Acts 13:8-11

  8 G1161 But G1681 Elymas G3097 the sorcerer G1063 (for G3779 so G846 is his G3686 name G3177 by interpretation [G5743]   G436 ) withstood [G5710]   G846 them G2212 , seeking [G5723]   G1294 to turn away [G5658]   G446 the deputy G575 from G4102 the faith.
  9 G1161 Then G4569 Saul G3588 , (who G2532 also G3972 is called Paul G4130 ,) filled with [G5685]   G40 the Holy G4151 Ghost G2532 , G816 set his eyes [G5660]   G1519 on G846 him,
  10 G2036 And said [G5627]   G5599 , O G4134 full G3956 of all G1388 subtilty G2532 and G3956 all G4468 mischief G5207 , thou child G1228 of the devil G2190 , thou enemy G3956 of all G1343 righteousness G3973 , wilt thou G3756 not G3973 cease [G5695]   G1294 to pervert [G5723]   G2117 the right G3598 ways G2962 of the Lord?
  11 G2532 And G3568 now G2400 , behold [G5628]   G5495 , the hand G2962 of the Lord G1909 is upon G4571 thee G2532 , and G2071 thou shalt be [G5704]   G5185 blind G3361 , not G991 seeing [G5723]   G2246 the sun G891 for G2540 a season G1161 . And G3916 immediately G1968 there fell [G5627]   G1909 on G846 him G887 a mist G2532 and G4655 a darkness G2532 ; and G4013 he went about [G5723]   G2212 seeking [G5707]   G5497 some to lead him by the hand.
  8 G436 (G5710) ανθιστατο   G1161 δε But There Withstood G846 αυτοις Them G1681 ελυμας Elymas G3588 ο The G3097 μαγος Magician, G3779 ουτως (so G1063 γαρ For G3177 (G5743) μεθερμηνευεται   G3588 το Is Interpreted G3686 ονομα Name G846 αυτου His), G2212 (G5723) ζητων Seeking G1294 (G5658) διαστρεψαι To Pervert G3588 τον The G446 ανθυπατον Proconsul G575 απο From G3588 της The G4102 πιστεως Faith.
  9 G4569 σαυλος   G1161 δε But Saul, G3588 ο Who G2532 και Also G3972 παυλος "is" Paul, G4130 (G5685) πλησθεις Being Filled G4151 πνευματος With "the" Spirit G40 αγιου Holy, G2532 και And G816 (G5660) ατενισας Having Looked Steadfastly G1519 εις Upon G846 αυτον Him
  10 G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said, G5599 ω O G4134 πληρης Full G3956 παντος Of All G1388 δολου Guile G2532 και And G3956 πασης All G4468 ραδιουργιας Craft, G5207 υιε Son G1228 διαβολου Of "the" Devil, G2190 εχθρε Enemy G3956 πασης Of All G1343 δικαιοσυνης Righteousness, G3756 ου Wilt Thou G3973 (G5695) παυση Not Cease G1294 (G5723) διαστρεφων Perverting G3588 τας The G3598 οδους Ways G2962 κυριου Of "the" Lord G3588 τας S G2117 ευθειας Straight?
  11 G2532 και And G3568 νυν Now G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G5495 χειρ "the" Hand G3588 του Of The G2962 κυριου Lord G1909 επι "is" Upon G4571 σε Thee, G2532 και And G2071 (G5704) εση Thou Shalt Be G5185 τυφλος Blind, G3361 μη Not G991 (G5723) βλεπων Seeing G3588 τον The G2246 ηλιον Sun G891 αχρι For G2540 καιρου A Season. G3916 παραχρημα   G1161 δε And Immediately G1968 (G5627) επεπεσεν Fell G1909 επ Upon G846 αυτον Him G887 αχλυς A Mist G2532 και And G4655 σκοτος Darkness, G2532 και And G4013 (G5723) περιαγων Going About G2212 (G5707) εζητει He Sought Some G5497 χειραγωγους To Lead "him" By The Hand.