1722 at G3686 the name G2424 of Jesus G3956 every G1119 knee G2578 should bow [G5661]   G2032 , of things in heaven G2532 , and G1919 things in earth G2532 , and G2709 things under the earth;
  11 G2532 And G3956 that every G1100 tongue G1843 should confess [G5672]   G3754 that G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2962 is Lord G1519 , to G1391 the glory G2316 of God G3962 the Father.
  8 G2532 και And G4976 σχηματι In Figure G2147 (G5685) ευρεθεις Having Been Found G5613 ως As G444 ανθρωπος A Man, G5013 (G5656) εταπεινωσεν He Humbled G1438 εαυτον Himself, G1096 (G5637) γενομενος Having Become G5255 υπηκοος Obedient G3360 μεχρι Unto G2288 θανατου Death, G2288 θανατου   G1161 δε Even Death G4716 σταυρου Of "the" Cross.
  9 G1352 διο Wherefore G2532 και   G3588 ο Also G2316 θεος God G846 αυτον Him G5251 (G5656) υπερυψωσεν Highly Exalted G2532 και And G5483 (G5662) εχαρισατο Granted G846 αυτω To Him G3686 ονομα A Name G3588 το Which "is" G5228 υπερ Above G3956 παν Every G3686 ονομα Name,
  10 G2443 ινα That G1722 εν At G3588 τω The G3686 ονοματι Name G2424 ιησου Of Jesus G3956 παν Every G1119 γονυ Knee G2578 (G5661) καμψη Should Bow G2032 επουρανιων Of "being" In Heaven G2532 και And G1919 επιγειων On Earth G2532 και And G2709 καταχθονιων Under The Earth,
  11 G2532 και And G3956 πασα Every G1100 γλωσσα Tongue G1843 (G5672) εξομολογησηται Should Confess G3754 οτι That G2962 κυριος "is" Lord G2424 ιησους Jesus G5547 χριστος Christ G1519 εις To "the" G1391 δοξαν Glory G2316 θεου Of God "the" G3962 πατρος Father.