22 Wherefore (or: Through which; For this reason), also, it was and is logically considered for him (reasonably reckoned in him and accounted to him) into rightwisedness (virtue in the Way pointed out and the setting in right relationship; righteousness; fair and equitable dealing; right thinking and conduct; being turned in the right direction; = covenantal inclusion).
23 Now it was not written because of him only, that, "it was and is logically considered for him (reckoned, concluded and accounted to him; it was put to his account)," [Gen. 15:6]
24 but rather (or: on the contrary) because of us also, for whom, in whom, with whom and to whom it is constantly about to be logically considered (or: it continues being about to be put on account) for, in and to the folks continually believing, constantly trusting, habitually expressing covenant allegiance and progressively relying upon the One rousing and raising Jesus, our Lord, forth from out of the midst of dead folks –
25 [He] who was handed (delivered) over through and because of the effects of our falls to the side (or: with a view to the results of our stumblings aside, transgressions and offenses), and yet was roused and raised up through and because of our being placed in the Way pointed out and turned in the right direction (or: for the benefit of our being made to be just; or: on behalf of our justifying, leading to freedom from guilt; or: for the purpose of our being brought into equity and right relationship: a rightwising of solidarity in covenant inclusion and participation).