Romans 4:23 Cross References - JMNT

23 Now it was not written because of him only, that, "it was and is logically considered for him (reckoned, concluded and accounted to him; it was put to his account)," [Gen. 15:6]

Romans 15:4

4 You see, as much as was written before was written [leading] into the teaching (the instruction and training) [which is] ours (or: was written unto and for our instruction), to the end that through the persistent remaining-under to give support (the humble yet relentless endurance in handling the blows), and through the calling-alongside of the Scriptures (or: through the Scriptures' comfort, consolation, relief, aid, support and performance as a Paraclete) we may constantly hold expectation (or: have expectant hope).

1 Corinthians 9:9-10

9 For within the Law of Moses it has been written: "You will not continue muzzling an ox (bull; cow) [that] is progressively treading in threshing." [Deut. 25:4] Is the attention and concern to (or: by) God [here perhaps] not about the oxen? (or: It is not a care with God that has reference to bulls!) 10 Or, is He saying [this] entirely because of us? Because of us! For it was written that the one progressively plowing ought normally (or: is constantly obliged) to be habitually plowing upon [the basis of] an expectation (or: expectant hope), and the person habitually threshing [to do so] on an expectation of the [result]: to continue participating in his share [of the produce].

1 Corinthians 10:6

6 Now these things were made to be types of us (or: were birthed to be examples for, and pertaining to, us), [directed] into this [goal]: [for] us not to habitually be those who set their strong passions (rushing emotions; ardor; cravings) upon worthless things (ugly things of bad quality), just (correspondingly; along the same lines) as those also set their passionate emotions and cravings on [such things].

1 Corinthians 10:11

11 Now all these things went on progressively (or: from time to time) stepping together among (or: to) those folks typically (as examples; figuratively), and it was written with a view toward a placing [of them] into the minds of us: ones unto whom (directed into the midst of whom) the ends (= conjunctions; or: consummations; goals) of the ages have come down to (or: arrived at) and are now face to face [with us]. [note: “the ends,” plural, may describe a picture of a succession, where “one end” meets “another end,” this latter being really the beginning of another indefinite time-period, stretched out like a rope; each rope in the time-line having “two ends.”]

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture [is] God-breathed, and [is] beneficial to furtherance toward instruction (or: Every inspired-of-God [temple] writing [is] also profitable {of advantage; [gives] augmentation} with a view to teaching and training), toward (with a view to) testing unto proof (or, negatively: exposure; laying bare), toward full restoration to straightness (or: straightening-up upon; = improvement), toward child-training (education; discipline) of the person within the Way pointed out (the one in rightwised [covenantal] relationships with fair and equitable dealing), 17 to the end that God's [corporate] Person (or: the person belonging to God; the human having his origin in God; humanity in relation to God) may be exactly fitted (can exist being precisely prepared; would be entirely suited), being one having been completely furnished and equipped toward every good work (with a view to every virtuous and excellent action).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.