22 Wherefore (or: Through which; For this reason), also, it was and is logically considered for him (reasonably reckoned in him and accounted to him) into rightwisedness (virtue in the Way pointed out and the setting in right relationship; righteousness; fair and equitable dealing; right thinking and conduct; being turned in the right direction; = covenantal inclusion).
Romans 4:22 Cross References - JMNT
Romans 4:3
3 For what is the Scripture saying? "Now Abraham believed by, trusted in and was loyal to, God and it was considered for (reasonably concluded in; an account was put to) him [to have entered] into a right relationship with behavior in accord with the Way pointed out (or: unto fairness and equity from being turned in the right direction; for properly-ordered living)." (or: "So Abraham has faith by God, and he is counted into Righteousness and Rightwisedness [= covenant participation] by Him.") [Gen. 15:6]
Romans 4:6
6 Exactly as David also is telling of the happiness and blessedness of the person in whom (to whom; for whom) God is constantly counting (reasonably concluding; logically considering) rightwised existence in accord with the Way pointed out (justice; righteousness; solidarity; fair and equitable dealing), apart from works (or: independent of [Law] activities):